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Subject: Proposal for Arcade Boxing Machine Placement in Dooly’s at 3129

Kempt Road

Dear Dooly’s Head Office,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mubarak Salaam, and I am
reaching out to propose an exciting opportunity that could enhance the
entertainment experience at Dooly’s (3129 Kempt Road) while also
generating additional revenue for your establishment.

I am the owner of an arcade boxing machine, a popular and engaging

attraction that has proven to be a crowd-pleaser in various venues. I believe
that placing this machine in the bar would not only provide patrons with a
unique and enjoyable experience but also contribute to the overall
ambiance of your establishment.

Proposal Overview:

1. Placement in Dooly’s (3129 Kempt Road):

 I am proposing to install the arcade boxing machine in a prominent

and well-trafficked area within Dooly’s, ensuring maximum visibility
and accessibility for patrons.

2. Revenue Sharing:

 To make this mutually beneficial, I am suggesting a revenue-sharing

agreement. Dooly’s would receive a percentage of the profit
generated by the arcade boxing machine.

3. Marketing and Promotion:

 I am committed to actively promoting the presence of the arcade

boxing machine at the bar through various channels, including social
media, flyers, and word-of-mouth. This would help attract new
customers to the bar while increasing the machine's usage.

4. Flexibility for Festivals:

 In addition to being a fixture at the bar, I am open to temporarily

relocating the arcade boxing machine to local festivals or events.
During these occasions, Dooly’s would still be entitled to a
percentage of the profit generated.

5. Maintenance and Support:

 I will take full responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of the
arcade boxing machine to ensure it remains in excellent working
condition. Any necessary repairs or technical support will be promptly

Benefits for HFX Sports Bar:

 Enhanced entertainment offering

 Additional revenue stream
 Increased foot traffic and customer engagement
 Positive impact on the bar's reputation and customer loyalty

I am open to further discussion to address any questions or concerns you

may have. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity, I would be
happy to arrange a meeting at your convenience to discuss the details in

Thank you for considering this proposal. I look forward to the possibility of
collaborating with Dooly’s to create an exciting and profitable partnership.

Best regards,

Mubarak Salaam

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