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Problem 1
1.1 Descriptive statistics to summarize data. Which types of foods are delivered better and
comparing their costs and service regarding the delivery timings. ……………….3 - 4
1.2 There are 14 different varieties of items that are considered. Describe and explain the
varieties across Region and Channel? ……………………………………………………………..5
1.3 On the basis of the descriptive measure of variability, which item shows the most
inconsistent behaviour? Which items shows the least inconsistent behaviour?....5
1.4 Are there any outliers in the data? Back up your answer with a suitable plot/technique
with the help of detailed comments ………………………………………………………………..6
1.5 On the basis of your analysis, what are your recommendations for the business? How
can your analysis help the business to solve its problem? Answer from the business
perspective ………………………………………………………………6

Problem 2
2.1 For this data, construct the following contingency tables …………………………………7
2.1.1 Cost of the order and count ……………………………….. 8
2.1.2 Delivery time and count ………………………………. 8
2.1.3 Cousin time and cost of the order ………………………………. 9
2.2 What is the probability of getting ratings of the orders of different country dishes?..9
2.3 What is the levels of ratings of different dishes of different restaurants?................10

Problem 3
What assumption about the restaurant’s distribution is needed in order to conduct the
hypothesis tests above? …………………………………..11

Problem 1
The project says different restaurants and their orders of different country foods and their
cost variations and people considerations of orders in weekly basis like weekends and
weekdays deliveries. Also says the delivery report of delivery time and ratings of different
foods of different countries.

1.1. Use methods of descriptive statistics to summarize data.

Which type of food varieties are ordered in high demand with their cost variation?
How orders are varying in weekends and weekdays?

How ratings are differing?

Comparing of delivery timings of different counts?

How cost of orders differs?

1.2. There are 14 different varieties of items that are considered:
The restaurants are serving 14 different country dishes like American, Chinese, French,
Korean, Japanese, Mexican, Indian, Thai, Spanish, Vietnamese, southern. Also,
comparison of their demand and costs of orders are defined.

1.3 On the basis of the descriptive measure of variability, which item shows the
most inconsistent behaviour? Which items shows the least inconsistent
These shows the how the service of food is done. The graph shows the visualisation of
food delivery within the delivery time and is compared with cost of the order.

1.4 Are there any outliers in the data? Back up your answer with a suitable
plot/technique with the help of detailed comments
There were outliers in case of different menu items of different countries comparing
with cost of the orders.

1.5 On the basis of your analysis, what are your recommendations for the
business? How can your analysis help the business to solve its problem?
Answer from the business perspective.
For the business to be better, there should variations in cost of the orders in
weekends compared to weekdays since people prefers more the enjoyment of
weekends with families for outside foods in the restaurants. And the Mexican foods,
Thai foods are more proffered by people and children. And in present days people
are proffering the health conscious and are preferring health diet. So, the
restaurants with diet food varieties will be in high demand.

And for the restaurant to be unique, the restaurant can go with traditional
food items which the recipes followed by our ancestors and grant grandmothers.
These makes a lot of difference in the present days, maybe not in the starting but
gradually there will be lot of improvement in the restaurant business.

2.1 For this data, construct the following contingency tables

2.1.1 cost of the order and count

2.1.2 delivery time and count

2.1.3 Cousin time and Cost of the order

2.2 What is the probability of getting ratings of the orders of different country dishes?
The number of total orders that cost above 20 dollars is: 555
Percentage of orders above 20 dollars: 29.24 %

2.3 What is the levels of ratings of different dishes of different restaurants?

The graph of rating of the restaurant verses food preparation time:

The graph of rating of the restaurant verses delivery time:

Problem 3

The report explains the restaurants performances of different orders of different

country foods with maintaining sustainable orders and ratings. The restaurant with
better performance by maintaining the delivery times and maintaining the cost of the
orders as per the dishes. The dishes are included with different countries like American,
southern, Mexican, Thai, Italian dishes, Chinese dishes like noodles, rolls etc, Indian
which services in better to serve the different age as well as different category people.
The restaurants are compared with delivery times, types of foods served and cost of
the orders by maintaining the rating given by people offered with orders. The analysis is
done for different restaurants for weekend days as well as week days by the people to
maintain the restaurant services. The comparisons are done with graph structures and
data like tables are maintained to compare the orders and dishes of the restaurants.
The plots like boxplots and histographic plots are mentioned for comparison of the
restaurants. The graphs are included with outliers of the plots.

For the growth of the restaurants we can implement the ideas with social media for the
promotions. The growth can also done by offering the food offers or discounts, happy hours.
The leveraging online ordering of the restaurants can also leads to the growth. By providing
the events in the restaurants makes known to the people who are unaware of the
restaurant. The other best idea is turning existing customers to promoters.


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