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MATH 112 MIDTERM 1 ‘SUMMER 2018 Geionf 1 27374] 5] 6] 7) ta Points Ae ee | ee og [oe | 0 |e | 0 [io |e [ie [iw SS a Fa ara ‘Siadent Naber Test Nome First Nome ‘ration: 110 minutes Rates: “+ Rnd sign and observe the honor ode blow “+ In all of the questions in thie exam, explain your anawers by showlng the steps in a ‘loor, organized fashion. You might get no points for correct answers with no derivation ‘and/or no explanation and/or uninelligible/unorganized soltion “No calenators or any ter detonle ogulpmt is allowed + Respect oer by being lent. Talking wil not be tlerated! You sk bang tun out ofthe exam ‘yu tal even abou things not related to questions. Ifyou havea qin, snl aie your and ‘wen one ofthe instructor i inthe clas + Leaving claroot inthe mde ofthe exam isnot alimed. You ean submit our abeet and eave ‘arly fou want, You cannot lowe the exam dng the fret $5 mite. «Taste dips inappropriate bebavior daring the exam, the prostor may tp tating and report the inappropriate Beavir tothe Dean's Ofce, Honor Cote: 1 ple under iy honor that Idld not give or receive any wnauthorized assistance i ths wok, Signe 1. +4+6+6+6=26 pts] (Counting) (@) How many 25 subsets does a 100-st hve? (A 25-subet means a subert with 25 eloments.) ( loo 25 (b) How many functions are there from the set {1,2,3,...,50} to the set {1,2, 3}? 3°° (6) A fired point for & fonction fis an cloment = in the domain such that f(x) = 2. Let A ‘bea get with [Al = 7. How many bijections f+ A > Aare there with at least § fixed points? A (bijections Hf S fixed ph) + #CbEY 6 fixed phy) +b HC — HF fined pty) = (eord = (fed (2) Consider the English alphabet that contains 26 letters. How many 9-vords (writen with ‘uppercase letters) are thete that contain the letar B? # Call J-wor)) — #C9-werds ack containing 8) = 269-25" (ad ha oh um (1) +3) + 2() 09°). e09(2) Binomial thm » so 50 z - : (rege ECatyte |e GH 4 2. [10 pts] (Counting) By using the principle of counting two ways, show that, (2) 2G) +" Both side count 2-subeh of © In-set. LHJ + choot) 2 out of 2a elementy directly RHJ + spk the n-set into 2 seh of site n each Count by cory. Either take beth element from fink wt (2) wp a vin uw second et: (2) ways te fake ane clemtat frm cach: nt ways a Booty sum principle D 2(2) tnt 3. [8+8= 16 pts] (Counting) Consider a group of 25 people, where 14 of them are pirates, 12 ‘of them are 2oologits, and 1 of them is oth a zoologist and a pirate (6) How many orderings of 10 people cane made including exactly 6 pistes? Lek R be the peren who ob beth a svolagint and a pirate + # Corderings sot including A) A(orderingy inching A) B WN ce CEH) BE ol 2 CC) a, rub HS pity ™ Belesit ane eee eee oa 101 © order them (7) 3 2 e by symmetry, either Nejlihan comes before Pinar chooe rot or Pinar — 1) —— Neylihan Fhe pirates 4 [10 pts] (Counting) Suppese that thore are 4 types of trees available: oa, maple, pine, and chestnut tres. A tree can only be distinguished by ¢ype. Tn how many ways can we select at ‘most 50 tees such thet our selection includes at least 5 oak tres and at est 7 ine tees? Fiat, select 5 coky and 3 pines fo sotilfy He cequirement Wwe now have gt most SO-S-F= 35 tees left to choose Te account for the “at mat” condition , image @ Sth type of tree. Let Xp ka Ky hy Xs be Hof oaks, chestout selected Hof 5 type = 38 actucl # 4 trey selected eigen — ay (4%).( 8) tr “imaginary” 5. [10 pts] (Booleans) Let p and 9 be propositions. Is pV logically equivalnt tog + p? Prove or disprove, 6. [8 x4=12 pis] (Propositional Logic) Let p,q, and r be the propositions > Sabri has a dog, 4: Sabri lives by the river, 1r: Sabri opens a bakery. ‘Write the following propositions using p, 4, and rand logical operators. €) Ron to ope ty seme ec ht he ny he rey (8 St a dg ony he ey he ry (Gi) Whonever Sabri ves by the river, ha has a dog but he doesn't open « bakery 4 = (pA nr) 7. [4+444+4=16 pts] (Predicate logic) Let Z(2), (2), and F2) be the statements 2(2) xis a zoologist, Ha}: Hikes hiking, F(a) 2s friendly. "The domain for consists ofall people. In parts (i), expres the given tatements in terms of Z(2), (2), P(2), quantifiers, and logical operator. (© All zoologist ace friendly, Vx ( 2) > FO) () There ant any friendly person who likes hiking. ad (FO) A HO) (i) Does the proposition Ye (Z(=) > H)) fellow from the propsiion (Ye Z(a)) = (va H(z)? Justify. No. ff Wx 2G) 3 Cx Ha) oT, tt could be that ¥x%x) 0 Fo and Vx Hx) iy = So, its ponible that 3x C209 A THO) T (is) Does the proposition (ve Z(z)) > (¥eH(2)) follow from the proposition ye (Z(z) + Ha)? Jost, fs. UO Vet ees Wee) oT, the U0) SHO) 4 T fer each x Now sugpre Wx 26) 9 T Then, foceoch x 26) wT which anplity by FRE a1 ump tion aber, WO) v_abe T. Tho means: ¥x HO) oy T

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