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Nama Kursus: Psychology of Learning

Name of Course: Psikologi Pembelajaran
Kod Kursus:
1. Course Code: EDUP3113

Klasifikasi Kursus:
Asas Pendidikan
Course Classification:
2. Sinopsis : This course focuses on the concept and process of learning; thinking; learning styles; learning theories; motivation in learning; guidance and learning
Synopsis: behaviour management as well as managing learning in inclusive classrooms.This course is offered to enable students to understand and apply psychology
of learning in the process of teaching and learning in the future.

Kursus ini berfokuskan kepada konsep dan proses pembelajaran; pemikiran; gaya pembelajaran; teori pembelajaran; motivasi dalam pembelajaran;
bimbingan dan pengurusan tingkah laku pembelajaran dan pengurusan pembelajaran bilik darjah inklusif. Kursus ini juga ditawarkan supaya pelajar dapat
memahami dan mengaplikasi psikologi pembelajaran yang dipelajari dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran pada masa hadapan.

3. Nama Pegawai Akademik:

Name(s) of academic staff: 1 Dr. Najwa binti Mat Russ


Semester dan Tahun
ditawarkan: Tahun Catatan:
1 Semester II
Semester and Year Year Remarks:
5. Nilai Kredit:
Credit Value:
6. Prasyarat/Prerequisite:
(jika ada/if any)
7. Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus (Course Learning Outcomes, CLO)
Pada akhir kursus ini pelajar akan dapat:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:

Explain the concept and process of learning in education (C2, HP1)

HPK2 Analyse learning styles and learning theories as well as aspects of implications towards teaching and learning including students with special educational
CLO2 needs (C4, A2, HP2, HP5, KKG6, KMK9)

HPK3 Discuss thinking, learning motivation and appropriate interventions to overcome issues and challenges of misbehavioural management in classrooms
CLO3 including inclusive classrooms (C5, HP2, KKG2)

8. Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus kepada Hasil Pembelajaran, Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pentaksiran
Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment

Hasil Pembelajaran (HP)

Hasil Pembelajaran
Learning Outcomes (LO)
Kursus (HPK) Kaedah Pengajaran Pentaksiran
Course Learning Teaching Methods Assessment
Outcomes (CLO) HP1 HP2 HP3 HP4 HP5 HP6 HP7 HP8 HP9 HP10 HP11
LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10 LO11
HPK1 √ Blended Learning Test
HPK2 √ √ Blended Learning Writing
HPK3 √ Blended Learning Final Examination

Pemetaan kepada C1
Kluster Hasil
Pembelajaran KKM C2 C3C
Mapping with MQF
Cluster of Learning
Outcomes C2

Tandakan “√“ pada petak mengikut HPK dan HP yang relevan.

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and LO by ticking “√“ in the appropriate relevant box.

(Keterangan ini perlu dibaca bersama dengan Standard 2.1.2 , 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in Bidang 2 )
(This description must be read together with Standards 2.1.2 , 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in Area 2, COPPA 2nd Edition)

C1 = Pengetahuan & Kefahaman, C2 = Kemahiran Kognitif, C3A = Kemahiran Praktikal, C3B = Kemahiran Interpersonal, C3C = Kemahiran Komunikasi, C3D = Kemahiran Digital, C3E
= Kemahiran Numerasi, C3F = Kepimpinan, Autonomi & Tanggungjawab, C4A = Kemahiran Personal, C4B = Kemahiran Keusahawanan, C5 = Etika & Profesionalisme

C1 = Knowledge & Understanding, C2 = Cognitive Skills, C3A = Practical Skills, C3B = Interpersonal Skills, C3C = Communication Skills, C3D = Digital Skills, C3E = Numeracy Skills,
C3F = Leadership, Autonomy & Responsibility, C4A = Personal Skills, C4B = Entrepreneurial Skills, C5 = Ethics & Professionalism

9. Kemahiran Boleh Pindah 1 Cognitive Skills (KKG2, KKG6)

Transferable Skills
2 Communication Skills (KMK9)
10. Agihan Jam Pembelajaran Pelajar (JPP)
Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Aktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

