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Elastic Deformation on a Pivoted

Michell Pad Bearing

The primary goal of this study is to use computational analysis to better understand
the effects of elastic deformation on the load capacities of pivoted Michell pad bearings.
David Alves It focuses on the vulnerability of pad bearings to ’crowning’, a phenomenon that signif-
Department of Eletromechanical icantly reduces bearing performance by deviating the pivot point from optimal surface
Engineering, geometry. This research focuses on a one-dimensional, pivoted Michell pad bearing that
University of Beira Interior, is subjected to elastic deformation, and it uses an isoviscous hydrodynamic lubrication
Calçada Fonte do Lameiro 6, 6200-358, model to simulate the bearing’s elastic deflection. The use of the isoviscous Reynolds
Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal equation for fluid film behaviour in conjunction with an elastic deformation equation al-
email: lows for a more comprehensive understanding of how deflections affect film geometry and,
as a result, bearing load capacity. Through Iterative computation of bearing and pad
deformations insights are provided into how Michell-type bearings can be optimised for
superior performance in dynamic conditions. This study advances our theoretical under-
standing of bearing elasticity and how variations in parameters such as pad thickness,
material elasticity, and operational film thickness have a direct impact on bearing efficacy.

Keywords: Michell Pad Bearing, Elastic Deformations, Crowning, Isoviscous Reynolds

Equation, Elastic Deformation Equation, Pad and film thickness

1 Introduction 1.1 Background. Building upon this foundational under-

standing, it becomes clear that the study of this science began
Pivoted Michell pad bearings, also known as tilt pad thrust bear- long before with the researcher, Mr. Beauchamp Tower, a pioneer
ings, are masterly at supporting axial loads and are widely integral figure in the field of lubrication. The Pivoted Michell pad bear-
in machinery that sustains thrust loads from rotating shafts [1]. ings can be traced to a connection between the assumption’s of
These machines, however, are unavoidably subjected to deflection Beauchamp Tower and the Osborne Reynolds theory of hydrody-
due to the elastic nature of the materials from which they are con- namic lubrication [6].
structed. All bearing materials possess a finite elastic modulus [2], In his 1883 experimentation with journal bearings statically
which indicates that they will experience some degree of deforma- loaded, Beauchamp Tower noted a deviation from solid friction
tion under load, significantly affecting the performance and useful (Coulomb Friction [7]) behaviour, observing instead that they fol-
life. lowed fluid dynamic principles and that the peak lubricant pres-
sure considerably exceeded the load over the projected bearing
The original construction of these bearings was based on a line
area. Upon the introduction of rotational movement to the journal,
pivot, which limits the bearing’s ability to compensate for radial
it carried oil up from the bath to the bearing clearance through
misalignment’s [3]. However, due to Kingsbury improvements
capillary action [8]. Tower suggested that a ais complete film of
using a spherical pivot allowing for the pads to tilt in all direc-
lubricant be maintained between the journal and bearing, ensuring
tions to compensate for misalignment and aligning with load and
their separation. However, he was unable to explain the mechanism
movement variations, thus accommodating for the inevitable defor-
behind the lubricant’s ability to generate such pressure, leaving a
mation. This capability is crucial, as the existence of deformation
gap to fill in his research [9], establishing the following frictional
is a given in any mechanical system under load.
Strategically, the design of these bearings enhances their func-
tionality by promoting the formation of a wedge-shaped film of • Frictional resistance is nearly constant, regardless of the bear-
lubricant, usually a high viscosity oil [4], between the pads and the ing load.
rotating disc or collar. This film is essential, not only for reducing
metal-to-metal friction, thereby minimizing wear and the risk of • The frictional coefficient is very small (usually of the order
rupture, but also for enhancing the load capacity of the bearing, of 1/1000).
operating that way in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime, play-
ing that way an important role in the stability of the mechanical • Frictional resistance increases with sliding speed.
systems, due to its damping characteristics.
• Frictional resistance decreases with a rise in temperature.
The crowning phenomenon of the bearing pads is a design re-
sponse to deflection and deformation in search for the optimal That gap has been filled in 1886 by Osborne Reynolds, he de-
position of the pivot point [5]. By incorporating a slight convex rived a partial differential equation describing the generation of
shape to the pad surface, crowning ensures an even distribution the lubricant pressure film. He found the film was produced by the
of pressure across the pad despite any misalignment or deflection. journal running in the bearing, thus forming a converging wedge.
This maintains the integrity of the lubricant film, ensuring consis- The viscous shear forces imposed on the lubricant by the rotation
tent operation and enhancing the bearing’s capacity to carry the of the journal force the fluid into the wedge thereby increasing the
load. Therefore, crowning serves as a bridge between the design pressure.
intention of pivoted Michell pad bearings and the practical reality Enter Osborne Reynolds, who, in 1886, developed a partial dif-
of material deflection. ferential equation that shed light on the generation of lubricant
pressure film, filling the gap left by Tower. Reynolds demonstrated
Version 1.18, March 18, 2024 that the lubricant film was produced by the motion of the journal

