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2 Year A: %
Term Exam – 2023 B: %
Name and Surname: ……………………………………………………………….. C: %

D: %
A.1. Listen to part of a programme about a clothes shop. Circle the correct option. Gl: %

There is one example (0)

0. Teenagers usually buy…

a. fashionable clothes.
b. second-hand clothes.
1. In “Traid” people can buy…
a. second-hand clothes.
b. new clothes and accessories.
2. The clothes “Traid” sells are…
a. normal.
b. stylish.
3. Zoe makes clothes in a studio…
a. 80 kilometres away.
b. 90 kilometres away.
4. Zoe knows what teenagers like because…
a. she isn’t old.
b. she’s 19 years old.
5. Zoe transforms old clothes into…
a. all kinds of outfits.
b. dresses and blouses.
6. For the winter they make…
a. skirts and shirts.
b. jumpers and sweatshirts.

0. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A.2. Listen to an American comparing New York to London. Write T (true) or F (false).
There is one example (0).

0. Larry only likes New York. F

1. The Underground in London is very cheap. ____
2. London is interesting because there are modern buildings. ____
3. There are a lot of parks in London. ____
4. Summer in New York is very hot. ____
5. Winter in London is sunnier than in New York. ____
6. People are more polite in London than in New York. ____

0. F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ACI Santa Fe 1 2nd. year Term Exam 2023


B.1. 1 Read the text. Write T (true) or F (false). There is one example (0).

A life of challenge
Ellen MacArthur is an inspiring British sportswoman. On 7
February 2005, she broke the world record for sailing alone around
the world. She recorded her amazing journey through the world’s
most dangerous seas with a video diary, surviving Cape Horn in
South America. And she immediately became internationally famous.
The following year, a Frenchman called Francis Joyon made the same voyage and he was faster
than her by two weeks.
Ellen was born in Derbyshire, England in 1976 and lived there with her parents, who were both teachers,
and her two brothers. She began sailing with her aunt Thea when she was just four years old, and spent
the rest of her time reading books about sailing.
When she was eight, she started to save her school dinner money to buy her first boat. She was
eleven when she had enough money to buy it. When she was seventeen, Ellen bought another boat and
named it ‘Iduna’. In 1995 she sailed it on her own around Great Britain.
In 2009 she announced that she was going to stop sailing, and a year later she donated
£500,000 of her own money to create a charity called the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The charity works
through business and education to inspire young people to think differently about the future. For exam-
ple, she wants to help the next generation to design different ways of reusing energy and to get more
people using renewable energy. This is part of a bigger concept called circular economy that we can ap-
ply to any other human activity.
By 2050, Ellen says there will be more plastic than fish in the sea, and she wants her charity to
do something about this. Ellen says that changing people’s attitudes to the way they use things and
throw them away is still the greatest challenge of her life.

0. In 2005 Ellen MacArthur broke the world record for sailing around Britain on her own. ___
1. In 2006, Joyon did better than MacArthur. ___
2. Ellen’s first experience of sailing was with her parents. ___
3. It took Ellen seventeen years to save enough money to buy her first boat. ___
4. She created a charity for people to learn eco-friendly habits. ___
5. The charity’s work principle is circular economy. ___
6. Ellen’s greatest challenge is the amount of plastic. ___

0. F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

B.2. Match the underlined words to the definitions. There is one example (0).

0. Fastest ever done: ……………………… 4. Put them in the rubbish bin: …………………….
1. Used and produced again: ……………………….. 5. Travelling by water: ………………………
2. Long journey by sea: ……………………………... 6. Keep something to use in the future: .…………….
3. 3. Alone, with no company: …………………………

0. Record 1. 2. 3.

ACI Santa Fe 2 2nd. year Term Exam 2023


C.1 Choose the correct alternative a, b or c. There is one example (0).

0. It’s too hot for trousers. Why don’t you wear ______C______ to the beach instead?
a. cap b. trainers c. shorts
1. You usually wear a watch on your ____________ .
a. arm b. wrist c. hand
2. William Faulkner was 1____________ in 1897.
a. died b. divorced c. born
3. You look ____________ in that suit than you do in your jeans.
a. smarter b. more smart c. smartest
4. Oscar is taking ____________ in the London marathon.
a. control b. part c. turn
5. Last Saturday, my friend James and I ____________ an afternoon in the city.
a. saw b. spent c. did spend
6. This is ____________ shop in the town. It’s full of bargains.
a. the most expensive b. the cheapest c. the largest
7. ‘I have a really bad headache.’ ‘You ____________ take some aspirin.’
a. don’t have to b. shouldn’t c. should
8. __________ he finish writing the book yesterday?
a. did b. was c. does
9. I had an exam yesterday and it _______ so difficult.
a. Is b. were c. was
10. I ____________ do a lot of housework at weekends because my parents work.
a. have to b. should c. don’t have to

0. C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

C.2 Match questions and answers. There is an example (0).

0. Hello, can I help you? a. No, not really. I have a fever.

1. Where did you go last weekend? b. Yes. We’ve got them in blue.
2. Can I pay by credit card? c. Yes, I’d like some smart clothes, please.
3. Are you OK? d. No, I reported it to the police.
4. Have you got them in a different colour? e. Of course. That’s £35, please.
5. Did you find your cellphone? f. We stayed with my sister.

0. C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ACI Santa Fe 3 2nd. year Term Exam 2023

C.3 Complete the conversation with the correct phrase from the box. There are two extra phrases
and one example (0).

good idea - of course - are you - you should - you feel - I’m not - don’t look - I feel

Adam You 0 don’t look very well, James. 1____________ OK?

James Actually, I’m not. 2____________ really dizzy.
Adam Do 3____________ sick? You look very pale.
James Yes, I do. And I think I’ve got a temperature, too.
Adam I think 4____________ see a doctor.
James That’s a 5_____________. Can you come with me?
Adam Yes, sure.

0. Don’t look 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


D.1. Write an email in about 50-60 words to your best friend telling him/her about your last
trip. Use these questions to help you.

- Where did you go? When?

- Who did you go with?
- Where did you stay?
- What did you do there?
- Did you have a good time? Why/ Why not?

Hi ………………….!
Guess what? I travelled to

ACI Santa Fe 4 2nd. year Term Exam 2023

2nd Year – Term Exam July 2023
Mark Scheme, Key and Sources.
Units to be tested: 6-8


A.1.Listen and circle the correct option. (6 marks)
Source: Solutions Elementary. Teacher’s Resource Disk DVD worksheets Unit 3 (modified). 2018. Third

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B

A.2. Listen and write T (true) or F (false). (6 marks)

Source: New Headway Elementary. Fifth Edition, 2019. Student’s book Unit 9 track 9.5

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T


B.1. Read and write T or F. (6 marks)
Source: Solutions Elementary. Unit 8 progress test. Course tests pack. 2018

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F

B.2. Match the underlined words to the definitions. (6 marks)

1. Renewable 2. Voyage 3. On her own 4. Throw them 5. Sailing 6. Save


C.USE OF ENGLISH (20m = 25%)

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B
C.1 Choose the correct alternative a, b or c. (10 marks)

C.2 Match questions and answers. (5 marks)

1. F 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D

C.3 Complete the conversation with the correct phrase from the box. (5 marks)

1. are you 2. I feel feel 4. you should 5. Good idea

D.WRITING (10 m= 20%)

D.1. An email (10m)

ACI Santa Fe 5 2nd. year Term Exam 2023

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