Social Media Its Impact Among The College Students

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Social Media its Impact among the college students

Abstract: Social media is a platform for people to discuss their issues and opinions. Before knowing the aspects of
social media people must have to know what is social media? Social media are computer tools that allows people to share
or exchange information’s, ideas, images, videos and even more with each other through a particular network. In this paper
we cover all aspects of social media with its positive and negative effect. Focus is on the particular field like business,
education, society and youth. During this paper we describe how these media will affect society in a broad way.

Keywords: social media, business, society, youngsters, education.


Now a day’s social media has been the important part of one’s life from shopping to electronic mails, education and
business tool. Social media plays a vital role in transforming people’s life style. Social media includes social networking sites
and blogs where people can easily connect with each other. Since the emergence of these social networking sites like
Twitter and Facebook as key tools for news, journalists and their organizations have performed a high-wire act [1]. These
sites have become a day to day routine for the people. Social media has been mainly defined to refer to “the many relatively
inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools that facilitate anyone to publish and access information, collaborate on a
common effort, or build relationship” [2].


1.1 Impact of Social Media on Education

As per the survey of previous research, 90% of college students use social networks. Technology has shown a rapid
development by introducing small communication devices and we can use these small communication devices for accessing
social networks any time anywhere, as these gadgets include pocket computers, laptops, iPads and even simple mobile
phones (which support internet) etc.[5].For the purpose of education social media has been used as an innovative way.
Students should be taught to use this tool in a better way, in the educational classes’ media just being used for messaging or
texting rather than they should learn to figure out how to use these media for good [3]. Social media has increased the
quality and rate of collaboration for students. With the help of social media students can easily communicate or share
information quickly with each through various social sites like Facebook, Orkut, and Instagram etc. [4]. It is also important
for students to do some practical work instead of doing paper work. They can also write blogs for

Teachers as well as for themselves to enhance their knowledge skills [3]. Social networking sites also conduct online
examination which play an important role to enhance the students’ knowledge.

Purpose of Internet Usage

User Percentage
Mail 33
Surfing 26.8
Chatting 18.7
Social Networking
Other 4.5

Total 100

In the above table 1 it is clear that, internet usage for the respondents was for mailing and surfing the net with 33% and
26% respectively. Mainly two traditional reasons for using Internet i.e. Mailing and Surfing. In India, social networking sites
are growing fast to gain popularity but it haven’t reached the expectation of global scenario. Just 17% reported social
networking sites as their principle reason for Internet usage. Alternating reactions were downloading internet content,
purchasing online goods, studying and reading e-books [7]

Membership in social networking sites

Member of SNS Percentage

Yes 95.7

No 4.3

Total 100
Fig. Membership in social networking sites for education [7]

Among the Indian youth 95.7% of the members are connected with the social media. These figures are increasing day by
day. Whereas only 4.3% of members are not connected with the social media [7].

1.1.1 Positive Effect of Social Media on Education

• Social media gives a way to the students to

1.2 Impact of Social Media on Business

Social media is the new buzz area in marketing that includes business, organizations and brands which helps to create news,
make friends, make connections and make followers. Business use social media to enhance an organization’s performance
in various ways such as to accomplish business objectives, increasing annual sales of the organization. Social media provides
the benefit as a communication platform that facilitates two way communication between a company and their stock
holders [6]. Business can be promoted through various social networking sites. Many of the organization promotes their
business by giving advertisement on the social media in order to attract maximum users or customers. Customers can
connect and interact with business on a more personal level by using social media. If an organization has established a
brand, social media may help this organization to develop the existing brand and give the business a voice. With the help of
social media organization can make their strategy to promote their organization.

effectively reach each other in regards to class ventures, bunch assignments or for help on homework assignments [12].

• Many of the students who do not take an interest consistently in class might feel that they can express their
thoughts easily on social media [12].

• Teachers may post on social media about class activities, school events, homework assignments which will be very
useful to them [12].

• It is seen that social media marketing has been emerging in career option. Social media marketing prepares young
workers to become successful marketers.

• The access of social media provides the opportunity for educators to teach good digital citizenship and the use of
Internet for productivity 1.1.2 Negative effect of Social Media on Education

• The first concern about the negative effect comes to mind is the kind of distraction to the students present in the
class. As teachers were not able to recognize who is paying attention in the classroom [12].
• One of the biggest breakdown of social media in education is the privacy issues like posting personal information on
online sites.

• In some of the scenario there were many in appropriate information posted which may lead the students to the
wrong side.

• Because of social media students lose their ability to engage themselves for face to face communication.
• Many of the bloggers and writers posts wrong information on social sites which leads the education system to

Fig: Social media adaptation [8]

Social media used in various business functions. Some of them are:
Marketing- Marketing is one of the most important and common use of social media in business. It works because today
every brand has a target section of online audience.

HR-Is great for identifying and engaging the talent directly.HR helps company to showcase their employee benefits and
culture of the company to outside world.

Creative- it share enables art, copy and design teams to invent new ideas which is useful for company to achieve goal.

Operations/strategy- Many of the sites like LinkedIn helps the business by connecting with the experts who can share some
strategic plans.

Business Development- Professional networking sites can be used to connect with the clients.

1.2.1 Positive Effect of Social Media on Business

• Social Media helps to better understand their audience by their likes and dislikes [14].

• It helps the business for promotional activities.

• Social networking sites helps to make new customers by providing useful facilities.

• Helps to enhance market insight and stretch out beyond your rivals with online networking [14].

• It also helps to increase awareness among brands and reach with little to no budget [14].

1.2.2 Negative Effect of Social Media on Business

• In business filed social media is not entirely risk free because many of the fans and followers are free to post their
opinion on a particular organization, the negative comment can lead the organization to failure.

• Many of the large organization have fallen victim to the hackers.

• The wrong online brand strategy can doom a company, and put at a huge viral social disadvantage[15].

• Getting involved with Social Media is very time consuming. As an organization you should assign a person to always
bolster your pages and profile with significant substance [15].

• Most companies have difficulty measuring the results of social media advertising.

1.3 Impact of Social Media on Society

As we all are aware of social media that has an enormous impact on our society[7].Many of the social media sites are most
popular on the web. Some social media sites have transformed the way where people communicate and socialize on the
web. Social networking sites render the opportunity for people to reconnect with their old friends, colleagues and mates. It
also helps people to make new friends, share content, pictures, audios, videos amongst them. Social media also changes the
life style of a society.

Fig: Usage of social media in the society [9]

According to the survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, in September 2014, 52% of the online adults use two or
more social media sites. More than half of the online adults of age 65 and above use 60% of Facebook which represents
31% of all seniors. Half of the internet-using young adult’s ages 18-29 use 53% Instagram and half of the Instagram users
(49%) use the site daily. The share of internet users with college education using LinkedIn reached 50%. 42% of online
women now use the platform, compared with 13% of online men [9].

1.3.1 Positive Effects of Social Media on Society

• Social Media helps to meet people they may not have met outside the social media forums.

• It also helps to share ideas beyond the geographical boundaries.

• It provides open opportunity for all writers and bloggers to connect with their clients.

• Another positive effect of social networking sites is it unite people on a huge platform for the achievement of
specific goals. This brings positive change in the society.
• Social media provides awareness among society like campaigns, advertisement articles, promotions which helps the
society to be up to date with the current information.

1.3.2 Negative Effects of Social Media on Society

• One of the negative effect of social media is that it make people addicted. People spend lots of time in social
networking sites which can divert the concentration and focus from the particular task.

• Social media can easily effect the kids, the reason is sometimes people shares photos, videos on media that contain
violence and negative things which can affect the behavior of kids or teenagers.

• It also abuses the society by invading on people’s privacy.

• Social lies like family ones also weaken as people spend more time connecting to new people.

• Some people uses their images or videos in social sites that can encourage others to use it false fully.

1.4 Impact of Social Media on Youngsters

Nowadays social media has become a new set of cool tools for involving young peoples. Many young people’s day to day life
are woven by the social media Youngsters are in conversation and communication with their friends and groups by using
different media and devices every day [16]. In past years it was seen that youngsters are in touch with only friends and their
groups in schools and colleges. But nowadays youngsters are in contact not only with known friends but also with unknown
people through social networking sites, instant messenging etc. [16]. According to BBC news research of 2013 they discuss
that 67% Facebook users are very common and well known social media portal consist of the youth and students, so these
praise the fact that the youth and student have more focus and relation [11].Throughout the country teenagers frequently
use the web, mobile phones, online games to communicate and gather information with each other. As per the survey in
California the below table shows that how social media impacts the behavioral health of California’s adults [17].

