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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Movie Quiz

1. Harry and Dumbledore visit Horace Slughorn at a

muggle residence. What type of blood does Slughorn
splash on the ceiling in an attempt to make it look as if he
had been kidnapped?

Goat blood
Dragon blood
Unicorn blood
Hippogryph blood

2. Where does Harry end up when he apparates to the


In a pond
On the doorstep
In the tool shed
Miles away from the Burrow

3. Ron estimates that Dumbledore's age is about:

100 years
125 years
150 years
175 years

4. Who accompanies Narcissa to visit Snape at his home?

Fenrir Greyback
Mr. Ollivander
Bellatrix Lestrange

5. What does Harry use to sneak into the Slytherin

compartment on the Hogwarts Express?

Darkness powder
A silencing spell
Nothing, he walks right in
6. How many seashells does Tom Riddle have in his room
at the orphanage?


7. How many drops of Felix Felicis does Harry slip into

Ron's beverage before the Quidditch match?


8. What does Slughorn take from Aragog's dead body?

An eye
A vial of venom
A pincer
Several hairs

9. Dumbledore offers his blood in order to gain access to


Voldemort's cave
Slughorn's house
The Whomping Willow
The Room of Requirement

10. Who is the Half-Blood Prince?

Albus Dumbledore
Tom Riddle
Severus Snape
Horace Slughorn

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