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Q4.Why does Pakistan have nuclear weapons?


Firstly,Pakistan began focusing on nuclear

weapons just one month after the loss of
Secondly.In 1974 India
carried out nuclear
◼ Karachi
East Pakistan.In that year it opened
Nuclear power plant.It was known tests which caused such
that India was close to having nuclear
weapons and Pakistan was concerned
concerns in Pakistan
about India’s superiority in weapon and that it stepped up its
conventional forces. own founding the
May 1998 start of a new nuclear era for both
Engineering Research
nations when India exploded five nuclear devices Laborataries in Kahuta
without warning on 11 and 13 May in Rajasthan under…Dr A Q Khan ..
desert .Pakistan replied by testing six nuclear
devices in deserts of Baluchistan.Pakistan has to
develop nuclear weapons because India has
them.They are seen as deterrant against an
Indian invasion.India is seen as an aggressor
whilst Pakistan’s position is defensive…
Inorder to establish as a nuclear Islamic state…
Q5.Why did Pakistan have to seek help from IMF
during 1995? [7]

During 1990’s Pakistan’s economic

problems worsened .Kashmir and Pakistan’s economy was hurt
the confrontation with India because of the terrible floods and
caused military spending to spiral serious plant disease that
upwards –a 14% increase in affected agricutural output..
defence during 1995-96..

Govt faced serious law and order situation.Violence in the country

curtailed any further industrial development or taking up new
development projects .Taxes were raised and rupee was devalued by
7%.As a result cost of living went up and people angrily blamed govt
..hence in 1995 Pakistan desparately needed a loan from IMF…
Q8.Why was it difficult for Pakistan to face Afghan refugee
crisis due to Afghan War? [7]

Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly,

Over 3 million Afghan Such a massiveand Drug use and drug trafficking
refugees fled from the war
[7] unplanned influx of refugees grew at an alarming rates
areas to Pakistan ,Pakistan caused many until Pakistan became one of
soon became the problems.tensions between leading countries in the
acknowledged route for pakistanis and Afghans led to world in drug trafficking
channelling assistance to the violence .There was .Alongwith the drugs guns
Mujahideen and received resentment at the large culture also became common
economis help from west for amount of money being in Pakistan through
these refugees but soviet spent on helping the smuggling .Moreover
Union hit back to try to refugees .Competition over Pakistan had to spend a lot of
prevent Pakistan’s support jobs was another cause of ill economic resources to feed
for mujahideen….Pakistan’s feelings.. these afghan refugees hence
frontier towns were difficult to face such crisis
bombed..explosions in due to the Afghan refugees.
Q12.Why were the relations between Pakistan and USA
deteriorated after Afghan war? [7] Kelly pg#


The Americans were The withdrawal of US aid seriously affected relations
particularly concerned was serious blow to between Pakistan and USA
about Pakistan’s nuclear Pakistan as major as the Pressler amendment
programme and in 1980 refurbishment of the applied only to Pakistan
had tried to get it signed military forces were and not India.Moreover
NNPT..In 1985 Pressler underway which was due USA also complained that
Amendment had said that to be financed by USA and Pakistan was becoming a
the USA COULD ONLY 4 million $ economic major centre for
GIVE AID TO A COUNTRY development programe distribution of illegal drugs
after the American was due to be run untill (between 1979-99 the
president had declared 1993.Moreover Pakistan number of drug addicts
that country had no was stopped the sale of 28 rose to around 10000 to
nuclear weapons and was f-16 fighter jets which almost 4 million )and of
not developing them Pakistan had already home produced
.During the Afghan crisis ordered and paid for. weapons.These weapons
the rule was conveniently were being used by the
ignored.But after the war terrorists against US.Even
Q14.Why was the period of 1951-58 known as governments
by beaurocrats? [7]

Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly,

Malik Ghulam Muhammad Gen.Iskandar Mirza The inclusion in the cabinet
was the third GG of formally succeded Ghulam in 1954 of Gen Ayub was
Pakistan …he persuaded Muhammad in 1956 as further evidence of the
Nazimuddin to become Governor General .Neither influence of non-politicians
Prime minister he had of these two leDERS HAD on the government of
worked for many years in ANY CONFIDENCE in the Pakistan .Chaudhri
the Indian civil service and politicians or any faith in a Muhammad Ali ,the PM
had a good reputation as a parliamentary system .They from 1955-56 was another
financial expert and an believed that politicians civil servant with no
experienced represent sectional political
administrator… interests and therfore experience.Because the
always quarrelling with power slipped away from
each other. politicians to the
beaurocrats and their
military allies ,the period of
1951-58 became known as
the governments by
Q9.How successful have the governments of Pakistan been
in the provision of education? Explain your answer.

Successes Failures
Ayub Khan’s educational reforms Ayub’s educational reforms didn’t
…..[Smith pg#142 Kelly 131-132] prove significant progress as there
Bhutto’s educational Reforms… was low priority to education due to
His educational policy was based on higher military expenses,rate frequent
eight ambitious goals providing free absenteeism quite high,less than half
comulsory education to al….[Kelly pg the children even went to
146] school….(.problems in education)
Gen Zia ‘s stress upon Islamization in Bhutto’s nationalization policy in
his educational policy..compulsory education resulted in insignifcant
study of Arabic ,Islamiat and Pakistan progress….
Studies ,extra marks for Hafiz e Quran
Higher allocation on Education
expenditure in budget increased from
2% to 2.9%
Q16.Why was Tashkand Agreement signed between
India and Pakistan? [7]

The war was over the Kashmir

In order to decide a cease fire after 1965 dispute so hoping to restore
Pak India War .It was a fullfledged 17 days diplomatic relations and to
war with undecisive results …and also to resolve Kashmir dispute by
withdraw forces from the posts they negotiating on some point of
occupied to their original positions..inorder AGREEMENT ..Tashkand
to restore peace in the region with Agreement was signed.
mediation of Soviet Union

To maintain better relations with USSR as Pakistan ‘s

relations were deteriorated with USA in 1960’s
agreed to grant loans to Pakistan-it shifted its from its
open support for India to neutral stance over Kashmir..
Q13.How successful has Pakistan been in establishing a
parliamentary democracy between 1947-99?Explain your answer.

