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Part 1

Mom: Who’s hungry? So did everyone have a good day?

(Dad plays his food)
Mom: Frank, don't do that with your food. It's weird
Dad: It taste better this way
Uh, I’m still gonna eat
Mom: Greg, is that dirt on your back-to-school clothes?
Greg: Please, don't call them that
Mom: What on earth were you doing to get so filthy?
Greg: I was throwing a football in the street with Rowley
Dad: You were playing a sport with your feet and hands and not a device
Greg: I guess
Mom: Speaking of rowley, how's he feeling about monday? Is he looking forward to his first day of
middle school?
Greg: Hmm I'm not sure, I think he might be a little nervous, actually
Mom: Well, he's lucky to have you as a best friend
Greg: Yeah
Mom: And you're lucky to have a big brother. Who's already gone through the middle school
experience. Right, rodrick?
Rod: huh?
Mom: Why don't you give greg a peptalk about middle school?
Rod: Greg's going to middle school?
`Mom: Yes, rodrick. Why don't you tell him what he can expect on his first day?
Rod: Okay, listen close. Here's what you need to know. First of all, watch where you sit on the first
day of school, because your teacher might make that your permanent seat. Next, don't use the
bathroom on the second floor, there aren't any doors on those stalls. And finally, whatever you do,
don't get the moss touch.
Greg: But what’s the moss touch?
Rod: It all started from the first time this school opened
Mom: Thank you Rodrick, for that worderful pep talk
Greg, please forget everything that you just heard, especially the nonsense about the moss.
And please don’t mention the moss thing to Rowley.
Rod: Who’s Rowley?
Mom: You know, the kid who’s over here almost every single day.
Rod: I tought you were babysitting him
Greg: We’re the same age
Rod: Oh, man. I thought he was, like, in kindergarten or something. Middle school’s gonna eat him
Greg, come on, you must believe me. Cut him loose now or you both drown.
Part 2
Greg: Rowley, cut it out! Don’t you think it’s time to start acting our age? You’re in middle school
Row: Well, not yet.
Greg: Come school’s no joke. There’s bullies, and bathrooms with no stall doors, and permanent seats,
and, and….
Row: and what?!
Greg: and the moss!
Row: what’s the moss?
Mom’s sound: (Please don’t mention the moss thing)
Greg: You know what. Forget what I said. Middle school’s gonna be just fine. In fact, it will be great.
Row: Yeah, ‘cause we’re in it together. Right, Greg? Friends till the end.
Greg: Yeah, friend till the end.
Part 3
Bully 1: Hi, how was your summer?
Bully 2: My summer was awesome.
Bully 3: No, I hate camp.
Bully 4: Oh my gosh, I love your backpack.
Greg: Come on. Let’s go. I don’t wanna be late.
Row: But what about the—the moss?
Greg: That’s just some stupid fairy tale Rodrick made up.
(See the state of the school in the morning)
Row: Yep, homeschooling is better.
Greg: One step at a time. Don’t make an eye contact and they won’t even notice you’re here.
Look, Rowley. Our lockers are right next to each other.
Row: Yes…Look, they keep our schedules in here. But they don’t match.
Greg!! What do i do? What do i do?!
Greg: There's nothing to worry about Rowley. See you at lunch Rowley.
(Greg: but it turns out.... having an older brother who went to the same school isn't such a good thing
after all)
Teacher: Greg Heffley?
Greg: Yes?
Teacher: Rodrick Heffley's brother? You'll be sitting in the chair in front of my desk.
>> Canteen
Bully 5: Hey, what did you get for lunch?
Bully 6: Oh, my mom made me a tuna sandwich.
Bully 3: Do you like broccoli?
Bully 2: I like broccoli so much, why?
Bully 3: Take my broccoli, i hate green vegetables so much.
(Canteen is full)
Row: Should we sit with the girls?
Greg: Hey! Over there
Bully 1: Band members only
Bully 4: Not today guys
(Sit in theater area)
Row: Don't use the bathroom on the 2nd floor. That was a big mistake
Greg: Yeah, i probably should have warned you about that
I can't deal with this, i need to be sitting at a table
Row: You said only popular kids get seats at the table
(Bell's ringing)
Row: That's all the time we get? I didn't even get to finish my juice box
Greg: We gotta go to 5th period, Rowley. I'll meet you back here at the door after school
Row: But i don't want to go back out there
Hey greg! What if after school you come to my house and play?
All bullies: Play hahaha play hahahah play play play
>> Back door
Gangsters: Hey kid! Do you wanna come over and play?
Row: Huh? No thank you
Greg: Rowley, shut rowley come here
Row: There you are! You said we were gonna meet at the back door
Greg: Hang out rowley, HANG OUT. You say "hang out" in the middle school, not "play"
Row: Oh yeah, sorry
Greg: Seriously, you gotta start listening to me.
