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Read and correct the mistakes:

1. Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have a brother or a sister who looked just as you?
2. ‘I feel very specially’, says Holly.
3. Scientist think the twins are great, too, but for different reason. (3x)
4. Twins that grow inside their mother in the same time, but are not identical, called fraternal twins.
5. Identical twins are interesting to scientists because their genes. (1x)
6. For example, you may have a gene that make you creative, but if your environment don’t give
you the chance to show your creativity, it may never be revealed. (2x)
Match the synonyms:
Match the collocations:
1. maybe a) think about
2. agree b) if 1. have something a) of music
3. wonder c) friendly 2. identical b) passed down from our
4. each d) perhaps ancestors
5. whether e) alike 3. exactly c) smo completely
6. outgoingf) every 4. kind d) in common with someone
7. similar g) approve 5. understand e) the same
6. qualities f) twins

Answer the questions:

1. What’s the difference between fraternal and identical twins?
2. Why makes twins so interesting for scientists?
3. What did scientist find out about us studying twins?
4. What is the other thing that influences who we are and why aren’t identical twins the same in
every way?
Complete the sentences by scanning the text:
1. Holly and Daisy Preston, 14-year-old-twins from London
2. By studying the similarities and differences between twins, scientists can begin to find out
3. Identical twins are often so similar, that it is difficult
4. That explains why you may take after your mother
5. Do our genes control whether we
Word formation:
1. (v) experience -> (n) 8. (v) relate -> (n)
2. (v) understand -> (n) 9. (adj) personal -> (n)
3. (adj) similar -> (n) 10. (n) result -> (v)
4. (adj) important -> (v) 11. (v) mix -> (n)
5. (adj) different -> (n) 12. (n) environment -> (adj)
6. (n) quality -> (v) 13. (n) interest -> (v)
7. (adj) creative -> (n) 14. (n) interest -> (ajd / adv)

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