Earthquake 3 & 4

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Unit 3 RESPONSE SEPCTRUM METHOD 3. For extremely short periods, spectral acceleration SP, values approach magnitude equal to maximum ground accelerationPGA. 4. For damping of about 5-10%, Spectral acceleration are about twice as great as maximum ground acceleration. The maximum spectral velocity is of order of 1.5 times maximum ground velocity & spectral displacement is of same order as that of maximum ground displacement. maximum spectral displacement SF, 5. For very long periods or for very low frequencies, approach the maximum ground displacement?GD. encies, maximum spectral velocity has @ magnitud: of critical damping, the maximum 6. For intermediate frequ le of several times the input velocity for no damping. But for 20% ‘SP. is almost equal to input maximum ground velocity. \.3E4 Procedure for response spectrum construction an be constructed by using “The response spectrum for a given ground motion component © following steps: Numerically define the ground motion acceleration [,(1)] PY referring a particular ground motion & try to obtain the ordinates at every 0.02s. interval. ral time period (T,) & damping ratio (4) of SDOF system. 2. Select the nat nse y, (i) due to ground motion by any of the numerical Compute the deformation resp: we method. 4. From analysis, determine peak value of ground displacement (y, ) 5. Determine spectral ordinate as, Spats S,=0y, S,=0 Now, plot the response quantitics on tripartite log plot. arange of T,and é values covering all Mr. A. G. Mujawar a 6 7. Repeat the procedure from step (2) to step (5) for possible peak values. Unit 3 RESPONSE SEPCTRUM METH oF 8. If normal response spectrum is to be plotted; then present the result on- three different plots to obtain respective spectrum iz. displacement spectrum, velocity spectrum & acceleration spectrum. 443 Tripartite spectram Tripartite spectrum isthe single spectrum obtained by plowing all the three response quantities Against the natural time of structure for a given value of damping (€). The response quantities are displacement, pseudo velocity & pseudo acceleration. Each of these spectra represents same information i.e. response of structure. ‘The reason for the construction of tripartite spectrum is that of each spectrum directly provides a meaningful quantity i.e: deformation spectrum directly provides peak deformation of system, pseudo velocity spectrum is directly related: to peak strain energy stored in system during earthquake, while pseudo acceleration spectrum is directly related to the peak value of equivalent Static force & base shear: The tripartite spectrum is possible because the three spectral quantities are inter related as, SP,=0S, SP, = SP, SP, =0°SP, 33.1 Plotting Tripartite Spectra We know that, SP, =0S, Taking log on both sides, log(SP,) = log(@5p) <-log(SP,) =log.a+ log S, log Sp = log(SP,)-log@ Also, SP, = @SF, aking log on both sides, log(SP,) =log(wSF,) <.log(SP,) =log.o-+Jog SF, (Eq. A) Mr. A. G. Mujawar E a eS ae Unit 3 RESPONSE SEPCTRUM METHOD log(SP,)=log(SP)+ logo ee But, @= & Therefore, Eq. A and Eq. B becomes, log 5, =loesh)-le( #) logs?) =1on(S2)+100{ 2) The above two equations are similar to equation of straight line ie. y= m+ e- ‘Therefore, from above equations, it is clear that acceleration spectra & displacement spectra are perpendicular to each other, provided that spectra is plotted on oR scale. a Hence all the three spectrum can be plotted on single plot & such a plt is known as TiParie spectrum. Tree.) —* (vy scale) Fig. 3.2 Tripartite response spectrum 332 Procedure to plot Tripartite response spectrum 1. For a given earthquake response obtained, plot a graph of velocity against natural time period on linear scale. . Reconstruct / Replot this graph on log scale. 3. Now, using relation, SP, =0SP, Unit 3 RESPONSE SEPCTRUM METHOD. sya, @ . is 4, Determine the variation of SP,with 5, &S,,with SP, 5. Considering above equations & taking log on both sides, we get, log(SP,) = log(SP,) + log a & log S, = log(SP,)~log.a. These equations are similar to equation of straight line having slope 9. Hence, draw SP, - axis and S,- axis’on above plotted graph which are perpendicular to each other & inclined at an angle of @ with T,- axis. : 6. The resulting graph will be tripartite graph. 3.3.3 Advantages of Tripartite graph 1. A tripartite plot gives the values of all the three responses from single graph whereas response spectrum gives the value of single response only. as ‘The shape of spectrum can be approximaced more readily for design purpose with the aid ofall three spectral quantities rather than any one of them: alone. «4 Design response spectra The design spectrum is. a smooth response spectrum specifying level of seismic resistance required for design of a structure. The design spectrum consists of a set of smooth curves or series of straight line with one curve for each level of damping. In general sense, the design spectrum is representative of ground motion recorded at the site during past earthquake. The factors on which design spectrum depends is the magnitude of earthquake, distance. of the site from the fault, fault mechanism, geology of the path of seismic waves from source to site & local soil condition at the site. The design response spectrum represents a kind of average response spectrum for design. ‘The details for construction of design spectrurs are given by Newmark and Hall, who have shown that smooth response spectra of idealized ground motion may be obtained by amplifying ground motion by factor depending on damping in system. 