Row: So, you wanna hangout an "do" video games with me?
Part 4
Row: I'm thinking i might either run for student council, or maybe sign up for the dance committee, or
maybe I'll try out for the play
Greg: Uh huh. Sounds great Rowley, can you catch this?
Row: Well, aren't you gonna sign up for anything? My mom says, it's important to belong to
something when you're in middle school
Greg: Belong to something? I can't even get a sit at lunch, and I'm sick and tired of it
Row: But we were in the play, we could make friends who could invite us to sit at their lunch table
Greg: That's a lot of work Rowley. And it will take too much of my time. I need to change my
situation NOW!
(Play and fall down)
Row: Woaaaa (screaming)
Greg: Rowleeey!!
You okay? I feel so bad! I really didn't mean to make you fall
Row: Uh, i think i hurt my arm
Greg: Yeah i think i might hand pulled something myself. Can you believe that throw though!!
Row: Ouchh
Greg: Oh man, you're really hurt
Row: I think I'd better go home
Greg: Okay. But you can't tell your parents how this happened. If my mom found out we were playing
this game, she'd go nuts
Row: I'm already grounded
Greg: Just say you were playing throw catch and that you tripped on the curb.
(On a call)
Greg: So, what happened at the hospital?
Row: They took a buch of x-rays. The doctor says my arm was broken
Greg: Broken? oh man! I thought it was just bruised or something
Row: I've got a cast and everything
Greg: A cast? That serious? I mean thats really awful and everything.
Rowley! A cast is the greatest thing that can happen to a kid
Row: It is?
Greg: Yes Rowley, everyone's gonna sign it
Row: What? They will?
Greg: Yes! Kids will begging you to sit at their lunch table
Row: Really?
Greg: Yeah. I hope you'll remember who your real friends are, Rowley
(Mom heard)
Greg: What about your parents? Did they know you've been hit by a hammer?
Mom: Did you say "hit by a hammer"?
(Mom angry)
Mom: I don't know what to do with you Greg. I told you someone was going to get hurt playing that.
And now this? Lying to me is bad enough, but telling Rowley to lie to his parents is just...just UGH...!
Greg: Mom, i know i messed up. You can take away my video games for the month
Mom: Punishing you doesn't make me feel better, Greg
Well, then here's what you need to do. You need to figure out a way to make things right by
Rowley. That boy is such a good friend to you
Greg: Yeah mom
Mom: I can't tell you how to make things right. That's part is up to you
Greg: But mom…
Mom: Listen to that inner voice, Greg. Do the right thing.
Part 5
Bully 1: Oh my gosh. What happened?
Bully 2: It’s looks so cool
Bully 3: Oh you’re so great
Bully 2: Can i sign it?
Greg: And I'll tell you another thing that I was right about l. That cast. In fact, it worked even better
than I thought it would.
>> Canteen
Greg: Just like i predicted, getting a seat at lunch was no problem at all.
Well, at least for Rowley it wasn't a problem.
Bully 4: Here comes the airplane.
Bully 5: Nom!
Bully 6: Here comes the train!
Row: Chugga chugga chugga, choo choo!
Greg: He can feed himself just fine, okay?
You know Rowley's left-handed?
Bully 5: Who are you?
Greg: I'm Greg Heffley, Rowley's best friend. I'm the one who broke his arms.
Bully 4: You jerk!
Bully 6: Get out of here
(Greg makes fake gips from tissue)
Greg: I couldn't have Rowley hog all the attention, so i decided to whip up an injury of my own.
(Greg standing in front of the toilet)
Bully 2: Haaah
Greg: Yeah. No big deal
Its just infection caused by a splinter that was left untreated.
Freg: Waw! Can i peek at your infection?
(Greg left him and see the mading)
Part 6
Cartoonist position
[Greg realized he couldn't compete with rowley's injury. so that meant he needed to find something on
his own]
(Greg start making comics & rowley come to greg's home)
Row: Hi Greg, lets play ps
Greg: Sorry i can't, i have to start working on my comics
Row: Comics? for what?
Greg: School paper. One of the cartoonist quit, so nom there is a spot open
Row: Can i help you?
Greg: Sorry Rowley, there is only one spot open
(Rowley starts reading greg's comics-laughing)
This is soo funny, i like this.
(Rowley starts reading Greg' comics aloud)
Row: "Woopsie, i stepped in a puddle. Well at least it's not an acid puddle. Oow! it is an acid puddle.
Gosh dragon!!! Do you have any like this one?
Greg: I'm working on something better. Check this one out. It's called "Creighton the Cretin"
(Rowley reading Greg's new comic)
Row: "Hola doctor! can i get a new butt? my old one has a crack in it. Everyone's butt is a crack in it
kid. Woops". But when does he say "gosh dragon"?