Successes Failures
Quaid’s achievements in establishing •power practices by the beaurocrats
government and forming constituent Ghulam Muhammad Iskandar Mirza
assembly ,Constitutional crisis and failure of 1956
Constitution 1956 parliamentary form of constitution …
government…but limited powers to PM •Ayub Khan’s Basic democracies and
Constitution 1973 Unanimously agreed constitution 1962….Smith 147
constitution ..provided sound principles •Military dictatorships Yahya Khan,Zia ul
of parliamentary democracy [F.Bajwa] Haq ..suspension of the constitution 1973
..Changes brought by Gen Zia..article 48
and 8th amendment
•Gen Musharraf ‘s military take over…
Q11.How successful have the governments been in the
Islamization of Pakistan between 1947-1999?Explain your
answer. [14]

Successes Failures
•Passing of Objectives Resolution •Objectives Resolution was criticized by
1949…importance of Objectives ulemas …sufficiently unIslamic..
Resolution •How did Ayub Khan try to modernize
•Constitution of 1956 provided Islamic Islam
provisions..No no Muslim can acquire the •Muslim Family Law Ordinance
position of PM or President of the •Removed the word Islamic from
country –Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Pakistan..[Smith pg #141,147]
•No law can be made which is repugnant •Zia’s Islamization policy damaged the
to Islam and Sharia… Principles of Quran international standing of Pakistan.They
and Sunnah… aroused criticism from leaders and people
•Constitution 1973 basic human rights in other countries too…moreover his
were granted as laid down in Islamization policy had many political
Islam..Islamization to be promoted intentions too…Hudood ordinance
…results of Islamization [Smith pg criticized ..couldn’t be practiced
166.167 and F.Bajwa pg # 177 Constitution
Q17.Why was Simla Accord signed between India
and Pakistan in 1972? [7]

In order to place a safe withdrawal of The war resulted in heavy

90000 Prisoners of war…their families casualties ,loss of military
suffering and many of them were on resources and terrible break up of
important government posts East Pakistan and also worsened
too…Moreover India could no longer retain relations with India.. Now it was
such a large number of war prisoners any important to restore peace in the
more was important to make region and improve relations with
arrangements for their safe return.. India..

Bhutto had become the Prime Minister of Pakistan now he wanted to increase his
popularity by bringing the war prisoners home.He wanted to gain acceptance of his
reforms and improve his image in the international community by showing his
efforts of establishing peace with India…so to win support for his government both
national and internationally ,Simal Accord was signed.
Q15.Why was loss of East Pakistan a great tragedy
for Pakistan? [7]
Firstly because the failure in the war
resulted in the loss of East wing which Pakistan faced heavy losses of life,
was very shocking and demoralizing for casualties ,90000 Pakistan troops became
the entire nation and armed forces ,so it the Indian prisoners of war ,Pakistan had to
caused a devastating effect on the face terrible consequences due to the loss
federation of Pakistan .Pakistan faced of military expenditures.Moreover its
declining image in the international world relations with India became even more
as a result of the rebellion broke out in hostile ,Indians had also occupied over
East Pakistan which was strongly resisted 5000square miles of territory in west
by East Pakistanis.. could not be dealt Pakistan..

Loss of East Pakistan resulted in severe economic and financial

crisis in the country ,Pakistan lost a big part of its GDP some of it
which came from the export of jute now in bangladesh.
Q Why was Khwaja Nazimuddin dismissed
from his office in 1953?

Nazimuddin was dismissed firstly because

he had been unable to produce a
GhulamMuhammad blammed him for not
consensus on the constituiom making
controlling the economy and the riots that
,the second report of the BPC also met
resulted from food shortages…govt was not
with criticsm,as there was still disparities
well placed to deal with these food
between East and west Pakistan and
shortages that prevailed through out the
criticm from Bengalis ….question of
official language had still not been

There had been severe riots erupted not only due to food shortage
but also because of the religious sentiments.The ulemas began a
country wide campaign against the Ahmadis… so due to .such
intensive law and order and intense situation ,the entire
responsibility of good governance was placed upon Nazimuddin’s
government and hence he was dismissed by Governor General
Ghulam Muhammad in 1953.
Why did being a nuclear power create difficulties for Pakistan
in the 1980’s and 1990’s? [7]

Q1.Why did Pakistan face so many problems in the provision of

education between 1947 and 1998? [7]

Secondly: Some 70% of the

Firstly:Lack of financial investment in population have been illiterate
education by the successive governments. and many children simply did not
◼ Pakistan has high military expenditure go to school at all, rate of
due to which education has always been absenteeism and drop out are
given low priority ,less than 3% of the very high and it was estimated
budget is allocated to education… that more than half of the
students joining primary school
leave within 5 years..(financial
problems…families need work
Thirdly: There has been mismanagement in force….hidden costs of sending
establishing schools, designing curriculum and children to school etc)female
providing training to teachers and other education not promoted..
facilities and equipments to buildings, many
schools continued to function either without
buildings or in buildings with poor repair. A
government report of 1989 admitted that over
60%of government school buildings were

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