Journal of Heat Transfer Copyright © 2024 by ASME PREPRINT FOR REVIEW / 1

The advent of Michell’s tilting pad design marked a pivotal evo-
lution in bearing technology. By recognizing the limitations of line
contact in addressing misalignments, Michell’s innovation through
the implementation of spherical pivots enabled the pads to tilt in
all directions. This adjustment facilitated the alignment with load
and movement variations, accommodating the inevitable deforma-
tions. This enhancement was not just a solution to the mechanical
limitations of previous bearings but also a practical application of
hydrodynamic lubrication principles, optimizing performance and
longevity under operational stresses.
Hence, the development of pivoted Michell pad bearings is a
testament to the intricate dance between historical experimentation
and theoretical advancement. From Beauchamp Tower’s ground-
breaking experiments to Osborne Reynolds’ theoretical formula-
Fig. 1 Tower’s test rig. A, bearing bush; B, bearing cap, [8] tions, the trajectory of these bearings from their conceptual origins
. Source: Yukio Hori / Hydrodinamic Lubrication / Foundations of to Michell’s innovative design encapsulates a compelling narrative
Hydrodynamic Lubrication.
of scientific exploration and engineering prowess.

within the bearing, which formed a converging wedge. As the jour- 2 References to Figures, Equations, and Citations
nal rotated, viscous shear forces acted upon the lubricant, forcing For ASME papers, the labels Figure and Equation should be ab-
it into this wedge and consequently increasing the pressure within breviated when they do not start a sentence, as in Fig. 2 and Eq. (1).
the film. Additionally, Reynolds identified a second pressure gen- Figure 2 is spelled out when it starts a sentence. Equation (1) is
eration mechanism: when the radial position of the journal varied spelled out when it starts a sentence.
within the bearing, the motion of the journal toward the bearing Citations will be numbered automatically [? ]. They should be
surface forced lubricant out, creating a pressure film that was inde- inserted at the appropriate point using a \cite{ref} command [?
pendent of shaft rotation. These dual mechanisms—wedge action ? ]. The citations will be automatically sorted and compressed, as
and radial squeezing—give rise to the hydrodynamic phenomena well, if they are given in a set [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]. If naming a
known as wedge and squeeze films. reference explicitly, put “Ref.” in front of the number, as in Ref. [?
The equation that Reynolds derived from these principles has be- ]. Reference [? ] is appropriate at the beginning of a sentence.
come a cornerstone of hydrodynamic bearing theory, aptly named See the asmeconf-sample.bib file for examples of how to enter
Reynolds’ equation. Reynolds also provided a solution for a sim- your references.
ple case of pure wedge action, such as that produced by an in- Equations are typeset in the usual way. The class file loads
clined plate of infinite width, laying a robust foundation for the the amsmath and mathtools packages. Further, the newtxmath
understanding and calculation of pressures in lubricated bearing package used for the math fonts includes many additional features.
Together, Tower’s empirical observations and Reynolds’ theo- q = −𝑘∇𝑇 (1)
retical development map the early journey of hydrodynamic lubri-
cation theory. Tower identified the remarkable property of the lu-
bricant to keep the bearing surfaces apart, and Reynolds explained 3 Section Headings and Captions
the physics behind the pressure buildup that made this separation ASME requires that section headings and captions be set in bold
