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As we are going to conduct correlational study using cross-sectional survey method and selected
sample using stratified sampling, we preferred to use some existing measures to conduct the survey
of checking impact of internet addiction on interpersonal relationships with phubbing as mediator, so
questionnaire include internet addiction test, interpersonal relation scale and a measure to check
phubbing behavior of participants.

1: Internet addiction test

It is reliable and valid measure of assessing internet addiction developed by Dr. Kimberly Young. This
questionnaire consists of total 20 items for assessing mild, moderate and severe level of internet
addiction, response format includes 6-point rating scale 0 = does not apply, 1 = rarely, 2 =
Occasionally, 3 = frequently, 4 = often, 5 Always. total scores of a participant are calculated by
summing up all scores. There are some cut-off scores for this scale.

20-49: indicate that participant is average online user having control on usage.

50 -70: it means that participant is experiencing occasional or frequent problems regarding to

internet use having an impact on daily life.

80 to 100: this range of score mean participant has an internet usage routine causing significant
problem on life.

So, it is a suitable measure to investigate internet addiction.

2: Generic Phubbing scale

Phubbing will be assessed using generic phubbing scale by (Chotpitayasunondh

& Douglas, 2018). It includes 15 items having response format of 7 points rating scale, 1 = never, 2 =
rarely, 3 = occasionally, 4 = sometimes, 5 = frequently, 6 = usually, 7 = Always. This scale consists on 4
factors having Nomophobia from item 1 to 4, interpersonal conflict from item 5 to 8, self-isolation
items from 9 to 12 and problem acknowledgment from 13 to 15 items. To score this measure all the
responses are summed up indicating higher level of phubbing.

3: relationship assessment scale

It is a 7-item measure to assess the interpersonal relationship is developed by Hendrick and S. S. in

1988. It is a 5-point rating scale with 1 – 5, 1 = low satisfaction, 5 = high satisfaction, score of items no
4 and 7 are reversed and sum-up all to compute whole scale scoring.

All these three measures are reliable and valid to use on sample of United Kingdom and all are in
English easily understandable format.

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