Abestano GE6-B Art

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Aldrin B. Abestano Jr.

Definition of Art: What is Art for you?
Using the article and video as reference do the following:
a. Choose the best definition of art and briefly describe why it is a representation of your concept
of art.
From the video, I choose Twyla Tharp’s definition of art which is “art is the only way to
run away without leaving home”. It is a representation of my concept of art because I believe that
Art takes us in a world where we can find ourselves and express our feelings. Art for me is very
valuable, for me, it is some sort of a great escape from reality. We are able to have wide
imaginations and we are free to do whatever we want through Art.
b. How can we achieve aesthetic experience?
In order to achieve aesthetic experience. we include a variety of feelings such as pleasure,
rage, grief, suffering, and joy. Aesthetic experience deals with the perception, enjoyment, and
creation of art. We will be able to experience it through looking at paintings, listening to music, or
reading poetry. Allowing ourselves to be one with Art and understanding its beauty of it is one
way of achieving aesthetic experience. Following the Art theories are ways to achieve aesthetic
experience, we get to encounter different definitions of art from philosophers, artists, and writers.
The theories influence us or it affects our way of seeing art. Another way to achieve aesthetic
experience is by absorbing the ideas from the theories that have been shared with us.

c. Briefly discuss the importance of aesthetic judgments?

From the article, Gotshalk has his own standards for judging art, stating that in painting,
pigments come in a variety of colors and intensities that must be combined to create an aesthetic
experience. Tones in music differ in pitch, timbre, and volume, yet they must find a common
aesthetic. Marble has its own set of contradictions in terms of grain, color, texture, and gloss,
among other things. In order to create a work of art, these opposing elements must come together
in a pleasing way. This is important in order to keep the work of art holistic. The article “Art is the
grammar of life” and realizing how important grammar is in our essays and messages shows the
significance of aesthetic judgments. Each of us has our own way of seeing the beauty of the
artwork, as the principle says “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, each of us has our own
understanding of an artwork. One thing is that we only understand the things that we see from our
perspective and not the small details, and these details are very significant to the artwork. Aesthetic
judgment is important because it makes a bond between the piece and the artist, and also the piece
and the spectators.

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