1) 50% non exceedance probability — represents the median value of the spectral ordinates. a, = 0.681nE Mr. A. G. Mujawar i Unit 3 ‘RESPONSE SEPCTRUM METHOD Alling @y =0.27Ing 2) 84% non exceedance probability ~ represents the mean plus one s ordinates. tandard deviation value assuming lognormal probability distribution forthe spectral @,=1.04Ing a, 20.67Ing a, =045Ing This recommended amplification factors to obtain the respor nse spectra from maximum values of ground motion are given below. “able 1 AmplieatonFator 50% probability of non 4% probability oF non- Damping excedence excedence Obes | «= [ae I a 1 3.21 2.31 1.82 4.38 3.38 273) 2.74, 2.03 1.63 3.66 2.92 2.42 2.12 1.65 1.39 2.71 230 2.01 10 1.64 1.37 1.20 1.99 1.84 1.69 20 1.17 1.08 1.01 1.26 1.37 1.30 In general, for any given site, estimate might be made of maximum ground acceleration, maximum ground velocity & maximum ground displacement. The lines representing theses maximum values are drawn on tripartite graph. Now, for each value of damping ratio, amplified displacement, velocity or eeceleration are drawn, The spectra so obtained can be used as design spectra for elastic response. The design spectrum provides a basis for calelating design foree & deformation for systemfstructure to be designed. 3.4.1 Procedure for construction of design spectrum The following procedure is adopted for the construction of design response spectrum: Mr. A. G. Mujawar SRR A ROME “Unit 3 " RESPONSE SEPCTRUM METHOD 1) Plot the three dashed lines corresponding to peak values of ground acceleration, velocity & displacement for design ground motion on log scale. 2) 3) 4) As per the type of structure & soil condition, select the suitable value of damping. Obtain the values of amplification factors «,, a, & ap for selected value of damping. Multiply peakground acceleration by amplification factor a, to obtain straight line b-c Tepresenting constant value of pseudo acceleration (SP4) 5 Muttiply peak ground velocity by amplification factor a to obtain straight line c-d Tepresenting constant value of pseudo acceleration (SPy) ‘Multiply peak ground displacement by amplification factor a, to obtain straight line d-e representing constant value of pseudo acceleration (Sp). n Draw a line along PGA for t<0.035s,, since this region is acceleration sensitive region. Also draw a line along PGD for t>15s., since this’ region is displacement sensitive region. 8) Join the point a-b and e-f to complete the design spectrum. 3.5 Design of Earthquake Resistant Structure Based on Codal Provisions General principles and design philosophy for design. of earthquake-resistant structure are as follows: 1) The characteristics of seismic ground vibrations at any location depends upon the magnitude of earth quake, its depth of focus, distance from epicenter, characteristié of the path through which the waves travel, and the soil strata on which the structure stands. Ground motions are predominant in horizontal direction. 2) Earthquake generated vertical forces, if significant, as in large spans where differential settlement is not allowed, must be considered. 3) The response of a structure to the ground motions is a function of the nalure of foundation soil, materials size end mode of construction of structures, and the duration and characteristic of ground motion. 4 ‘The design approach is to ensure that structures possess at least a minimnm strength to withsténd minor earthquake (DBE), which occur frequently, without damage; resist moderate earthquake without significant damage though some nonstruct | damage may occur, and aims that structures withstand major eachquake (MCE) without collapse ‘Actual forces that appeared on structures re much greater then the design forces Mr, A. G. Mujawar (a Unit 3 RESPONSE SEPCTRUM METHOD __ ‘Pecified here, but ductility, arising due to inelastic material behavior ‘and detailing, and Over strength, arising from the additional reserve strength in structures over and above the design strength are relied upon to account for this difference in actual and design lateral forces. 5) Reinforced and pre-stressed members shall be suitably designed to ensure that premature failure due to shear or bond does not occur, as per 18:456 and IS:1343. ©) In steel structures, members and their connections should be so proportioned that ductility is obtained. 7) The soil structure interaction refers to the effect of the supporting foundation medium on the motion of structure. The structure interaction may not be considered in the seismic analysis for structures supporting on the rocks, 8) The design lateral forces shall be considered in two orthogonal horizontal directions of the structures, For structures, which have lateral force resisting elements in two ‘orthogonal directions only, design lateral force must be considered in one direction at a time, Structures having lateral resisting elements in two directions other thanorthogonal shall be analyzed according to clause 2.3.2 IS 1893 (part 1): 2002. Where both horizontal and vertical forces are taken into account, load combinations must be according to clause 2.3.3 1S 1893 (part 1): 2002. 9) When a change in occupancy results ina structure being re-classified to a higher importance factor (1), the structure shall be confirm to the seismic requirements of the new structure with high importance factor. 