Text Cellphone 75% of all teens own

Messenging feature a cell phone,

88% of cell phone-

owning teens text,
72% of all teens use
text messaging

Social Facebook, 73% of online teens

networking MySpace have used a social
sites networking site

Online video 63% of online teens

sites watch online videos

Online 61% of online youth

gaming play games online,
multiplayer online

Blogging with Facebook or 52% of online teens

in social MySpace have commented on
networking feature a blog

Fig: usage of social media by youth [17]

1.4.1 Positive Effects of Social Media on Youngsters

• Social media helps youngsters to stay connected with each other.

• Useful information can be exchanged over social networking sites.

• Social networking sites can allow teens to find support online that they may lack in traditional relationships,
especially for teens [17].
• In a Critical Development period youngsters also go for social networking sites for advice and information.

• Youngsters can look to social media for getting the answers related to their career objectives.

1.4.2 Negative Effects of Social Media on Youngsters

• Today it’s not clear that who the “strangers” are especially in the field of social media.

• Kidnapping, murder, robbery can be easily done by sharing details on social media.

• There are many cases registered in police station where adults target young children and lure them into meeting

• Mostly youngsters waste lots of time on social sites like chatting which also effects their health.

• Some useless blogs influence youth extremely that they become violent and can take some inappropriate actions.


As the technology is growing the social media has become the routine for each and every person, peoples are seen addicted
with these technology every day. With different fields its impact is different on people. Social media has increased the
quality and rate of collaboration for students. Business uses social media to enhance an organization’s performance in
various ways such as to accomplish business objectives, increasing annual sales of the organization. Youngsters are seen in
contact with these media daily .Social media has various merits but it also has some demerits which affect people
negatively. False information can lead the education system to failure, in an organization wrong advertisement will affect the
productivity, social media can abuse the society by invading on people’s privacy, some useless blogs can influence youth
that can become violent and can take some inappropriate actions. Use of social media is beneficial but should be used in a
limited way without getting addicted.

[1] Aveseh Asough, SOCIAL MEDIA AND ETHICS - The Impact of Social Media on Journalism Ethics, Center for
International Media Ethics (CIME),December 2012


[3] Gitanjali Kalia Chitkara University, Punjab, A Research Paper on Social media:An Innovative Educational Tool, Issues
and Ideas in Education Vol. 1 March 2013 pp. 43–50


Waqas Tariq, Madiha Mehboob, M. Asfandyar Khan , FaseeUllah, The Impact of Social Media and Social Networks on
Education and Students of Pakistan, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 3, July 2012


[11] Dr. M. Neelamalar & Ms. P. Chitra,Dept. of Media Sciences, Anna University Chennai, India, New media and society:
A Study on the impact of socialnetworking sites on indian youth,

Estudos em Comunicac¸ ˜ao no6, 125-145 Dezembro de 2009

[12] Abhimanyu S


S. Praveena
Research Scholar, PG & Research Department of Commerce,

Cauvery College for Women (Autonomous), (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University)

Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India

Dr. S. Shameem
Associate Professor & Research Supervisor, PG & Research Department of Commerce,
Cauvery College for Women (Autonomous), (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University)
Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India

Social media is an inextricable part of life and a means of communicating thoughts,
feelings, and ideas to a larger audience. It is expected to be a formidable instrument for
attracting new clients because of its tremendous potential and speed in reaching others.
People frequently visit social media websites daily or weekly as they have integrated
them into daily life. User involvement is rising as social media usage becomes more
frequent. The study reveals that the majority of people utilise various social media
platforms numerous times every day. Because social networking sites enable easy
contact, users frequent them frequently, and this increased dedication influences their
behaviour and thought. Social media is heavily consuming users' time, which
demonstrates their dedication to the same activity. The purpose of this study was to
analyse and investigate how social media marketing is used to influence consumer
purchasing behaviour in the Tiruchirapalli district. This study focuses on the factors
that influence purchasing decisions and the important role that social networking sites
can play in supporting a brand. The results and recommendations of the statistical
analysis performed on the primary data gathered for the study are discussed in this
Keywords: Social Media, Buying Behavior, Communication, Social Networking,
Marketing Etc.
An Analysis of Social Media Marketing Usage on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Tiruchirapalli

Cite this Article: S. Praveena and Dr. S. Shameem, An Analysis of Social Media
Marketing Usage on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Tiruchirapalli District,
International Journal of Management (IJM), 11(11), 2020, pp. 4216-4226.

The use of social media in marketing has been one of the most important developments in
thefield of marketing since it became a distinct discipline. Social media, which began as a
means to connect people, has developed into the most significant platform for marketers,
supporting them in all facets of marketing (Gopinath, 2019a). With more than 1.5 billion
users across numerous social media platforms, social media has defied all growth models
and currently accounts for more than one sixth of all people on Earth. It is a very effective
database that maybe utilised for a variety of important purposes, including marketing, due
to its numerical majesty. Social media is used to identify customer needs, connect and engage
with customers,help them remember companies, and influence their decision-making and
post-purchase satisfaction processes (Gopinath, 2019b). All types of businesses, including
small firms, non-profit groups, and even political parties, are embracing this most effective
marketing tool to reach their target audiences.
WebPages on the internet, which were first introduced to construct platforms for online
partners, are now entry points for brand building and customer relations. Every day, they are
generating new business and marketing chances for organisations (Gopinath, 2019c). Therefore,
it is essential to first analyse what these platforms are, how they fit into society, and how they
affect brand preferences and customer loyalty.
Researchers are likewise interested in social media use, and they are looking at its
implications and use from a variety of perspectives. Numerous research are carried out abroad,
and now studies are being carried out on Indian consumers. From its impact on customer
decision-making to its efficacy, ROI, data mining, sentimental analysis, etc., social media has
been the subject of marketing research. Because it enables customers to look for alternatives,
branding is crucial to consumer decision-making. Social media has developed into a significant
tool for encouraging consumers to recognise and recall brands (Gopinath & Kalpana, 2019).
Social media also enables customers to verify their references and improves the effectiveness
of companies. This study looked at how social media affected customers' decisions about which
companies to buy because of the enormous use and potential of social media in brand building.
The goal of this research is to better understand how social media marketing influences
consumer behaviour and brand preference. As a result, this study on social media marketing
must clearly explain the phenomenon that is social media, social networking sites, and social
media marketing. This chapter's goal is to define and describe social media and the Internet.
Itdemonstrates how fundamental ideas are theoretically connected in this study. The theory,
history, use, and evolution of social media are all covered in this part, along with how they can
be used for marketing.


According to Mayfeild (2008), the term "social media" refers to a class of new media with
features including openness, culture, connectedness, engagement, and dialogue. "Social
media can be characterised as a platform for social interaction used for data gathering,
communication, etc. It is a technique for leveraging interactive internet dialogues to socialise
S. Praveena and Dr. S. Shameem

According to Boyd and Ellison (2008), social networking sites are web-based services that
enable users to (1) create a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate
a list of the other users with whom they are connected, and (3) view and cross their list of
connections as well as those made by other users within the system. The nature and terminology
of these relationships may differ from one location to another.
Today's movement and global phenomena is social networking. Organizations have created
websites and applications to address societal requirements, enabling individuals, groups, and
society at large to communicate, concentrate on their needs and desires, and participate
productively in media production by creating material for them (Gopinath, 2011). The World
Wide Web serves as the foundation for many of these internet technologies, including online
tools like social media, social networking sites, blogs, wikis, podcasts, content aggregators, and
content communities (Karthick et al., 2020a). Between the aforementioned tools, blogs and
social networking sites (SNS) experienced the most significant growth. These websites are
referred to as "social media." Social media is a web-based platform that facilitates and
encourages connections between individuals through the sharing and consumption of
knowledge (Kavitha & Gopinath,2020). Most people with access to the internet use it to stay in
touch with their loved ones. As a result, the concept of social media marketing emerged.
"Marketers remained behind' they saw this as a more affordable and successful way of
establishing relationships with their clients and future customers."


"Social networking is a terrific way to stay in touch with people and meet new people." Your
joys, life events, professional changes, and other details can be shared with friends and family.
People are always able to communicate with one another, even when they are in other
nations.People can connect on social media by creating their own interest-based accounts
(Karthick etal., 2020b). People can support social causes by becoming followers, showing
interest, or joining various communities.
Platforms throughout society assist people in using technology to the best of their abilities.
It makes people more tolerant of technology. People can comprehend, adapt to, and get
readyfor future new applications thanks to social media (Usharani & Gopinath, 2020a). Social
media users of all ages discuss the study with their friends. Study is another advantage that
social media may provide to a person. On social media platforms, members can offer
assistance withissues involving their connections. People have access to a new universe on
social media websites where they can briefly contact with many. Social media allows people
who cannot physically meet distant people to connect with their friends and family. "Friends and
fan groups can be formed on several social media platforms."


