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Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching

Based on Computer Technology

Jia Li(*)
Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, China

Xiaoxia Zhang
Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, China

Zijun Hu
Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, China

Abstract—The promotion and application of computer technology in the ed-

ucation field has been driving the continuous innovation and development of tra-
ditional teaching methods. As a new type of blended learning model, flipping
classroom can be well combined with computer technology to effectively im-
prove the quality of education and teaching in colleges and universities. he Moo-
dle provides a good network support platform for the implementation of flipping
classroom. This paper aims to develop a new flipped classroom teaching model.
Supported by Moodle and adhering to the philosophy of self-learning, this teach-
ing model arranges learning tasks according to the different characteristics and
needs of learners. Through interactions, it can develop students’ self-learning
abilities and improve their learning efficiency; through online tracking, it can un-
derstand students’ learning dynamics in time and guide them in preview of
knowledge points before class to allow them to think clearly. The purpose of this
paper is to study the effects of the flipped classroom teaching method based on
Moodle so as to find out what to improve in this model and make it widely applied
in college teaching to cultivate more applied talents.

Keywords—Flipped classroom; modular; object-oriented; dynamic learning

1 Introduction

The classroom teaching models in colleges and universities have been continuously
reformed with the rapid advancement of information technology. In many local junior
and undergraduate colleges, more and more attention are being paid to the cultivation
of applied talents, so relevant research has been carried out [1-3]. At present, the tradi-
tional education teaching model, due to its shortcomings, cannot satisfy the needs of
colleges and universities for cultivation of applied talents, thus resulting in a serious
shortage of applied talents in the society. Colleges and universities should constantly
explore the reform of classroom teaching models, so that students will have sufficient

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Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

autonomy and say in the classroom [4-6]. Flipped classroom, being in line with the
requirements of modern education reform, has provided a reference method for colleges
and universities to cultivate more applied talents. At present, there are still some prob-
lems in the practice of flipped classroom in colleges and universities. For example, the
limited number of experiments conducted is not enough to explain its effectiveness,
students have little practice of their operational skills, and there is a lack of an online
education teaching platform [7-9]. Therefore, this paper establishes a flipped classroom
teaching model based on the Moodle platform and forms a learning platform in the new
context. The purpose is to focus on training students’ comprehensive quality, improving
their abilities to discover and solve problems and think independently and promoting
their self-learning and self-practice skills so as to cultivate more applied talents in col-
leges and universities.

2 Related theories and technologies

2.1 Flipped classroom

Flipped classroom is also known as inverted classroom, whose core idea is to enable
students to learn and absorb knowledge independently, and then deepen their under-
standing in the classroom, which can be summarized as learning and digesting before
teaching [10-12]. Its essence is to combine the traditional teaching philosophy with the
information-based teaching mode, which makes full use of the extensive information
and teaching resources online and the network convenience. In this model, students can
use electronic devices such as mobile phones to watch online micro-classes for self-
study, and then deepen their understanding of knowledge in classroom [13-15]. Flipped
classroom has an irreplaceable advantage in the modern teaching. It uses videos to pre-
sent refined and rich teaching content, which provides new ideas for innovation of
learning methods and breaks the space limitation of teaching.

2.2 Moodle platform

MOODLE, short for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, is
a service platform that enables learners to learn autonomously, exchange knowledge
and think independently [16-18]. Moodle can realize course management, and allow
users to upload different courses to forums, chat rooms, blogs and other platforms and
discuss them [19-20]. In addition, it also allows users to share resources like assign-
ments and questionnaire surveys, adjust their schedule of course activities and infor-
mation and select the teaching time to achieve openness of the teaching information.
At the same time, teachers can check the students’ homepage in the Moodle environ-
ment to understand their learning progress at any time and modify and improve their
curricula accordingly. Moodle is in line with the needs of colleges and universities for
flipped classroom education and also easy to operate, free of charge and open, making
it a world-renowned curriculum management system. Now Moodle is becoming more

Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

and more well-known in the education field in China and has been generally recognized
by educational experts.