Teaching and Learning Activities

Kerangka Kandungan Kursus HPK* Pembelajaran Terarah (Bersemuka) Pembelajaran Terarah Jumlah JPP
Course Content Outline CLO* Pembelajaran Kendiri Total SLT
Guided Learning (F2F) (Tidak Bersemuka)
(Tidak Bersemuka)
K T A L Guided Learning (NF2F)
Learning (NF2F)
L T P O eg: e-Learning
1. Learning Concepts
• Definitions of Learning
• Characteristics of Learning
• Principles of Learning (Ewell, 1997) CLO1 2 1 0 3 6
• Types of Learning

Berkuat kuasa mulai Mac 2016 (Kemas kini Jun 2018)

2. Learning Process
• Learning readiness
• Perception and conceptualisation
• Memory and forgetting
• Transfer of Learning
• Principles in Mind, Brain and
Education Science (MBE) CLO1 2 2 6 4 14
(Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2020)
• Factors that influence learning
• Implications of learning process towards teaching
and learning

3. Thinking
• Thinking Concepts
• Thinking Tools
- Perception
- Image/object
- Concept
- Symbol and sign
- Language
• Thinking types
- convergent and divergent thinking CLO3 2 1 2 3 8
- critical, reflective and lateral thinking
- computational thinking
• Metacognitive models
- KWL Chart (Know, Want to know, Learned)
(Dixon-Krauss, 1996)
- IDEAL (Identify, Define, Explore/ Evaluate, Act,
Look and learn) (Byrnes,1996)

4. Learning Styles
• Definitions of learning style

• Factors that influence learning styles

• Types of learning styles
- Kolb Model
- Honey and Mumford Model CLO2 2 1 0 3 6 56.0
- Dunn and Dunn Model
• Implications of learning style towards teaching
and learning including students with special
educational needs
• Critiques on learning styles

5. Learning Theories
• Behaviourist Learning Theory
- Ivan Pavlov
- Edward Thorndike
- B.F Skinner
• Cognitive Learning Theory
- Wolfgang Kohler
- Jean Piaget
- Robert Gagne
- Jerome Bruner
- David Ausubel
• Constructivist Learning Theory
- Jean Piaget
- Lev Vygotsky
CLO2 6 6 4 12 28
•Social Learning Theory
- Albert Bandura
• Humanistic Learning Theory
- Carl Rogers
- Abraham Maslow
• Current Learning Theory
- Connectivism (George Siemens)
• Implications of learning theories towards
teaching and learning including children with
special educational needs

6. Motivation and Learning

• Behaviourist Perspective
- B.F Skinner
• Cognitivist Perspective
- David McClelland
- Bernard Weiner
• Humanistic Perspective CLO3 2 1 2 3 8
- Abraham Maslow
- Carl Rogers

• Implications of motivation towards teaching and


7. Guidance and Learning Behavioural

• Guidance

- Basic skills of guidance and counselling

• Misbehaviour

- Types of misbehaviour
- Reasons of misbehaviour
- Teacher's actions in managing misbahavour
- Barriers in managing misbehaviour CLO3 3 3 3 6 15
- Issues and challenges in misbehaviour
- Interventions in overcoming misbehaviour
• Modifcations of learning behaviour
- Time-out
- Reverse psychology
- Contract
- Reinforcement
- Shaping

8. Learning Management in Inclusive

• Visual impairment
• Hearing impairment
• Learning disability
• Speech delay
CLO3 3 3 3 6 15
• Physical disability
• Gifted
• Issues and challenges of inclusive classroom

Berkuat kuasa mulai Mac 2016 (Kemas kini Jun 2018)

40 20 40


Pentaksiran Berterusan B TB Jumlah JPP
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F Total SLT

1 Test 20 1 3 4

(1200 words)
2 30 0 6 6
HP2 - 20%
HP5 - 10%

Pentaksiran Akhir B TB Jumlah JPP
Final Assessment F2F NF2F Total SLT

1 Final Examination 50 2.5 7.5 10


**Sila tanda (√) jika kursus ini adalah Latihan Industri/ Praktikum/ WBL
guna 2-minggu, 1 kredit formula
**Please tick (√) if this course is Industrial Training/Clinical
Placement/Practicum/WBL using 2-weeks, 1 credit formula 120

K= Kuliah, T = Tutorial, A=Amali/Praktikal, L= Lain-lain, B=Bersemuka, TB=Tidak Bersemuka 3

*Nyatakan HPK mengikut seperti di Item 8.