possible. Reynolds’ work not only substantiated Tower’s empiri- face. In addition, the captions must be in sans serif type. The as-
cal findings but also expanded them, providing a comprehensive mejour class will do this automatically. You can place \cite{..},
model that encapsulated both the wedge effect and the squeeze film \ref{..}, \label{..}, and into headings and captions directly,
action. His insights have since remained integral to the design and as you would in the main text. You can place \footnote{..} into
analysis of hydrodynamic bearings, ensuring their efficient oper- headings, but not into captions.1
ation and the longevity of mechanical systems globally. Through Sections may either be numbered or left unnumbered. ASME
their collective efforts, Tower and Reynolds established the bedrock publishes papers in either style.
of lubrication science, paving the way for modern tribology and Math can be used in captions or section headings, and an ap-
engineering applications. propriate math font will be automatically selected. For a section
unveiled the essential mechanics of hydrodynamic lubrication, heading that includes complicated math (and macros), you may use
highlighting how a lubricant film could effectively support a load the optional argument of \section[..]{..} to create a pdf book-
between two sliding surfaces, thereby reducing friction and wear. mark without losing characters or producing warnings or errors.
Tower’s discovery that the oil film in journal bearings could See the asmejour-template.tex source file for examples of this
sustain significant pressure, leading to the revolutionary insight technique. These bookmarks should usually be text expressions,
that the bearing surfaces were essentially floating on a layer of although some math is supported.
oil, laid the groundwork for hydrodynamic lubrication theory. The If you wish to override the default math format in a heading
innovative aspect of Tower’s experiments was the demonstration or caption, put \mathversion{normal} in the heading or caption.
of high pressure within the oil film, challenging the prevailing (The newtxmath package [? ] includes a complete set of bold
understanding of friction and lubrication. math fonts, however, so the need to override should be rare.)
Osborne Reynolds, drawing inspiration from Tower’s practical Single-sentence captions should not end with a period. Multi-
observations, embarked on a theoretical journey that culminated sentence captions do include periods.
in the formulation of the Reynolds equation. This mathematical
model delineates the flow of lubricant within the bearing clearance, 3.1 Subsection Headings. Section, subsection, and subsub-
affirming Tower’s empirical findings and establishing a theoretical section headings should be in title case (first letter of primary
framework to predict the behavior of lubricated contacts under di- words capitalized). ASME does not use \paragraph, so the class
verse conditions. This fusion of Tower’s empirical insights and file equates this command to \subsubsection.
Reynolds’ analytical acumen established the foundational princi-
ples of hydrodynamic lubrication, upon which the design of pivoted 1 See tex-stackexchange for various approaches to footnotes in captions, if they
Michell pad bearings is predicated. seem necessary. For footnotes in tables, use the tablefootnote package.

2 / PREPRINT FOR REVIEW Transactions of the ASME

𝑦 Table 1 A simple table

𝑟0 = 1 Experiment 𝑢 [m/s] 𝑇 [°C]

Run 11 12.5 103.4
Run 12 24 68.3
Table 2 Table with more complicated columns
𝜙0 𝜙 𝑥
Experiment 𝑢 [m/s] 𝑇 [°C]

𝑅 The first experiment 124.3 68.3

we ran this morning
The second experiment 82.50 103.46
𝐶 we ran this morning
Our competitor’s data 72.321 141.384