3 Construction of the flipped classroom teaching model based

on the Moodle platform

3.1 Flipped classroom teaching model

At present, the inter-conversion of the learning content in and outside class is the
main educational method adopted in flipped classroom. Since the ancient times, the
learning tradition has been carried on in China, where teachers teach knowledge in class
and students digest and understand the knowledge by completing homework or practice
outside class. Flipped classroom, unlike the traditional method, allows students to learn
knowledge online with the aid of electronic equipment to train their independent think-
ing and problem finding abilities, and then discuss the problems by themselves in class
to find the solutions. Tab. 1 shows the differences between a traditional class and a
flipped class:

Table 1. Comparative analysis table of traditional classroom and flipped classroom

Teaching elements Traditional classroom Flipped classroom
Teaching objectives Subject knowledge Learning ability
Teaching form Classroom information transmission Information transfer before class
Class content Knowledge explanation, infusion teaching Watch video for questions
Self-directed learning finds prob-
Teaching process Teacher teaching, students learning
lems and leads to solutions
Technology platform Projection display content Network teaching platform
Teaching evaluation Focus on academic performance Focus on the learning process

3.2 Flipped classroom model in the Moodle environment

By referring to the educational philosophies of flipped classroom, this paper puts
forward the concept of micro-class and establishes a teaching model based on Moodle,
which combines the Moodle platform with the flipped classroom to maximize the ad-
vantages of both so as to better serve the learners. Fig. 1 shows the model, which mainly
consists of the following modules:
In the pre-class guidance module, teachers record the class in the form of video and
post it to the micro-class community section of the Moodle platform, along with a task
list for pre-class preparation. According to this list, students can watch the video with
directed attention and take notes in time, mark the knowledge points and digest and
absorb them after class. The biggest advantage of this module is that students can con-
duct selective learning according to their own timetables. Before class, students will
receive the courseware and the learning schedule so that they can choose the appropri-
ate time to preview the course content.

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Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

Flipped classroom learning MOODLE platform

Courses leading to learn In class activities After class to consolidate

Review after class

Learning resource

problem Create an
identificatioin environment
Feedback on



feedback Activity

Knowledge Communication Measure

Measure Independent study
Internalization feedback


Data analysis

Flipped classroom learning MOODLE platform

Fig. 1. Flipped classroom model in the Moodle environment

The in-class activity module is used for the process of learning and communication
in the class. After previewing the content of a lesson, students summarize the problems
found and then exchange and communicate with group members or teachers in different
ways to find the solutions by themselves. This is to cultivate their abilities to explore
In the after-class knowledge supplement module, the students rethink about the prob-
lems and deepen their understanding after class, and then summarize the knowledge
points. They are also allowed to share their learning experience on the blogs on the
Moodle platform to help each other digest knowledge.

3.3 Flipped classroom teaching design in the Moodle environment

The preparation of teaching content is an important precondition for flipped class-
room, and also the basis for achieving teaching effects. So in order to give a class nor-
mally, it is necessary to fully prepare the content of the class.
Design of pre-class learning activities. The flipped classroom has its own teaching
model. Students complete learning mainly through classroom teaching videos on the
Moodle platform. The videos should target the learners’ own characteristics. The key
points and difficult parts should be clearly marked, and the duration of each video
should be within 20 minutes. In this flipped classroom teaching model, teaching videos
provided on the Moodle platform are the main way in which the course content is pre-
sented. In the Moodle environment, the model is divided into the following major mod-
ules, namely guidance and feedback, micro-class section, learning task list, self-

Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

evaluation and mutual evaluation and chat room, etc. Students can watch the teaching
videos and complete the corresponding pre-class exercises. Teachers can mark the stu-
dents’ homework and check their learning task lists on the Moodle platform to under-
stand their progress in learning and then based on this, help students discover and solve
the difficulties they have encountered. The chat room on the Moodle platform is a place
where students can communicate and discuss with each other to solve their questions
they encounter during the learning process, as shown in Fig. 2:

learning task list
Small class


Learn front Learning activities

feedback before class in the
Moodle environment

and mutual

Chat room

Fig. 2. Before learning module in Moodle

Design of in-class knowledge internalization activities. The first stage of the class
is the feedback of questions. The Moodle platform retains the progress of the learners
and the discussion of the questions. The feedbacks from students and the tracking sur-
vey of their learning progress can help teachers understand the problems students have
encountered in a centralized manner so as to give general guidance. In addition, teach-
ers can also provide individual tutoring for students according to their different prob-
lems. In the class, teachers adopt novel teaching methods and vivid teaching techniques,
which greatly improves students’ interest and enthusiasm in learning. See Fig. 3 for the
detailed structure.
Design of after-class self-reflection and evaluation activities. After class is over,
students can further consolidate their knowledge and deepen their understanding by
doing the extended exercises. Teachers can evaluate students according to their learning
progress on the platform, encourage students to learn from each other, and adopt dif-
ferent tutoring methods for different students.

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Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

Class begin

Moodle platform to see students' learning situation and feedback

Summary problems


Collective resolve Personalized counseling

Activity teaching, practice

Group collaboration

Inquiring questions

Project research


Fig. 3. Knowledge internalization activity structure design drawing

4 Design and implementation of the Moodle-based flipped

classroom learning platform

4.1 Design objectives and principles

1. Overall design objectives:
(a) High-quality teaching resources and timely release of students’ learning dynam-
ics and test questions;
(b) Tracking and feedback of learning effects;
(c) Unique collaborative learning space;
(d) Novel evaluation model.
2. Design principles
(a) Student-centered and teacher-led;
(b) Sharing of network resources;
(c) Diverse teaching models;
(d) User interactivity.

Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

4.2 Analysis of system requirements

Based on the flipped classroom education and teaching model, this paper proposes
several suggestions on strengthening network platform in terms of administrator,
teacher and student:
1. Administrator: the administrator has the highest authority on the system to better
manage different sections, users and resources.
2. Teacher: after being authorized by the administrator, the teacher can modify and edit
the content of the course, check the learning dynamics of the students, and administer
the learning-related posts and teaching videos.
3. Student: after registration, students can log into their own accounts and enter the
main interface, where they can select to watch teaching video, discuss courses and
upload homework.

4.3 System function design

This paper fully studies the initial needs of the flipped classroom system. According
to the classroom requirements and the purposes of curriculum design, the overall func-
tional diagram of the system is obtained.
1. Functional design for students. In this system, the functions for students including
watching teaching videos, posting their views, conducting personal information and
homework management, taking pre-class tests, checking and verifying information
and completing related questionnaires.
2. Functional design for teachers. Teachers play an important role in the flipped
classroom teaching model, so they are given high requirements in this system design.
To support the “teacher-led” concept, the system should have the following func-
tions: course management, questionnaire survey, information inquiry, personal in-
formation, chat room management, resources management, homework assignment,
test management, database management and chat management.
3. Functional design for administrator. The administrator has the administrative
rights to administer the Moodle page of the users and the related announcements
issued by the learners, review the contents of different sections, and make timely
revisions to the announcements. The administrators have authorities to manage set-
tings, courses, logs and files.

4.4 Database design

The design of the database is the most important part of the system. The database
should be able to integrate resources, testing and homework discussion data. The design
elaborated in this paper mainly includes related concepts and data tables.
Conceptual structure design. Conceptual structure design is the most important
part of database design, which mainly includes information modeling. E-R is a com-
monly used model. The E-R diagram of this system is shown in Fig. 4:

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Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

name Password
Course Class no.
Class no.
Class Password
Student ID
Teacher no. Teacher Add or remove
Sex Student
Admin Class
Managem Password
Name Email
ent No. Sex

Fig. 4. The global E-R diagram of Moodle platform

Basic datasheet design. The database design of the Moodle system sets the corre-
sponding primary keys by establishing the system tables, and sets the corresponding
index with the relationships between the data tables. Tab. 2 is a data table in the system.