3.6 Design Criteria For the purpose of determining the design seimic forces, the country (India) is classified into four seismic zones (II, III, IV, and V). Previously, there were five zones, of which Zone I and Il are merged into Zone II in fifth revision of code. The design horizontal seismic forces coefficient Ah for a structure shail be determined by following expression A,= mm Z = zone factor for the maximum considerable earthquake (MCE) and service life of the structure in @ zone, Factor 2 in denominator is to reduce the MCE to design basis earthquake (OBE) Mr A, G. Mijawar bi) ASS RR RST SE CRAMPS TT TPE ATT METRY ‘Unit 3 RESPONSE SEPCTRUM METHOD 1 = importance factor , depending on the functional purpose of the building, characterized by ‘hazardous consequences of its failure , post earthquake functional needs, historinal value , or. ‘conomie importance: ; i ‘R= response reduction factor, depending upon the perceived seismic damage performance of the structure, characterized by ductile or brittle deformations however the ratio /R shall not be Greater than 1. ‘Sa /g= average response accéleration coefficient. For rocky, or hatd soil sites, +157 (0.00<7 $0.10 S22) 2500.10<7<040 (1.0/7 (0.40<7 <4.00 For medium soil sites, a +ist @00<7 <0.10 S22} 250 010Duetility is most desirable quality for good earthquake performance and can be incorporated to some extend in masonry construétién by introducing steel reinforcement at critical section. (a) Fire resistance — It may be possible that due to snapping of électrial fittings short cireuit may take place and cracks may developed in gas pipes, thereby leading to fire. This fire hazards sometimes may be even more serious than earthquake damage therefore, building should be preferably constructed of fire resistant material. AB The effects of architectural features of the building during an Mr. A. G. Mujawar Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles The be i i inprihignanpsncnn = 5 on ; layout, vertical layout and adjacent bullding are the various architectural features which affects the building. {mn tall building with large height to base ratio, the horizontal movernent of floor is very large. In short but very long buildings, the damaging effect during an earthqueke are more, Also in building with large plan acea, the horizontal seismic forces can be excessive 16 be carried by columns and walls. Hence such type of buildings do not perform well uring an earthquake. Buildings with simple geometry perform well in earthquake. Buildings with re-enteant corners like U, V, Htc. in plan sustains significant damage. Many times, unequal distibution of ‘columns / walls may lead to twisting of building due to earthquake shaking. ‘The force developed at different floors level in a building should be brought Gown by shortest path, In case of building with vertical setbacks, « sudden jump in earthquake forces at level of discontinuity takes place. Buildings that have fewer coluinns / walls in particular storey or with ‘unusually tall storey tends to damage or collapse which is initieted in that storey. Buildings with soft storey are much prone to damage. In some building, columns may NOt 80 upto the ground but stop at an upper floor. Such bullding are liable to get severely damaged during an earthquake. When two buildings are too close to each other, may pound on each during strong motion. Considering all the points stated above, we can say that architectural features affect the building during earthquake. 4.4 Significance of the failure sequence “The desired sequence of ftilure in RC building during an earthquake is that the horizontal member should fail prior tothe vertical member. Hence the horizontal members such as stabs & beams should fail first & then the colurnns should fai This sequence is desirable because beams and slabs do not fall down even after the severe damage at plastic hinge positions, whereas columns if fils collapse rapidly under loading, The failure of column means the collapse the collapse of entire building, The significance of this sequence is that instead of rapid collapse of building, th sequence post pones the complete collapse of sructure, This wll help in reducing the damage {0 hhuman life & also other living ereatures. Also the failure of beam is generally flexural failure Mr. A. G. Mujawar Rca Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles Which is ductile in nature, Whereas the failure of eolurans-is shear failure which is brittle in ae \45 Weak beam strong columns philosophy ‘The weak beam strong column philosophy ensures that a plastic hinge is formed i than column & columns remains elastic as far as possible. This can be achieved by making in a beam rather columns stronger such that its strength becomes equal or greater than that of the beam. Beams generally do not fall down even after severe damage at plastic hinge positions whereas columns will rapidly collapse under vertical loading, once sufficient spalling has taken place. ‘Also due to yielding of column, the possibilities of storey sway increases. Hence strong beam on light columns is not appropriate in earthquake prone region & thus weak beam strong columns arrangement should be the choice as it postpones complete collapse of structure, The intended result is that columns form a stiff, unyielding spine over the height of building where as inelastic action is limited largely to beam. In order to facilitate this philosophy, mild steel may be used as longitudinal reinforcement for beams and high strength steel for column. The reason for use of high strength steel is that strength due to strain hardening can be ul The weak beam strong ‘column philosophy is necessary for earthquake resistant design for lized in the most advantageous manner. following reason: 1) Itis expected that substantial damage can occur but complete collapse should be avoided. 