Iot Monitoring Lathe Machine Performance

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Materials Today: Proceedings 80 (2023) 3570–3574

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Iot monitoring lathe machine performance

Rupak Sharma a, Rajeev Sharma a, Y.B. Prabha b, S. Rema Devi c, Pankaj Saxena d,
T. Rajasanthosh kumar (rajasanthosh) e,⇑
Department of Computer Applications, Faculty of Science& Humanities, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, NCR Campus, Delhi NCR Campus, Meerut-Delhi Road,
Modinagar, Ghaziabad, UP, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, India
Department of English, School of Liberal Arts and Special Education Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Virudhunagar District, India
R.B.S. Management Technical Campus, Agra, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oriental Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Machines have to operate effectively and free from faults in order to enhance productivity, increase qual-
Available online 27 July 2021 ity, and decrease costs. With automated and flexible action, this is far more likely. An accurate identifi-
cation of the underlying cause Causes of failure that need repairs and the time for restoration include: A
Keywords: lot of Various monitoring methods are available to track the experimentally-recorded machine health.
Lathe machine Maintaining instruments and sensors. The vibration monitoring methods in this list. It is the right fit,
Monetering and it has shown itself over time. Measuring vibrations in this job three different locations resembling
the stock of a gun: headstock, tailstock. When conducting turning operation with mild steel, the tool post
of the lathe machine is made of metal. Data that is gathered through sensors is sent straight to the cloud
in this case, such as Ubidots IoT platform. via way of nodeMCU. Whether a task is impacted or a tool is
impacted, mission failure has occurred. Thus, in either instance, early warning is provided by a signature,
thus the development does not progress as quickly machining. If the tail-stock seems to be broken, and
this appears to be a consistent problem, then the whole batch must be inspected for errors to be
inspected closely is anything that has been created under such circumstances. An optimal decision-
making procedure light may be thrown on CM so processes may be machine-wise instituted in a shop
there. Tools while talking about lathes that are large, medium, or tiny. Overall it is a method which is easy
but yet capable of benefitting people at all levels, from the absolute beginner to experts Floor productivity
is aided by training elements that are almost unnecessary.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience & Nanotechnology.

1. Introduction most often used. Lifetime of a tool The amount of time you expect
the tool to be useful is called expectancy. Taylors equation is often
Each machine tool wears a portion based on the kind of tool, the based on cutting speed, depth of cut, feed rate, and material type.
sort of work, and many other considerations. Intermittent wear Because of the different manufacturing processes, it is possible that
and tear makes the tool obsolete at some point. As the tool’s dura- the anticipated lifespan will vary from the estimated expected life-
bility degrades, the accuracy of the task begins to be impaired. time. Some businesses are using standard observations for the tool
When it is no longer able to generate tasks with particular degree and are attempting to get the correct Remaining Useful Life (RUL).
of acceptable accuracy, it has to be replaced. The standard pro- The time that the tool will fail is calculated using RUL (or unusable
cesses are used to keep track of the tool wear and tear. Accelerom- in production in simple terminology). RUL prediction is not always
eters and multichannel high-precision data collection devices are as simple as it seems when described. Researchers are devoting a
significant lot of effort to accurately calculate RUL.
A commonly used method for this is machine learning tech-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Oriental Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal, niques that include learning techniques. Using machine learning,
India the engine analyses and classifies previously supplied data, or uses
E-mail address: (T. Rajasanthosh kumar).
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials,
Nanobioscience & Nanotechnology.
R. Sharma, R. Sharma, Y.B. Prabha et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 80 (2023) 3570–3574

the data to do a prediction analysis on the condition of new data. Table 1

Because of this, methods that use such characteristics are reliant Chemical Composition Of carbide tool bit.

on them. One of the most frequent assessment criteria for gauging Si no Composition Name %
the quality of an instrument is to assess the noise it makes. 1 Wc 81.26
Through the addition of total acceleration in all three directions, 2 Co 16.29
the vibration data is further collected. Time series is also known 3 TiC 1
as a data set that changes with time. The difficulty of RUL in fact
has to do with Time Series Prediction. Other methods used in Neu-
ral Networks include Until Run to Failure (RTF) in a restricted envi- Table 2
ronment, the tool must be utilised, and then the recorded data and Geometry of Carbide tool.
lifespan must be monitored. The traditional approach for efficient
Si.No Description Measured
scheduling and maintenance has been to utilise this method.
Computational and predictive engines have improved, and with 1 Grade Ic 20
2 S in mm 4.77
them the capability to use time series data acquired during RTF in 3 D1 in mm 5.49
RUL computation can be implemented. This means RUL can be 4 R in mm 0.79
interpolated by machine learning algorithms such as Neural Net- 5 1 mm 12.88
works, Support Vector Machines, Curve Fitting, or other
3.2. 8-Channel analyzer