Table 2. The database tables involved in this system

Data table Function
Admin Administrator information
Teacher Teacher information
Student Student information
Course Course information
Classes Classes information
Material Learning information

5 Implementation of the Moodle-based flipped classroom

learning platform and teaching evaluation

5.1 Configuration and setup of the Moodle development environment

The basic language of Moodle is PHP. Moodle cannot be operated without the sup-
port of important software, such as servers, PHP environment and database services.
This paper selects the development kit downloaded from the official website of Moodle
to set up the platform.

Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

5.2 Key technologies of Moodle secondary development

The online teaching is carried out in the context of a wide-area network. In order to
better carry out teaching and provide more convenience, this system uses the B/S mode
to maximize the use of the browser technology. Fig. 5 is the overall structure diagram:


Database server
Web server

The client terminal The client terminal The client terminal The client terminal

Fig. 5. The overall architecture of the system

The folder Theme is used to save the themes of Moodle. Different folders have dif-
ferent themes, so writing the code of each file is to develop the theme. Relevant codes
are as follows:
'base' => array(
'theme' => 'orangemood',
'file' => 'general.php',
'regions' => array('side-pre', 'side-post'),
'defaultregion' => 'side-post',
'general' => array(
'theme' => 'orangemood',
'file' => 'general.php',
'regions' => array('side-pre', 'side-post'),
'defaultregion' => 'side-post',

5.3 Implementation of the Moodle main interfaces

The Moodle platform will enter different interfaces according to the specific opera-
tor. Click the shortcut button of “Login the site” on the main page, the login page of the
teaching platform will automatically pop up, presenting two different login methods,
namely “sign up for a new account” and “browse as a visitor”. The specific interface is
shown in Fig. 6:

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Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

Fig. 6. Flipped classroom learning platform based on Moodle environment

This module has the function of protecting the security of user information. It can
identify unauthorized users and restrict their login. Users who have already registered
can only use their own accounts and passwords for authentication. In addition, users
can also modify their own information, such as profile photo.

5.4 Effectiveness evaluation

There are generally two criteria for the evaluation of educational effects, namely the
learning process and the result. Students’ enthusiasm in participation and learning abil-
ities and how they master the knowledge are part of the learning process, while the
grade evaluation outside class is part of the learning result. The statistical results re-
garding the advantages of the flipped classroom teaching method are shown in Fig. 7:

Paper—The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

Acquire knowledge for long time (43.5)

Stimulate the interest to go on with study (52.9)

Reclaim wasted time during your classes (68.2)

Make a learning plan by oneself (50.3)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Percent / %

Fig. 7. Statistical learning advantages

Through the flipped classroom teaching model, 50.3% of the students increased their
initiatives in learning. In addition, 68.2% of them improved their practical abilities
through classroom teaching; 52.9% developed a great interest in learning; and 43.5%
improved their understanding of the knowledge points through this model. Therefore,
the flipped classroom teaching method based on the Moodle platform is very effective.

6 Conclusions

1. This paper establishes a flipped classroom teaching model based on Moodle and
conducts in-depth studies on this model, providing a reference for the application of
flipped classroom.
2. Through the functions of the Moodle platform and the flipped classroom concept,
this paper designs and modifies the flipped classroom learning platform based on
Moodle, which well integrates online teaching and flipped classroom to improve
related services.
3. At last this paper verifies the various factors in the Moodle environment, and the
verification results show that the flipped classroom can arouse students’ learning
interest more than the traditional method. It can help continuously cultivate students’
comprehensive quality, including their understanding of knowledge as well as prob-
lem-finding and problem-solving abilities.

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8 Authors

Jia Li, is a Master of Hebei University and a lecturer at Humanities and Social Sci-
ences Academy, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China, mainly en-
gaged in procedure law and agricultural law.
Xiaoxia Zhang, is a lecturer at Humanities and Social Science Academy, Hebei
North University, Zhangjiakou 075000, China, mainly engage in musicology teaching.
Zijun Hu, is a Master of Hebei University and an associate professor at Humanities
and Social Sciences Academy, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China,
mainly engaged in procedure law and agricultural law.

Article submitted 14 July 2018. Resubmitted 13 August 2018. Final acceptance 10 September 2018. Final
version published as submitted by the authors.

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