Personal information and photographs uploaded on social media will be used by the wrong
people. It is easily copied and used for malicious reasons. Cyber bullying is a crime in today's
world, just like any other. If it goes offline, it may be the most dangerous risk that the person
faces. Another social networking risk is permanence. When information is exchanged online, it
remains available. If a user decides to delete any posted photographs or content, it remains
onsocial media servers. 4228

An Analysis of Social Media Marketing Usage on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Tiruchirapalli


"Social media" is defined as "electronic means of communication through which people create
their online communities to share information, ideas, personal information, and other
content,such as websites and websites for social network and micro blogging (as videos)" in
the onlineMerriam Webster dictionary. The phrase "social media" refers to two methods of
interactionwith others that involve the transmission and reception of information. The term
"media" refers to channels of communication, particularly the internet and web-based
networks and portals that are used to advertise social media.
An online forum that allows users to create public profiles and interact with other website
users is what Technopedia defines as an online technology dictionary. "Social networking
websites often keep a list of the people they are connected to, and the people on the list can
approve or reject a new user's request to connect." The new user will search his network
connections for other links after making connections. "A social website or social networking
site may also be used to refer to a platform for social networking."
There are many different kinds of publicly accessible and partially publicly accessible
websites that are targeted at certain user bases based on social, cultural, corporate, or
businessassociations (Usharani & Gopinath,2020b). They consist of fan pages, dating websites,
business blogs, and other websites. Just a few examples include Facebook's support for both
personal and professional relationships, Orkut for social connections, and LinkedIn for
professionals.Therefore, an SNS or social media platform features profiles and connections
that make it simple to share various types of online material using mobile devices. People
utilise a varietyof social media platforms for a variety of purposes, and these platforms have risen
in popularity over time. The distinctions between their collections of features continue to
morph and mergequicker than most people can read and comprehend the changes as more and
more sophisticated network functions are added.


The concept of social networking sites is not new, contrary to what many people believe. In the
1990s, people used to establish personal web pages and connect through blogs, chat rooms, and
online communities. However, the introduction of the "" website in 2002 led to
asignificant transformation. Following that, numerous social networking websites were created.
Growing home internet access, increased accessibility brought on by broadband, and the
capacity to create individual profiles with audio and video content are the driving forces behind
the expansion of social networking services.
Today, everyone has easy access to their social networking site from a laptop, tablet, or phone
to receive messages, exchange movies and images, make their own blogs, and leave comments
on other blogs. At the end of the 1990s, social networking websites were widespread. Launched
in 2002, was the first social networking site to significantly influence people.
Then came a deluge of social networking sites. However, according to Boyd and Ellison, the
first social networking site was launched in 1997.


Numerous figures on the "growth of the Internet and social media," particularly social media
users, "show that Internet users are rising exponentially." This increase attracts a range of
analysts, advertisers, and brand specialists who are interested in learning more about
customerpreferences and deciding factors. Here are some significant and wonderful statistics
about India and other significant locations.
S. Praveena and Dr. S. Shameem


Worldwide Internet usage varies greatly in terms of both volume and rate. Internet access rates
increase by 80% in more developed countries, compared to roughly 50% in less developed
nations. In addition, the top 20 internet users in the top 20 nations account for a total of 3.24
billion users, compared to 1.33 billion people in the rest of the globe and 4.57 billion internet
users overall. India is slightly behind China, which currently has the second-largest web user
base in the world, despite having internet penetration of only 50%.


The analyst reviewed several studies in the literature on "The Effect of Social Media Marketing
on Customer Brand Preference," which were carried out by 12 researchers from different
geographical areas. However, there are no research that examine how social media marketing
affects consumer brand preference, particularly among social media users in the Tiruchirapalli
area. As a result, the researcher decided to undertake research in the Tiruchirapalli district.

1. To investigate the social media usage pattern among Tiruchirapalli District users.
2. To provide suitable recommendations to improve the usage of social media among the
consumer for better experience of buying behavior.

Research technique is a methodical approach to gathering information and data for the aim
of making business decisions. The methodology can include using Google form surveys,
interviews, publication analysis, and other techniques that provide both recent and historical
data. The reason for conducting the research and the relevant problem statement are both
identified at the outset of this article.

Research design refers to the planned research approach and structure for addressing
researchproblems. The use of social networking for marketing and its effects on customers
have beenexamined from a variety of angles. In light of the available literature and the stated
study objectives, a combination of descriptive and exploratory research designs were selected
for the thesis. The study details the amount and purpose of the sample's use of social media.
These objectives guide descriptive research architecture. Consumer expectations on the usage
of social media in brand awareness, recall, recognition, and selection are addressed through
exploratoryresearch technique. The paper goes on to explain how the variables relate to one
another, making it a design for diagnostic research. These research designs outline the
architecture and technique of the entire study to accomplish the study's objectives.
The goal of this study is to determine how social media marketing initiatives effect
consumers' brand preferences among online users in the Tiruchirpalli area. As a result,
descriptive and causal research designs will be used to gather data, with primary data being
generated through the use of survey and questionnaire administration. In order to provide
datathat is interesting to researchers, several writers suggest utilising descriptive design.
All study is partially descriptive in nature insofar as the descriptive aspect defines and
explains the researches who, what, when, where, why, and how, which are some of the questions
posed in the analysis. A research design is the description of the overall research plan or
technique used for a certain project. The core of planning is this. The client's expectations will
be satisfied if the design adheres to the study purpose.
An Analysis of Social Media Marketing Usage on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Tiruchirapalli


In addition to the outcomes from the use of questionnaires, pertinent analysis techniques
wereused. The completed replies were gathered, and master data sheets were then outfitted
and brought into the SPSS. After that, the data was computed and rated. The validity and
reliability of the data were examined, and IBM's SPSS 21 software was used to perform
descriptive statistics, an ANOVA, and a ranking analysis.


Table: 1- Frequency table of social media accounts

S. No. Social Media Frequency Percent

1 Facebook 396 88.99
2 Twitter 12 2.70
3 Instagram 79 17.75
4 Linkedin 214 48.09
5 Youtube 79 17.75
6 Pinterest 13 2.92
7 Tumblr 9 2.02
8 Flickr 7 1.57
9 Snapchat 289 64.94
10 Whatsapp 428 96.18
11 Others 12 2.70
The most chosen social media account by respondents is shown in the figures above.
According to the research, 96% of the respondents identified WhatsApp as their preferred social
media account. The second-placed Facebook is favoured by 89% of respondents, while
Snapchat is the third-placed choice. Accordingly, WhatsApp is the most popular social media
account among respondents because it enables users to share messages, photographs,
documents, locations, and more. Additionally, it now offers its customers an online payment
Table: 2- Frequency table of time spend on social media

How much time do you spend on social media? (Per day)

Valid Cumulative
Parameters Frequency Percent
Percent Percent
Valid More than six hours 28 6.3 6.3 6.3
Five to six hours 22 4.9 4.9 11.2
Four to five hours 31 7.0 7.0 18.2
Three to four hours 111 24.9 24.9 43.1
Two to three hours 97 21.8 21.8 64.9
One to two hours 84 18.9 18.9 83.8
Less than an hour 72 16.2 16.2 100.0
Total 445 100.0 100.0 4233

S. Praveena and Dr. S. Shameem

The replies to the question of how much time respondents spend each day on social media
are shown in the graph above. The majority of responders (25%) spend 3–4 hours every day on
social media, according to data gathered. 22% of people were found to spend 2-3 hours, whereas
19% spent 1-2 hours. This suggests that the majority of respondents spend 1-4 hours per day on
social media. These statistics are encouraging an increasing number of businesses to go digital
in order to build a sizable consumer base through social media. Marketers of social media
marketing firms already in existence can also take advantage of these numbers. Customers
spend 1-4 hours a day on social media, which means that social media can be used to influence
their purchasing decisions.
Table: 3- Frequency table of accounts on social media spending time
Parameters Frequency Ranks
Facebook 238 3
Instagram 102 7
Twitter 43 8
LinkedIn 289 2
You Tube 155 4
WhatsApp 409 1
Pinterest 37 9
Snapchat 129 5
Others 124 6
The above table summarises responses when respondents were questioned about the social
media accounts they have. According to data, 409 of the 445 people who were chosen have
installed and are using WhatsApp. Facebook is in third place with 238 users, while LinkedIn isin
second place with 289 users. Twitter has been identified as the least popular social media
platform. Since Twitter's app has a complicated user interface and is challenging to use, the
majority of its users are passive users. Therefore, marketers must advertise primarily on
Facebook and Whatsapp in order to market a product and develop brand preference among
Table: 4- Frequency table of access of social media

When do you access social media?