2. Specification of components An 8-channel analyzer allows you to record and examine mea-
surements, such as environment testing, structural analysis, acous-
The machinability investigation of the Al-SiC metal matrix com- tics, machinery diagnostics, and production testing and quality
posites will be done using carbide tools. In the current study, the control, using the modular software offered by Data Physics, which
carbide tool is shown in Fig. 1. allows you to select only those measurements you need from an
Everything about online condition monitoring which means extensive range.
\smaintenance is done for equipment from a distance. thus in this
instance vibration signal is sent to\scloud which can be viewed 3.3. SignalCalc mobilyzer
anywhere using internet and also condition monitoring can be
used for multiple machineries by detecting all machines vibration All of the components necessary for complete tests of the main
at a time and transmitting it to the cloud for analysis at other loca- operations are present: strong FFT measurements, large dynamic
tion. See (Fig. 2). range, and comprehensive analysis capabilities. A broad range of
standard features includes selection and conversion of engineering
units, automatic export, professional reports, simple data manage-
3. Structure of data acquisition system specification of ment with signal map, a wide range of displays, and various cursor
components functions. Read more about SignalCalc mobilizer on SignalCalc
mobilizer website Application modules with optional features
3.1. Data acquisition system (real-time Octave and 1/3 Octave analysis, Sound Power and Inten-
sity, RPM-based measures, Order Tracking, MIMO and Stepped Sine
With the implementation of the vibration data collection sys- testing, Balancing) are used to increase the usefulness of the anal-
tem, tool condition monitoring was made possible via the analysis ysis modules and include additional capabilities. Here are seven
of vibration data. See (Table 1 and Table 2). SRS analyses, all of which may be broken down into four parts:

Fig. 1. Carbide Tool.

Fig. 2. Proposed methodology block diagram.

R. Sharma, R. Sharma, Y.B. Prabha et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 80 (2023) 3570–3574

Fig. 3. Experimental Setup.

chain. The number of charge amplifiers that may be linked is lim-

ited to five. [Kistler] To launch the operation, please use the key-
board or an alternative interface. The LCD shows the settings.
One example of an application would be a charge calibrator which
is connected to between one and five charge amplifiers.

3.6. Kistler tri axial accelerometer

For machine monitoring purposes, it is essential to have vibra-

tion sensors in place. Triaxial accelerometers of the type
8766A250AA and 8766A5BB are designed for use in harsh environ-
ments. This shear element design, called Kistler’s PiezoStar, is used
for its large working frequency range and resistance to tempera-
ture fluctuations. Other sensing element designs use PiezoStar
crystals and integrated hybrid microelectronics to decrease sensi-
Fig. 4. Accelerometer mounted on the tool holder. tivity fluctuation with respect to operation temperature.

Demodulation, rotor dynamics, multi-plane balancing, waterfall 4. Experimental setup and test procedure
and spectrogram presentations, and throughput-to-disk.
The use of tri axial accelerometers in previous TCM research has
been confirmed in a TCM review. Fig. 3 shows completed installa-
3.4. 8-Channel data recorder
tions of a data collection system using a standard lathe.The Kistler
amplifier is adjusted to 105.3 Hz in terms of requirements. In Fig. 4,
Set-up time is a concern when using TEAC data recorders (es8
the accelerometer was placed on the tool shank that holds the cut-
recorders) in the field or in the laboratory. This figure displays
ting tool. The accelerometer was used to find signals which were
the ES8 recorder in Fig. 3 7. For recording, the es8 recorder utilises
then amplified and recorded. Data acquisition software saved the
a Compact Flash memory card. An individual stand-alone opera-
signals (data physics), variable tool-wear carbide insert tools (nor-
tion enables you to configure, monitor, and record using the LCD
mal carbide tool, medium worn-out tool, fully worn-out tool)
and the key. You may conduct the wave monitor and the recording
Approximately equal quantities of LM6 (LM6 + 0.2 percent SiC;
control by connecting to a PC with a built-in USB port. While the
LM6 + 4.3 percent SiC; LM6 + 11 percent SiC) were placed in stan-
device is sampling on all channels, four hours of continuous
dard lathes to cut LM6 work pieces, changing in composition with
recording may be done utilising the device’s 16-bit A/D converter
variable speed, feed, and depth of cut
that is separately fitted in each channel. An extra battery will allow
The accelerometer was attached to the tool holder to capture
you to record longer. A sample frequency of 5 kHz to 1/60 Hz is
the vibration data produced in the machining operation. See
provided. The different kinds of sensor amplifiers combined with
Fig. 5 for further information. An 8-channel analyzer was used to
combine measurement (such earthquakes, natural phenomena,
capture vibration signals that were produced and amplified by
and structure vibrations) makes it feasible to measure a broad vari-
the kistler amplifier. The channels for measuring the amount of
ety of parameters (such as structural vibration, mechanical vibra-
force data were captured and programmed.
tion, and bio-signals). The analyzer’s sensor serves as a backup
An understanding of the industrial architecture of the process,
for the device. They are designed to be cheap and easy to use
components and their arrangements for machine tool health mon-
front-end components.
itoring. The arrangement is basically collecting accelerometer data
at a very high sampling rate (think audio recording-22 kHz) and
3.5. Kistler amplifier then storing it. If an online analysis of this data has to be carried
out, the data needs to be placed in cloud at a very rapid pace with-
To examine and calibrate piezoelectric measuring systems, you out loosing connection or losing out the values. With 16 bit ADC
may use the charge calibrator. In the place of the sensor or in tan- recording 3 channels @ 22Khz leads to 48x22000 = 1.5 KB data
dem with it, the charge calibrator is linked to the measurement per second. A 20 h of recording will result in approximately
R. Sharma, R. Sharma, Y.B. Prabha et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 80 (2023) 3570–3574

