Neila Savitri Tugas Laprak Basing

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Neila Savitri


The Golden Goose

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a woodcutter named John. John
was a kind-hearted man, but he was very poor. One day, while he was chopping
wood in the forest, he saw a beautiful golden goose trapped in a hunter's net.
Feeling sorry for the goose, John freed it.

To his surprise, the golden goose started talking to him. It thanked him for saving
its life and told him that it was a magical goose that could lay golden eggs. The
goose then told John to take it home with him.

When John reached home, he told his wife Mary about the golden goose and its
magical powers. Excited, they waited for the next morning to see if the goose
would lay a golden egg. True to its word, the goose laid a golden egg the next

John and Mary became rich overnight, thanks to the golden eggs laid by the
goose. They no longer had to worry about food or shelter. However, they
became greedy and wanted more wealth.

One day, John thought, "If the goose can lay golden eggs, its feathers must be
made of gold too." So, he decided to cut open the goose to get all the gold at
once. To his dismay, when he cut open the goose, there was no gold inside. The
goose was just like any other ordinary goose.

John and Mary realized their mistake. They had let greed cloud their judgment.
From then on, they lived a humble life, regretting their greed and cherishing the
memories of the golden goose and the lesson it taught them.

And so, the golden goose, through its magical eggs, taught John and Mary the
true value of contentment and the dangers of greed.

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