Greg: He doesn"t
Row: I think it will be funnier if he said, "gosh dragon"
Greg: You know what? If you wanna draw your own comic, be my guest
Row: But we always do everything together
Greg: Yeah well, not this time, sorry
Row: But can we be partners? You can write the comic, and i can draw it
Greg: No offense Rowley, but you don't even draw noses on people. Sorry, this is kinda my thing
Row: Okay well. I guess i will go work on my comic at my house
Greg: Sounds good
(Rowley give his hand to high 5 - Greg ignore him - Rowley get sad)
(Greg: After i turned my comic, all i could do was wait. But after a whole week went by, Mr. Heri
made an announcement
(Input sound teacher: attention, students. After careful consideration, we made a decision on the
cartoonist for the school paper. And the new cartoonist is... Greg Heffley! Congratulations Greg)
(Greg: This is possibly the biggest thing that has ever happened to me!!)
Bully 1: That's him?
Bully 5: He really wrote that?
Bully 3: Is that cartoon for kid?
Bully 4: (laugh)
(Greg: For the first time since I stepped through those double doors, I wasn't invisible)
Gang 3: (throwing school paper to Greg)
Gang 2: Hahahahaha. That’s him.
Gang 1: Teacher's pet
Bully 2: What awaste of ink
Bully 6: Nerd
(Greg: What?? They change my comic! "Kid, Teacher, and Math. Theacher, if x + 43 is 89, what
would x be? It would be 46. Thanks kid, if you'd like to learn more about math, have Mr. Heri show
you around the newly expanded math & science section of the library. And thanks to the parent
teacher organization for funding the new section! Our old books were badly outdated)
Bullies & gangsters: Whoooooooo!!! Teacher's pet
(Greg: See, that's what happens when the school librarian is in charge of the newspaper. They have
always gotta get pushy with their books. One week after i quit, Mr. Heri chose someone to replace me,
and you will never believe who he picked)
Bully 3: Gosh dragon! hahaha
Bully 1: Hahahaha
Bully 6: GOSH DRAGON!!
Gangsters: (laugh so hard)
Bully 2, 4, 5: Gosh dragon!! hahahahaha
(Greg: [reading Rowley's comic on the new school paper] "Hey pretty lady, do you wanna go on
mixue date? I am actually not a lady, i am one those dogs with long hair, so no thanks for asking.
GOSH DRAGON!!!". So a kid who can barely draw got hos comic in the school paper? It's totally
unfair. Why they didn't ther censor Rowley's work? [tore up the school paper])
[Rowley signs all of his friend's comics] [Bullies make a line for Rowley's sign]
[Greg come over to Rowley]
Greg: You stole my comic!
Row: You said you didn't wanna do it anymore
Greg: Well couldn't you come up with something original for one Rowley?
Row: I can't help it if i'm just naturally funny
Bully 4: Gosh dragon
Bully 1: Yeah, Gosh dragon!!
Bullies and gangsters: GOSH DRAGON!! woohooohoho
Part 7
[After school, Greg sees Rowley coming home with Craig - Jealous Greg]
(Greg: Rowley has been hanging out with Craig every day. You know the only reason he is doing it is
to make me jealous) [Rowley laugh & play with Craig]
Row: Hi Craig! What about you come to my house and we do a sleepover?
Craig: That’s a good idea. I will ask my mother’s permission first and bring some stuff.
[Greg going to Fregley's house - seeing Craig going to Rowley's house]
(Bell is ringing)
Fregley: Whoaa, the one and only Greg Heffley is on my front step!
Greg: Yeah, i guess i am. So, i was thinking, me and you are neighbors.
Fregley: Yes, uh huh
Greg: But we barely even know each other. How do you feel about a sleepover?
Fregley: Tonight?
Greg: Yeah, right now! You and me. Just a couple of pals
Fregley: Woohoo! Come on in
>> Fregley's house
Greg: You know, maybe we should take this one step at a time. How about if we just play a quick
game of cards and call it a night?
[Fregley suprises Greg with alien doll - Greg is screaming]
Fregley: Hey Greg ~~ [with alien doll] (laughing)
[Fregley suprises Greg again by hiding behind a bookshelf - Greg is screaming]
Fregley: Boo!
(Greg: Yeah i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be in therapy over this)
[Fregley jumps on his bed - Stressed Greg]
Fregley: Woohoo... Greg Heffley is in my room! Woohoo
Greg: Yea but just for a short visit. In fact, i really need to be--
Freg: You wanna play hide and seek? Let's hide Greg! I will find you
Greg: You know, that's tempting. But i'm not really into--
Freg: How about a tickle fight? [laugh] tickle tickel tickel
[Fregley tickled Greg's waist - Uncomfy Greg]
Freg: I'm gonna tickle tickle. I got you i'm tickling you! hahaha
Greg: Hey! What are you doing? Give me some space here! [angry greg] Can't you just step over
Freg: Well, what do you wanna do then?