Fig. 5. Operation on lathe machine.

Fig. 6. Tail stock frequency Vs Amplitude.

Fig. 8b. Tool post frequency Vs Amplitude.

Fig. 9. Tail stock amplitude Vs time.

Fig. 7. Head stock amplitude Vs time.

Fig. 10. Tail stock frequency Vs amplitude.

Fig. 8a. Tool post Amplitude vs time.

These three columns provide information about , y, and z axis
acceleration. Because there is a huge amount of data, we need a
950 MB data. That’s very large for processing in the memory. specialised method of data storage called data streaming.
Therefore many times this data is re sampled at 500 HZ-1Khz to
decrease amount of samples. We have given some example record- 1. record the data locally
ing with this post which may be useful for you to evaluate the type 2. open a connection with the server
and complexity of data. 3. send a set of data at a stretch with a timestamp identification

R. Sharma, R. Sharma, Y.B. Prabha et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 80 (2023) 3570–3574

Table 3
Experimental values.

No. Of Samples Tool Spindle speed in rpm Depth of cut in mm Vibration in Hz

A A 250 2 25,600
B A 550 2 25,600
C A 800 2 25,600

4. Server must store the data in chunks and must offer the analytic collecting process to cloud. Then, we simulated the industrial set-
service this acceess of data in chunk ting and tested the service using Intel Edison, all using a simulation
While current cloud-based IoT service providers often suffer We’ve also made available the dataset as recorded, the 003th
from one major flaw, they presume that each data point is an inde- row in Table 3 is the first, the 4th row is the second, and so on.
pendent time stamp. Data is thus seen as a single instance of time’s You may manually upload the RTF data to Azure and then con-
worth of data. Where did it all go wrong? Azure, Bluemix, and struct your RUL system using machine learning services like Azure.
allied IoT cloud storage/service providers use either Mqtt or Web- Enthusiasm, this guide should help you get started with IIoT and
sockets for their IoT cloud storage/service. The serial transmission make it simple for you to quickly form your IIoT architecture.
of data occurs as a sequence but with time-stamping on top of it.
As a result, GE Predix is the top competitor in this category. Data CRediT authorship contribution statement
is delivered in chunks with a unique ID and a time series linked
with the individual values or overall chunk. This design divides Rupak Sharma: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data cura-
up functionality into separate services, each of which may be cre- tion. Rajeev Sharma: Visualization. Y.B. Prabha: Investigation. S.
ated and deployed independently. Additionally, Amazon Web Ser- Rema Devi: Writing - original draft. Pankaj Saxena: Validation.
vices (AWS) is used, which helps with scalability. As you climb, you T. Rajasanthosh kumar: Supervision.
may pay as you go. Our cloud-based User and Application Authen-
tication Architecture, UAA, secures data access and sharing from Declaration of Competing Interest
the beginning. This GE predix also offers a visualisation solution
for both logical and presentation layers, utilising the Custom View The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
service (using Angular JS based Px components). cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
With all the tools required to complete the end-to-end data col- to influence the work reported in this paper.
lection and visualisation service, you receive a full outfit. However,
it is worth mentioning that even though the platform is capable of Further Reading
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based data streaming and ingestion services for moving the data


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