Pak USA Relations

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Why were Pakistan’s relations with USA better during

Why was Pakistan termed as USA’s most allied ally during
Firstly.The relations between Pakistan and USA
were good during 1950’s because Prime Minister
Liaquat Ali Khan accepted US invitation to visit and
ignored the offer from Soviet Union ,so he was the
first leader of Pakistan who visited USA in 1950 and
arranged for a Pakistan embassy to be established
in the USA.Pakistan was willing to join anti-
communist alliance in returnfor military and
economic aid in contrast to India’s policy , as a
result of which an agreement was signed and
American aid began to flow into Pakistan.

Secondly,Pakistan signed 3 agreements between

1954-55 which firmly established it as a pro-
west,anti-communist country….In 1954 Pakistan
and USA signed Mutual Defence Assisstance
Agreement .
Pakistan became the member of SEATO in 1954
despite of the opposition from within the Pakistan
government .The treaty applied only to help against
communist aggression ….

In 1955 Pakistan joined Baghdad Pact later on it was
renamed as SENTO .Despite regular meetings the group
never developed a permanent structure or a system for
raising troops for raisng defense.These three treaties
help explain why some politicians described Pakistan in
1950’s as the USA’s most allied ally.

Q2.Why did Pakistan withdraw from SEATO in 1972?

Firstly,because this treaty applied only to help against the

communist aggression which meant that Pakistan could receive
no support in its wars against India over the Kashmir
issue,Pakistan had hoped that SEATO would set up permanent
military force to protect all member countries against any
attack.It was for this reason that during 1950’s the decision of
Pakistan’s government in joining SEATO was much criticized by
the opposition mainly the religious factions within Pakistan .
Secondly,during wars against India in 1965 and 1971 the treaty
did not provide any moral and military support to Pakistan .In
1965 war USA and UK placed an arms embargo against
Pakistan and India which affected Pakistan more than India as it
heavily dependent on American aid .Similarly during 1971 war USA
didn’t come to support Pakistan …even during civil war in East Pakistan
there was no military or moral support was provided to Pakistan by
SEATO. Americans were particularly concerned about Bhutto’s non
Americans policy unlike his predecessors. Later on Bhutto even accused
Americans of organizing an opposition against him in 1977.
Thirdly, USA provided unconditional economic and military support to
India during 1962 war against communist China. Thus by 1972 Pakistan
realized that membership of SEATO was of limited value and decided to

Q3. Why were the relations between Pakistan and USA

deteriorated after Afghan war?

Firstly Pakistan lost its strategic importance to the USA after

Afghan war and US aid was reduced dramatically .it caused a
severe military and economic blow to Pakistan and especially to
the new government of Benazir Bhutto.
Secondly,Americans forced Pakistan to sign Nuclear Non
Proliferation Treaty ,According to Pressler Amendment
President George W Bush refused to declare Pakistan was
nuclear free and blocked aid to the country…..also stopped the
sale of 28 F-16 air crafts that Pakistan had already paid
for .Pakistan complained bitterly that Pressler amendment
applied only to Pakistan not India…
Thirdly,Relations were badly deteriorated when US complained
that Pakistan was becoming a major centre for distribution of
illegal drugs and also declared Pakistan as a state sponsor of
terrorism and thus placed economic sanctions on Pakistan…

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