Fig. 2 A figure caption with math, Eq. (1): z = (r , φ) [? ]

note = {\doi{10.1115/1.4042912}}
Include doi numbers in references whenever possible.
4 Tables and Figures
Table 1 is an example of a simple table. Table captions should 5.3 eprint Support. Elementary support for eprint num-
be placed above tables. The class loads the array and dcolumn bers is included, either hyperlinking or generating a url at the
packages which provide extended capabilities for columns in the end of the citation. The archive type may be specified using
tabular environment (used in Tables 2 and 3). Table 3 is coded the macros arxiv, googlebooks, hndl, jstore, oclc, or
to have exactly the width of a text column. pubmed (e.g., archive=hndl, without braces). Both eprint and
The booktabs package [? ] is loaded (and customized) to archive fields must be given. Other root urls may be invoked
provide versions of \toprule, \midrule, and \bottomrule ap- using archive = {}.
propriate to ASME-style tables.
Table 4 shows a table that spans both text columns. Figure 3 5.4 Online Sources. A bibliography field @online{.. is in-
shows a figure spanning both columns. Two column tables and cluded for citation of online sources, such as web pages. A url,
figures will always float to the top of a later page. Subframes in doi, or eprint with archive should be included. See the exam-
figures, such as Fig. 3(a), may be referenced individually. ples of use in the asmejour-sample.bib file.
Text in the figures should be checked for legibility at either
single-column width (about 83 mm) or full-column width (about 5.5 Date Accessed. The urldate={..} field may be used to
170 mm). Figure captions should be placed below figures. Images provide the date on which a given url was accessed. By default,
in figures are handled by the standard graphicx package. the text printed will be accessed ‘date’,. The word “accessed”
Landscape figures and tables may be produced at full-page may be changed using the urltype={..} field.
size by putting \usepackage[figuresright]{rotating} in your
.tex file’s preamble and using the sidewaystable* and side- 5.6 Conference Location and Date. For the entry types
waysfigure* environments [? ]. @inproceeedings{.. and @proceeedings{.., you may include
venue={..} and eventdate={..} to specify the city and the date
5 Reference Formatting with asmejour.bst of a conference. Omit address={..} if venue={..} is used.
The asmejour.bst BIBTEX style follows the reference styles ob-
5.7 Version Number3 . The version={..} field may be used
served in ASME journals in 2021.2 The vast majority of published with @book, @online, and @manual. By default, the text will read
references are to journal papers and books. Examples for these and Version ‘number’ as in Refs. [? ? ], but different wording may
many other entry types are given in the asmejour-sample.bib be selected using the versiontype={..} field, to have “Revision”
file, which is part of this distribution. Citations and references or something similar, as in Ref. [? ]. ASME often puts the version
are managed by the standard natbib package. Nevertheless, a few in the title, as in Refs. [? ? ], so I’ve left the final decision for
comments are necessary. discussion between the authors and the copy editor.

5.1 Capitalization of Titles. ASME’s bibliography style re- 5.8 Articles in Collections. In addition to the standard en-
quires that titles be in title case. The first letters of principal words try, @incollection{.., an entry @inserialcollection{.. is
are capitalized. This must be done when writing the .bib file. defined for serials in which each volume has a different title. See
the asmejour-sample.bib file for discussion and compare Ref. [?
5.2 Hyperlinked Titles or Paper Numbers. When the en- ] to Ref. [? ].
tries @article{.., @book{.., @inbook{.., @incollection{..,
@proceedings{.., or @techreport{.. include doi={..}, the
document title, paper number, or report number will be hyper- 6 More on Math
linked to that doi number, and the doi number will not be printed. In most cases, long equations can be kept below the column
If no doi is included, but a url or eprint is included, then the title width by using one of the multiline equation environments defined
will be hyperlinked to that url or eprint. To display the doi (or the by amsmath, such as align, split, or multline [? ]. The follow-
url or eprint when no doi is given), put it into the note={..} field ing equation is set with the multline environment:
(using \doi{.. or \url{.. ):
3 Footnotes can appear in \section commands. However, when the [lineno]
2 asmejour.bst is intended as a replacement for the older style asmems4.bst, option is used either: i) write \protect\footnote{..}; or ii) include the optional
which does not follow ASME’s current reference formats or support DOI and URL. argument, as in \section[Foo]{Foo\footnote{..}}.