Parameters Frequency Percent
Valid Smart phones 234 95.5
Personal Computer or Laptop 206 84.1
Tablets / iPad 197 80.4
Smart Watches 89 36.3
Smart TV 97 39.6
The information above demonstrates the method of accessing social media. When asked
how they access social media, respondents indicated that 65.5% do so using their cellphones,
84% do so through laptops and desktop computers, 80% do so through tablets and iPads, and
only 36% do so through smart watches. Due to the ease of use anytime, anywhere, cellphones
have been highlighted as the most favoured method of accessing social media.
An Analysis of Social Media Marketing Usage on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Tiruchirapalli

Table: 5 ANOVA table of use of Social Media Marketing

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
1. Gender Between
2.974 4 .744 3.077 .016
106.320 440 .242
Total 109.294 444
2. Age Between
168.514 4 42.128 13.204 .000
1403.814 440 3.190
Total 1572.328 444
3. Between
104.799 4 26.200 20.808 .000
Education Groups
554.001 440 1.259
Total 658.800 444
4. Marital Between
8.049 4 2.012 4.386 .002
status Groups
Groups 201.870 440 .459
Total 209.919 444
The significant value of the parameters, i.e., gender, age, marital status, and education,
isless than 0.05. Let's talk about the ANOVA table above for all the variables, i.e., demographic
factors under examination (p-value). This supports the Levene Statistic's findings that there is
a significant use of social media marketing for consumer brand preferences across a range of
respondent age groups, gender groups, marital status groups, and educational groups, rejecting
the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis.

WhatsApp was ranked as the most popular social media account by respondents, according
toanalysis of their responses, with 96% of them choosing it as their favourite. The second-placed
Facebook is favoured by 89% of respondents, while Snapchat is the third-placed choice.
When questioned about how frequently they post on social media. The findings shown show
that 31.5% of the respondents post frequently. 26.1% make multiple posts each month.
Additionally, numerous people (8.3%), (10.3%), (16%), etc. post once a week, several times a
week, or even once a day.
When questioned about how much time people spend each day on social media. The
majority of responders (25%) spend 3–4 hours every day on social media, according to data
gathered. 22% of people were found to spend 2-3 hours, whereas 19% spent 1-2 hours. This
suggests that the majority of respondents spend 1-4 hours per day on social media.
The analysis's findings indicate that social media marketing is significantly used to
influence consumer brand preferences across a range of respondent age, gender, marital status,
and educational groupings. This can also be seen as a unanimous agreement among all
respondents, regardless of their age, gender, education level, or marital status, that social media
marketing can be utilised to influence consumer brand preferences.
S. Praveena and Dr. S. Shameem

Researchers may further investigate the effects of various social media campaign formats,
including the effects of electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) analysis, on brand recognition,
brand commitment, and brand loyalty. Social media will continue to develop annually, so it is
important to investigate and assess the effectiveness of new technology in this field. Social
media has the power to change the way businesses run. The effects of big data analytics, cloud
computing, and artificial intelligence on brand awareness, brand engagement, and brand loyalty
in India's servicing companies can be further investigated by practitioners and researchers.
Only 445 Indians participated in the survey, and the Tiruchirapalli district was chosen as
the study location. It only performed an intersectional analysis once, and it did not calculate
these variables across time. This research did not examine any potential purchasing intentions,
which could be a result of brand loyalty on social media.
By examining each social media networking site separately, the impact can be thoroughly
examined in order to investigate their significance and effects on service sector firms.
Big data in the context of social media provides a wealth of insight. Businesses must make
advantage of this knowledge resource to comprehend their customers better. You ought to
beaware of your viewpoints, interests, and influencing sources. This aids in improved product
and service development as well as more effective feedback delivery.

A growing and inevitable market is social networking. Businesses perceive social media as a
marketing opportunity to cut out the conventional middlemen (traders, dealers, wholesalers, and
retailers) and create direct relationships with customers. As a result, almost every company in
the world—from large corporations like Reliance Trends & Genpact to independent coffee
shops—is searching for social media marketing strategies to use in their advertising campaigns.
Regarding a year ago, the organisation had a lot of questions about social media. But things
have significantly changed now, and businesses quickly adopt SMM. The expansion of internet
access for the nation's inhabitants is anticipated to increase at the same rate as the internet SMM
revolution, which began in the early 1980s. With the advent of 4G, it is now more convenient
for people to participate in social networking on their smartphones, and businesses are
exploiting this to market their products on social media.

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© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)



¹ Dr. Rajesh Kundu, ² Priya

¹Associate professor, ² Research Scholar

¹ Govt. P. G. College sec. 9, Gurugram, ² Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak

¹ Gurugram, India, ² Rohtak, India

¹, ²


As the popularity of social media sites grow, we believe that technology plays an increasingly important role in today’s student
achievement. The goal of this research is to see how the increased use of social media effects college and universities students' academic
performance, also get the familiar with the most widely used social media platform. A student perception questionnaire on how social
media affects college students was administrated to a sample ( N=118) based on random sampling. A google form was employed as a
data collection tool. This study revealed that 55.9 per cent of respondents were undergraduate, while 21.2 % were postgraduate, research
scholar made up 6.8 per cent and 16.1 per cent we’re respondents enrolled in other diplomatic courses. Almost all respondents said that
social media has a favourable impact on their academic achievements.
Keywords : Social Media, Academic Performance, Popular, Achievement.

The major goal of this research is to see how social media affects college students' academic performances. Students frequently
use social media networking sites and applications. They spend a significant amount of time on these sites on a daily basis. According
JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e589
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

to studies, university and college students are the most active users of social networking sites among students of various ages. In
education, social networking sites are extremely significant. Students in fact have a variety of options to better their learning and have
access to the most up to date knowledge by interacting with learning groups and other educational systems. Students can also share
information by forming connections with diverse people. This has the potential to improve student learning results. Students mental
health, which refers to their emotional, psychological and social well being is also affected by university and college social media.
Students at universities and colleges spend a significant amount of time on social media throughout the day and at night and it can be
argued that technology plays a significant role in their everyday life. Despite their enormous contribution to knowledge acquisition, it
is necessary to identify whether such technologies are being used to gain knowledge or for other reasons that may result in adverse
technology abuse affects. Many students spend numerous hours on social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp,
Instagram and Twitter everyday. This may appear to be a waste of time at first look, but it also assists kids in developing important
knowledge and becoming engaged citizens who create and share content. We believe that technology is an important aspect of students
success as social media sites rise in popularity.

JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e590
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Wang Q. et al ( 2011) :- The effect of social media on college students was investigated. This descriptive and exploratory
research study gathered a random sample of 48 ( N=48) men (n=26) and women (n=22) who were given a perspective questionnaire
on how social media influences college students. Johnson &Wales University has 35 per cent undergraduate and 65 per cent graduate
students while most college students use social media and spent many hours on social media sites. This study found that there is a
negative element to college student use of social media.
De Andrew et al ( 2011) :- Analyzed the usage of social media to aid in the adjustment of students to college. The importance
of social support in a students' smooth transition to college cannot be overstated. Even after controlling for other significant factors,
site usage entranced students' perceptions of having a diversified social support network during their first semester of college.
Yingxia Cao and Paul Hong ( 2011) :- The use of social media by college faculty in teaching requires further investigation.
The goal of this study is to look into the causes and effects of college professor using social media in their classrooms. This research
is based on a literature review, the author's observations and qualitative & quantitative data provided by 249 full time and part time
faculty members. According to the findings of two studies, there are four antecedents for using social media in teaching: faculty personal
social media, peer pressure, supervisor pressure and student pressure.
Jenna Mastrodicasa & Paul Metellers ( 2013) :- The influence of social media on college students was studied. Researcher
have begun to investigate the impact of student well being empirically and preliminary findings and suggest that more research is
needed. They discovered that social media are not the issue; the issue is the precise usage and aim of social media activity.
Erin A. Vogel et al ( 2015) :- The impact of social comparison orientation on social media use and results were investigated.
The major goal of this research is to see if there’s a link between SCO, Facebook use and unfavorable psychological effects. This study
used a correlational technique and found that participants is SCO used Facebook more frequently. The finding imply that SCO has a
consistent impact of social media across all measures. Participants with a high SCO had a lower trait self

perceptions, lower state self- esteem and greater negative effect balance than those with a low SCO.
Jasmine Knight McCord et al ( 2016) :- The most popular social media sites among college students were investigated.
Instagram was the most popular social networking site, followed by snapchat and Facebook, according to this study. Linkedln and
Pinterest were the least popular social networking sites. The majority of the people use social networking sites for 1- 10 hours everyday,
with a slightly higher percentage saying they use them more on weekend.
Gilbert M. Talague et al ( 2018) :- The effect of social media on chosen college students' academic performance was
investigated. The author of this study emphasizes the real world influence of youth's regular social media interactions. To get good
picture of the problem, a descriptive study design was used. This research was based on 60 active social media users. According to the
findings of this study, social media has a dual impact on accomplishments and it is critical to address Adolescent’s use of social media
with ultimate responsibilities.
Perpetua O. Ezeji, Kelechi E. Ezeji ( 2018) :- The impact of social media on the study patterns of Aluan IKOKU federal
college of education owerrie students was investigated. The main objective was to determine the level of social media usage among
AIFCE students, as well as the relationship between social media usage and study habits.
The purpose of this study is to determine the good and negative effects of social media on students’ academic performance.
It aimed to answer the following questions in particular :

1. What Percentage of used time to students spend on time?

2. What effect does social media have an academic performance among students?
3. What is the most popular social media platform?

