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1.1 Introduction

In an increasingly digital world where cashless transactions are the norm, credit card fraud has
emerged as a persistent threat to financial stability and consumer trust. The rapid evolution of
fraudulent techniques poses significant challenges to financial institutions striving to maintain the
integrity of their payment systems. Consequently, the development of robust fraud detection
mechanisms has become paramount in safeguarding against illicit activities and ensuring the security
of transactions.

Credit card fraud encompasses a variety of deceptive practices, including unauthorized use of credit
card information, identity theft, and account takeover schemes. These illicit activities can result in
substantial financial losses for both cardholders and issuers, as well as undermine confidence in
electronic payment systems. Traditional approaches to fraud detection, such as rule-based systems
and manual monitoring, have proven inadequate in addressing the complexity and scale of modern
fraud schemes. As a result, there has been a paradigm shift towards the adoption of advanced
analytical techniques, particularly those rooted in machine learning and data science.

Machine learning algorithms offer a promising avenue for credit card fraud detection due to their
ability to analyze large volumes of transactional data and identify subtle patterns indicative of
fraudulent behavior. These algorithms can learn from historical transaction data to discern normal
spending patterns from anomalous or suspicious activities, enabling real-time detection and
prevention of fraudulent transactions.In this context, this study focuses on exploring various machine
learning approaches for credit card fraud detection, with a particular emphasis on the utilization of
logistic regression. Logistic regression is a classical statistical method widely used for binary
classification tasks, making it well-suited for distinguishing between legitimate and fraudulent

1.2 Motivation

The motivation behind this study is to address the growing challenge of credit card fraud in today's
digital landscape. Traditional methods are falling short in combating increasingly sophisticated fraud
tactics. By harnessing machine learning techniques, we aim to develop more robust and adaptive
fraud detection systems, ensuring the security of electronic transactions for both financial institutions
and consumers.

1.3 Problem Statement

To design and implement an efficient system to analyse and credit card fraud.

 Input: The dataset serves as the primary input for building and training machine
learning models to analyse card frauds.
 Process: The logistic regression algorithm is used for credit card fraud detection. It
involves data preprocessing, feature selection, splitting the data into training and
testing sets, model training, threshold selection, model evaluation. The model's
success depends on the quality of the dataset and the chosen features.
 Output: The primary output is to predict whether our data is accurate enough.

1.4 Scope of the project

The scope of the project is:
 Understanding fraudsters' behaviors and tactics to develop effective countermeasures.

 Analyzing transactional patterns to discern factors influencing credit card fraud, including
transaction frequency, amount, time, and location. To understand consumer preferences and
behaviors that drive purchasing decisions.

 Investigating variations in fraud rates across different regions and countries due to factors
like regulatory frameworks, technological infrastructure, and financial literacy levels.

 Analyzing the importance of security enhancements, regularity change and advancements in

fraud detection technologies on the prevalence of credit card fraud
1.5 Objectives

The main objectives of the project are:

 Develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing credit card fraud,

including transactional patterns, regional variations, and fraudster behaviors
 Implement a robust fraud detection model using logistic regression in Python to
accurately identify fraudulent transactions.
 Evaluate the performance of the fraud detection model using metrics such as accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-score.
 Investigate the effectiveness of the model in real-world scenarios by deploying it in a
simulated or production environment.
 Provide insights and recommendations for improving credit card fraud detection
mechanisms based on the findings of the project.


Requirement analysis for credit card fraud detection involves understanding the objectives,
stakeholders, functional and non-functional requirements.

2.1 Objectives
 Detect fraudulent transactions in real-time to prevent financial losses.
 Provide insights into fraudulent patterns and behaviors for proactive risk management.
 Ensure the security and trustworthiness of electronic payment systems for financial
institutions and consumers.

2.2 Stakeholders

Stakeholders in car price analysis and prediction include:

 Financial Institutions: Banks, credit card companies, and payment processors.

 Consumers: Credit cardholders and users of electronic payment systems.

 Regulatory Authorities: Agencies overseeing financial transactions and fraud prevention.

 Law Enforcement Agencies: Authorities responsible for investigating and prosecuting

financial crimes.

