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Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much...


We are the Raya corporation, advocating preparedness and timely response during emergencies even without
internet dependency


A BFP director in Cagayan De Oro once told me, during rainy season, they would receive calls from different fire
houses needing urgent support, of course, internet services are not reliable at that time, we even have to
constantly check our trucks roaming few kilometer radius during their emergency response. With the amount of
emergencies and immediate responses coming through our walkie talkies is overwhelming that its making our
contact operators have a hard time other than that, some of those contacts made by emergency calls where non-
native speaker, language barrier is concerning when it comes to emergency responses. The amendment by Duterte
to make 911 a free calling hotline was correct, but he should've also added the texting services.


That's where our product comes in, Project Weaver, an interdependent product that focuses on Long Range
communication even without services, in simpler terms we are allowing your phones to be a walkie talkie that
utilizes free texting services by connecting your phone through a bluetooth. Additional feature such as alarm
system and a optional rfid feature where also added in the product that allows maximum efficiency for locating the


I know I know what you're thinking, I already mention that 911 was a free calling hotline, so why bother create a
free texting services? According to an article, 73% of the affected indiviuals reported communication issue during
typhoon due to power shortages which leads to loss of internet and cellular services and telecommunication loss
10% of consumer hours due to brownouts caused by natural disasters such as large scale fire, accidents, and other
disasters. That 10% is enough to cover from a day to a week span of no services. What's more suprising is that DICT
reported that 65% of the Filipino are not connected to the internet. Other than that, SPEECH and hearing impaired
individuals cannot utilize the 911 call hotline which constitutes 12% of our population published by Philippine
Statistic Authority


Here is also a view of a 3 dimensional model that is precisely measured in inches,


furthermore, we had already identified the initial investment required for our product alongside with the estimated
cost of our product, additionally, we're also presenting you the compound annual growth rate of our product using
2 different methods, average forecasting method resulted 8% CAGR and Computed CAGR was identified to be
12.52% which means according to certain market forecasting industry such as sharkfinesse, investopedia, and
scripbox is considered to be great CAGR while the latter one is considered to be a good CAGR, in other words, we
are a safe candidate for investment


Of course, these statistics are meaningless without actions, we had already made contact with 3 different
organizations, 1 organization for tech development named MarkerLab and 2 organizations for advocate partners
which are Department of Public Order and Safety and National Disaster Risk Reduction Management council here
in QC, they were even so helpful to forward our advocacy to Social Services Development Department.


And if you're thinking that these organizations and their underlying departments is our target market then we
gladly tell you that NGO's is our primary focus of today, there are over 60 000 NGO's here in the Philippines and
5000 of them are serviceable within their respective fields such as (Health, Humanitarian, and Environment), we
had made contact with RetCon1 here in Quezon City and further negotations will be discussed a day or two later. As
such, even as of these moment, we are waiting for eager replies of both well and unknown NGO's willing to buy or
partner with our organization. LGU's are considered to be our secondary market and lastly would be middle-high
class individuals. Our primary use of data gathering was Qualitative rather over Quantitative because a single
organization can procure our product multiple times or in batches.


Once again, we are Raya Corporation, introducing Project: Weaver

And with this, our company's message would be

Hiraya Maranawi: Hope happens when secured communication is achieved

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