17.drama Lessons

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Drama Lessons
Hello? Yes, good morning. Is that Mr. Stewart?

Yes. Hello. It's Melanie Farish here from the stars of Tomorrow's Studio. I'm calling about your daughter
Emma's drama lessons for next term. Oh yes. First I must just tell you how much I enjoy teaching Emma.
At first she was quite hesitant during stage work. It took her a while to find out what she could do, but
since she got over that, she's been a great role model for the younger children. Oh really? That's nice to

Why I'm ringing though is that unfortunately we have to change the lesson time for next term. Oh
really? Why is that? Well our enrollments have risen so much that we need a bigger room. The music
room isn't big enough. The only suitable one is the school hall, but unfortunately it's not available at
3.15 on Fridays, which is when we had the classes up till now. Oh is that right? Yeah, so what we
propose is to move the class to a later time. We're thinking quarter to five on Fridays now instead of

Oh well unfortunately that's not going to work for us. Emma has swimming on Fridays at five o'clock.
Oh dear. That's a shame because that will be our only junior group this term. Unless she joined a drama
class at one of our other sites, I know there are places at Green Meadows at 3.15 on Fridays. It's a bit
further away I know. Actually it's not that far from us, but I think Emma might be a bit reluctant to leave
her friends now that she'sbuilt up confidence as you said. I'm just trying to think what else might suit

You don't teach a dance class at all do you? She's quite interested in that. Oh yes we do,but I didn't
mention that because all the classes in Emma's age group are always so oversubscribed. I could put you
on the waiting list. No don't worry I'd have to talk to Emma about it first. You know Emma does have a
lovely singing voice. Do you think she'd like to take singing lessons instead just for this term? There are
spaces in the Thursday class at 3.15. And the cost is the same is it? Yes there wouldn't be any extra costs
involved. Well let me see.

I have a feeling that clashes with her weekly netball practice. Oh no that's later so it would be okay. I'm
just thinking that she's usually quite tired on Thursday evenings and maybe two activities in one evening
is too much for an eight-year-old. Fridays are okay because she doesn't have to get up for school the
next day. Yes you're probably right. Well if you really want her to continue with drama you could
consider voice classes with our voice coach. They're run on an individual basis so there'd be a
supplementary charge on top of the fees you've already paid. Well as I've explained Emma does do a lot
of extra activities and I don't think we could manage to pay for private lessons at the moment. Anyway I
think I prefer the idea of group lessons.

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