2.3 Functional Requirements

 Data Collection: Obtain transactional data containing features such as transaction

amount, time, location, and user information.
 Data Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the data, , outliers, and inconsistencies.
 Feature Selection: Identify relevant features for detecting fraudulent transactions.
 Model Training: Develop machine learning models, such as logistic regression, to
classify transactions as legitimate or fraudulent.
 Model Evaluation: Assess the performance of the fraud detection models using metrics
such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
 Real-time Monitoring: Implement mechanisms for monitoring transactions in real-time
and flagging suspicious activities

2.4 Non-Functional Requirements

 Accuracy: Ensure accurate detection of fraudulent transactions while minimizing false

positives and false negatives.
 Scalability: Design the system to handle large volumes of transaction data efficiently,
scaling as transaction volumes increase.
 Real-time Processing: Optimize the system for real-time detection and response to
fraudulent activities.
 Reliability: Ensure the system performs consistently and reliably under different
transactional scenarios and conditions.
 Security: Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive transaction data and
prevent unauthorized access.
 Compliance: Adhere to data privacy regulations and industry standards governing credit
card transactions and fraud prevention.
 Performance: Optimize the system for fast response times and minimal latency, ensuring
seamless user experience and transaction processing.


System Requirement Specifications (SRS) provide an in-depth understanding of the conditions

and functionalities that the Credit card fraud detection must meet. This document encapsulates
the comprehensive knowledge required to develop the Credit card fraud detection, detailing
specific requirements, hardware specifications, software dependencies, and essential interfaces.

3.1 Specific Requirement

 Require access to a client session of Python and Anaconda toolbox for jobs submission.
 A shared file system between user desktops and cluster.
 Maximum of Python worker per physical CPU core.

3.2 Hardware Requirement

 Processor : Intel Core i5
 Processor Speed : Minimum 2GHz
 RAM : 4GB or above
 Hard Disk : 500GB HDD

3.3 Software Requirement

 Operating System: Windows 11
 Text Editor : Jupyter Notebook
 Software Tool : Anaconda
 Languages : Machine Learning, Python
 Libraries : Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, Sklearn, Matplotlib
3.1 Interfaces

 Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebooks are a powerful tool for car price analysis and prediction, offering a
dynamic environment for data scientists and analysts. They integrate code, narrative text,
and visualizations, allowing for on-the-fly adjustments and optimization of predictive
models. Jupyter Notebooks also enhance collaboration among team members, promoting
transparency and effective communication. The combination of code, visualizations, and
explanatory text ensures well-documented insights for both technical and non-technical

3.2 Libraries
The following libraries are:
 Pandas: For efficient data manipulation and analysis.
 NumPy: Enabling numerical operations and array manipulation.
 Seaborn: Used for creating informative and attractive statistical graphics.
 Sklearn: For implementing machine learning models and evaluation metrics.
 Matplotlib: Used for creating various charts and graphs, making it a crucial tool for data
visualization, scientific plotting, and analysis.


The analysis and design phase for a Car Price Analysis and Prediction system is a crucial step in
the development lifecycle, involving the meticulous examination of requirements and the
thoughtful planning of a system that can accurately analyse and predict car prices. This process is
essential for creating a robust and efficient solution that caters to the diverse needs of
stakeholders within the automotive industry, including manufacturers, dealerships, and

By identifying and understanding the functional and non-functional requirements of the system,
stakeholders can collaboratively define the scope and objectives, laying the groundwork for the
subsequent design decisions. Through systematic data flow diagrams, component diagrams, and
technological stack selection, the analysis and design phase aim to create a blueprint that not
only fulfils the specified functionalities but also ensures scalability, security, and a positive user

4.1 System Architecture

Fig 4.1. System Architecture

The system architecture for a system analysis tool includes layers for business logic, data
management, user interface, presentation, integration, security, monitoring, scalability, and
deployment, ensuring efficient functionality, usability, security, and scalability. Initially, we will
see the dataset and then we will perform exploratory data analysis which deals with the missing
data, duplicate values, and null values. And then we will deploy our algorithm linear regression
which is a machine learning.

 Dataset
In the analysis and prediction of car price, accessing and preprocessing the dataset is a
fundamental step. This often involves importing the data from a suitable file format, such
as CSV (Comma Separated Values), and preparing it for analysis.

 Data Import
The data import step is crucial in car price analysis and prediction, acquiring a dataset of
car features from a CSV file format. This is done using programming tools like Pandas in
Python. The efficiency and accuracy of this data import set significantly influence
subsequent analysis and prediction stages.

