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Vol 9, No 4, Winter 2022

ISSN: 2538 - 4724 University of Kurdistan

Diagnosis of School principals’ Assignment in Education

Morad Mehdipour1, Sakineh Shahi2*, Yadollah Mehralizadeh3

ARTICLE This study aimed to find how principals have been appointed in one of provinces
of Khouzestan. Qualitative method based on Grandad theory was used.
Article history:
Participants were principals, teachers, safeguard and monitoring managers,
assistants, instruction experts of province education and responsible s of selecting
principals whom chose purposefully. 30 informed persons with 10 years work
Accepted: experiences were deep interviewed until reach to theoretical saturation.The
method of data analysis was open, radial and selective coding. So, data collected
Available online:
from interview, coding and a category was chosen as axial of this study. Then,
Winter 2022
other categories were extracted and at the end, paradigm pattern was structured.
Based on results, legal and executive deficiencies, applicant’s motives factors and
lack of political leadership skill were recognized as causal factors. Clannishness
was axial and key category on creative undesirable conditions of selection
selection principals. Personal factors were contextual and politics forces were meddler
method, factors. Strategies, which are used by that province education, were control and
selection legal supervision in one hand, and in the other hand, outward paying attention to
conditions law and yielding in front of political elements; so their consequences were
inefficiency and decrease of educational quality of schools.

Mehdipour, M., Shahi, SH., & Mehralizadeh, Y. (2022). Diagnosis of School principals’ Assignment in
Education, 9(4), 40-61.

1. MA. Student, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.
2.Assistant professor, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Member of lifelong learning excellence
center, Ahvaz, Iran.
* (corresponding author) : Email:
3. Professor, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Member of lifelong learning excellence center,
Ahvaz, Iran.

Introduction appointment of principals is based on selected
Nowadays, art and science of management are criteria, it is possible for schools to perform their job
considered as one of the most delicate, difficult and best and optimally. Castetter (2000) believes that
productive works of human being and they are the process of selecting managers is a key activity
considered as one of the most important indicators in which to decide which personnel can hold
of contemporary civilization and one of the factors managerial positions. Providing organizational and
contributing to the economic growth and social benefits will be beneficial if managers are
development of today's societies. According to selected correctly. This is especially important for
Drucker, management is a vital part of the the managers of organizations that are associated
organization (Parsa and Heydariyeh, 2014). In the with a diverse staff of different cultures and values.
present century, the importance and effectiveness of The HR managers of the organizations mainly
this human knowledge is so great that some scholars do the selection and assignment of managers. The
regard the 20th century as the age of management, presence of a human resource manager with a
and today's world as the world of conscious strategic role creates the special responsibility and
managers (Sirota et al., Jalali translation, 2004). accountability required by having a strategic vision
Community management is the result of the and a broad understanding of the specialized areas
selection and implementation of management of HRM. According to Armstrong's definition
methods and principles that win or lose (Momeni, (2006), human resource management is the strategic
2011). Optimal usage of human resources in all and integrated attitude of management toward the
organizations, especially in educational most valuable assets of the organization - the
organizations, requires competent and efficient employees - who, individually or as a group,
educational administrators with different skills, contribute to the organization's goals. From a
especially human skills (Sharifzadeh, 2006). The strategic point of view, managers through effective
school is a purposeful social space that provides approaches in attracting, retaining, employing and
students growth and excellence opportunities improving staff should appoint individuals with the
through chain of situations, where they are required personality and morality appropriate to the culture
to understand and improve their own and others' and mission of the organization. They have a deep
status through formal and non-formal learning work ethic and culture rather than employing
(Theoretical Foundations of the Fundamental continuous monitoring and control tools
Transformation Document in the Formal and Public (Mirsepassi, 2015).
Education System of the Islamic Republic of Iran, According to Hajalian, Shibet al-Hamadi and
2011). Since the influence of the education Alimadadi (2013), the method of recruiting a
institution on all aspects of society and the fate of manager is usually performed during the following
the country, as well as, school deals with human executive steps:
beings more than any other social organization, - Needs Administrator Analysis: Creating a new
school management is more difficult, sensitive and positions or changing is considered.
important than others (Sharifzadeh, 2006). - Distributing or sending application forms to
Successful schools have principals who have schools
created a professional and effective school culture. - Selection; The methods and tools used for
They are knowledgeable about teaching and selection include Receiving Requests, Preliminary
learning, and move themselves away from activities Selection, and Invitation to Selection, Preliminary
that delay professional growth (Normor, 2004). As Selection Interviews, Preliminary Tests, and Final
Crews and Weakley (1995) stated if you show us a Interviews
good school, we will show you a good school - Appointment: At this stage, the appointment of the
principal ... That is why it is important to select elected person to the new management position.
school principals. The way in which educational administratrs are
According to Whitaker (2003) successful and selected is related to the way in which each state's
effective selection and recruitment of school education is centralized or decentralized. So
principals has become one of the most important educational administratrs may be governed in one
human resource challenges. Since principals play a of the following ways:
decisive role in the effectiveness of schools, if the

