Science Portfolio

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Subject: Science
Class:- 09
Name :_________________
Section :________________
Roll No:________________
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my science teacher
________________ as well as our school Principal ________________
who gave me the excellent opportunity to do this portfolio assignments, which
also helped me in doing a lot of and I came to know about so many new
things, like Art Integration in Science and logical reasoning

I am really thankful to them. Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and
friends who helped me a lot in finishing this Portfolio within the limited time.
Just because of them I was able to complete it.

I am making this Portfolio not only for marks but to also to improve my

Thanks again to all who helped me.

Name of student .
This is to certify that the Portfolio is submitted by the ------ - - -- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - under the supervision of ______ _ ___ __ __ __ __
____ .....(your teacher’s name) the academic year 4

Sign of teacher
S.No Activity / Assignment Submitted Marks Teacher
on (5) Sign
3 Put dried raisins or apricots in
plain water and leaves them for
some time. Then place them in to
a concentrated solution of sugar
or salt. You will observe the
(a) Each gains water and swells
when placed in water.
(b) However, when placed in the
concentrated solution it loses water,
and consequently shrinks.

Give one simple activity/

1 experiment to show that
particles of matter are very

When a carpet is beaten

2 with stick dust particle A
come out of it.Expain the
Total Marks

Weightage out of 5
Give one simple activity/ experiment to show that's
particles of matter are very small.

When a carpet is beaten with stick, dust particles
come out of it. Expain the reason?

Put dried raisins or apricots in plain water and leaves
them for some time. Then place them in to a con.
solution of sugar or salt. You will observe the

(a) Each gains water and swells When placed in

(b) However, when placed in then concentrated
solution it loses water, andre consequently shrinks.

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