 Data Preprocessing
Data Preprocessing in car price analysis and prediction is to transform the raw dataset
into a clean, structured, and meaningful format that optimally supports the training of
machine learning models.

 Feature Extraction and Selection

The goal of feature extraction and selection in car price analysis and prediction is to
enhance the performance, interpretability, and efficiency of machine learning models by
identifying and utilizing the most relevant features.

 Model Training
Machine learning model training in car price analysis and prediction involves the process
of using a prepared dataset to teach a model to recognize patterns and relationships
between various features and the target variable (car prices). This training enables the
model to make predictions on new, unseen data based on the learned patterns.

Department of MCA 21

 Prediction and Analysis

After successfully training a machine learning model for car price analysis, the next steps
involve prediction and analysis, where the model is applied to new or unseen data to
make predictions and gain insights into car pricing dynamics.

 Visualization and Reporting

Visualization and reporting are crucial tools in car price analysis and prediction. They
provide a clear understanding of machine learning model performance, uncover patterns, and
enable interactive exploration. Reports provide a structured narrative detailing methodology,
performance metrics, and actionable recommendations, empowering decision-makers to
adapt strategies to the ever-evolving car pricing landscape.

4.2 Analysis
From the obtained dataset some major analysis done they are:
 Average Price by Company Name: The code groups the DataFrame by 'CompanyName'
and calculates the mean price for each company. It then creates a bar plot to visualize
the average prices for each company.
 Average Car Price by Fuel Type: This part of the code groups the DataFrame by 'fueltype'
and calculates the mean price for each fuel type. It then creates a bar plot to visualize
the average car prices for each fuel type.
 Average Car Price by Car Body Type: This part groups the DataFrame by 'carbody' and
calculates the mean price for each car body type. It then creates a bar plot to visualize
the average car prices for each body type.
 Average Car Price by Engine Type: This section sets a white grid style using Seaborn and
creates a point plot to show the average car prices by engine type. Point plots are used
here, and the x-axis represents different engine types, while the y-axis represents the
average price.

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 Scatter Plots: Car Length vs Price and Car Height vs Price: These sections create scatter
plots to visualize the relationship between 'carlength' and 'price' and between
'carheight' and 'price'. Each point in the scatter plot represents a car, with 'carlength' or
'carheight' on the x-axis and the corresponding 'price' on the y-axis.

Overall, these analyses provide insights into the average prices based on different categorical
features and explore the relationship between numerical features and the target variable (price).

Department of MCA 23



Credit card fraud detection is a critical task in the financial industry, aimed at identifying and
preventing unauthorized transactions that can lead to financial losses for both consumers and financial
institutions. Various machine learning algorithms can be applied to tackle this problem, each with its
strengths and weaknesses. Logistic regression is one such algorithm that offers several compelling
reasons for its suitability in credit card fraud detection:

1. Binary Classification Nature: Credit card fraud detection is essentially a binary classification
problem where transactions are classified as either legitimate or fraudulent. Logistic regression is
specifically designed for binary classification tasks, making it inherently well-suited for this
purpose. It models the probability of a transaction being fraudulent based on the input features,
allowing for clear decision boundaries between the two classes.

2. Interpretability: Logistic regression provides easily interpretable results, which is crucial in fraud
detection systems. The coefficients associated with each feature in the model indicate the strength
and direction of their influence on the likelihood of fraud. This interpretability allows analysts and
domain experts to understand which features contribute most to fraudulent transactions, aiding in
the investigation and prevention of fraudulent activities.

3. Efficiency and Scalability: Logistic regression is computationally efficient and can handle large
datasets with relative ease. This efficiency is important in real-time fraud detection systems, where
transactions need to be processed rapidly to prevent fraudulent activities. Logistic regression can be
trained quickly, allowing for fast deployment and adaptation to changing fraud patterns.

4. Robustness to Noise: In real-world datasets, noise and outliers are common, which can affect the
performance of machine learning models. Logistic regression is relatively robust to noisy data and
outliers compared to more complex algorithms like neural networks. It can effectively handle
imperfect data without overfitting, leading to more stable and reliable predictions.