Journal of Heat Transfer PREPRINT FOR REVIEW / 3


𝑅 𝐧 𝐧𝑒
𝜎 𝜎

(a) (b)

Fig. 3 A figure with two subfigures: (a) interior region, and (b) exterior region [? ]

𝜕 [︂ (︂ /︁ )︂]︂ Table 3 Table at full column width with columns in math

[︂ (︂ /︁ )︂ ]︂
𝜌 𝑒 + ∥u∥ 2 2 + ∇ · 𝜌 ℎ + ∥u∥ 2 2 u
𝜕𝑡 mode

𝑑𝑗𝑖 𝑢 𝑖 + 𝑄̇ 𝑣
𝜕 (︁ )︁ 𝑋𝑧 𝑋𝑐 𝑋𝑐,𝑚 𝑋𝑐,2
= − ∇ · q + 𝜌u · g + (2)
𝜕𝑥𝑗 3.92069 5.70943 6.32429 7.08757
𝜀(𝑇1 ) 𝜀 𝑖 (𝑇1 ) 𝜀 𝑖 (𝑇𝑚 ) 𝛼(𝑇1 , 𝑇2 )
An example using align appears in Appendix A. 0.7258 0.6237 0.6807 0.7964
An alternative solution may be to set large equations into two- 𝑞gray 𝑞int, 𝑇1 𝑞int, 𝑇𝑚 𝑞exact
column-wide tables or figures. An experimental package for setting 400.2 462.1 371.0 371.8
equations that span two columns, asmewide.sty, can be loaded as
well, but that code may require hand-fitting around floats and page
breaks. See the examples in [? ].
Math italics are used for Roman and lower-case Greek letters The option subscriptcorrection improves the spacing of math
by default. If you want an upright letter in math, you can use the subscripts. Math options are discussed further in the asmejour-
relevant math alphabet, e.g., \mathrm, \mathbf, \mathsf: template.tex file.
In addition, many options for calligraphic, script, and fraktur
⃗ = 𝑚⃗a or ⃗ = 𝑚 a⃗ fonts are available through the mathalfa package, which is also
𝐹⃗ = 𝑚 𝑎⃗ or F F = 𝑚a or F (3)
loaded. These may be invoked, for example, as
The class file also provides upright sans-serif Greek letters with \documentclass[mathalfa=cal=euler]{asmejour}
\sfalpha and similar expressions (e.g., α, β, γ, δ . . . α, β, γ, δ . . .).
ASME typesets vectors in upright bold, like the third instance which selects the Euler font for \mathcal, as in 𝐴 ∈ P( 𝐴). To see
in Eq. (3), and sets matrices in bold italic. In the next equation, w all the font options, refer to the mathalfa documentation [? ].
is a vector and 𝑱1 is a matrix: The class is designed for use with newtxmath and does not
(︃ )︃ (︃ )︃ (︃ )︃ support the unicode-math package.
𝑑𝑢 𝜕𝑢/𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑢/𝜕𝑦 𝑑𝑥
𝑑w = = (4)
𝑑𝑣 𝜕𝑣/𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑣/𝜕𝑦 𝑑𝑦
⏞ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ⏟⏟ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ⏞ 6.2 Math in a Section Heading: 𝛚 ˜ · Û = 0. To include com-
= 𝑱1 plicated math in a section heading without producing bookmark-
related errors, use the optional argument of \section to create
To get additional symbols in bold math, you can use the \bm{..} the pdf bookmark. The heading above was set with the following
macro from the bm package, which is loaded by the class command:

\subsection[Math in a Section Heading:

u𝑟 = 𝑢𝑟 ı̂ + 𝑣𝑟 ȷ̂ + 𝑤𝑟 k̂ (5) \omega\cdot U=0]{Math in a Section Heading:
or, very rarely, \mathversion{bold} for an entire equation4 :
Note that bookmarks can include simple math. Also note that
(︃ )︃ newtxmath provides the option to obtain upright Greek letters,
𝑺 = 𝒌 ln 𝒘 = 𝒌 ln ∏︁ (6) such as \upomega (vs. \omega).
𝒊 𝑵𝒊 !

