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‫ٓانیئاپاتسکنلمکماکیوڈیوی ںیم‬
‫‪1956 1962 1973‬‬

Pakistan became "Islamic Republic" in which
constitution ___________?

o 1956
o 1973
o 1962
o None of the above
Constitution of Pakistan
Government of India Act, 1935
Objectives Resolution
Objectives Resolution
o was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on March 12, 1949
o Prime Minister, Liaquat Ali Khan, had presented it in the assembly on
March 7, 1949
o Out of 75 members of the assembly, 21 voted for opposing it
o The Objectives Resolution was included in the Constitutions of 1956,
1962 and 1973
o The provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935, had greatly
influenced the state and served as its basic legal document until 1956.
o 8th amendment has made the Objective Resolution
Constituents of Pakistan
Sr# Particulars 1956 1962 1973
March 23, 1956 by PM 14th Aug 1973
8th June 1962 by
1 Enforced on Chaudhry Mohammad Ali by Zulfikar Ali
President Ayub Khan
+ GG Iskander Mirza Bhutto
July 5, 1979 by
October 7, 1958 by 25 March 1969 by
2 Abrogated on Z-Haq and
President Iskander Mirza President Yahya Khan
Prime ‫یسکیھبٹسیٹیکایتریےئلیکاپٹسرپیپڑپےنھےئلیکگوگلرپرسچرکںی‬
3 25 Years nil 25 Years
Minister Age
4 President Age 40 Years 35 Years 45 Years
National Assembly
Member Age 25 Years - 25 Years
6 Senator Age nil nil 30 years
‫‪Constitution TestPoint‬‬
Constituents of Pakistan
# Particulars 1956 1962 1973
280 Articles
234 articles, divided into 13 250 Articles divided into divided into 12
7 Consisted
parts and 6 schedules 12 parts and 3 schedules parts and 7
‫یسکیھبٹسیٹیکایتریےئلیکاپٹسرپیپڑپےنھےئلیکگوگلرپرسچرکںی‬ schedules