5. Low Risk of Overfitting: Logistic regression has a low risk of overfitting, especially when the
number of features is relatively small compared to the number of samples. This is advantageous in
credit card fraud detection, where the number of relevant features may be limited, and the focus is
on generalizing well to unseen data. Overfitting can lead to poor performance on new transactions,
increasing the risk of undetected fraudulent activities.

6. Suitability for Imbalanced Data: Imbalanced datasets, where the number of fraudulent
transactions is much smaller than legitimate ones, are common in credit card fraud detection.
Logistic regression can handle imbalanced data well by adjusting the decision threshold to minimize
misclassification errors. Techniques such as cost-sensitive learning or adjusting class weights can
further improve its performance on imbalanced datasets.

Department of MCA 24

7. Ease of Implementation and Interpretation: Logistic regression is relatively simple to implement

and interpret compared to more complex algorithms like random forests or gradient boosting
machines. It has fewer hyperparameters to tune, making it easier to deploy in production systems.
Moreover, the straightforward interpretation of results facilitates collaboration between data
scientists and business stakeholders, enhancing trust and understanding of the fraud detection

In conclusion, logistic regression is a well-established and effective algorithm for credit card fraud
detection, offering interpretability, efficiency, robustness, and suitability for handling real-world
challenges such as imbalanced data. While more complex algorithms may offer higher predictive
accuracy in certain scenarios, logistic regression remains a practical and reliable choice for building
fraud detection systems in many financial institutions.

5.1 Software Tools

 Python Scikit-Learn
 Scikit-Learn is a widely-used machine learning library in Python that provides various tools
for data mining and data analysis. It offers simple and efficient tools for data preprocessing,
model selection, evaluation, and more. In this project, Scikit-Learn's LogisticRegression class
is utilized for implementing logistic regression, a key component of the credit card fraud
detection system. Additionally, other modules and functions from Scikit-Learn are employed
for tasks such as data splitting, feature scaling, and model evaluation.

 Python Language
Python is the programming language used for implementing the entire project. Python is
chosen for its simplicity, readability, and extensive library support, particularly in the
domain of data science and machine learning. Its easy syntax and rich ecosystem of
libraries make it well-suited for data analysis tasks like credit card fraud detection.
Python provides the flexibility and scalability needed to handle large datasets, implement
complex algorithms, and visualize results effectively..
 Operating System
Windows 10: Windows 10 serves as the operating system for the Credit Card Fraud
Detection. The chosen operating system provides a stable and user- friendly environment
for executing Python scripts and applications, ensuring seamless compatibility and ease
of use throughout the analysis process.
 Credit Card Dataset

Department of MCA 25

The credit card dataset serves as the foundation for training and testing the credit card fraud
detection model. This dataset contains historical transaction data, including features such as
transaction amount, time, merchant information, and more. The dataset is essential for
building a predictive model that can distinguish between legitimate and fraudulent
transactions based on these features. It is crucial to ensure the quality, integrity, and
representativeness of the dataset to develop an effective fraud detection system. Various
preprocessing techniques are applied to the dataset to clean, transform, and prepare it for
model training and evaluation.

Department of MCA 26

5.1 Programming Language Used


Python was chosen as the primary programming language for implementing the credit card fraud
detection system. Python is a versatile and powerful language that offers a wide range of features and
capabilities, making it well-suited for data analysis, machine learning, and software development
projects like this one. Below are some key features of Python relevant to this project:

Key Features of Python

 Expressiveness
Python's clear and concise syntax enhances code readability, facilitating a better
understanding of the analysis process.
 Rich Library Support
Python's extensive library ecosystem, encompassing tools like Pandas and Scikit-learn,
streamlines data manipulation, preprocessing, and machine learning model development.
 Dynamically-Typed
Python's dynamic typing provides flexibility in variable assignments, allowing for
adaptability during runtime and easing the development process.
 Cross-Platform Compatibility
Python's cross-platform compatibility, including seamless integration with Windows 10,
ensures versatility in deployment across various environments.

Python GUI

Python's Graphical User Interface (GUI) capabilities are leveraged to create an interactive and
user-friendly interface for credit card fraud detection system. GUI elements, such as sliders,
checkboxes, and visualizations, enhance the user experience, enabling stakeholders to explore
and interpret credit card fraud detection effectively.