6.1 newtxmath and mathalpha. The newtxmath package [? 6.3 Units and Nomenclature. ASME requires SI units. U. S.
], loaded by default, includes a large number of options for mathe- style units may follow in parentheses. Be sure to put your symbols
matics, most of which can be called as options to \documentclass. into the nomenclature list, including the SI units.
For example, the upint option of newtxmath selects upright inte-
gral signs (rather than slanted integral signs):
7 Additional Options for asmejour.cls
7.1 Lists of Figures and Tables. A list of figures and a list of
4 Forsans-serif math expressions, asmejour.cls provides \mathversion{sans} tables are generated automatically as the last page. To omit these
and \mathversion{sansbold}. These fonts can act as engineering gothic for figures. lists, use the option [nolists].

4 / PREPRINT FOR REVIEW Transactions of the ASME

7.2 Final Column Balancing. The option [balance] invokes The asemjour.bst file produces references following ASME’s
the the flushend package [? ]. This package will attempt to give current formats. The code is compatible with both pdfLATEX and
equal height to the two columns on the last page. The performance LuaLATEX. This package is not a publication of ASME and is of-
of this package is sometimes inconsistent (with odd page layout or, fered at no cost under the terms of the MIT license.
very rarely, errors), so use this option with caution.
(1) First conclusion
7.3 Line Numbers. The option [lineno] invokes the the (2) Second conclusion
lineno package [? ]. This will produce line numbers in the mar- (3) Third conclusion
gins. You must run LATEX twice for proper placement of the num-
bers. The lineno package is not compatible with the flushend
package that makes final short columns the same height. Balancing Acknowledgment
is disabled when this option is called. See the documentation of Acknowledge individuals, institutions, or companies that sup-
the lineno package for further commands to control line number- ported the authors in preparing the work. Those mentioned might
ing. See footnote 3 with regard to footnotes in section headings have provided technical support, insightful comments or conversa-
while this option is in effect. The abstract, tables, captions, and tions, materials used in the work, or access to facilities.
footnotes will not be numbered.

7.4 Changing the Footer Text. The option [nofoot] will Funding Data
omit everything other than a page number from the page footer.
• U.S. Department of Heat Transfer, Office of Important Ideas
The option nocopyright will omit the ASME copyright from
(DOHT-OII Award No. 3.14159265)
the first page footer. The command \PreprintString{..} re-
places the words PREPRINT FOR REVIEW. The left and right
preprint strings can be changed separately using an optional argu- Nomenclature
ment: \PreprintString{..}[L] and \PreprintString{..}[R].
The final paper number may be added to the page number using ℎ = average heat transfer coefficient (W m −2 K −1 )
\PaperNumber{..}. 𝑘 = thermal conductivity (W m −1 K −1 )
The footers are all generated with the fancyhdr package [? ], q = heat flux vector (W m −2 )
and you can change them using the commands of that package.