1. Choosing a principal among the peer group in general criteria such as having successful empirical
educational organizations through their selecting of backgrounds, ability to manage, communication
the same organization is one of the most common and human skills, creativity and ability to provide
ways of dealing with the decentralized approach. solutions to school problems are considered. A
This approach is also related to the laissez – faire review of the scientific and experimental resources
approach in management. Currently, in some of the country after the Islamic Revolution reveals
countries of the world, educational administrators, that the method of selecting school principals in
especially school principals, are elected among the education is often such that the education authorities
collegues. PAs are the kind of schools that usually choose from a limited number of applicants or, if
care about implementing this approach. In this way, necessary, from teachers. This method of selecting
principal often have the support of their colleagues a principal is more subjective and without any
in designing and implementing the programs they scientific logic (Parsa and Heydari, 2014).
want. Research findings of Ghasemi Aghdami (2006)
2. Appointment to Management Position: In this way, indicate that inaccurate performance of managers
administrator of educational institutions gains their such as inability to solve educational and
power from the group. In fact, principals are administrative problems, inability to motivate and
appointed by higher organizational authorities and cooperate among colleagues, inability to establish a
imposed outside the group. Senior administrative friendly environment based on human relationships,
officials mostly support such executives outside the failure to properly coordinate, supervise and
organization. evaluate is due to mismanagement and is caused by
3. Elective-Appointment Method: In this way, the peer a relationship rather than a norm of appointment.
group in each school selects and mentions a number The results of Ronaghitasdighi research (2012) also
of nomeniees to the organizational officials. indicate that the minimum level of school
Officials outside the group select and nominate one management experience, prioritization of higher
of the proposed individuals. education (postgraduate and doctoral) degrees, lack
4. Searching- Appointment Method: In this way, of qualification for research activities and lack of
usually senior organizational officials delegate the competency tests. It is a profession in Iran that paves
task of finding the right managers to an authorized the way for recruiting managers through
team. This term nominates the individuals to the communications, kinship and political activism,
higher management and the organizational authority etc., who may lack managerial competence. This
appoints the principal. In fact, this is essentially an problem has always plagued our education system
appointment method, but top executives appoint a and has made school principals unable to perform
principal by approving the team. effectively and effectively. Researches by
In Iran, higher, middle, and executive (schools) Siavashizangiani, Azimi and Hosseini (2015),
administrators of education are usually appointed in Kakoui (2014), Sabet Motlagh, Esmaeilzadeh,
second and fourth way. In education organizations, Abedininaeini and Heidarzadeh (2014), Parsa and
the third approach seems to be appropriate and Heidarieh (2014) are some of the researches that
better suited to the nature of their work and the seek to study such topics as: The process of
profound impact that the ethical, practical and selecting principals, the terms and conditions of
experiential personality and creativity of principal positions and providing appropriate
educational managers have on achieving solutions for the appointment of principal. The
organizational goals. Therefore, different education research highlights the importance of the way
administrators, especially schools, should be principal are selected and assigned, but none of
appointed in a selective-appointed manner (Safi, them has been able to fully address the terms and
2006). conditions of principal assignments
The requirements for the position of school Khuzestan is one of the provinces that has ethnic,
principal are set out in the Higher Education cultural and linguistic diversity and has strong tribal
Council Resolution set in two sections: General and nomadic culture. An examination of the
Conditions and Specific Conditions. In the specific educational rank of the province and its towns
sector, the minimum education and experience for shows that the educational rank of the province is
school principals were detected. In the public sector, not in the right place, and in recent years, some