Form of
8 Parliamentary Presidential Parliamentary

• Dissolve the Assembly • Dissolve the Assembly

Dissolve the
President on the advice of the • one-man show.
9 Assembly on the
Powers cabinet • He had partial veto
advice of the PM
• He had partial veto power. power
Constituents of Pakistan
Sr# Particulars 1956 1962 1973
10 Prime Minister Term 5 Years nil 5 Years
11 President Term 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years
National Assembly
Member Term 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years
13 Senator Term nil nil 6 Years
Bicameral called
Unicameralism called Unicameralism called
14 Constitution Entitled National Assembly
National Assembly National Assembly and Senate
Then NA-200 /
156 members later
15 Members 300 members
increased 218
‫یسکیھبٹسیٹیکایتریےئلیکاپٹسرپیپڑپےنھےئلیکگوگلرپرسچرکںی‬ Now NA- 342/Senate 100
Constituents of Pakistan
Particulars 1956 1962 1973
Urdu and
16 State languages Urdu and Bengali Urdu
First twenty
First ten years,
17 Official Language years, English
18 Commander of the President President President
Armed Forces
19 Amendments - 8 26
Amendments Cons 1973
# Amendments Enactment date
Redefined the boundaries of Pakistan and removed
1st 4-May-74
references to East Pakistan.
Defined a Muslim and declared the status
2nd 17-Sep-74
of Ahmadis as minority and 'non-Muslim'.
3rd Extended the period of preventive detention. 18-Feb-75
Decreed additional seats for minorities, it also deprived
4th courts of the power to grant bail to any person detained 21-Nov-75
under any preventive detention.
5th Widened the scope of restriction on the High Courts. 5-Sep-76
Provided that Chief Justice of Supreme Court will be
6th 22-Dec-76
retired at the age of 65 and High Court judges at age 62.
Enables the prime minister to obtain a vote of
7th 16-May-77
confidence of the people of Pakistan.
‫رکںی‬ ‫رسچ‬ ‫رپ‬ ‫گوگل‬ ‫ےئلیک‬ ‫ڑپےنھ‬ ‫رپیپ‬ ‫اپٹس‬ ‫ےئلیک‬ ‫ایتری‬ ‫یک‬ ‫ٹسیٹ‬ ‫یھب‬ ‫یسک‬
Amendments Cons 1973
# Amendments Enactment date
Changed Pakistan's government from a Parliamentary
8th system to a Semi-presidential system by giving the 11-Nov-85
President a number of additional powers.
Bill to impose Shariah law as the supreme law of land.
1985 - Not
9th The bill was passed by Senate but could never be passed
by National Assembly owing to the latter's dissolution.
Fixed the interval period between sessions of the
10th 25-Mar-87
National Assembly to not exceed 130 days.
Revision of the reserved seats for women in the National
1989 - Not
11th and the provincial assemblies. The bill was withdrawn in
12th Created Speedy Trial Court for 3 years. 1991
Amendments Cons 1973
# Amendments Enactment date
Stripped the President of Pakistan of his reserve power to
dissolve the National Assembly of Pakistan, and thereby
13th 1997
triggering new elections and dismissing the Prime
Allowed members of parliament to be dismissed if they
14th 3-Jul-97
Bill to impose Shariah law as supreme law of land. Was 1998 - Not
15th ‫یسکیھبٹسیٹیکایتریےئلیکاپٹسرپیپڑپےنھےئلیکگوگلرپرسچرکںی‬
never passed. passed
Increased the term appointed for quota system as per 1973
16th 1999
Constitution from 20 to 40 years.
Made changes dealing with the office of the President and
17th 2003
the reversal of the effects of the Thirteenth Amendment.
Amendments Cons 1973
# Amendments Enactment date
Removed the power of President of Pakistan to dissolve the
Parliament unilaterally. Gave more authority to the provinces.
18th 8-Apr-10
Province of North-West Frontier Province(NWFP) was
renamed as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(KPK)
Provided for the appointment of the Judges of the Supreme
Court of Pakistan and made amendments in the number of
19th 22-Dec-10
members of the parliamentary committee for the appointment
of Chief Electoral Officers at Election Commission of Pakistan.
20th For Free and Fair Elections. 14-Feb-12
In the aftermath of APS Peshawar Attack, Military Courts
21st were established for speedy trials of terrorists and their 7-Jan-15
22nd ECP powers deputed to Chief Election Commissioner 8-Jun-16
Amendments Cons 1973
# Amendments Enactment date
The 23rd Amendment was passed to re-establish the military courts for
further two years till 6 January 2019. In 2015, National Assembly passed the
21st Amendment and created the military courts for the period of 2 years.
23rd The period of two years was expired on 6 January 2017 hence this 23rd 7-Jan-17
Amendment was passed to re-establish the military courts for further two
years till 6 January 2019. At the end of this period all the amendments will
be expired/removed automatically.
Reallocation of National Assembly seats among federating units and
24th allowing election authorities to update boundaries of constituencies based 22-Dec-17
on provisional results of 2017 Census of Pakistan.

25th Merges Federally Administered Tribal Areas with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 31-May-18
Increasing the National Assembly seats to 12 and of provincial assembly to
26th 24 of the erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas

‫‪Constitution TestPoint‬‬
‫مہوکیئیھبزیچواسٹاپیرپ جںیہنرکےت۔وجیھباافنرنشیمامہرےاپسوہیگوہٓاوکپواسٹاپیسٹیٹسںیما ایپ لرپدی ےےیگ‬

‫ارگٓاپاچےتہںیہہکٓاوکپیپڈیافیسکب‪،‬اپٹسرپیپ‪ ،‬ےزبےکقلعتمولعمامتٓاپ‬
‫ےگکنلرپان اس ربک ورکںی‬
‫ےچیندےی‬ ‫وت‬ ‫ںیلم‬ ‫رپ‬ ‫سٹیٹس‬ ‫اپی‬ ‫واسٹ‬ ‫رپ‬ ‫ومابلئ‬ ‫ےک‬
‫(کنلاحلصرکےنےئلیکان اانمھکلرکواسٹاپیرپ جرکںی)‬

‫ونٹ‪ :‬امہرےس ربوکارگ ‪‬‬

‫۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےکانمےسک وںیہنرکںیےگوتولعمامتںیہنلم ںیکیگ‬

‫امہراس رب‬
‫‪0308 25 33 000‬‬

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