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face,

*Indicate the CLO based on the CLO's numbering in item 8.

% JPP untuk komponen bersemuka

% SLT for F2F component:
A 36.25
[Jumlah Pembelajaran Bersemuka (KTAL) / Jumlah JPP] x 100
[Total F2F (LTPO) / Total SLT] x 100

Teradun /Blended

% JPP untuk pembelajaran terarah bersemuka dan pembelajaran terarah tidak bersemuka (e-pembelajaran) :
B 52.92
% SLT for guided learning F2F and guided learning NF2F (e-learning):
[Jumlah Pembelajaran Terarah (Bersemuka) + Tidak Bersemuka (e-pembelajaran) / Jumlah JPP] x 100
[Total of Guided Learning F2F + NF2F (e-learning) / Total SLT] x 100

% JPP untuk komponen amali bersemuka secara fizikal:

% SLT for F2F Physical Practical Component:
C 0.00
[Jumlah Amali Fizikal Bersemuka /Jumlah JPP x 100)]
[Total F2F Physical Practical / Total SLT x 100)]

11 Sumber khusus yang diperlukan: Internet accessibility

Identify special requirement to deliver the

12 Rujukan: Rujukan Asas / Main References:

(termasuk rujukan asas dan rujukan Haslam, N., Smillie, L., & Song, J. (2017). An introduction to personality, individual differences and intelligence (2nd ed.). Sage
tambahan, dan edisi terkini) Publications.
(including current main references and
additional references) Santrock, J.W. (2020). Educational psychology (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Woolfolk, A.E. (2018). Educational psychology (14th ed.). Pearson.

Rujukan Tambahan / Additional References:

Eggen, P. & Kauchack, D. (2019). Using educational psychology in teaching (11th ed.). Pearson

Feldman, R.S. (2019). Child development (8th ed.). Pearson Education Inc.

McDevitt, T.M., & Ormrod, J.E. (2020). Child development and education (7th ed.). Pearson.

Ormrod, J.E., Anderman, E.M. & Anderman, L.H. (2020). Educational psychology: Developing learners (10th ed.). Pearson

Shultz, D.P., & Schultz, S.E. (2017). Theories of personality (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Tokuhama-Espinosa, T. (2021). Bringing the neuoroscience of learning to online teaching: An educator's handbook. Teachers
College Press.

Zuria Mahmud & Salleh Amat. (2017). Kemahiran kaunseling: Sebagai membantu. UKM Press.

13 Maklumat Tambahan: The World Bank. (2018). Malaysia Economic Monitor December 2018: Realizing Human Potential. World Bank Group.
Other additional information:
UNICEF Malaysia. (2019). Children Out of School. Malaysia: The Sabah Context. United Nations Children's Fund.

Ahli Panel Penggubal

Panel Members

Bil. Nama Kelayakan Akademik

No. Name: Academic Qualification
1 Dr. Liza Isyqi binti Ramli PhD Special Needs (Early Childhood Education), University of Leeds, UK
M.Ed Pengajian Prasekolah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
B.Ed TESL (Hons), University of Exeter, UK

2 Regina Woon Ai Leng MSc. (Mgt) Universiti Utara Malaysia

Bachelor of Public Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia
KPLI (Matematik SR), Maktab Perguruan Keningau, Sabah

Berkuat kuasa mulai Mac 2016 (Kemas kini Jun 2018)

3 Dr. Chin Mei Keong PhD. Psikologi Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Master Sains Psikologi Pendidikan, Universiti Putra Malaysia
B. Ed Bimbingan & Kaunseling, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Pakar Rujuk
External Consultant
Bil. Nama Universiti/ Bahagian
No. Name Institution/Division
Profesor Madya Dr. Nor Aniza Ahmad
1 Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor

Berkuat kuasa mulai Julai 2022

(Kemas kini November 2022)

Berkuat kuasa mulai Mac 2016 (Kemas kini Jun 2018)

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