cities have declined. For example, the education and competitiveness of organizations cause the
center in this study was ranked 27th out of 41 environment to exert a great deal of power on the
districts in Khuzestan province, while it was 39th organizations, and ultimately, this theory leads to
last year. There are many reasons for this the survival of the competent (Kiaakjori, 2003).
organization to be placed at such a level, one of Chaos theory refers to systems that exhibit
which is the weakness in the selection and disorder, which contain some sort of hidden order
appointment of school principals. It seems that the within themselves, expressing irregular, nonlinear,
appointment of school principals by the education unpredictable and complex behaviors. In other
authorities is not based on professional words, chaos theory assumes a pattern of ultimate
competencies. Therefore, the present study order in all these anomalies (Ekwani and Mousavi
investigates the manner and conditions of selecting Nejad, 2014). The emergence and spread of chaos
and appointing school principals in education in one theory, whose most important features are butterfly
of the Khuzestan towns. effect, dynamic adaptation, self-similarity and
strange attractions, have led to fundamental changes
Literature Review in theoretical and scientific areas of science
Studying management theories shows that from including management (Mirzazadeh, Goodarzi,
the outset of management science, the selection of Sajjadi et al., 2014). By virtue of the butterfly
efficient individuals (both manager and employee) nature, productive managers are the ones who
has always been a concern of experts. As Taylor's recognize these inputs and use them timely and
scientific selection principle, or Weber's principle of appropriately as a particle, that generates a great
competence and expertise, including the principles deal of energy. According to the principle of
of scientific management and bureaucracy (Mehrali dynamic adaptation, the system needs internal
Zadeh, 2009), which emphasizes the certain changes to maintain the dynamics, which, instead of
competencies in individuals in order to occupy an being adapted to the environment, results in
organizational position. Fayol refers to different dynamic adaptation that leads to the transformation
levels of management capabilities across different of stable relationships between individuals,
layers of the organization, by classifying managerial behavior patterns, attitudes, and cultures (Ghorbani
capabilities into technical, general, and specific , Hafizi, Ahmadi Bani et al., 2014). An important
capabilities. Katz and Kahn later changed this feature of such systems is their flexible expertise,
classification to technical, human and cognitive meaning that organizations need a variety of
skills (Cited in Ronaghitasdighi, 2012). It is still the expertise in order to adapt to their changing
basis of much organizational research and analysis. environment (Mubarak & Vazileh, 2014).
With the advent of the human relations movement, According to the principle of self-similarity,
the ability of managers to communicate humanly every element of the pattern is the same as the
and to motivate and morale employees was whole. The self-similarity nature of organizational
particularly important. Systems theory also calls for members' behavior can also create a kind of unity,
capabilities and competencies such as having a so that all individuals have the same goal in mind
systematic and holistic view of management and (Ayinmehr, Sadeghi, and Nikkhah, 2015). Strange
focusing on intra-organizational and inter- attractions allow managers to come up with patterns
organizational variables. that regulate disorder and explain chaos in an
In later theories, the theory of ecology or ecology orderly fashion. Having a systematic attitude,
of organizations, the modern expression of Darwin's considering the high horizons and thinking broadly,
theory of evolution and social Darwinism, helps managers find patterns in seemingly irregular
introduced in the 1970s, emphasizes the survival of phenomena that give rise to extreme disorder.
the competent. Proponents of this theory argue that Future management needs to find strange attractions
rather than managing organizations, the that reveal this ultimate order. Without knowing this
environment dictates the shape of organizations order, no accurate explanation or prediction of
(Gholipour, 2014). According to ecologists, today's complex events can be achieved (Mehrabi &
organizations are heavily dependent on the Hoveyda, 2014).
environment to access the resources they need for The resource dependency perspective views the
their operations. However, the resource constraints environment as a place to access scarce resources

for technical practices and processes. require specialized knowledge in all three technical,
Environmental resources typically include finance, interpersonal and conceptual skills. Thus high-level
staff, information, products and services. managers in the education department, having
Organizations share and compete with each other in conceptual skills, especially in framing and problem
environmental resources. Because all organizations solving (cited in Hoy& Miskl,2015, translated by
are dependent on their environment and external Soleimani).
control of organizational behavior is inevitable. If According to the guidelines outlined in the
they do not respond to the demands of the Basic Education Transformation Document (2012),
environment, they cannot thrive. Thus, the resource a principal should has 1. The ability of decision-
dependency model emphasizes that organizations making in action planning 2. The competency,
must adapt to their environment in order to improve commitment, capablity, experience, responsibility,
their chances of survival. However, demands are collective morale and physical health. Baker (2001)
often in conflict, so organizations cannot grow by believes that the selection of principals is of
simply responding to any environmental demand. particular importance for improving the
The challenge for school decision makers is to performance of school programs. Because
determine the extent to which their schools can principals play an important role in school
respond to the multiple demands of the environment effectiveness. It is not possible or difficult to use the
and the effects of those reactions on their tools and methods to make the best choice until the
organizations. Therefore, principals must also conditions and qualifications become clear. Normor
manage the environment of their organizations (2004) also believes that the process of selecting the
(Hoy& Miskle, translated by Seyed Abbaszadeh, competent principals requires a competitive plan for
2013). selecting the most qualified candidates.
The study of the above theories shows that The results of Parsa and Heydariyeh (2014)
management in this society has many complexities research, designing a model for selecting principals
and difficulties. Therefore, it needs to be prepared of education with fuzzy multi-criteria decision-
to acquire the knowledge and skills to take this making approach, showed that among the main
position. Ghasemi Aghdami (2006) describes the criteria, managerial skills criteria, knowledge and
attributes, dimensions, competencies and skills expertise, professional and general credibility,
required of school principals in seven dimensions of characteristics Personality, attitude and insight are
subjective, personality, knowledge, management in the first to fifth priorities, respectively.
skills, outcome and communication skills. Each Mousazadeh and Abdoli (2009) examined the
dimention has the characteristics and competencies criteria for selecting and appointing principals based
required of principals. According to Hassanzadeh on competent approach in Nahj al-Balagha. In this
Foroughi (2013), the skills required for today's study, the criteria for selecting and appointing
school principals include: 1. Time management competent principals were gathered according to
skills 2. Communication skills 3. Skills in applying Nahj al-Balagha. These include ideological,
guiding principles 4. Teaching classroom contextual, and specialized criteria.
observation skills 5. Skills in managing students' Siavash Zangiani, Azimi, and Hosseini (2015)
high-risk behaviors 6. Skills in setting weekly class analyzed the indicators of the appointment of
schedules. elementary school principals in Mazandaran
Jaj and Kozalaka (2009, cited in Hoy and province. The results showed that the applied
Miskel, translation by Soleimani et al., 2015) technical indices did not differ significantly during
believe that personality traits (self-esteem, stress the six periods, and the perceptual and human
tolerance, emotional maturity, etc.), motivational indices did not differ significantly, too. It means that
(self-efficacy, success orientation, expectations, during this period each indicator of the manager's
etc.) and skills (technical, interpersonal, and appointment has not changed significantly. Among
conceptual) are associated with effective leadership. the principals with different experince, each
Yukel (2002) argues that technical skills are indicator is far from desirable situation.
important to low - level managers, especially Binaeyan Sefid (2011) conducted a study on
educational assistants who deal with teachers. determining the selection criteria for high school
Middle-level managemers such as school principal; principals in Mazandaran province from the

