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4.1 SECTION 4.1 | Measures of Cental Tendency ‘= In Exercises 1 to 10, find thé mah, median, ahd mode(s), if any, for the give data. Round honinteger means to the nearest tenth. 4..2,7.5,7,14 2. 8,3,3,17,9, 22,19 3. 11,8, 2,5, 17, 39,5242 4. 101, 88, 74, 60, 12, 94, 74, 85. 5. 21,46,82, 34, 56, 80,94) 12.2, 56.1, 782 6. 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5.5.5 7, 255, 178, 192, 145, 202, 188, 178, 201 8. 118,105, 110, 18, 134, 155, 166, 166, 118 9. -12, =8,-5, -5, =30,4,9, 21 10. 85, -2.2, 41,41, 64,83,97 11. a, BBE TFexactly one number ina set of data is ‘changed, will this necessarily change the ‘mean of the set? Explain. Db. BEGET exactly one number in a ¥et of data is ‘changed, will this necessarily change the median of the set? Explain. 12. [EH 6a set of data has a mode, then must the ‘mode be one of the numbers in the set? Explain. 13. @ Academy Awards “The following table displays the ages of female actors when they starred in their Oscar-winning Best Actor performances. * ‘Ages.of Rest Female Actor Award Recipient, ‘Academy Awards, 1980-2015 41-33 31 74 33 49 42 2 33 36 45 49 35 28 30 29 61 32 St sic 38 61 2t 41 26 80 39°34 26 25 33 35 334s 66 25 46 55 FFnd the mean and the median for the data in the table, Round to the nearest tenth, 14. @ Academy Awards The following table dis plays the ages of male actors when they starred in their Oscar-winning Best Actor performances. ‘Ages of Best Male Actor Award Recipients, Academy Awards, 1980-2015 40°42 37 76 99 53 45 36 G2 43 St 32 42, S452 37 38 32 45°60 46 40 36 47 29 43 37 38 45 50 48 60 43.58 46 33 Find the mean and the mediasefor the data in the table. Round to the nearest tenth. 45; Dental Schools Dental schools plovidé urban satis- tics to their students. ‘a, Use the following data to decide which ofthe two cities you would pick to set up your practice in. Cloverdale: Population, 18250 Median price of a home, $167,000 Dentists, 12; median age, 49 ‘Mean number of patients, 1294.5 Barnbridge: Population, 27840 Median price of a home, $204,400 Dentists, 175: median age, $3 ‘Mean number of patients, 1148.7 ee how you made your decision. 16. Expense Reports A salesperson records the fol- lowing daily expenditures during @ 10-day trip: $1834 $234.55 $211:86 $147.65. $205:60 $2674” $134575' $184.16 $3205 $88.12 In your opinion, dees the mean or the median of the oxpditures best represent the salesperson’s average daily expenditure? Expldin your reasoning. Grade Point Average In some 4.0 grading systems, a student’s grade point average (GPA) is calculated by assigning letter grades the following numerical values. A =400 B-=267 D¥=133 . + A-=367 C+=233 D = 1.00 Bt=333 C =200 D-=067 Bu=30 C-=167 F -000 In-Exervises'17 10 20, use the above grading system to find eath student's GPA. Round to the nearest hundredth. AP, Jerry's Grades, Fall Semester 19. Tessa's cumulative GPA for 3 semesters was 3.24 for 24. Babe Ruth, over his 22-year career, was at 46 course wnits: Her fourth semester GPA was 3.86 for 8399 times and hit 1517 singles, $06 double: 12.course units. What is TesSa’s cumulative GPA for all 136 triples, and 714 home runs. Aeeeatt +25, Albert Pujols, in his 2006 season with the Si 20, Richard's cumulative GPA for 3 semesters was 2.0 ‘Cardinals, was at bat 535 times and achiever for 42 credits. His fpurth semester GPA was 4.0 for 33 doubles, 1 triple, and 49 home runs. 14 course units, What is Richard's ctmolative GPA for "2, Albert Pujols, during 10 years with the StL all 4 semesters? : Cardinals (2001-2010), was at bat 9733 time 21. Calculate a Course Grade _A professor grades 1051 singles, 426 doubles, 15 triples, and 40 students on 5 tests, a project, and a final examina runs. tion, Each test counts as 102 of the course grade. § Tih Bxeccises 27% 30,"End the mesa, the modi ‘The project counls as 20% of the course grade. The ‘modes for the data in the given frequency distrib 27. Points Scored by Lynn final examination counts as 30% of the course:grade. ‘Samantha has test scores of 70,65, 82, 94, and 85 Sainantha’s project Score is 92, Her final examination score is 80, Use the weighted mean formula t fd Samanthe's average for the course. Hine: The sim of all the weights is 100% = 1 22, Calculate a Course Grade A-professor grades students on 4 tests a term paper and a inal examina- tion. Each test counts as 15% of the course grade, The term paper counts as 20% of the course grade, The final ‘examination counts as 20% of the course grad, Alan has test scores of 80, 78,92, ad 84. Alan received an $4 on his term paper. His final examination seore was 88. Use the weighted méan formula to find Alan's average forthe couse, Hin: Th sum of all the Weights is 100% = 1, Baseball In baseball, a batter's slugaing average, ‘which measures the batter's power as hitler, isa (ype of weighted mean. If 4, t, and h represent the nwmbérs of singles, doubles, triples, anid home runs, respective that ‘player achieves in times at at, then the player's slugging sh2d+ Beth average is 2 4 In Bxercises 23 10.26, find the player's slugging average. & - for the, season or seasons described, Slugging averages are 2 5 given to the nearest thousandth. 