In summary, the implementation requirements for credit card fraud detection system rely
extensively on Python, augmented by specialized libraries for data handling and machine
Department of MCA 27

learning. The choice of Windows 10 as the operating system provides a stable and compatible
environment for executing the analysis, while the credit card dataset serves as the foundation for
training predictive models and extracting valuable insights into market dynamics.

5.2 Source Code

Some of the major analysis done in this project are visualized below:

Read and Display Dataset

Display First 5 Rows

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Columns and their Datatypes

From the above dataset we can get to know that there are 8 attributes of the float datatype and
integer datatype and the remaining 11 datatypes are of the object datatype.

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checking the number of missing values in each column

Statistical measures of the data

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Visualization of Unbalanced Legit and Fraud Data Points

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Under Sampling the dataset

Balancing the dataset for training and testing

Visualization of Balanced Legit and Fraud Data Points

Build a sample dataset containing similar distribution of normal transactions and Fraudulent

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Splitting the data into Features & Targets

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Linear Regression Analysis

Department of MCA 21


Testing is a crucial phase in the software development lifecycle, aimed at ensuring that a
software product meets its intended requirements, functions correctly, and delivers a positive
user experience. It involves the systematic execution of software components or systems under
controlled conditions, to identify defects, errors, or deviations from expected behavior.

6.1 Testing Methods

 Unit Testing
Involves testing individual units or components of the software in isolation to ensure they
function correctly. Developers typically write unit tests to validate code behaviour at a
granular level.

 Integration Testing
Focuses on testing the interactions and interfaces between different modules or
components of the software. Integration testing verifies that integrated components work
together as expected.

 System Testing
Tests the entire software system as a whole to verify that it meets specified requirements
and functions correctly in its intended environment. This testing phase often includes
functional, non-functional, and regression testing.

 Acceptance Testing
Conducted to validate whether the software meets the user's requirements and
expectations. It typically involves user acceptance testing (UAT), where end-users or
stakeholders assess the software's usability and suitability for their needs.

Department of MCA 21

 Regression Testing
Ensures that recent code changes have not adversely affected existing functionalities.
Regression tests are rerun to verify that previously working features remain intact after
modifications or enhancements.

6.2 Test case

Sl. No Test Cases Expected Output Result

1 Plotting Company A bar plot showing the average price for Successful
Name vs Average each company

2 Plotting Average Car A bar plot showing the average car price for Successful
Price by Fuel Type each fuel type

3 Plotting Average Car A point plot showing the average car price Successful
Price by Engine Type for each engine type

4 Linear Regression Print the test accuracy, mean squared error, Successful
Model Evaluation and mean absolute error for the linear
regression model. Display a scatter plot for
actual vs predicted prices.

5 Random Forest Print the test R-squared, mean squared Successful

Regression Model with error, and mean absolute error for the
Additional Features random forest regression model. Display
a scatter
plot for actual vs predicted prices.

Department of MCA 21




The project on credit card fraud detection aims to tackle the intricate challenges of identifying activities
within electronic payment systems using data science techniques and machine learning algorithms. By
analyzing various transaction attributes such as transaction amount, time, location, and user behavior,
the project endeavors to construct accurate predictive models for detecting fraudulent transactions.
Through the deployment of sophisticated classification algorithms like logistic regression and the
utilization of libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-learn, the system seeks to enhance fraud
detection accuracy and provide actionable insights for financial institutions and consumers. By bridging
the gap between traditional fraud detection methods and modern data-driven approaches, the project
contributes to advancing the effectiveness and reliability of credit card fraud detection mechanisms.

Future Enhancement

Future enhancements in credit card fraud detection could involve leveraging advanced machine
learning techniques such as deep learning and ensemble methods to further enhance detection
accuracy. Additionally, integrating real-time data sources for dynamic fraud detection strategies could
provide more timely and proactive responses to emerging fraud patterns. Enhancing data visualization
tools for better understanding and interpretation of fraud detection results can empower stakeholders
to make informed decisions.

Department of MCA 21



 “Credit Card Fraud Detection

System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.
 2. .“Credit Card Fraud Detection
using Machine Learning
Algorithms” by V. Dornadulaa,
Geetha S.
 3. “A Research Paper on Credit Card
Fraud Detection” by S. Teja, B.
Munendra, S. Gokulkrishnan
 4. “Credit Card Fraud Detection
Predictive Modelling” by N. Sharma
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection
System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Department of MCA 21

Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.