viewpoint of the high school teachers in the (managers, assistants and supervisors), teachers and
academic year 2011-12. The results of the research school principals in one of Khouzestan province-
were that all the indicators mentioned in the Lali, who were selected through purposeful
questions from the point of view of the teachers sampling. At least 10 years of experience was the
were respectively: administrative skills, emotional criteria to select the teachers and principals.
intelligence, creativity, personality traits, and Therefore, 30 unstructured interviews were
beliefs aspects. conducted to reach theoretical saturation. The
According to a study by Sadeghian et al. average time for each interview was 20 to 35
(2015), focusing on a new way to choose successful minutes. Interviews were recorded. Then, Open,
educational administration in future schools, axial and selective coding were used in the analysis
administration experience is not only a success process. Therefore, through open coding, the codes
factor for a principal, but also features such as are extracted from the content of the interviews and
creativity, performance, skills, communication and concepts are constructed. Then the common
talent are important. concepts form a category. In axial coding, one of the
categories is selected as the main category and the
other is linked to it. Then in selective coding, the
Purpose of the research categories are refined and the basic framework of
The main purpose of this study was to the theory is formed by linking the concepts and
investigate the way and conditions of selecting and categories produced to each other. All of these steps
appointing school principals in the education of one have taken place simultaneously with data
of the Khuzestan towns. gathering.
Research method
This is a qualitative research based on grounded Findings
theory. Grounded Theory is an inductive and After recording the interviews, the content was
exploring method that allows researchers in various analyzed and coded. Open coding is a process in
subject areas to formulate theory through which data are broken down into meaningful units
comparative analysis of observations rather than and can be used at the beginning of the study. The
relying on existing theories (Giesler & Strauss, main purpose of open coding is to conceptualize and
1967, cited in Mehralizadeh et al., 2013). Therefore, label data. In the next step, each of the code derived
in order to gather information and answer the from open coding is categorized and
research questions, interviewing and document conceptualized, and then categories are formed
review tools including Higher Education Council from concepts. In Table 1, the concepts and
approvals and upstream documents such as the categories formed from the interviews are outlined.
Fundamental Transformation Document were used.
Participants in this study were education authorities

category concepts Code No. total
General Believe undertaking to Islam and jurisconsult 1-3-4-8-12-22 6
qualifications province
Non publicity to corruption 4- 14 2
Married life 13-14-22 3
Piety, work commitment, executive guarantee 4-5-6-8-9-13-19 7
mindedness 4-6-15-19-20 5
Psychical, emotional and physical health 4-22-27 3
Outward and prestige of manager 10 4
Boldness and bravery 3-11-24 3
ethics 4-5-6-8-9-10-13-17-18-19- 13
Reputation 4-5-6-7-8-10-13-17-19-20- 12
Acceptance and popularity between colleagues and 4-5-6-7-8-10-13-17-19-20- 11
people 26
Responsibility sense 5-6-17-18-20-23 6
Good personality and behavior 2-16-21-22-25 5
Specialized Domination in IT and computer systems for doing 5-8-10-16-19 5
qualifications school tasks
Domination in execute rules and discipline 8-10-20 3
Having educational management certification 1-6-8-11-13-14-26-29 8
Having at least licentiate`s degree 1-2-3-6-7-8-11-13-14-17- 19
Managerial and educational experience 1-3-5-6-7-8-9-11-13-15-16- 22
17-18-19-22-24- 25- 26-27-
Domination in educational affairs in related section 9- 13-14-15-16-22-25 7
such as teaching method, regulating weekly
Researches and science articles 6 1
Scientific, cultural and training ability 4 1
Motivated factors Motive and interesting to management position 7-8-9-11 4
Increase salary 7- 27-29 3
Calculating mean of 3th latest salary for retired 4-27 2
Facilitating in truck to university for educating 7 1
Transfer from the city and village to tribes for 7- 28 2
increasing salary and receipt to management
Communicative Ability to organizing parents meeting sessions 28-29-30 3
skills Ability to interaction and public communication 2-6-8-9-10-16-17-18-21- 14
Enabling decision- making and leadership 17-20-23 3
Verbal and explanation ability 9-10-16-20-23 5
Individual factors Acquaintance with subordinates and superiors 8-9 2