2) Failure of beam means local failure whereas failure of column means’ global failure i.e. collapse of entire building. 3) In weak column structure, plastic deformation is concentrated in a particular storey as shown in fig. & hence a relatively large ductility factor is required, 4) In both shear & flexural failures of columns, degradations are greater than those in yielding of beams. fo Short column effect The short column effect generally occurs in the building resting on the sloping ground. Also it occurs in columns supporting mezzonine flocr cr loft slabs thal are added in between two regular floors Mr. A. G. Mujawai sil 6 eh i tein 5 Sp Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Prineiples ‘Another situation in building when short column effect occurs is @ wall of partial height built to fit a window / ventilator over remaining height. The columns adjacent to this wall behaves as short column. “The performance of short column during an earthquake is poor, tis is because & tail column & short column of some cross section move horizontally by some amount. Howevers © short column is stiffer than tall column & hence it aliracs larger earthquake fore. Sines stiffness is resistance to deformation, larger is stiffness. Larger is force required to deform it, If the short column is not properly designed for such a large ores, it can suffer significant damage. The damage in short column is often in the form X-shaped oracking & is due to shear failure of column. ‘The short column effect is served when opening height is small in case of wall which is constructed up to partial height. Measures to avoid short column effect: 1) The short. column effect can be a ‘ded too much extent during architectural design stage itself. 2) The columo, which are likely to sustain short column effect should be detailed as per 1S 13920:1993 over a full height of column sustaining, this effect. 3) The special confining reinforcement must extend beyond the short column into the column vertically above and below by some distance. This distance depends on the diameter of longitudinal bar. 4) In existing building with short columns, different retrofit solutions can be employed to avoid damage in future earthquake. 5). Where wells of partial eight ae present, the simplest soltion isto cose the opening by building a wall of full height. If his is not possible then the coluran should be strerigthen using one of well-established retrofit technique. (47 — Soft storey Soft storey is generally characterized by vertical discontinuity in stiffness. Any storey for which lateral stiffness is less than 60% of that of storey immediately above or tess than 70% of combined stifiness of three stories above is classified as soft storey. Mr. A. G. Mujawar a A AR CONNIE ican: Ses ARS SRT Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles Soft storey may be at ground level or it may be an upper level also. When an individual storey is made taller & more open in construction, it is called as soft storey. Soft storey is.also known as “flexible Storey. During an earthquake, most of the energy is dissipated by the columns of soft stories. In this Process plastic hinges are formed at the ends of the columns, which transform soft storey into mechanism & in such case collapse is unavoidable. Therefore, special construction should be taken into account in analysis and design, Measures to avoid soft storey effect: 1) The simplest way to make arrangements to increase lateral strength & stiffness of soft storey. 2) The beams and columns of soft storey should be designed to withstand two and half time Storey shear & moments calculated for specified seismic loads. 3) In case a tall & relatively open ground floor is necessary, may be provided to reduce soft storey effect a) Some of open bays of building may be braced. b) the following arrangements ‘The building plan-perinhery may be kept open while the interior frames may be braced. °) @ ‘The number & stifiness of ground floor columns may be increased. The ground floor columns may be made of shape of frustum of cone. \ AB Factors affecting damage of building during an earthquake The following are the factors affecting damage of building during an earthquake:~ 1) Site conditions: Structures built on solid rock & firm soil perform better than building on soft storey ground. Buildings built on sites with open & even topography arc usually less damaged in an earthquake than buildings on strip shaped hill ridges, separated high hills, & steep slopes. 2) Building configuration: A building with rectangular plan & elevation is inhererily stronger than one that is L- shaped or U-shaped. An irregularity in shape of building will result in twisting of it, thereby increasing the damage. Mr. A. G. Mujawar ea ————— Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles 3) Opening size: Openings in walls of a building tends to weaken the walls & hence fewer the openings less is the damage during the earthquake. 4) Rigidity distributi Rigidity of a building along the vertical direction should be distributed uniformly. Therefore, changes in structural system of a building from one floor to next will increase potential for damage & should’ be avoided. Columns & shear walls should run continuously from foundation to roof, without interuptions or changes in material. 