The study included both qualitative and quantitative research methods. To get a realistic picture of the problem, a descriptive
research design was used. Information relevant to the study was acquired from both primary and secondary data to support the research.
The study's respondents, 118 pupils provided primary data. Secondary data on the other hand, came from prior research, books, papers
and electronic media that were relevant to the current study. The data was collecting using a google form, observations and review of
past studies. To collect information for the three questions: Literature review, observation and google form were used. The
questionnaire for the respondents was created using a google form. Google form are a fantastic, free and powerful tool that is excellent
JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e591
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)
for anyone who needs to collect data on nearly anything. Google form is hidden beneath the word editor, spreadsheet and presentation

JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e592
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)
According to the findings, colleges and university students use social media at an alarmingly high rate. Almost all of the poll
participants said they use social media to some extent. According to the socio demographic statistics, 47 per cent were men, 53 per cent
were women. Undergraduates made up 55.9 per cent of the total, while postgraduates made up of 21.2 per cent, research scholarsmade
up 6.8 per cent and other diplomatic courses made up 16.1 per cent. Tables and histograms were used to Graphically illustrate the
following relevant data from the study.
Table 1

Categories Frequency Percentage ( %) Cumulative%

1 – 5 Hours 90 76.3 76.3

5 – 10 Hours 20 16.9 93.2

10 – 15 Hours 6 5.1 98.3

>15 Hours 2 1.7 100

No. of students ( in%)








1--5 5 -- 10 10-- 15 > 15

No. of students ( in%)

JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e593
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Fig1. Time spent on social media per day

Analysis of Time spend on social media per day.Impact of Social Media on Academic achievements of students :- According to the
survey’s findings, 21.2 per cent of respondents believed that social media has a determinental impact on their academic achievements.
It was revealed that they don’t have time to complete assignment or study because they have spent too much time on social media; 37.3
per cent said they don’t have such a problem and answered neutral, while 41.5 per cent said they don’t have any problem as a result of
social media usage and answered positive.

To summaries, it was discovered that the internet has a distinct place in the lives of students. Even during class, the
majority of responders are unable to put down their phones. The majority of them complete their homework on the internet and

JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e594
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)
watch TV shows on a daily basis, yet this does not interfere with their education. The majority of the respondents believe that
social media has a favorable impact on academic performance, as indicated in table 2 and figure 2.

Table 2
Impact Number of Student ( in%) Cumulative%
Positive 41.5 41.5
Negative 21.2 62.7
Neutral 37.3 100

No. of students ( in%)







Positive Negative Neutral

No. of students ( in%)

Figure 2. Analysis of Impact of social media

JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e595
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

The most widely used social media platform:- The majority of the pupils use WhatsApp according to the results. 77.1 per cent of all
respondents utilized the WhatsApp social media platform, whereas 11 per cent used Facebook, 5 per cent used telegram, and 2 per
cent used Twitter. Other social media platforms are used by 5 per cent of all respondents. Table3 and figure 3 shows this:

Kind of social media No. of users % of respondents

WhatsApp 91 77.1

Facebook 13 11

Telegram 5 4.2

Twitter 2 1.7

You tube 1 0.9

Others 6 5.1

JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e596
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

% of users









WhatsApp Facebook Telegram Twitter Youtube Others

Figure3. Analysis of mostly used social media platform


To begin with a more gender balanced distribution may have been achieved. Only 47 per cent men were included in this study,
compared to 53 per cent of women. In addition, including more freshmen and sophomores in the study would have broadened it’s scope.
Furthermore, while this study used simple random sampling, future research could use alternative random or non random sample


Further research could look at why WhatsApp and Facebook have become so popular in comparison to other social media
platforms. Because both social networking sites have large utilisation rates, it would be interesting to earn why people use them so
frequently. It would be a worthwhile issue to investigate as these websites become more popular. Finally, additional study on gender
and social networking websites usage is needed to better understand the effects of males and females using these sites.

JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e597
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)
According to our findings, social media has a significant impact on college students. Almost all the students shows the positive
impact of social media on their academic performance it means their academic grade improve after using various social media platforms.
And more than half of the total respondents uses the WhatsApp social media platform. Social networking is appealing because it is not
only provides college students with another environment in which to make friends, but it also provides an excellent way to relieve stress.
It has a significant impact on the life of college students, particularly their grades. This study also suggests that strategy for properly
balancing the interaction between social media and academic learning is required. As a result, college students should place a greater
emphasis on the balancing equation and academics. According to the findings of this study, social networking sites have become a
phenomenon in recent decades. WhatsApp and Facebook have risen to Prominence as the most popular websites, and their popularity
has only grown. Friends and relatives can communicate with one other in new ways thanks to these websites. Computer mediated
communication provides individual with easier and faster ways of communication. Social networking websites also offer new and
innovative ways to communication with other people in a timely manner. Furthermore, people are increasingly using and Browsing
social media websites. This research contribute to a better understanding of how college students use social media and how it affects
their grades.

JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e598
© 2022 JETIR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)
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of Tahsin Education. ScienceDirect Procedia Computer Science 161(2019) 160-167.
[3] Erin A. Vogel, Jason P. Rose et al ( 2015). Who compares and despairs? The effect of social comparison orientation on social
media use and it’s outcomes. Personality and individual differences 86 (2015) pp. 249-296.
[4] Jeanna Mastrodicasa, Paul Metellus (2013). The impact of social media on college students, Journal of college & character, vol.
14, issue 1, pp. 21-29.

[5] Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu, “ The Effects of Social media on college students”(2011). MBA. Student scholarship,
paper 5.
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Journal of technology Research. Pp 1 – 13.

[7] Knight, J. et al ( 2016),What social media sites do college students use most? Journal of undergraduate Ethnic Minority psychology.
Pp 21 – 26.
[8] Gilbert M. T. et al ( 2018), The impact of social media on academic performance of selected college students. International journal
of advanced information technology, vol. 8, No. 4/5, pp 27-35.
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Owerri. International Journal of educational & Pedagogical sciences, vol: 12, No. 1,pp 220-224.
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JETIR2203475 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) e599
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2019, 9(2), e201911

The Impact of New Media on The Forms of Culture:

Digital Identity and Digital Culture

Sami Çöteli
Doğuş Üniversity, TURKEY

0000-0002-0577-4764 Q-7771-2018


Received: 22 March 2019

Accepted: 3 May 2019

Published: 8 May 2019


Culture is the entirety of all values that might differ and regenerate with respect to the
values societies retain. Changes occurring on the whole of current societal dynamics play
a major role with respect to culture as well. In this age of internet and mobile technologies,
culture also has been instrumentalized and digitalized. Digitalization of culture primarily
results from the individuals’ abstraction from real life and obtaining digital identities, and
striving for reinforcement of their identities in that medium. Digital identities created by
individuals in a virtual world generated a consequent imperialistic effect by affecting other
individuals and the real life, which in turn led to serious changes regarding the concept of
culture. In this regard, an individual’s identity in real life has been transformed by the
created digital identity and on a macro scale, the culture of real life is led by a commonly
created digital culture.

Keywords: cyberspace, public sphere, new media, digital culture, digital identity

The concept of culture (kultur), if considered to be derived from soil cultivation, is related
to climate and soil structure, in order words, to all environmental characteristics. Societies
also build their cultural identities within the framework of environmental conditions and
beliefs. The changes in environmental factors also cause a change in the way of
acculturation. Culture includes the language, social life, cuisine, dressing style, etiquette,
moral values, the judicial system, economic structure, aesthetics of the people living in a
certain society. Changes in structure also cause changes in culture. The factors symbolizing
the change, such as diversifying of mass media and gaining power over the society and
government, technological advancements, social freedom or the new trends of thoughts on
human rights and social movements, change the form of culture. Since the 18th century,
especially in the societies where the mass media played dominant role, the culture has been
moving towards being a mass society and an artificial culture called mass culture has
ISSN: 1986-3497
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2019, 9(2), e201911
emerged. With the accelerating success of the industrial revolution in the 18th century,
the spread of mass media and the intervention of economic or political authorities in these
media enabled the emergence of mass society, and thus, mass culture. The number of
individuals in mass culture has accelerated every century since the 18th century, the
concepts of mass society and mass culture have continued existing and changing over time.
The amount of first-hand information and thoughts that individuals