Awareness of viewpoints and attitudes of 5-7-11 3
education authorities
Inability to teaching and learning 7-20 2
Demonstration to inability to teaching 5-7-20 3
Need to new Retired or transferred previous manager 1-3-6-8-28-29-30 7
manager Transferring previous manager from one session to 1-3-6-8-29-30 6
Deposal manager because of disabling or not 1-3-6-8-29-30 6
obtaining job
Disinclination to continue by previous manager 1-3-6-8-30 5
Ethnic attitude Ethnic oriented 1-2-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13- 23
Ownership sense to region and school locality 7 1
Political factors Pressure of political, informal groups and 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-13-14-15- 14
influential persons 16-20- 29
Interference of city politicians: governership, 2-5 2
sheriff …
Ordered by administration staffs 5-16 2
Legal and control Guardian actions: behaivioral and ethical 1-3-4-6-9-11-29-30 8
actions characteristic control
Continues evaluating of managers functions per 1-3-6-9-11-16-29-30 8
Disposing the start- service, in- servise training, 6-13-15-16 4
Disposing the face to face sessions with authorities 15 1
Disposing the conferencies about qualitifying and 15 1
elevation of principals
Invitation from successful principals to using their 15-16 2
Inefficiency Reactiveness of education against pressure 2-5 2
Put the week persons on management position 6 1
Decreaseing the instruction quality, academic 3-4-5-7-8-9-10-11-13-20 10
Decreaseing the motivation of competent people 2-5 2
Disinteresting and discouragement of teachers and 5-13-14 3
students in instruction
Non- using of axotic competent people 3-5-9 3
Non participating of teachers and parents to choose 2-5-7-15-16-17-18-19-20- 13
managers 22-23-24-25
Sequesting educated and authentically people 2-5-7-19-20-25 6

At the axial coding step, by comparing the basic link to the other categories and underpin the
concepts and categories created in open coding, the paradigm model.
same codes were grouped into one axis. Then they The analysis of the interviews revealed that the
central issue in the inappropriate assignment of

principals is ethnicity. The formal education system criteria, such as family affiliation,
of each country embodies the social, cultural recommendations, social and class status, language,
subsystem of that community, and the formal ethnicity, race, etc., are prevented from functioning
socialization agent of society with a set of different properly. Instead, taking into account universal and
cultures that can each perform different functions at decentralized criteria such as commitment,
the level of the education system. The Iranian expertise, skill and experience in selecting
population is a diverse mix of ethnic groups. These principals and employees improves the performance
ethnic groups differ in culture, customs, language, of the organization. Whereas, in the logic of the
religion or religion. Kelly (1994, cited in Hutchison, Holy Qur'an, the positions and responsibilities are
1996) believes that the performance of people of credits that must be given to the competent people
different ethnicities and cultures is not the same, and (Tabatabai, 1995).
some of them have greatly influenced in scientific In this study, the issue of ethnicity has become
advancements and have been able to gain significant such a challenge that it is thought to be one of the
technological advances in the world. Sociologists official goals of education. In these circumstances,
believe that ethnicity is a shared cultural heritage. individuals who are not affiliated with any party
The concept of ethnicity refers to people who share shall not hold any managerial position. "There are
common roots and ancestry, common ancestors, and individuals in the education area who are
culturally and identifiable traits and characteristics professional and experts, but they aren’t seen
such as religion, habits and behavior, language, unfortunately. Because they are not affiliated with a
manner of dressing, marriage, worship, music, particular party to take the position" (Teacher, Code
literature, history, hometown and race (Hutchison, 17).
1996). Extreme ethnicism leads to objections and Another factor in this area is tribal balance.
rejection of cultural richness and knowledge of Ethnicity has so much overwhelmed the selection
other cultures. This prevents communication and and appointment of principals that education
exchange of views and skills between people. Since, officials are trying to use all the categories and
ethnicism does not consider other perspectives, as groups in the school principalship system to balance
well as, its tendency is restrictive and exclusive appointments. Therefore, the direction of
(Jandet, 1995). In addition to being "restrictive and appointing principals involves ethnicism. "Given
monopolistic" about ethnicism, its extreme type will that this town is made up of three important tribes,
result in the creation of individualistic schools. If all three tribes should be appointed to school
people believe that their culture is the only real principal positios and education officials. However,
culture, they will discriminate against people who Individuals from different clans are pushing for a
have cultural standards incompatible with their position." (Assistent, Code 8).
values and behavior. Ethnicism is the starting point Another notion of ethnicity is the sense of
for most fanatical beliefs (Edraki, 2011). ownership of the school district and location. In this
However, the issue of selecting and appointing town, the majority of the forces are domestic.
principals for students' academic achievement, Therefore, in principals’ appointment proceess,
guiding the education process, and motivating staff there are individuals claiming ownership of a
with a variety of methods, such as participation in particular area and its principalship. According to
decision making, mutual trust between members of one official (Code 7): "Due to the sense of
an educational unit, crate a sense of commitment to ownership of the area and the school where the
all employees are so important to the educational principalship applicants live, they want to be the
unit and paves the way for achieving the goals of the principals. They claim that they are sympathetic to
education system (Sohrabizadeh, 2010). In the the students, and that is a kind of attitude
administration literature, any kind of illegal deficiency.”
recruitment or appointment of relatives and friends Given that the majority of the residents are
in a bureaucratic system is considered negativ. principals’ relatives, they do not object to the status
Accordingly, one of the disadvantages of current quo and ignore any dificeincy in education.
organizations is the inappropriate selection and However, there is the lack of supervision leads to a
assignment of principals. According to the studies drop in students' education.
of principals and employees’ selection, specific