5) Duetility: Doetiity means ability of the building to bend, sway & deform by farge amount without collapse. Ductility reduces the potential of damage & hence it is one of major factor affecting damage during an earthquake. In RCC structures, ductility can be increased BY adc jon of steel reinforcement. 6) Foundation: ‘Structurally strong to withstand earthquake, a building may also fail due to inadequate design of footing. Tilting, cracking etc. results from soil liquefaction & differential settlement of footing. ‘Very shallow foundations deteriorate because of weathering, particularly when exposed 40 freezing & throwing in region of cold climate. 7) Constr quality: Construction quality is one of the main factor affecting damage of building. Damage of building may be due to poor quality of construction, substandard materials, poor workmanship etc. 49 Earthquake resistance design principles The following are general design principles to be adopted for earthquake resistance design of buildings’ 1. Lightness Since earthquake forces are directly proportional to the mass of building, it should be as light as possible, consistent with structural safety and functional requirement. Roofs and upper storeys should be designed as light as possible, Mr. A. G. Mujawar Unit 4 Earihquake Resistance Design and Prin 2 Bs ciples © Continuity of construction” “The various units of building should Floor slabs should be continuous throughout as far as poss ‘Adaition and alteration to the structure should be accompanied by provision of separation ‘ unless positive measures are taken be tied together in such a way that it acts as one unit. , ible for parts of buildings. between new'& existing structures as far as possible, to establish continuity between existing and new construction. Projecting & suspended parts Projecting parts shell be avoided as far as possible. If the projecting part cannot be avoided, they shall be properly reinforced and firmly tied to the main structure. Ceiling plaster shall be preferably avoided however when it is unavoidable, the plaster shall be as thin as possible. Suspended celling shall be avoided as far as possible where provided they shall be light, adequately framed and secured. Building configuration “The building shall be simple, rectangular in plan & symmetrical with respect to mass & rigidity. If symmetry of structure is not possible, provision shall be made for torsional &, other effects due to earthquake forces. The length of building shall not preferably exceed ‘three times the width of building. Building having plans with shapes like L, H, T and Y shall be preferably modified into rectangular plans. Strength in various directions Generally earthquake forces acts in two perpendicular direction. Hence itis necessary for structure to have proper strength in both direction to withstand these forces in both directions. Foundation “The structure should be founded on firm foundation. It should not be founded on loose soil susceptible to subsidence & liquefaction during an earthquake, resulting. in differential settlement. Ductility Ductilty is the most desirable quality for good earthquake performance. Hence, the main structural elements & their connection shall be designed to have a ductile failure, This Mr. A. G. Mujawar Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles will enable structure to absorb energy during an earthquake to avoid sudden collapse of structure. 8. Damage to non-structural elements Suitable detailing shall be worked out to connect non-structural elements with structural framing so that deformation of structure frame leads to min. damage of non-structural elements. 9. Fire safety Generally fire breaks out after earthquake cue to short-circuiting, leaks in gas pipes etc. It could be sometimes more serious than earthquake. Therefore, building shall be constructed to make it fire resistant. (440. Design philosophy ; ire sustains result directly from the distortion induced in the The earthquake load which a structul structure by motion of the ground on which it rests. Earthquake loads are inertia forces related to nergy absorbing characteristics of the struct the mass, stiffness & ¢ ure. During the life.span, moderate or strong shaking, The probability of strong building may be subjected to minor, ccurring within expected life of structure is very low. However, in order to make the earthquake 0 structure earthquake resistant, its main elements should be designed to have sufficient ductility. Thereby, allowing structure to sway back & forth during major ¢: ‘al collapse of the structure. sarthquake so that it withstands the earthquake with some damage but without tot ‘The structure should be designed so that damage is within acceptable limits. But since damage is unavoidable, it should be allowed to occur at right place & right amount. For example, cracks between column and masonry walls are acceptable ut diagonal cracks in column are not accepted. Based on this, earthquake design philosophy may be summarized as: (i) Under minor but frequent shaking, main members of building that carry vertical & horizontal forces should not be damaged. ii) Under moderate but occasional shaking, main members may sustain repairable damage, while other parts of building may be damaged such that they may even have Mr. A. G. Mujawar w to be replaced after earthquake. Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles ii) Under strong but rare shaking, main members may sustain severe damage but the building should not collapse. * z : : (iv) The ductile behavior of building should be ensured. ‘Thus as per this philosophy, after minor shaking, building will be fully operational within a short Period of time, & repair cost will be small. After moderate shaking, building will be operational Once repair & strengthening of damaged member is completed. After strong earthquake, building may become disfunctional but will stand so that people can be evacuated. eel Behavior of RC building ‘When building is subjected to ground motion’ in an earthquake, it represents by vibrating. However the motion of ground during an earthquake is random in nature & henee it ean be resolved in three mutually perpendicular directions. The horizontal shaking is generally Predominant & hence structure’s behavior under horizontal vibration/ shaking is quite important. ‘The RC building is made up of horizontal members & vertical memibers who are supported on foundation resting on the ground. ‘Now, as ground is displaced, the base of building also.moves suddenly with it, but roof has tencency to stay at its original position & hence upper part does not respond instantaneously but lags behind. Now, since slab is connected to foundation through walls and columns, it is dragged along with walls/columns. The building is set into vibrations & inertia force is developed into it. This inertia force is directly proportional to the mass of the building. Since most of building mass is concentrated at floor level. These forces travels downwards through slabs, beams to columns and walls & then to the foundation. As inertia forces accumulate downwards from top of the building, the columns and walls at lower storey experience higher earthquake induced forces Floor slabs are horizontal plate like elements, when beam bends in vertical direction during an earthquake, these thin slabs bends along with them & when beam move with column in horizontal direction, the slab usually forces the beam to move together with it. Between columns and slabs (beams), masonry walls are constructed. They are known as infill walls and are not connected rigidly with surrounding RC columns and beams. When columns Mr. A. G. Mujawar wall resi i ‘esists the movement. But since masonry walls are heavy in weight, they attract large horizont ir is tal forces. However since masonry is bite in nature, cracks are developed in them once ability to carry horizontal load is exceeded, 'n case of beam, under gravity loading condition, tension is at botiom of beam at centre and at the top at supports. However, the level of bending moment due to earthquake losding depends on severity of shaking & can exceed that due to gravity loading. Thus under strong earthquake shaking, tension can be developed on either of top and bottom faces. Hence steel reinforcement should be provided on either face of the beam to resist this force reversal of bending moment. Also steel reinforcement should be provided on all faces of column. Thus, for @ RC building to remain safe during earthquake, columns should be stronger than beam & foundation should be strong then columns. Further, the beam column connections should not fail to ensure safe transfer of forces to column. This can be achieved by providing ductility to the ~ column & beam which in turn can be achieved by detailing the beam and column as per IS 13920-1993, ~A42 Duetility Ductility may be defined as capacity of building/structure to undergo Jarge inelastic deformation without significance loss of strength / stiffitess. Ductility refers to ratio of displacement prior to ultimate displacement or collapse to displacement at first yield It serves as a shock absorber in a building for it reduces the transmitted force to acceptable/sustainable magnitude. Ductlity is an importance characteristics as it reduces the” effect of response produced in structure by an earthquake. This vibration & resulting deflection is reduced by energy that is absorbed by large inelastic deformation of a ductile structure. Ductilty is property of a material as a result of which it passers extra reserve capacity to resist the earthquake overload. Hence steel and adequately reinforced concrete buildings tend to withstand earthquakes much better than those constructed of brittle material Ductility in RCC bul such that failure of member occurs by steel reaching its strength in tension before concrete ing can be achieved by placing proper amount of steel at proper location Mr. A. G. Mujawar A TR ae ET Unit 4 ~ ° Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles reaches its strength in compression. This is called as ductile failure. Another way of achieving ductility is to make beam mare ductile than columns i.e. weak beam and strong column _ Fora structure to be ductile, the following are the two requirements: 8) Any mode of failure should involve maximum possible redundancy. 'b) Brittle type of failure such as overturning should be safeguard so that ductile failure occurs first. 4.12.1 Determination / Assessment of Ductility Duetility is generally measured in terms of ductility ratio or ductility factor, wi is the ratio of maximum deformation that a structure or elemen: can undergo without significant loss of initial yielding resistance to initial yicld deformation. : ‘The following are the different ways of assessing ductility (They are also known as types of ductility): 1) Displacement ductility It is defined as ratio of lateral deflection at end of post elastic range i.e. ultimate Jeflection to lateral deflection at yield stage. ‘u(displacement ductility) = “* ay Where, Au= lateral deflection at end of post elastic range And Ay =lateral deflection at first yield The displacement ductility should be in range of 3 to 5. Displacement ductility is ‘essential because a structure should be capable of deforming in a ductile manner when subjected to Jateral loads due to an earthquake. 