Greg: I don't know. I thought if we...
[Fregley eating Greg's chocolates - Angry Greg]
Greg: Fregley! that's my only candy bar!
Freg: Mom never lets me have chocolate. She said it makes me hyperactive and unstable
[Fregley begin to act weird]
Freg: hihihihihihi
Greg: Fregley? Are you okay? FREGLEY!!
[Fregley laugh like a horse]
(Greg: I blocked out big parts of that night.)
Freg: Hey Greg... [while running around]
(Greg: I'm so glad i can't remember every little thing that happened)
[Freg gigling and laughing]
[Greg hides in the bathroom]
Freg: Greg? Where are you? Greg? [start looking for Greg and running around]
(Greg: But what i do remember i that ended up locked up in Fregley's bathroom while i waited for his
sugar high to wear off [boring greg]
>> Morning in Fregley's house
[Fregley puts letter under the bathroom door]
(Freg: Dear Greg, I’m sorry I ate your candy and chased you with a booger)
(Greg: But if I could, I would forget everything)
Part 8
[Greg feeling lonely] [At the school ground]
Row: Hey Greg!
Greg: Oh hey, Rowley. What's up?
Row: I was wondering if i could stop by your house today and pick up my copy of Twisted Wizard.
Me and Chirag want to play it.
Greg: Yeah, well, I've had it for a while, so it's kind of mine now.
I guess you and your new friend will have to find something else to do.
Row: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm not the only one with a new friend.
Greg: You mean Fregley? I'm permanently scarred from that night.
And it's all your fault for ditching me.
Row: I ditched you? More like the other way around.
Greg: You haven't been the same ever since you got that stupid cast.
[Greg throws his bag]
Greg: You've changed
Row: Oh, yeah?
Bully 5: They're gonna fight
Row: Well, you're the one who broke my arm.
Bully 3: You can take him. Knock him down!
Bully 1: Guys, come over. Come check out the fight.
Bully 6: Why don't you make a move?
Bully 2: Unless you're chicken.
All bullies: Fight, fight, fight, fight
Bully 4: If you don't do something, I'm gonna fall asleep.
Bully 5: Are you two gonna fight or keep dancing with each other?
Bully 2: Do they even know how to do this?
[Greg & Rowley play Scissors-Rock-Paper]
[Gangster come]
Bully 3: Let's get out of here!
Bully 6: Come on. Let's go!
Gang 1: Well, look who it is. Our little friends.
Gang 2: We told you we'd find you.
Gang 1: And now you're gonna pay for busting my tire.
Gang 3: But, like, how are they gonna pay?
Gang 2: Yeah. Do you mean, like, with money? Cause not everybody carries cash these days.
Gang 1: No, you morons. Pay, as in, like, revenge.
Gang 3: Okay, now we're all on the same page.
[Gang 2 hold Rowley, and Gang 3 hold Greg]
Gang 3: And now what?
Gang 1: I am thinking
[Greg looks at the moss]
Gang 1: What's this one looking at?
Gang 3: Uh, it looks like...
All gang: Moss!!!
Gang 1: Hahahaha
[Rowley was pulled to the moss]
(Greg: Now, I really can't say what happened next. Because if Rowley ever tries to run for president
when he grows up and people find out what those teenagers made him do, he won't have a chance.)
Gang 1: Okay. You’re next
Greg: But I have washed my hand
[Gang 3 was pulled Greg to the moss]
[Homeroom teacher came and separated them]
Teacher: Stooooppp. I will report you to the principal
You guys okay?
Bully 3: What happened?
Bully 1: What’s going on?
Bully 4: What’s going on over here?
Bully 5: Look! There’s a piece missing!
Bully 1, 2, 6: WHAT??!!
Bully 3: HAH? Somebody has the moss touch.
Bully 4: Rowley Jefferson touched the-the—
Greg: NOOOOO! It was me. Those seniors dared me to do it, and I did it! So what? No big deal
Bully 1: Greg Heffley has the moss touch!!!
(Bullies: Ewhh) [Bullies run and stay away from Greg and Rowley]
Greg: So, you wanna go to my place? and, I don't know, play some GTA?
Row: Yeah, that be good [Hug and go home]
Row: Oh, man. I totally would've had you.
Greg: Are you kidding? You were totally about to start crying.
Row: I had something in my eye.
Greg: I could've taken you with my eyes closed.
Row: I could've beaten you with my little linky. (Greg: Having the moss touch hasn't been as bad as I
thought. The kids at school give me plenty of space)
[Bullies run away: AAAAA!!]
(Greg: And the best part is, getting a seat at lunch is not a problem anymore.)

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