 2. .“Credit Card Fraud Detection
using Machine Learning
Algorithms” by V. Dornadulaa,
Geetha S.
 3. “A Research Paper on Credit Card
Fraud Detection” by S. Teja, B.
Munendra, S. Gokulkrishnan
 4. “Credit Card Fraud Detection
Predictive Modelling” by N. Sharma
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection
System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.
 2. .“Credit Card Fraud Detection
using Machine Learning

Department of MCA 21

Algorithms” by V. Dornadulaa,
Geetha S.
 3. “A Research Paper on Credit Card
Fraud Detection” by S. Teja, B.
Munendra, S. Gokulkrishnan
 4. “Credit Card Fraud Detection
Predictive Modelling” by N. Sharma
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection
System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.
 2. .“Credit Card Fraud Detection
using Machine Learning
Algorithms” by V. Dornadulaa,
Geetha S.
 3. “A Research Paper on Credit Card
Fraud Detection” by S. Teja, B.
Munendra, S. Gokulkrishnan
Department of MCA 22

 4. “Credit Card Fraud Detection

Predictive Modelling” by N. Sharma
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection
System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.
 2. .“Credit Card Fraud Detection
using Machine Learning
Algorithms” by V. Dornadulaa,
Geetha S.
 3. “A Research Paper on Credit Card
Fraud Detection” by S. Teja, B.
Munendra, S. Gokulkrishnan
 4. “Credit Card Fraud Detection
Predictive Modelling” by N. Sharma
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection
System” by K. Madkaikar, M.

Department of MCA 22

Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.

 2. .“Credit Card Fraud Detection
using Machine Learning
Algorithms” by V. Dornadulaa,
Geetha S.
 3. “A Research Paper on Credit Card
Fraud Detection” by S. Teja, B.
Munendra, S. Gokulkrishnan
 4. “Credit Card Fraud Detection
Predictive Modelling” by N. Sharma
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection
System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.
 2. .“Credit Card Fraud Detection
using Machine Learning

Department of MCA 22

Algorithms” by V. Dornadulaa,
Geetha S.
 3. “A Research Paper on Credit Card
Fraud Detection” by S. Teja, B.
Munendra, S. Gokulkrishnan
 4. “Credit Card Fraud Detection
Predictive Modelling” by N. Sharma
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection
System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.
 2
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection
System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.
 2

Department of MCA 22

 “Credit Card Fraud Detection

System” by K. Madkaikar, M.
Nagvekar, P. Parab, R. Raikar, S.
 2
 “Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms” by V. Dornadulaa,
Geetha S. (Accessed: 03 March 2024).

 Jain R., Gour B., Dubey S., A hybrid

approach for credit card fraud
detection using rough set and
 decision tree technique, International
Journal of Computer Applications
139(10) (2016).
 Jain R., Gour B., Dubey S., A hybrid
approach for credit card fraud
detection using rough set and
 decision tree technique, International
Journal of Computer Applications
139(10) (2016).
Department of MCA 22

 Jain R., Gour B., Dubey S., A hybrid

approach for credit card fraud
detection using rough set and
 decision tree technique, International
Journal of Computer Applications
139(10) (2016).
 Jain R., Gour B., Dubey S., A hybrid
approach for credit card fraud
detection using rough set and
 decision tree technique, International
Journal of Computer Applications
139(10) (2016).
 Jain R., Gour B., Dubey S., A hybrid
approach for credit card fraud
detection using rough set and
 decision tree technique, International
Journal of Computer Applications
139(10) (2016).
Department of MCA 22

 Jain R., Gour B., Dubey S., A hybrid

approach for credit card fraud
detection using rough set and
 decision tree technique, International
Journal of Computer Applications
139(10) (2016).
 Jain R., Gour B., Dubey S., A hybrid
approach for credit card fraud
detection using rough set and
 decision tree technique, International
Journal of Computer Applications
139(10) (2016).
 Jain R., Gour B., Dubey S., A hybrid
approach for credit card fraud
detection using rough set and
 decision tree technique, International
Journal of Computer Applications
139(10) (2016).
 GeeksforGeeks.
Department of MCA 22

 GeeksforGeeks.

Department of MCA 22

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