2) Curvature ductility It is defined as rat yield point of tension steel. of curvature at the end of post elastic range to the curvature at first iMeurvoture ductity) = oy Where, gu curvature at end of post elastic range. And ¢y= curvature at first yield point of tension ste. 14.6 mje a BRAND ADO APDAARAAHDANAKRGUA A 2 oe ES RTD age Unit a Earthquake Resistance Design and. Principles 3) Rotational ductility It is defined as ratio of rotation at the end of post elastic range to rotation at first yield point of tension steel. rotational ductitity -- Where, 6u= rotation at end of post elastic range y= rotation at first yield point of tension steel “Thus, there are three methods of defining ductility / measuring ductil¥. {412.2 Significance of ductility “The following are the advantages / significance of ductility 1) Ifa structure is ductile, it can take care of overloading, load reversals, impact & due to differential seitlement of foundation. . secondary stresses 2) Ifa structure is ductile, its occupant will have sufficient warning before collapse thus reducing the loss of life in event of collapse. of resisting forces and 3) A duetile joint ic. properly designed ductile joint is capable sat the yielding of steel reinforcement. Therefore, ne of the assumptions in design of RC deformation: these sections can reach their respective moment capacities, which is of structures by limit state method. 4.12.3 Factors affecting the ductility 1) Ductilty decreases with the increase in percentage of tension steel. Thus section should be designed as under-reinforced. 2) Dueility increases with the increase in strength of concrete. However it decreases with the inerease in yield strength of steel, other properties being same. 3) With the increase of stirrups in specimen, ductility also increases. This is because by doing so, shear strength exceeds the strength in flexure. ‘The lateral reinforcement tends to improve ductility by preventing shear failure, 4) restraining the compression steel against buckling. 5) Lower values of k & x, will have higher values of ductility and hence T-beams are more ductile than that of rectangular beam. 6) With the increase in ultimate strain of concrete, ductility of structure increases. aan eae i” Earthquake Resistance Design and. ‘Principles Unit 4 sive stress (bending) becomes equal aia).a aaa 2) -Dueility reduces linearly upto point where com {0 axial compressive stress at balanced failure. the increase in shear strength carried by the concrete for 8) Ductilty increases linearly with small values of axial compressive stress 4.13 Inelastic properties of material affecting earthquake resistant design is inelastic properties of material which affects the earthquake ‘The following are the vari resistant design of structure: 1) Plasticity — Plasticity may be defined as increase in stra ~ stress. Itis desirable property as it provides a convenient control on the load developed by a member. Plasticity is predominant in mild steel however it reduces with increase in grade of steel. 2) Strain hardening and strain softening ~ It may be defined as increase in stress with increase in strain in the post yield field. It is desirable property as strength gain is available in plastic region. Strain softening is opposite of strain hardening & involves minimum loss of strength with increase in strain. It is also desirable property as there is in without significance increase in decrease in stress with inorease in strain. 3) Stiffness degradation — This means decrease in stiffness with the increase in no. of cycles DOA ECAAMAAAA A 2 we in case of cyclic loading. As a result of this property, stiffness as measured by overall stress to strain ratio of each hysteresis loop reduces with each successive loading cycle. ‘Stiffess degradation is undesirable property. Therefore, material should have minimum. stiffness degradation & max. no. of cycles of loading before failure. 4) Duetility — It may be defined as ratio of deformation at failiwre to, deformation at yield ~_a2. a point. The deformation may be measure in terms of deflection, rotation and curvature. Dutilty is generally desirable prozcrty of structure because of gentle and less explosive onset of failure than thet occurring in brittle material. Ductility is particularly useful in seismic problems because it is accompanied by an increase in strength in inelastic range. Steel has best ductility property, ‘vhile concrete can be made moderately ductile with appropriate reinforcement 5) Energy absorption — High energy absorption capacity is a desirable property of earthquake resistant construction. Energy absorption is generally temporary absorption & Mr. A. G. Mujawar ET RR a > AE Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles permanent absorption. During an earthquake, initially a substantial part of enersy is stored temporarily as elastic strain energy & kinetic energy. When the earthquake is strong, yield point is exceeded in parts of structure & permanent energy absorption ! dissipation in the form of inelastic strain energy begins. Also during, an earthquake, the energy is dissipated by viscous damping which is of course the means by which elastic ‘energy is dissipated once the forcing ground motion ceases. 