Finally, by analyzing the content of the categories, strategies and outcomes, the paradigm
interviews and extracting the causal, contextual, and model is presented in Figure 1.
disturbing factors as well as reaching the central

Figure 1. Paradigm pattern of how managers appointment

A: Legal and executive deficiencies: Based on the

Fundamental Evolutionary Document of Education,
the selection of principals at different levels based
Question 1: What are the causal factors of the on competency and commitment to human values
current school principals’ appointment? and scientific criteria, efficiency and belief in the
Before considering the causal categories, it is goals of formal education system,
necessary to consider why the appointment of a new operationalization of strategies, promotion of
principal is necessary. The process of selecting and school principalship and quality assurance in
appointing school principals begins where schools schools should be established. However, a system
need principals to administrate their affairs. "One of of evaluation of teachers and principals'
the key issues in selecting principals is the need for competencies including ethical, belief,
a new or alternate administrator," said one official revolutionary, professional and professional
at the Department of Education (Code 3). "And that competencies and evaluation appropriate to the
need may be reflected by the retirement, fundamentals and goals of the strategic
resignation, and dismissal of former principals or transformation document should be stablished. In
the establishment of a new school, then the addition, the Higher Education Council Resolution
Department of Education plans to assign a new (Session 637 - dated 22/1/1992) sets out the
principal." motivational factors of applicants, and following general and specific requirements for
lack of political leadership skills. principalship appointments in the Appointment of
Based on the interviews conducted in the present Principals and Officials Directoin.
study, three categories were identified as causal
categories: legal and executive deficiencies in the
selection of applicants,

General conditions: Belief in Islam and practical & Arabi, 2014). Studies show that there are very
commitment to the Islamic jurisprudence, few training courses for principals that usually take
adherence to Islamic ethics (such as Hassan Khalq, place after assignment.
Sa'ad Sadr, fairness, morals and trust in colleagues), Consideration the above cometency criteria
having good empirical backgrounds, having good indicate that the main policy makers in the Iranian
reputation, acceptance among colleagues, ability to education system have completely a non-
manage, team morale, ability to communicate with professional views of school principalship. For
others, and the co-operation of staff, students and example, according to the decisions of the Higher
their parents to accomplish the goals of education, Education Council (six hundred and ninety-one
married, having the physical and mental health sessions) the conditions for school principalship
necessary to perform management duties and being assignment in Iran are even easier than obtaining a
an formal employee in education. driver's license and coaching a football team, while
Specific Conditions: the type of degree and the international studies confirm a fully professional
grade of the school determine the minimum position for school principalship. In Germany, for
education and experience required for school example, school principals are selected from
administrators. Accordingly, people with a teachers with at least 23 years of experience in
bachelor's degree and above are given priority. teaching, educational counseling, educational
Another set of requirements is success in passing supervision and principal consulting and have
school principalship qualifications or attending passed a principalship qualification course.
principalship training courses. Alternatively, in Japan, well-known postgraduate
Considering these conditions, one can see that teachers with acceptable academic and educational
there are no significant principalship requirements. backgrounds and qualifications are selected as
The most important specific requirements are to school administrators by passing a professional
have a bachelor's degree. "... but unfortunately there qualification test and receiving approval from some
are still administrators who hold postgraduate civic institutions. Experiences of successful
degrees in traditional ways in urban schools and no educational systems in the world such as Finland
one can dismiss them" (Code 11). More and Singapore also indicate the existence of special
interestingly, according to one expert (code 15): conditions for selecting school principals
"Some secondary schools are managed by (Khalkhali, 2015).
elementary teachers and they lack the necessary “Principalship work in schools is more stressful
expertise to do so, and this is a problem for the than personal and daily work and activities"
school and students. This is an unprofessional (principal, Code 27). Two-thirds of the district's
assignment. schools are in countryside area and principals have
“There are 72 schools in this study, including 35 to travel about 30 km each day. As well as, school
primary schools, 22 guidance and 15 secondary principals and applicants are generally old and at the
schools. Elementary school principals have all B.A age of retiring. They have physical weakness and
of Education. However, 6 out of 22 guidance school emotional disinterest to do their job. Therefore, it is
principals and 2 out of 15 secondary school necessary to select and appoint individuals who
principals have B.A of Education, and the rest of the have the mental, physical and emotional health to
secondary school principals have other degrees accomplish determined goals by implementing
related to their profession. Also among the school education strategies and policies.
principals of this town, only four of them have M.A Educational principalship is dealed with
degree including two Educational Administration. educational facilities and equipment, so it is up to
Improvement the quality of principalship in educational principalship to identify educational
education requires principals who have completed tools, facilities, etc (Mirkamali, 2000). Nowadays,
training principalship courses to provide principals each school administrator must be able in IT in
with the insight, knowledge and skills needed to order to facilate student, client and staff
educate and achieve the educational goals. performance, as well as regulations and
Specialization has become one of the most powerful administrative correspondence. It reduce education
sources of influence (Dessler, translated by Parsaian costs when the per capita of schools is very small.

