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UNIT 3: Language Test A

Vocabulary Grammar
Task 1
Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the
Choose the correct words to complete the
1 The number of British people choosing not to eat
16 I’m sure Harris will win / will be winning the
meat has been increasing / gaining in recent years.
match. She’s playing much better than Singh.
2 We need to make sure / sense that the food is
17 My uncle stays / is staying with us this weekend.
properly cooked.
18 I can’t see you next week because I will study /
3 Some countries don’t have enough water and they
will be studying for my exams.
have to import / export it from abroad.
19 I don’t think the UK is winning / will win the song
4 I like to do / make my bit for the environment so I
contest this year.
recycle as much as possible.
20 He won’t be / isn’t happy when he finds out that
5 We’ve had a fantastic tomato crop / growth this year
you have lost his book.
thanks to the good weather.
21 The bus is about / likely to go. The driver is
6 When oranges are in season / time, I like to make
shutting the doors.
my own juice.
22 By the time my dad gets / will get home, we’ll all
7 I love to look at all the fresh produce / production in
be in bed.
my local market.
23 Tina’s plane was due / likely to land at seven
8 There isn’t any lemonade so we’ll have to
o’clock so it must be delayed.
make / make do with water.
9 It’s important for consumers / users to think
carefully about the things they buy.
___/9 Task 2
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
Task 2 these words and phrases.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of enough not enough so so many such a lot
these words. such a(n) too much
chop clean die get kill throw
24 There was big queue for the cinema
10 We need to up this mess before dad that we decided to leave it.
25 There’s time to finish this game of
gets home.
11 A big poster would be the best way Scrabble this evening. Let’s finish it tomorrow.
to our message across. 26 Don’t put milk in my tea. I prefer it to
12 Sea pollution is likely to off many be strong.
27 It was hard to sleep last night because it
species of animals in the near future.
was hot in my room.
13 I never use this CD player so I’m it
28 The company has made a public apology
because people complained.
14 The old tree in our garden was dying so
we it down. 29 Raynor has got of responsibility in his
15 A lot of sea creatures out if we keep job. I don’t know how he copes.
30 If you think we’ve made sandwiches,
polluting the oceans.
___/6 we don’t need to make any more.

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Use of English
Task 1
Read the text and complete the gaps with one word only.

The end of food waste?

There are (31) a lot of advantages to buying your food from a supermarket that it is difficult to avoid
them. You can get cheap products all year round with everything you need in one place. Many of us couldn’t do
(32) them. However, this convenience has a price, which is a huge amount of food waste. The prices
are (33) low that consumers buy much more than they need. In fact, the average US consumer
(34) waste around twenty percent of all the food they buy. Supermarkets also throw
(35) large amounts of food which they haven’t been able to sell. At the same time, many people in the
world don’t have (36) to eat. Not only that, but food often has too (37) packaging, which is
bad for the environment. Not surprisingly, some people have been arguing that supermarkets should do more to
reduce food waste. Finally, it seems that the supermarkets have listened. One supermarket is due
(38) start using an app which will help it reduce its waste. It tells the supermarket how much food is left
which can’t be sold. This food will then be given to charities who can (39) sure that it gets to the people
who need it most. If the app is a success, it (40) likely that other supermarkets will also work to reduce
food waste.


Task 2
Read the article and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

The Cantabrian brown bear

The brown bear is found across North America, Europe and Asia. They can live in all sorts of places from the edges of
deserts to mountains if they have (41) food and somewhere to rest during the day. Although they are not
endangered, they have (42) in some parts of the world. The Cantabrian brown bear is one group that came
very close to disappearing. The Cantabrian bear lives in the mountains near the north coast of Spain, which has been
their (43) habitat for centuries. As a result of hunting and construction, bear numbers decreased rapidly during
the twentieth century. (44) the 1970s, there were only about eighty bears left in the region. (45) , they
were made a protected species in 1973. Since then, the number of bears in the region has (46) to around 200.
The Cantabrian bear is still in danger, but charities are trying to get the message (47) that they need to be
protected. They say we can’t do (48) them because they help to control other wild animal populations. Working
with local governments, they have created conservation areas, which provide a (49) home for the bears. They
are also trying to convince local farmers that they can live together. This means that the Cantabrian bear population is
very (50) to grow in the future.

41 A too B such C enough D so

42 A chopped down B died out C killed off D thrown away
43 A natural B ordinary C physical D usual
44 A At B By C When D Since
45 A Although B Despite C However D In order that
46 A built B grown up C increased D raised
47 A through B up C over D across
48 A away B to C with D without
49 A safe B sure C clear D pure
50 A about B due C likely D possibly

Total: ___/50

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