414 Ductile detailing ‘The design and construction of reinforced concre! of IS 456:2000, except as modified by provisions of more than 3 stories in height, the minimum grade of of grade Fe415 or less shall only be used. However, HYSD bars ermo-mechanically treated having elongation more than 14.59% 4e buildings shall be governed by the provisions £15 13920. For all the buildings, which are concrete shall be M20. Stee! reinforcement ff grade FeS00 and FeSO which are th & conforming to other requirements of IS 1786:1985 may also be used for reinforcement. \-£14.1 Ductile detailing of beams using IS 13920 GENERAL ‘The factored axial stress on the member under earth ath of conerete. The member shall preferably have width-to depth quake loading shall not exceed 0.1fek where fek for characteristics streny ratio of more than 0.3. The width of member shall not be less than 200mm. The depth (D) of member shall preferably be not more than 17/4* of clear span. LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT “The top as well as bottom reinforcement shall consist of at least (wo bars throughout the member length, The tension steel ratio, on any face, at any section, shall not be less than Pay 026 fF LE where F,and F,are in MPa or Nimm?. The maximum stee! ratio on any face at any section, shall not exceed pmax = 0.025. ‘The positive steal at a joint face must be at least equal to half the negative steel at that face. The sicel provided at each of the top and bottom face of the member at any section along its: 5 sreimninerytee vere STE Rea a pa Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles shall be at least equal to'one-fourth of the maximum negative moment steel provided at the face of either joint. It may be clarified’ that redistribution of moments permitted in IS 456 : 1978 (clause 36.1) will be used only for vertical load moments and not for lateral load moments. Lg 18 dy “tget04 Lge DEVELOPMENT LEIGTH IN TENSION dy2 BAR DIAMETER. Fig. Anchorage of beam bars in an external joints In an extemal joint, both the top and the bottom bars of the beam shall be provided with anctiorage length, beyond the inner fate of the column, equal to the development length in tension plus 10 times the bar. diameter minus the allowance for 90 degree bend(s). In an internal joint, both face bars of the beam shall be taken continuously through the column. SPLICE Lap splices of main bars should be done as far as possible in zones of low stress. These are neither acceptable wi The longitudinal bars shall be spliced, only if hoops are provided over the entire splice length, at a spacing not exceeding 150 mm. The lap length shall not be less than the bar development length in tension. Aug : (TT Sa san, Lg = DEVELOPMENT LENGTH IN TENSION p= BAR DIAMETER Fig, Lap splice in a beam in the column zone, nor within zones of potential plastic hinge. 3 é é é ¢ a q é ‘ ‘ ( Unie 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Princip Lap splices shall not be provided 3 @witine joi, > ©) within 2 distance of 2d frum joint face, and (©) within a quarter lengh of the member Where fiexorel yielding may generally occur under the effect of earthquake forces. Not more than 50 percent of the bars shall be spliced at one section. Welded splices and mechanical connections may also be used. WES REINFORCEMENT Wed reinforcement shall consist of vertical hoops. A vertical hoop is # closed stirrup having & 135° hock with 2 10 diameter extension (but not < 75 mmm) at each end that is embedded in the confined core. In compelling circumstances, it may also be made up of two pieces of ceinfoccement; a U-stimup with 2 135° hook and a 10 diameter extension (but not < 75 mm) at each ead, embeded in the confined core and a crasstie. A crosstie is 8 bar havinj with 2 10 diameter extension (bot Jongitudinal bers. “The minimum diameter of the bar forming e hoop shall be 6 mm. 135° hook not < 75 mm) at each end. The hooks shall engage peripheral .. However, in beams with clear span exceeding 5 m, the minimam ber diameter shall be mm. és oO. ou Ce Fig. Beam web reinforcement “The shear force to be resisted by the vertical hoops shall be the maximum of: a) Calculated factored shear force as per analysis, and Mr, AG. SMR TR RE A Ce Unit 4 Earthquake Resistance Design and Principles b) Shear force due to'formation of plestic hinges at both ends of the beam plus the factored gravity load on the span. ‘The contribution of bent up bars and inclined hoops to shear resistance of the section shall not be considered. ‘The spacing of hoops over a length of 2d at either end of a beam shall not exceed (a) d/4, and (b) 8 times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar; however, it need not be less than 5 100 mm. The first hoop shall be at a distance not exceeding 50 mm from the joint face. Vertical hoops at the same spacing as above, shall also be provided over a length equal to 2d on either side of a section where flexural yielding. may Qccur under the effect of earthquake forces. Elsewhere, the beam’ shall have vertical hoops at a spacing not exceeding d/2. wilt 2BARS FOR FULL LENGTH ALONG TOP AND BOTZON Face ASH Pon Ba ASS CMAtSS dh AND 9dy B SBREAOTH OF BEAN ‘dye DIAMETER OF LONGITNDWAL ‘SAR Fig. Beam reinforcement A142 Ductile detailing of columns using 1S 13920 GENERAL The frame members which have axial stress in excess of O.Ifck under the effect of the earthquake forces shall take into account axial load & bending, The min. dimension of member Mr. A. G. Mujawar

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