"Some school principals have been in this position students, colleagues, and parents, conducting
for many years, but unfortunately still cannot work educational, cultural, artistic and sports activities at
on computers. They spend money to deploy student school as well as ability ti work with computer.
and school affairs such as enrollment, registration Specialized qualifications are therefore: IT system
and printing of directions etc in cafes” (Assistant, proficiency, educational administration or related
Code 5). Doing current affairs at school with academic qualifications, principalship experience,
computer through internet is one of the issues that mastery of educational matters, rules and
has been updated in the farthest reaches of the guidelines, as well as, research background
country, but some school principals do this by waste Interviews with principals suggest that
the little school capita. individuals should be selected and appointed to
In the new management system, there are school principalship positions with at least 5 years
important factors in the success of a complex, of educational experience or teaching to become
including the presence of a manager and a leader at familiar with the organization's culture and dealing
the top as the manager and coordinator of affairs. with existing problems and challenges. If they have
The wider a system, the greater the proportion of sufficient educational experience, they should be
managers' responsibilities. "Managers in rural areas assigned as assistant, trainee or administrator in
should respect the people and serve the people and low-level schools to pass the trial and error process,
pay attention to various issues and matters of and Able to make decisive and complex decisions
fairness, honesty, responsibility and in high-level schools. Therefore, one of the factors
trustworthiness, but some managers find that they that influences in principal assignment is the
are not punctual, delay and return early and do not specialized knowledge that the officials of the
adhere to their commitments. Also, they do not Department of Education must pay attention to in
report the educational weakness of the students to the implementation of guidelines and directions for
their parents in order to maintain their position” the appointmentof principals. At last, the new
(principal, Code 17). appointed principals with any specific criteria
Therefore, it can be concluded that, first, the (qualifications, educational or principalship
existing laws and regulations are not up-to-date and experience, competency, information technology,
the conditions required for assignment are not based etc.) must have training courses before the
on the needs of today's society. Second, the same beginning of the academic year, including
rules are not implemented properly and there is little educational, administrative, cultural and financial
supervision of the implementation of the rules. The issues, ae well as, organizational theory-based
results of the interviews also showed that the school management practices and implementation of
principal should have two categories of general and official directions. Then the workplace must be
specialized conditions: introduced formally to perform their task.
General Conditions: Due to the centralized system B: Motivational Factors: Motivation is generally
based on the political, religious, cultural, social and described as an internal state that stimulates, directs,
biological conditions, general goals of the education and stabilizes behaviors. A set of energetic forces
system in Iran are determined. Since the principals that originate both within and beyond the individual
guides others, they must have the following general to establish work-related behaviors and determine
conditions and characteristics: Belief in and their shape, direction, intensity, and continuity. The
commitment to the jurisprudence and Islamic motivation is the desire to move and start the activity
religion, piety and commitment, Sa'ad Sadr, mental- to achieve a certain goal (Hoy& Miskle, translated
emotional-physical health , Appearance and by Seyed Abbaszadeh, 2013). Behavior is a complex
prestige of management, ability to communicate phenomenon that is driven primarily by motivation.
with the outside environment, ethics, reputation, Decisions and choices are influenced by the complex
popularity among staffs, accountability, character system of human needs, and some are common to all
and good behavior, boldness and courage. human beings, but others are different, such as
Specialized Qualifications: Elementary, emotional needs, social reputation, self-esteem, self-
guidance and secondary principals must have the fulfillment, which are higher than the individual
necessary expertise on relevant educational issues needs. Biological differences, cultures,
such as scheduling, planing, and engaging with environments, and life experiences generally