Copyright © 2019 by OJCMT

ISSN: 1986-3497
S. Çoteli
have on the outside world and the truths about the society is slowly decreasing. The information
given by the conventional media takes up a big space in the minds of individuals. Hence,
conventional mass media do not only provide information to individuals, but they also control
their life experiences as they have direct effect. The ability of individuals to experience and
benefit from these experiences is based on their social position. With the social changes they
have caused, mass media and mass production have started a social realization process by
forming the concepts of mass society and mass culture. Adorno and Horkheimer suggest that
mass culture threatens individuality. The mass culture puts the individual into a passive
consumer of culture and turns life practices, such as art, entertainment, leisure time into a
consumption activity (Yavuz, 2009, p. 144). According to Adorno and Horkheimer, differences
between cultural products on the surface is an illusion created by the culture industry, and
this illusion is the feeling that those who think that their cultural products are different
from anyone else has (Oskay, 2000, p. 236), and this escape psychology is also a part of the
system. Leisure time as a lifestyle of the modern world is designed to increase mass
consumption, like a consumption object. The dominant objects of increasing mass consumption
are the technological developments and Fordist production types.
An advantage of the modernization, technological improvements make changes in the
public and private lives of individuals in every society. These changes can be sharp or subtle
depending on the rate at which technological developments occur. In the technological age
that we are in, we have experienced a sharp transition from mass culture to digital culture.
Age and economic factors have played a determinative role in the adaptation phase. The
means of communication between individuals have undergone alterations especially
because of the young demographic who use computers and console games, internet, and
mobile devices. The changes in the forms of communication and socialization have created
the digital culture by creating a new type of socialization. The development of the industry
and its integration with technology, the effects of it causing changes at a social level, the
facilitation of supervision with technology are some results of modernization. Anthony
Giddens sees modernity as a holistic production and an effort to control, with its four major
pillars being industrialism, capitalism, industrialization of war, and supervision of all
aspects of social life, and thus presents a strongly integrated image of modernity (Touraine,
2015, p. 44). The main tendency of the modern world is globalization through transnational
cooperations, integrated economies, and centralized nation-states.
Those who have the opinion that globalization has caused nations and cultures to become
dependent on each other suggests a new world culture has formed in a world “system” where
transnational economy, communication, culture and politics blend (Türkoğlu, 2006, p. 4). A
lifestyle that is based on popular culture, enabling any type of control and supervision, is a
type of common culture which has come into existence with globalization. And this lifestyle
has caused individuals to leave rational thinking and rely on the consuming practice which
seems like it leaves choosing an option to individuals’ free will but actually does not. Today,
political ideologies based on culture have become a part of societies as an attempt to use
entertainment to influence. Globalization not only separates individuals from having rational
thoughts but also causes “time and space compression” which was suggested by Harvey.
Parameters such as the concept “The Global Village” suggested by McLuhan on the
technological improvements, consumer goods imposed on the individual, political ideologies
and modern life or new communications and transport technologies are the human
condition’s ongoing

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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2019
transformation. According to Harvey; global capitalist mindset, by using the new
communication technologies, is both changing and diminishing the environment at full
speed (Harvey, 1996, p. 246). These parameters have entered the lives of individuals as the
summaries of common cultures living in modern and real environments.


Common culture experienced in the cyberspace still includes time-space compression and
global village parameters but also is lacking the real-life feelings. Especially in the creation of
digital culture, the digital identity and the efforts to glorify it come into prominence. For an
individual in the cyberspace, the thing that is more advantageous than the real world is
his/her remoteness from body image and prejudices. Identity changes that are not possible
in direct communication are likely to be developed by means of online identities, taking
advantage of the internet’s anonymity (Hepp, 2015, p. 56). The developed digital identity is
perceived by the audience as an illusion of the reality of an individual. This perception is an
existing illusion since the invention of the newspaper and it has been ingrained in society by
mass media, the most famous one being the television. Things happening in mediatic public
sphere have become interesting and desirable for the viewers or ordinary citizens. Mobile
devices have turned into broadcast media thanks to the integration of mobile devices into social
networks. And with this, viewers of mediatic public sphere are now able to have their own
broadcast. Broadcasts of ordinary people on social media that has live broadcast options are
almost more successful than celebrities in terms of the number of views. The habit of daily
blogging (internet diaries) has transformed into recording daily and posting those videos on
social media platforms. By having this technological infrastructure, individual shares the
mediatic public sphere with famous people. The desirable world of mediatic public sphere and
monetary earnings from publishing videos, encourage individuals to have their own digital
identities. In the case of profit-oriented digital identities, it usually becomes an identity based
on entertainment. Instagram, a social media platform, has an explore page where famous people
are shown next to ordinary people. And this gives hope to individuals that they can become a
celebrity and post more of themselves. Just as there can be differences between the celebrity’s
real-life personality and the personality reflected on the media, in the same way, the
individual’s digital identity (persona) that they created on social media to become a celebrity
can be different from his/her real-life personality. In this sense, social media have gone beyond
just digital socialization and have become the showcase of digital identities. Many sociological
and social psychological approaches suggest that an individual’s social character comes into
existence and forms according to the variety of social relationships they have (Larrain, 1995,
p. 203). The digital identities that are different from the individual’s self are transformed into
discursive indicators by breaking away from the real time and space, as well as strengthening
each other by the showcase that other digital identities have.
The newly formed experience, the effort to strengthen digital identity by broadcasting,
has come into existence with the digital culture, and the digital culture is the production
culture of software developers and the internet. When looking at each new technological
development of social networks, it can be seen that with every new addition, the digital
culture strengthens itself just like digital identities. Like relationships on social media,
selfies, live streams or videos...

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While software developers and pioneers are strengthening the digital culture, digital
identities are adapting very quickly and use this to strengthen their identity. Thus, the
digital culture affects an individual’s digital identity, while the digital identity affects his/her
personal identity with the paradox between the real and virtual identities. The efforts to
strengthen digital identity in the real world, like selfies, can affect the social identity. In this
way, the digital culture which was created for social media becomes globalized and
homogenous. This would be a fake individual produced by the culture industry (Yetişkin,
2016, p. 31). Just like the culture industry is trying to create a common culture by using
traditional mass media, digital culture also allows the forms it inholds to spread through
the internet.
Social media has created a variety of discourse areas, and mediatic public sphere is one
of them. Discourse areas have changed the communication system significantly. This new area
is no longer a mediatic public sphere but a mediatic cyber world. Hepp thinks that this world
of mediatization has emerged from a cross between other necessary technologies, other types
of behaviors and certain places and institutions (Hepp, 2015, p. 57). This is just one of many
worlds formed in the cyberspace. Individuals who are not famous in everyday life that is the
real world can have hundreds of thousands of followers in the social media world. Social
networks earn money for themselves and for the individuals by putting ads on the videos of
individuals who work for this social media world and have many followers.
In addition to media being governed by global companies, many media activities and
smaller media companies taking part in the public sphere through being a part of global
companies have put individuals in a place where they have become the media’s articles that
are ready to consume content. Big companies by entering into the public domain, took away
the citizenship identity of individuals and has made them become consumers of the media.
Traditional media companies continue to exist as bilateral. The ones who are profit-
oriented, who see the media as a stock market, who has entered the sector with political
intentions and/or the ones who try to continue to exist having roots in journalism or on a
different media. Big companies with no media past create a dangerous pressure on social
orders with a mere intention of profiting and by being far from ethical values. This pressure
is sometimes the government-friendly or anti-government, but in any way feels like it is in
the direction of political interests. In what way the present conjuncture goes, their discourse
moves in the same direction or in the opposite direction according to their purpose. And
sometimes publications that guide consumption and the consumer culture are presented in
an impressive manner to the masses. In this case, the technological infrastructure of the
traditional broadcast tools poses an important place for their intention. A broadcasting
medium between masses and the media organization is unilateral in traditional forms.
While the American media was under the control of fifty media companies in 1983, in 2003,
this number dropped to 5 (Reinhard Mohn, Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, News Corp.) by
mergers, bankruptcies, and acquisitions, and they have become powerful in Europe and
America with the alliances they made (Bagdikian, 2004, p. 28-29). Today these companies
have established a controlling order over the new media. They have increased their
monetary earnings thanks to the internet- based broadcast platforms such as HBO and AOL
(American OnLine). And also the number of viewers they have increased thanks to web
series. Using all the features of the new media, they are preparing unilateral broadcasts that
seem to be audience-focused by taking this new form of broadcasting out of its context.
Today, especially as new media broadcasting platforms such as Netflix and HBO can
guarantee the number of viewers by

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analyzing the viewer profile and by preparing broadcasts to directly meet the demands of the
audience. Here, Big Data, which is in the hands of these big media corporations, comes into
play. However, broadcast platforms owned by broadcasting companies are not only different
from conventional media used to attract viewers, but also communicate indirectly with


