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A. Choose the best answer to complete sentence.

31. Which graphic organizer is used to generate ideas and organize ideas from general to specific?
a. Clustering c. Listing
b. Outlining d. Mind mapping
32. What are the steps to academic writing process?
a. Gathering information; Focusing b. Planning; Writing; Revision
and Organizing; Writing, c. Pre-writing; Writing; Post-writing
Editing and Revising
33. Which are the five common methods, or modes of paragraph development?
a. classification, definition, process, c. cause/effect, definition, process,
result, and contrast classification, and
b. comparison/contrast, description, comparison/contrast
process, cause/effect, and
34. The purpose of a comparison/or contrast paragraph is to show ……………….
a. how 2 ideas, persons, or things are c. how 2 ideas, persons, or things are
similar. different in some way or ways.
b. how 2 ideas, persons, or things
alike or different.
35. Paraphrasing ………………………………….. .
a. is as long as original text, c. includes keywords from the
sometimes even longer. original text.
b. communicates the exact ideas as d. all of the above.
the original without quoting the
original directly.
36. The thesis statement ……………………………………………….
a. is the most general statement in the the formation of the topic
essay. sentences.
b. contains “controlling ideas” that c. is usually written at the end of the
guide the direction of the essay and introduction.
d. all of the above.
37. The background paragraph…………………
a. gives a general idea of the topic c. states the main idea of the
using interesting information . paragraph.
b. helps the readers understand the d. all of the above.
essay topic and prepares them
for the rest of the essay.
38. Transitions commonly used to provide recommendation are ……. .
a. the research suggested that… , I c. as a consequence of … , we must
recommend that … , and We …., and I recommend that … .
must … .
b. although, consequently, and I
recommend that … .
39. Parallel structure means that ……
a. the same verb tenses are used in sentence to show that two or more ideas are equally
b. the same parts of speech are used in sentence to show that two or more ideas are
equally important.
c. all of the above.

50. Facts, expert opinions, examples, descriptions, observations, personal experiences, and
explanations can be ……………of a paragraph.
a. supporting details
b. concluding sentence
c. topic sentence

Chapter 1.Academic Writing Focus:

 Analyzing Essay~ Describe /50 words/

Watching scary or violent movies can negatively affect kids. They could start acting meaner
or thinking that violence is okay. This could mess up how they get along with others and even
make them treat people badly. In the long run, it could make them see life in a pessimistic

Chapter 2. Academic Writing Focus:

 Explaining Essay ~ Cause and Effect /50words/

When you don't get enough sleep, it can mess with your body's usual functions. It can tire
out your brain, affecting its ability to process information faster and logically. This tiredness can
impact how you think and feel, making it harder to concentrate and stay emotionally balanced.

Chapter 3.Academic Writing Focus:

 Reporting Essay~ Compare and Contrast /50words/

Video games offer skill development and social interaction but can lead to addiction and
aggressive behavior. They enhance problem-solving but excessive play harms health and social
life. Moderation is key for benefits like improved cognition, but monitoring prevents adverse
effects like addiction and behavioral changes in children.

Chapter 4.Academic Writing Focus:

 Analyzing Essay~ Critical think /50words/

Human activity harms the Earth, evident in global warming, emerging diseases like COVID-
19, and ocean pollution. These visible signs highlight our impact. The reality of everyday
consequences, from climate changes, air pollution to soil degradation, strongly supports the idea
that human actions are damaging our planet.

Chapter 5.Academic Writing Focus:

 Summarizing Essay~ Classify /50words/

Education helps a country grow. Look at Finland and South Korea—they improved a lot in
such fast rate since World War 2 because of they foresaw that education is the key to success.
Education boosts economies, shapes societies, and drives new technology, making it crucial for a
country's development.

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