7.5 Vertical Space on Title Page. The space between the au- Greek Letters
thor/title/abstract block and the main text defaults to 12.5 mm. 𝛼 = thermal diffusivity (m2 s −1 )
Infrequently, a different value may be desirable. The space can be 𝜈 = kinematic viscosity (m2 s −1 )
changed using \AbstractSep{..}, where the argument is a LATEX
dimension with units (e.g., 5mm).
Dimensionless Groups
7.6 Federal Copyright Notices. Several types of copyright Pr = Prandtl number, 𝜈/𝛼
statement can be placed an unnumbered footnote on the first page. Sc = Schmidt number, 𝜈/D1,2
Use the option [govt] when all authors are federal employees,
[govtsome] when some authors are federal employees, and [con- Superscripts and Subscripts
tractor] when the authors are federal contractors.
b = bulk value
∞ = free stream value
7.7 Archivability: PDF/A. Compliance with PDF/A stan-
dards can be enabled using the option [pdf-a] when running with
pdfLATEX. The default setting is for PDF/A-3u with sRGB Out- Appendix A: Incomplete Zeta Function [? ]
putIntent (sRGB.icc). If levels 1b, 2b, 2u, or 3b are preferred, use
the options [pdfapart=1 or 2 or 3] and [pdfaconformance=b This text is just for illustration. The radiation fractional func-
or u]. Note that accessible conformance (a) is not currently pos- tion may be written in terms of the incomplete zeta function for
sible with LATEX. convenience:
As of late 2021, the LATEX3 team is phasing in native support
for PDF/A in the LATEX kernel, which eventually will make these 2𝜋ℎ𝑐2𝑜
class options unnecessary when using an up-to-date installation. 𝑓 (𝜆𝑇) = 4 5
𝑑𝜆 (A1)
𝜎𝑇 0 𝜆 [exp(ℎ𝑐 𝑜 /𝑘 𝐵𝑇𝜆) − 1]
7.8 Superiors Font. The newtxtext package includes a su- 4 4 ∫∞
1 2𝜋𝑘 𝐵𝑇 𝑡3
periors font (numbers and letters) for use in footnote markers and = 𝑑𝑡 (A2)
4 3 2 𝑒 𝑡 −1
superscripts. The option [nodefaultsups] enables this font. (The 𝜎𝑇 ℎ 𝑐 𝑜 𝑐2 /𝜆𝑇
corresponding author mark in the author block will not change.)
When 𝜆𝑇 → ∞, 𝑓 = 1 and the last equation yields the well-known
7.9 Typewriter Font Options. This font is the sans-serif, result
monospaced font inconsolata. By default, the word spacing is 2𝜋𝑘 𝐵4 𝑇4 ∫ ∞
variable, but option [mono] ends this behavior. A slashed zero is 𝜎𝑇 4 = 2
𝑑𝑡 (A3)
3 0 𝑒 −1
the default; option [var0] removes the slash. Option [hyphenate] ℎ 𝑐𝑜
enables hyphenation of the typewriter font. ≡ ζ (4)Γ(4)

8 Conclusions where the Gamma function Γ(4) = 3! and the Riemann zeta func-
The class asmejour and associated files are for typesetting tion, ζ(4), has the indicated integral representation [? , §13.12].
preprints in the style of ASME journals. Documentation is pro- A classical result due to Euler [? ] gives ζ(4) = 𝜋 4 /90 (see also
vided in this file and by comments in the .tex source code. Ex- [? , §167]), from which we recover the usual definition of the
amples of references are shown in the asmejour-sample.bib file. Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 𝜎.

Journal of Heat Transfer PREPRINT FOR REVIEW / 5

Table 4 A table spanning two columns

𝑥 erf(𝑥) erfc(𝑥) 𝑥 erf(𝑥) erfc(𝑥)

0.00 0.00000 1.00000 1.10 0.88021 0.11980
0.05 0.05637 0.94363 1.20 0.91031 0.08969
0.10 0.11246 0.88754 1.30 0.93401 0.06599
0.15 0.16800 0.83200 1.40 0.95229 0.04771
0.20 0.22270 0.77730 1.50 0.96611 0.03389
0.30 0.32863 0.67137 1.60 0.97635 0.02365
0.40 0.42839 0.57161 1.70 0.98379 0.01621
0.50 0.52050 0.47950 1.80 0.98909 0.01091
0.60 0.60386 0.39614 1.8214 0.99000 0.01000
0.70 0.67780 0.32220 1.90 0.99279 0.00721
0.80 0.74210 0.25790 2.00 0.99532 0.00468
0.90 0.79691 0.20309 2.50 0.99959 0.00041
1.00 0.84270 0.15730 3.00 0.99998 0.00002