The concept of digital culture is a complex structure that must be addressed by
globalization, popular culture, network society, new media, computer games, digital
advertisements, consumption, supervision, and post-modernism. It is multi-layered and
different from any preceding culture type in the context of structure and its spread. Due
to the technical development level and access, media culture as a cyber-culture format
cannot be compared with anything (Hepp, 2015, p. 56). In particular, the pressure created
by the new media in the form of acculturation is important in terms of rapid and effective
spread to large masses at the social dimension. This multi-layered and complex structure
should be the divided into phases and examined piece by piece. Otherwise, it might become
incomprehensible. First of all, let’s consider the capacity of the spread. The digital culture
that emerges on the Internet has the possibility of spreading even faster than the imperialist
culture. Even Coca-Cola, the most important cultural demonstration of imperialism of a
period, has not been transformed into a state in which it is demanded on the Internet and
its functional aspects are limitless. The Internet requires the individual to have, from a
technical point of view, a low-cost and compatible device (a mobile device or a computer).
And it offers users a chance to build a new world which includes reality because of its
technical infrastructure. The user is allowed to enter the unlimited world that is the
Internet, under the internet protocols and when technical requirements are met. While
browsing the internet, information from every part of the world can be accessed quickly
through a few keywords. Also, the social networks created by social groups, allow users to
chat with each other, share a variety of things including private life. Cyber communities
have emerged especially since the Internet is mostly used for social media. Social media
users, by becoming members of these groups, have been able to exchange ideas with those
who have a common worldview which creates a public sphere. These groups can be political,
environmental, on animal rights, book clubs and many more. In the 21st century in
particular, as opposed to the one-sided and artificial information flow that is disseminated
by the conventional mass media(mainstream media, dominant media, monopoly media),
information gathered from social media and joined groups makes the user feel freer. The
Internet, with its democratic conditions and its structure becoming a discourse
area/showcase, continues to attract people. When we look at today’s consumer and
industrial technologies, many tools and devices are controlled via the internet. Even
televisions, the most famous medium, are designed to have internet access and now when
the viewer is not satisfied with the channels on the television, there is internet access to
various integrated applications or Youtube. However, over the years, the television has
been used as a tool to put the viewer in a passive position and make it impossible for
him/her to intervene. The demand for the Internet and its limitless nature has damaged the
structure of the traditional narrative structure of the television. The audience’s passive
stance nearly eighty years on television, 90 years on radio and one hundred and fifteen years
on the cinema have changed in approximately 5-10 years with new media. Tne individual
has become active and the media has become a part of his/her life.

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Social media users acquire digital identities by creating their own profiles and they
represent themselves in the virtual world with this identity. Identities are important for
individuals to interact with other users, to be followed and to get likes. Digital IDs are used
as showcase and individuals built their identity the way they want to reflect themselves.
The result of an identity is a quantitative superiority thanks to the friends list created by
the identity and the number of likes. Digital IDs gain power through numbers and
connections with other identities. Digital identities are the real identities and physical self
is not important in the cyberspace but the cyberspace has a big importance for the physical
self (Bauman, 2005, p. 28). Digital identity is an artificial identity that an individual builds
for him/herself as a break from the real world. In the cyberspace, the real thing is virtual,
so that established relationships are independent and completely different from the real
world. The basis of the established relationships are the photos or posts that are displayed
on a digital identity’s showcase(social media). Social media profiles also allow the real world
relationships to transfer into the cyber world. The individual participates in social groups and
members of the group with his/her digital identity, and while getting the chance to meet the
group members and have new relationships, he/she also acquires a new place where
he/she can feel belonged even if itis virtual.
Digital culture is under the influence of constant change, just like the popular culture, which
is the dominant culture. This change is necessary for the sustainability of the digital world
capital. For the sake of sustainability, the internet creates new stars and these stars act as
a guide to the other digital identities. This, in the context of popular culture on the cycle of
production and consumption, is the recreation of opportunities for promotion, advertising,
status and value, purchasing, carried out through “product marketing and consumption”
(Erdoğan, 2004, p. 5). Digital practices enforced by digital culture producers in an incentive
behavior with the illusion of popularity are similar to the embracement and the spread of
popular culture products. The only difference between is being concrete or abstract concepts.
Their behaviors are produced by the cultur industryby using the codes for the digital world.
Individuals can do the things that they cannot do in the real world in the cyberspace.
According to Goffman; how others perceive them is very important for individuals and they
create identities that they think others would find pleasant and acceptable (Yetişkin, 2016, p.
39). The identities represented by the social media accounts may differ from the identity
that the individual has in his/her real life. The main reason for this is the spatial and
communicative differences. individuals build their identity according to the environment they
are in. according to Weeks, identity is a feeling of belonging somewhere and is about what
makes some people different from others (Weeks, 1990, p. 88). Identity within the social
relationships system is under constant development with meaning and experience. The
individual searching for socialization tries to integrate with the ideals and codes of behavior
that the social structure he/she feels belongs to has. During his/her efforts, the individual
develops a social identity. Digital identity is also created in the same way his/her real-world
identity is created according to the group that the individual is a member of. The most significant
difference between them is visibility. Identity is created according to the codes of real-life which
is experienced through sense organs. Digital identity is created through the individual’s image
in the cyberspace. Transfering the weaknesses and the unpopular sides of the real-world
identity to the cyberspace are important in terms of the construction of digital identity.
Through this process, the digital identity becomes the reviewed and edited version of the
identity created for the real world. Usage and discursive differences

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caused by the technological infrastructure of social networks also create alterations on the
individual’s digital identity. This causes individuals to build different digital IDs for
Facebook(a space for display and image) and Twitter(a space for discourse). For example, an
individual can travel a lot and create his digital identity as a social individual, and another
individual can create his identity to talk on the topics such as philosophy, economics,
What digital culture is spreading across is not just codes of behavior. It also encourages
individuals to create the tools they need themselves (DIY/Do It Yourself). Web pages,
Youtube channels and other social networks (excluding business networks) have
instructional “do it yourself” posts on hobby and makeup products, production of household
goods, and in many more areas. We can see that even though they are the newest and fastest
generations of the consumer society, particularly digital natives who have got used to using
their own home products and the Y generation have adapted to but have a desire to get rid
of the monopolistic capitalism. Although its elements are diverse, the popular culture or the
mass culture’s desire to create a common code for perception and act also applies to the
digital culture. The internet has become a dynamic element of global capitalisms (Dahlgren,
2005, p. 151). Digital culture is diversified with different technological products for each
platform to search for traces of another culture or is to be delivered to the each has different
cultural names might not be such a condition. It is important that a culture should not seek
a precondition, such as the presence of common characteristic points, because it does not
mean that all the individuals in that culture act or behave in a similar manner and that a
number of emerging applications would make more progress than the previous ones
(Deuze, 2006, p. 70).
Although each of the game consoles, simulations and social networks that are interspersed
within the digital culture have different cultural codes at the microscale, they have rooted
partnerships at the macro level. To examine and understand the role of the (new) media
and people’s take on the digital culture, there are two components that can be used, p. people
and technology (Deuze, 2006, p. 70). What do people do with technology (communication
technologies) and what do communication technologies manufacturers want people to do with
it? As mentioned earlier, communication technologies manufacturers use it explicitly to
manipulate users’ actions. The new patterns of behavior are generated and these reinforce
the digital culture. The emergence of a worldview that is the new behavior codes and habits
as fragmented, edited, linked and connected to the internet, is a part of the digital culture.
Access to the internet and other applications and their increasing use also function as digital
culture accelerators or boosters and therefore they are also a part of the digital culture
(Deuze, 2006, p. 71).
Deuze compresses the key elements of digital culture into three concepts, p. Participation,
Remediation, and Bricolage (Deuze, 2006, p. 72). Citizenship identity on the western
pluralist democracy tends to move from passive citizenship based on rights towards observant
and volunteer citizenship. This change in the process from the mid- 20th century to the
beginning of the 21st century has revealed a citizen concept that has become increasingly eager
to voice his/her concerns and demand his/her place in society. Wellman mentions the
relationships the in the 20th century, “glocalization” “the combination of global and local
connectivity” interaction in the workplace and community groups points to the relations and
based on glocal thanks to the individuals’ relationships communication networks based on
distances to eliminate.
Besides, the internet and its exclusive social networks have been designed for
individuals to participate. News published by the news media is being improved by the

