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KEY FACTORS (For Interviewers)

How do you think a compliance risk may affect both operations and the Reputational Risk

And when there is operational risk, how does it affect reputational risk and financial risk

While reputational risk only affects Financial risk

Therefore, is there an indirect relationship between compliance risk and financial risk?

Financial Risk may affect the reputational risk, but can we confirm that there’s no operation that can be

Since this is logistic service company, an indepth interview with and process observation is a good
combination for assessing the risk while focus group discussion may allow interviews to have
triangulation of the said interviews

Potential interviewers may be the:


Warehouse manager

Inventory manager

Purchasing & Procurement manager

With the given identified Risk several factors may be interviewed with respective fields

NOTE during interviews (Pls end with an open ended question that is subjected to accumulated answers
of the interviewee to ensure that we are listening all through out the process)

Compliance Risk

1. Since in a given logistic company, there are a lot of protocols that should be followed since the
assets stored is basically selling point of the company, how important should these protocols be
2. Have you ever encountered where non-compliance to your organizational protocols resulted to
inefficient operational standards? If so, may you elaborate what happened?
3. Have you ever encountered where non-compliance to your organization protocols resulted to
diminishing return of reputations? If so, why do you think compliance is important for upholding
the companies reputation?
4. Do you think that non-compliance may affect the financial capabilities of the organizations?

Operational Risk

1. Efficient operations is important to the company, do you think mishaps that happen to your
company may yield to possible loss of revenue?
2. Do you think operational management is important in keeping your reputation? If so, may you
elaborate the importance of it?
3. Have you ever encountered or had seen that the quota stated by the company reflects the
financial aspect of the company? Do you think quota stated by the company is important for
keeping the company running for both short and long term?
4. Had there been any scenarios in the operations that led to changes in protocols of your
company? (This question is used to validify whether compliance risk and operational risk is one

Reputational Risk

1. Reputation is very important for the company as it allows clients to reach your side and trust
that their products will be safe, do you think that the reputation of the company affects the
financial aspect of it? Why or why not?
2. Do you think your reputation affects the standards in your operations? Why or Why not?
(Validifying whether reputational risk does not affect operational risks)
3. Do you think loss of reputation may change or affect your organization’s protocol? If so, then do
you believe that the reputation of one’s company is a mirror of how well the organization’s
follow their protocols? (Validifying whether reputational risk does not affect compliance risk)
4. What major problems do you think a logistic company may encounter in terms of reputational
risk? What sectors do you think will be heavily affected? If so, then why do you think so?

Financial Risk

1. Financial is the heart and soul for running a company, do you think it may affect the reputation
of your company? Why or why not?
2. Do you think investors or investment should be an integral part of your company? Then do you
think that the financial aspect may affect on their decision making whether should they invest
into your services and in the organization itself?
3. Do you think financial problems may affect your operations? Why or why not?
4. Would it be possible that financial problems may affect your company protocols? If yes, then
why do you think so?

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