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Закритий тг-канал з
УСІМА моїми
1 Meet the characters:

Peter Rabbit Lily Bobtail Benjamin Bunny

Tommy Brock Jemima Puddle-Duck Mr Tod

Flopsy Cottontail Mopsy

Squirrel Nutkin
2 Watch the video and answer the questions:

Click here

Have you ever heard of Peter Rabbit before?

Do you like movies about animals? Why or why not?
What's your favorite season and why?
How does spring make you feel?
Have you ever seen a rabbit in real life? Where?
Can you name any other famous animal characters from
books or movies?
Do you have any special traditions or activities that you
enjoy during the springtime?
If you could be any animal, which one would you choose
and why?
3 Learn new words:

Adore – Обожнюю Scary – Страшно

Helmet – Шолом To blink – Моргнути
Strawberry – Полуниця Clover – Конюшина
Muffins – Кекси Hungry – Голодний
To win – Перемагати Tummy – Живіт
To borrow – Позичити Luck – Удача
Bowl – Миска Wings – Крила
To ask – Просити, Запитати Kite – Повітряний змій
Duckling – Каченя Hawk – Яструб
To steal – Вкрасти Brave – Хоробрий
To find – Знайти Lazy – Лінивий
Wood – Ліс Knot – Вузол
Brain – Мозок Party – Вечірка
Shopkeeper – Продавець Invite – Запросити
Boots – Черевики Ladybird – Божа корівка
Purse – Гаманець Flower – Квітка
Feather – Перо Worm – Черв'як
Fishing rod – Вудка Shrew – Землерийка

Натисніть на картинку, щоб

потренувати нові слова
4 Match the words with the pictures:

Fishing rod
5 Put the letters in the correct order

lewofr tnok wobl

ginws odow tike

rytap roclev 5.
6 Who said that?

"Spring really is here!" "Yeah, I love berry battles in spring!"

"Sounds like someone's trying to steal

my snack" "I'm surprised your head isn't
bigger, because your brain is huge!"

"I'm sorry my little ones no fruity

flapjacks today"
"Boots don't move by themselves unless"

"I'm the luckiest rabbit ever!"

"Never say never"

"Oh, you know, I'm just good with knots"

"Best birthday ever!"

"You'd have to grow wings to get him out of there"

7 Label the animals from the episode correctly:

It is a small beetle that belongs to the Coccinellidae

family. They have an oval body with six short legs and
can have spots, stripes, or no markings. Their head is
black with white spots on both sides.

It is a young duck, usually less than two months old.

They are known for their cute and fluffy appearance,
with soft down feathers covering their bodies. They are
often yellow or brown in color.

It is a type of animal that is long and skinny, like a

tube. They don't have legs or arms, but they have
special muscles that help them move and wriggle
around. They come in lots of different sizes and colors.

It is a small animal that looks like a mouse but is

actually different. They have a long pointed nose and
sharp teeth, which they use to catch insects and other
small animals to eat.

It is a type of bird that is known for its sharp eyesight

and ability to fly very fast. They have wings that are
shaped like a fan and a sharp, hooked beak that they use
to catch and eat their prey.
8 Complete the dialogue with given words:

1:22 - 3:01
Berry _______!
Ow! Ow! Ow! What? Hi you never said we could wear _________,
You never asked!
Ow! Ow!
Whoa! Nice _______! Watch out!
Ow! They should be using those strawberries to make some nice
juicy _________, not throwing them around like that!
Okay, okay! You win!
Yeah, woo-hoo! Yeah, I love berry battles in_________! Where did
you get the helmet from, anyway?
Well, I just sort of borrowed it.
Oh, Benjamin! You two haven't been playing with my mixing _____,
have you?
Erm... Mixing bowl? I think we just...
NO, should go and see what Lily's doing, don't you, Benjamin?
All right, but if you find it, I'm trying to make more __________
Oh, did somebody say muffins?
Ooh! Peter, when you borrowed the bowl, did you remember to ____
your mum?
Er, not exactly. No.
Uh-oh. Maybe we should just give it back. I like the sound of those

battle shot
strawberry muffins ask
bowl spring helmets
9 Put the pictures in the correct order:
10 Choose the correct answer:
1. What is the significance of the egg in 7. What game did the characters play
the video? with pine cones?
a) It symbolizes new beginnings in spring a) Bowling
b) It is a prop for a magic trick b) Soccer
c) It is used to make berry butter c) Basketball
d) It is a prize for a game d) Baseball
2. What does Peter ask about the helmets? 8. What did Benjamin use to get a
a) Where they got them from perfect strike?
b) Why they are wearing them a) His lucky four-leaf clover
c) If they can borrow them b) His skill
d) If they are allowed to wear them c) Nutkin's help
3. What do the characters want to do with d) None of the above
Mr. Todd? 9. What is the reason for building the
a) Make him follow them kite?
b) Steal his snack a) To fly it for fun
c) Play a game with him b) To rescue the rabbit
d) Rescue a duckling from him c) To show off to Mr. Todd
4. What does Peter find moving? d) To compete with each other
a) Boots 10. What do they build the kite out of?
b) Ducks a) Wood and paper
c) Rabbits b) Metal and plastic
d) Feathers c) Pieces of two kites
5. What does Mrs. Puddle Duck say about d) Feathers and leaves
the shopkeeper? 11. Who is good with knots?
a) He is rude a) Peter
b) He is kind b) Lily
c) He is helpful c) Benjamin
d) He is funny
d) Florence
12. What did the rabbits do to the
6. What were the characters trying to
badger's worms?
a) They ate them
a) A ball
b) They stole them
b) A toy
c) They threw them away
c) An egg
d) They ignored them
d) A book
11 True/False

The mixing bowl belongs to Peter.

Mr. Todd is trying to steal Peter's snack.

Peter and his friends found all three


The ducks invite Peter to have fruity

flapjacks with them.

The shopkeeper at the garden shop is


Peter and his friends were able to control

the kite and fly it as fast as a hawk.

Benjamin and Lily are going to get Florence


Mr. Todd is happy to see the badger.

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