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Name: …………………Duong……………….
Score: ……/10

Task 1: Listen to the audio and answer some questions below. (3 points)
Questions Answers
1. Does the school excursion plan to start this Wednesday?
2. When did they go to Arthur Island? Wednesday
3. Will they go to Animal Park? Yes, They will go to Animal Park.
4. When the weather will be sunny?
5. What is the weather on Tuesday?
6. Does the weather cold and cloudy on Friday? Yes, the weather cold and cloudy on
7. When will the bus pick up students? The bus pick up at 8:30 AM
8. How long do they take a break? An hour and a half
9. When will they arrive at the destination?

Task 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks (4 points)

Sam: Hi Liz. How do you feel about starting 1 university here?

Liz: A little bit nervous, but I’m confident I can handle it. This orientation program seems like it will
help us 2. a lot

Sam: Sure. I’m looking at the timetable here myself. It seems that there are 3.choices available.

Liz: I can see. So, what are you going to do Monday afternoon? In the morning we all have the
opening lecture, but it 4.looks like we have a choice later that day, as you said.

Sam: Well, the ‘Careers Lecture’ might be helpful, but I am interested in the ‘Uni Tour’. It’s probably
too early to be 5.thinking ofcareers now, anyway, and I want to know what’s what at this new
university, so I’m doing the tour.

Liz: Alright. I’ll come along with you. Might learn something interesting. After all, we haven’t seen
much of this place yet, and we will be spending 6.four years here.

Sam: Tuesday is another full day, too. In the afternoon there’s a lecture about study skills, but that
morning is another choice.

Liz: ‘Library Tour’ or ‘Student Union Induction’. What do you think?

Sam: I think the student union is very important, but we can go there any time, right, so we should
take 8.vantage of the library tour while it’s being offered. Maybe the week after, you and I can
go to the student union.

Liz: Library it is, then. Now, Wednesday has a free session in the morning, but after lunch there’s a
choice between visiting the computer lab, or attending a lecture on our legal rights.

Sam: Well, law and rights are important, but computers are the basis of everything these days, so I’m
going to the lab

Liz: Don’t you think knowing our legal rights is equally, if not more, important? We live in a very
litigious and complex society now.

Sam: Sure, but it’s something we can 10.pick up later, so let’s leave that one out.

Task 3: Let’s listen. Then circle T if the statement is true, F if the statement is false, N if the statement
has no information on this. (3 points)

Statements True False Not given

1. The speaker introduces about Easy Travel company. T
2. The company deals mostly with big cities. T
3. The company specializes in eco-travel. T
4. The overseas consultants deal mostly with Europe. T
5. For deserts and gorges, customers should come in the T
6. Trips to regional locations are good because they can be T
seen quickly.

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