Appendix B: Language Support couvrir par l’observation, et dont l’étude est l’objet de la philoso-
ASME publishes in English, but the babel package is loaded for phie naturelle.
users who may wish to include other languages. For example, an La chale ur pénètre, comme la gravité, toutes les substances de
author might wish to include an appendix that provides the abstract l’univers, ses rayons occupent toutes les parties de l’espace. Le but
in another language. de notre ouvrage est d’exposer les lois mathématiques que suit cet
When more than one language option is included in élément. Cette théorie formera désormais une des branches les plus
\documentclass[..]{asmejour}, English will be assumed importantes de la physique générale [? ].
to be the main language of the document. (To choose a different
main language, set [main=..]). If no language options are given, References
the package defaults to English. As an example, a passage in [1] 2014, “Chapter 4 - Hydrodynamic Lubrication,” Engineering Tribology (Fourth
French is shown in Annexe C. Edition), Fourth edition ed., G. W. Stachowiak and A. W. Batchelor, eds.,
The standard caption and section names will follow babel’s dic- Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, pp. 105–210.
[2] 2014, “Chapter 5 - Computational Hydrodynamics,” Engineering Tribology
tionary for primary languages other than English. Users may addi- (Fourth Edition), Fourth edition ed., G. W. Stachowiak and A. W. Batchelor,
tionally change “Keywords”, “Nomenclature”, and “Corresponding eds., Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, pp. 211–265.
author” by renewing the commands \keywordname, \nomname, and [3] Heinrichson, N., 2007, “On the Design of Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearings,” Ph.D.
\CAwords. Changes to the page footer were described in Sec. 7.4. thesis.
[4] Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Zhanchao, W., and Wang, Y., 2017, “Surface roughness
The pdf bookmark for “Appendices” by be changed by renewing characteristics effects on fluid load capability of tilt pad thrust bearings with
\appendicesname. water lubrication,” Friction, 5.
The font encoding is set to T1 and utf-8 input is supported: [5] Wagner, L. F., 2023, “Tilting-Pad Bearings—The Contact Flexibility of the
àáâäæãåā èéęëêē̇e îïíı̄i˛ì ôöòóœøōõ ûüùúū çćč ł ñń ßśš ÿ žźż Pivot,” Lubricants, 11(5).
[6] Ettles, C., Akkök, M., and Cameron, A., 1980, “Inverse Hydrodynamic Methods
No effort has been made to support customization of language- Applied to Mr. Beauchamp Tower’s Experiments of 1885,” Journal of Lubrica-
specific fonts (some fonts can be implemented using the substi- tion Technology, 102.
tutefont package [? ]). The bibliography style, asmejour.bst, [7] Desplanques, Y., 2015, “Amontons-Coulomb Friction Laws, A Review of the
is designed in English and aimed at BibTeX. Multilingual bibli- Original Manuscript,” SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufactur-
ing, 8(1), pp. 98–103.
ographies can be supported using BibLaTeX. [8] 2006, Foundations of Hydrodynamic Lubrication, Springer Tokyo, Tokyo, pp.
[9] Sinha, P., Raj, A., and Singh, C., 1983, “Dynamically loaded rough journal
Annexe C: Discours Préliminaire de Fourier bearings,” Wear, 88(3), pp. 269–283.
[10] Suh, J. and Choi, Y.-S., 2016, “Pivot design and angular misalignment effects
Les causes primordiales ne nous sont point connues ; mais elles on tilting pad journal bearing characteristics: Four pads for load on pad config-
sont assujetties à des lois simples et constantes, que l’on peut dé- uration,” Tribology International, 102, pp. 580–599.

6 / PREPRINT FOR REVIEW Transactions of the ASME

List of , Figures
1 Tower’s test rig. A, bearing bush; B, bearing cap, [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 A figure caption with math, Eq. (1): 𝑧 = (𝑟, 𝜙) [? ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 A figure with two subfigures: (a) interior region, and (b) exterior region [? ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

List of Tables
1 A simple table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Table with more complicated columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Table at full column width with columns in math mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 A table spanning two columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Journal of Heat Transfer PREPRINT FOR REVIEW / 7

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