Cee176 Midterm Cheatsheet

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HW1:Q1) Hydrology Problem: Change in Storage

Given ini�al storage, inflow, and ou�low at a river reach, determine the change in storage a�er
an hour in cubic meters and acre-feet. Also, find the final storage in acre-feet.

HW1:Q2) Atmospheric Science Problem: Adiaba�c Lapse Rates and Cloud Forma�on
a) Find the eleva�on at which clouds form due to satura�on as water vapor rises from sea level
at 25℃.
b) Determine the temperature at the top of a mountain (3600m above sea level) based on
adiaba�c lapse rates.
c) Calculate the temperature on the opposite side of the mountain at an eleva�on of 1600m.
d) Discuss if special arrangements are needed for a road trip collec�ng rain gauge data on the
leeward side of the mountain barrier.
HW1:Q3) Hydrology Problem: Thiessen Polygons and Equivalent Uniform Depth (EUD)
Construct Thiessen polygons using four rain gauges with known annual precipita�on. Compute
the Equivalent Uniform Depth (EUD) over the circular watershed.

HW1:Q4) Hydrology Problem: EUD Calcula�on and Analysis

a) Calculate the annual Equivalent Uniform Depth (EUD) using the arithme�c averaging method.
b) Use the Thiessen polygon method to compute the annual EUD for the basin, considering only
the area inside the basin for weights.
c) Explain the differences in the values calculated in the previous steps.
d) Find the missing storm event precipita�on for sta�on G, discussing assump�ons and the
method used.

HW1:Q5) Hydrology Problem: EUD Precipita�on Calcula�on

a) Compute the annual Equivalent Uniform Depth (EUD) precipita�on using the arithme�c
averaging approach.
b) Compute the annual EUD precipita�on using the isohyetal method based on established
isohyets and watershed areas.

HW1:Q6) Watershed Delinea�on Problem

Delineate the watershed (drainage basin) defined by the outlet shown as a red circle on the
provided topographic map in Figure 1.

put X’s on the high points, then connect them

HW2:Q1) Atmospheric Science Problem: Precipitable Water Depth Calcula�on
Using eleva�on, temperature, pressure, and vapor pressure data, calculate the depth of
precipitable water in inches for a column of atmosphere with a height of 18,000 �.

HW2:Q2) Thermodynamics and Meteorology Problem:

Room Condi�ons and Vapor Proper�es
Given room temperature, dew point, and barometric
pressure, determine:
a) Saturated vapor pressure.
b) Rela�ve humidity.
c) Specific humidity in g/kg.
d) Vapor pressure deficit (VPD).
e) Analyze how warming the air in the room to 41.11 °C
would affect rela�ve humidity and provide an explana�on.

HW2:Q3) Hydrology Problem: Es�ma�ng Water Loss from Evapora�on

Es�mate the volume of water lost due to evapora�on from a reservoir in m³ during the period
from April to November, using pan evapora�on data and the average surface area of the

HW2:Q4) Hydrology and Meteorology

Problem: Lake Evapora�on Rate Calcula�on
Given mean values for air and water surface
temperature, rela�ve humidity, and wind
speed, compute the daily evapora�on rate
a) Dalton equa�on with 𝜅𝜅𝜅𝜅 = 0.026.
b) Meyer equa�on with a pan coefficient of 0.3.
c) Dunne equa�on.

HW3:Q1) Hydrology Problem: Es�ma�ng Evapora�on Losses

In June, a lake with a surface area of 200 acres had inflow, ou�low, seepage, and precipita�on.
Given water levels at the start and end of the month, es�mate evapora�on losses (in inches),
assuming negligible changes in surface area with water level.

HW3:Q2) Hydrology and Urban Water Use Problem: Water Sustainability Assessment
Assess if the annual water lost due to evapora�on from a lake with a surface area of 2.5 mi²,
having an average evapora�on rate, can sustain the water needs of a nearby urban community
with 25,000 people, each consuming 230 gallons per day. Show calcula�ons.

HW3:Q3) Hydrology Problem: Infiltra�on Capacity vs. Time Curve

Given an ini�al infiltra�on capacity and a �me constant, derive an
infiltra�on capacity versus �me curve with an ul�mate infiltra�on
capacity. Es�mate the total volume of water infiltrated over the
watershed during an 8-hour rain event.

HW3:Q4) Hydrology Problem: Infiltra�on Capacity and Rain Rates

Calculate the total volume of water infiltrated during the first 5 hours for a catchment with given
infiltra�on capacity and rain rates. Compare equilibrium reaching �mes for two soils (A and B)
with different �me constants.

HW3:Q5) Hydrology Problem: Storm Infiltra�on

Determine ini�al and ul�mate infiltra�on rates during a 3-hour storm with specific condi�ons,
given the infiltra�on constant and total volume of water infiltrated during the period.

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