8 10 Es 9 4 23. Babe Ruth, in his first season with the New York Yankees (1920), was at bat 458 times and achieved 72 singles, 10 3 36 doubles, 9 triples, and $4 home runs. In this season, = Babe Ruth achieved his highest slugging average, wich stood as major league rececd unl 2004 i 30. Ages of Science Fair Coniestants Meteorology _ In Exercises 31 to 54, use the following: information about another measure of central tendency for a set of data, called the midrange. The midrange is defined as the value that is halfway between the minimum data value and the maximum data value."That is, ‘minimum value + 2 ‘The midrange is often stated os the average of aset of dats inssituations-in which there are a‘large amount of data and the data are constantly changing. Many weather reports state the average daily temperature ofa city as the midrange of the temperatures achieved during that day, For instance, if the minimum daily temperature of weity-was 60° and the maximum daily temperature was 90%, then the midrange of 607+. 90" agor = imum value Midrange, = the temperatures is 31. Find the midrange of the following daily temperatures, which were recorded at 3-hour intervals: 52°, 65%, 1°, 74°, 76°, 5%, 68, ST, 58° 32. Find the micrange of the following daily temperatures, ‘which were recorded at three-hour intervals. 674% 14, 21°, 25°, 26% 18", 128, 2° SexTeNsiONS | 33, kN SECTION 4.1 | Mezzites.of Central Fendency ‘During 2 24-hour period on January 23-24, i, MM 1916, the temperature in Browning, Montana, decreased from a high of 44°F toa low of ~S6°F, Find the midrange of the temperatures during this 24-hour period. (Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric ‘Admisistration) ‘During a 2-minute period on January 22, 1943, the pearfish, South Dakota, increased _ from alow of — ofthe temperatures during this 2-minute period. (Source: ‘National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 38, Test'Scores After 6 biology tests, Ruben huss mean 1%) score ab 78) What score does Ruben need on the next test to raise his average (mewn) to 80? 36r(BMB Test Scores Afver 4 algebra tests, Alisa has a sn seore of 82. One more 100-point tests to jven in this class. All ofthe test scores are of equal importance. Is it possible for Alisa to raise her average (encan}t9 902 Explain. "$7. Basch Porshe i halt of ase season; a player had 92 hits out of 27¢ times at bat. The player's batting average was 4 ~ 0.336, During the © ‘second half Of the season, the player had 60 hits out ‘of 282 times at bat, The playes’s batting average was a. What isthe average (mean) of 0.336 and 0.2187 >. Wiratis the player's batting average for the complete season?, c, oes the answer in part a equal the average,in-past B? 38, Commuting Times: Mark averuged:60 mph daring the 30-mile trip to college. Because of heavy traffic he ‘was able to average only 40 mph during the return trip. What was Mark's average speed for the round tip? |-T8 ys ov 16 carries ‘Average: 4.875 ysteary 90 yas on 20 carries Average: 4.5 ydslenry = | wave on 3 ‘Average: 4 yale 220,yds on 50 carries ‘Avorage: 4.4 ydsleamry | 100 ys on 20 caries Average: 5 ydsleary * In the firs puine) Barty has the beter average. * In the second game, Barr) has the better ave 1 Tf the statistics for the games are combined, Warrel s the better average. ‘You may be surprised bythe above results. After all, how can Tbe shat Barry has the better average in game J-ané game 2, but he does not have the better average for both ‘games? In statistics, an-example such as this is known as a Simpson's paradox, section’ a.2)\ivestiesa tended EEN (biases 4.2 Beeson December 24,1924, the temperature in Fairfield, Montana, dropped from a high of 63°F toa low of 21°F, What was the range ofthe temperatures duting this period? Gourve: Nationll Oceanie and Atmospheric Administration) 4b Meteorology During’ 2-hour period on ay January 12, 1911, the temperature in Rapid City, South Dakota, dropped from a high oF 49°F 104 low of 13°F, What was the range ofthe temperatures during this period? (Source: Natignal Oceanic and Atmo- spheric Administration) cs f= In Exercises 3 10 12, find the range; the standard deviation, and the variance foe tho given samples. Round noninteger results tothe nearest tenth. AL, 8,19, 22 42. 3,4,7, 11,12, 12, 15,16 4 2.1,30,19, 15,48 44, $2,117, 19.1, 37, 82, 16.3

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