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participation of social networks. The improvement according to digital culture is to be
buried deeply in the system, perhaps by attributing it to its own definition of working in and
out of the system of legitimacy and credibility, and of reforming it from within the system.
Bricolage means to deal with a collection of heterogeneous tools and materials that are being
rearranged and made suitable for use for other purposes to solve a problem. There is no
need to know clearly what will be the end result of a bricolage research. The project and its
components take shape gradually over time. Bricolage includes collected tools and studies.
Materials, outcomes of previous projects and products and obtained without a certain
purpose, collected not in a particular time and kept just in case one day they might be helpful
can be used for a “leftovers” bricolage. A typical bricolage environment includes continuous
rearranging, p. bricolage tools and studies are not limited to just usage, also expertise is
required to utilize and match these materials and tools.
Digital culture is technologically determined and supervised so that it is becoming
increasingly norm and commonplace to watch and follow each other through the interaction
relations observed (Yetişkin, 2009, p. 21). It was mentioned that the digital culture creates its
own stars for the sake of sustainability. Following practice, which has become a norm, is formed
through these stars. These stars are coded as carriers of the virtual world culture and create
pressure on the followers to be like them. This pressure, according to the amount of self-
confidence the individual has, also influences the individual’s attempt to become or not
become an Internet star. This incentive world’s most obvious setup is Instagram. Instagram’s
explore page, where everyone from celebrities and Instagram stars to ordinary individuals’
posts are shown randomly, both keeps the ordinary users interested in the app and make them
feel like they are on the same level with Instagram stars and celebrities.
Broadcasting organizations who use traditional mass media, which endorse their political
views, do not give the information to the viewers in a direct, uncensored and unedited manner.
According to Habermas, the political press’ arguments hinder the rational and critical
arguments on this topic (Demircan, 2016, p. 146). In the mediatic public sphere, media
contents that are processed through political and cultural ideologies are presented as ready-
to-consume for the viewer and have a significant influence on them. While the opposing
public and alternative media are working hard to protect themselves and socialization from
these destructive influences, the dominant discourse is insistent. However, we need to state that
the expectations of the opposite public areas consist of the information in the public domain
to be democratic and be transferred directly with no editing. Because the opposite publics,
who are aware of their responsibility as mass media to be truthful, completely refuse the
alteration of information. In this sense, the internet, which has the power to organize public
demands and transform it into an effective public opinion, is an important motivating factor for
the proactive attitude of the public, that is, to come to the point of pressuring for their
demands (Köse, 2007, p. 271). The internet, which is seen as an alternative broadcast source,
is seen as a forum where people form partnerships where they express themselves without
censorship. There are many ways that individuals can express themselves through social
media. New but virtual social platforms created a mediatic public sphere where individuals are
able to produce themselves. When the mediatic public sphere’s responsibility for
democratization is disabled, the need of changing the traditional mass communication tools
with new ones emerges so as to search for a new media and to make the democratic citizen
participation possible. This search continues until a high number

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of citizen participation is possible and broadcast media, independent from centralized
control, appear. Today, the internet and its exclusive social networks meet this need. On the
other hand, the internet has changed the traditional forms of communication and has
developed its own language and culture. Citizen journalism, one of the Internet’s
contributions to the traditional media, usually includes pictures, audio, and videos. Photo
and video contents of an event posted on the internet by a citizen are usually used by the
press. On the other hand, traditional media follow and try to adapt the most watched
contents on the internet entertainment platforms like Youtube to the traditional media
formats. But due to the most important difference being in the format of the participation of
citizens, the two media format will not be able to pass beyond the partnership phase.In
this partnership, the new media do not feel the need to benefit from the traditional media;
however, the traditional media has to benefit from the new media. Otherwise, it loses its
currentness. Another important difference is; while the traditional mass media consists of
institutionalized broadcast groups and institutionalized information, the new media is a
field that also allows independent and citizen participation. The information in this area
also emerges through citizen participation. The information production of this area comes
from a variety of sources. Resources are mostly produced by individual users, but a small
amount of resource is produced by institutional structures for advertisement purposes.
Social media emerges as a structure that has the characteristics of newspapers, radio,
and television as well as the development of internet-mediated information and information
technologies, and can even incorporate more in its own technological context. This change has
undergone a transformation again with the widespread use of audiovisual media. With the
developments on the internet technology since Web 2.0 and the social media that allow
users to chat online, the idea of public space has entered a new phase. Social media has
created a versatile communication environment that traditional media cannot provide to its
users, as a social sharing and conversation environment that is as easy to use as a television.
parallel to the public formed by the mass media, social media has also formed its public and
every individual has the opportunity to share their opinion there. At this point, social media
creating public is important, because the social media is more successful than the traditional
media on citizen participation, which is one of the principles of democratic life. Citizen
participation and creating anonymous identities becoming easier with the internet and with
the status difference completely disappearing or decreasing to a minimum level allow users
to be dragged into a new acculturation format.
Because of the technological developments; social, cultural and everyday life are being
reconstructed through new technologies. Some researchers describe social networks as web-
based environments that promote mutual interactions of people, increase the sharing of
individuals with common interests, and give everyone the opportunity to create their own
personal profile and a friends lists they want to communicate with (Akyazı & Ünal, 2013, p.
The most appealing side of social networks is that it is easy to post on. The speed of
information dissemination is incredibly high-speed thanks to the liking, posting, reposting
and instant notification options and depending on the profile characteristics. The speed of
sharing on social networks is much higher and effective than the information shared over e-
mail. Social networks encourage users to constantly share their own lives. In addition,
features such as tagging and greeting messages on the social network (like ‘what do you
think’ or ‘say hello to your friends’) encourages the user to share something

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on social media. The form of sharing is similar to saying “I am here too” (without making
any generalization). Individuals want to show their presence in the digital world, to share
their real-world experiences by posting on social media. The idea here can be that
individuals have an existential need for approval (Baştürk, 2016, p. 278). While the
individual continues to be present on social media by sharing and so on, their activity is
being recorded and stored.

The decisive factor on socialization and the social order is the common culture that
society has. Industrialization and technological improvements have affected the culture
immensely and completely changed the society’s lifestyle. With transitioning into mass
culture and then into the popular culture, individuals have found themselves in an artificial
life that is imposed and encouraged, and witness the changes that cultural forms experience.
The industrialization and mass production caused mass culture, branding, and incentive
popular culture to come into existence. In a similar way, technological developments and
digitization have also caused the digital culture to emerge. , the individual transforms his
social identity, which he has created in accordance with the cultural codes of the
surrounding society in the real world to a digital social identity constructed in the digital
age. Identity forms all the features and attributes acquired from a person’s birth to death.
According to Aşkın; identity, in its broadest sense, covers all the characteristics of an
individual; both how he/she sees him/herself and how he or she is perceived by society is
covered by the concept of identity (Aşkın, 2007, p. 213). New interactive areas constituted
a convenient field for identity formation. The interactive nature of the new media, in
particular, prepares an environment for the execution of strategies that will facilitate the
job of mass production. Individuals can easily create types of social relationships digitally
on the new media that they are not able to create in the real life. In doing so, individual also
enter into a digital identity reconstruction process by transforming their real life identity
and adding new qualities. The aforementioned type of identity is the recreation of
psychological identity. Spatial differences of identity might also balance the inconsistencies
that may occur between the digital and the real identities. This inconsistency is no different
from the inconsistency between someone’s personal life and work life identities. The
remarkable difference between them is that the individual is far from the physical
indicators -depending on the media- in the digital world. However, in the case of social media
platforms where the individual’s physical self is also shown, the individual also recreates
his/her behavior codes and visual codes.
Individuals start their identity creating process when they start using social media.
Individuals have enough time and freedom on social media to create identities that they
cannot create in the real world. The digitization of the identity and the interaction of the
other identities also initiates the process of aspiration and copying. On social media, the
most important indicator is that celebrities and the social media stars are on the same
platform with ordinary people. In this way, each individual is offered the rights to become a
well-known person or a star. In this sense, social media also functions as a mediatic virtual
public sphere. Broadcasts of ordinary people on social media that has live broadcast options
are almost more successful than celebrities in terms of the number of views. Especially
individuals who increase their number of viewers through DIY content are among the
celebrities of the virtual public sphere. Nowadays there are many social media accounts -
which used to ordinary but their followers increased over time- post videos or photos of
product advertisement. Vlogger or another type of social media star

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can interact with its followers -within the digital world. The conventional
media, however, continues on its way with the stars it has created and it is
not easy to reach them. The conventional media format has fewer options
than the digital media and a one-sided broadcast principle. In this sense,
social media has created their own stars. The encouragement that
individuals get by being side-by-side on the same platform with conventional
or internet celebrities may affect their digital identity creation process.
Ordinary digital identities are now reaching a size that can affect the
culture. Digital identities created by individuals in a virtual world has
created a consequent imperialistic effect and has led to serious changes
in culture by affecting the real life. In this regard, an individual’s
identity in real life has been transformed by the created digital identity
and on a macro scale, the culture of real-life is being led by a common
digital culture.

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As the popularity of social media sites grow, we believe that technology plays an increasingly
important role in today’s student achievement. The goal of this research is to see how the increased
use of social media effects college and universities students' academic performance, also get the
familiar with the most widely used social media platform. A student perception questionnaire on
how social media affects college students was administrated to a sample ( N=118) based on
random sampling. A google form was employed as a data collection tool. This study revealed that
55.9 per cent of respondents were undergraduate, while 21.2 % were postgraduate, research scholar
made up 6.8 per cent and 16.1 per cent we’re respondents enrolled in other diplomatic courses.
Almost all respondents said that social media has a favourable impact on their academic


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