influence and shape their motivation (Hassanzadeh the teachers are looking for a principalship
Foroughi, 2013). However, whether material or non- position to transfer at the beginning the academic
material, motivation is one of the most important year.
criteria in selecting principals. Social reputation and
5. Graduate Motivation: Some individuals are
self-esteem are the needs that motivate some
thinking about managing a school in order to
applicants for management positions to work hard to
graduate at public universities easily to gain
achieve this post. What emerges from the interviews
legal authority and become free and independent
is that individuals have different motivations for the
to participate in university courses without any
school principalship, as follow:
1. Material Motivation (Increase Salary): Many
According to Alderfer (1972) and McKelland
applicants are motivated to increase their
(1976) (cited in Abbaszadeh, 2013), one can justify
salaries, gain more benefits, and thus endure the
some of the motives such as the motivation for
hardships of working long distances. According
success. McClelland argues that high-achieving
to one of the administrators (Code 28): “One of
individuals have a strong tendency to accept
the teachers who was teaching in the city wanted
personal responsibility for doing or solving
to make a transition and go to the countryside
problems; tend to set more or less difficult goals and
education.”If I go to a distance region, I get more
accept moderate levels of risk; and they want
pay and benefits, and I also easily administrate
information about the results of their work. If these
one of the schools and get extra salary," he said.
incentives are properly managed, it will lead to both
Therefore, the countryside education section
individual success and growth, as well as
covers many schools, with many applicants
organization growth. But as Ronaqitasdighi (2012)
being transferred to the distance area every year
has stated, in Iran the minimum level of school
for various reasons. While the principal may be
principalship experience, lack of higher education
attended just two days a week at school, there is
(masters and PhD) priority, lack of research
little supervision on principals due to the long
activities, and lack of qualifications test, all pave the
way for principals to be appointed through
2. Political motivation: Political motivation is the
communications, kinship, and political activism, etc
reason for some applicants to seek principalship
without principalship competency.
positions in urban schools. "Individuals'
C: Lack of political leadership skills:
motivation to take school principalship is
Organizations are political arenas. Policies at work
different. Some individuals are trying to take the
are a fact that grows at the highest levels of the
school principalship in order to run a city council
organizational hierarchy. For executives, political
election campaign so that they can reach their
skill is not only to success and effectiveness, but
goals through direct communication with
also essential. A successful executive learns when
parents. ” (Responsible, Code 7).
to simulate passion, compassion, interest, humility,
3. Success .Motivation: There are applicants who
confidence, and domination, when to laugh, with
are really looking to improve their position and
whom to laugh, and how to be intimate with others.
want to achieve more success and to be effective
If this is successful, he has become a person in
for their urban community. Therefore, these
harmony with his environment. Successful
individuals will be nominated with positive
executives also learn to use all the right masks, learn
intentions and will succeed in their work after
all the right words for the conversation, get to know
being appointed. "But some who are not
all the right individuals, and spread the insight and
affiliated with any party are unfortunately
skills of self-promotion art. Social conciousness and
frustrated and isolated in their pursuit of their
the interpersonal influence of political skill play a
goals" (Expert, Code 7).
key role here. None of this, of course, works unless
4. Transition Motivation: There are teachers who
it is convincingly done. Networking capability is
want to move from the town to the capital, cities, also critical to management effectiveness.
or other provinces, but they do not agree because Leadership involves the achievement of purpose by
of the lack of staffs. Since officials make it easier and with others, and the social capital that is given
for principals transition in their political party, to those who are politically skilled is what enables

leaders to be effective (Fani, 2013). Therefore, those once the regional governor. Therefore, they can no
who are politically skilled and able to control their longer serve as a teacher and under the supervision
emotions with respect to their tribe, as well as, of another. "
deploy political skill components such as self- The interapersonal category includes concepts
promotion, self-esteem, and confidence can be seen such as the attitude of the education authorities, the
as competent principals. They can administrate with sense of ownership of the region and the inability to
parents coorparation. However, there is no such educate. According to the above explanations,
ability and skill in officals to select the principals. personality traits such as attitude and motivation
On the other hand, because of the politicization of influence the type of perception and judgment of
society and the pressure of political factors, officials education officials. Inability to educate refers to the
inevitably appoint managers who do not have the individuals over 25 years of experience that must be
necessary competence. appointed to princpalship positions because of their
inability. There are also individuals who pretend
Question 2: What are the contextual factors inability for many years. The stability of his
in the current method of assigning school behavior is revealed to all, and officials become
principals? influenced and persuaded to appoint him to the
The most important factor that underpins the princpalship positions. Some individuals do not see
current conditions for the assignment of principals reality as it is, but interpret what they see and call it
is interapersonal factors. In today's organizations, as reality. For example, because some teachers have at
a complex subsystem, human has a fundamental the end of working years and want to retire, so they
role that operates according to its own attitude and should be appointed to princpalship positions to
knowledge. Interapersonal factors can include receive more benefits in their salaries. From their
attitude, personality, and perception that each affect point of view, it is a fact that everyone sees, while
one's behavior in some way. Accordingly, the reality is the appointment of the competent
principals’ attitudes toward individuals or aplicants in princpalship positions and those who
phenomena influence their behavior and decisions. qualify for princpalship should be appropriately
One principal (Code 5) stated, “Education Officials appointed to princpalship positions. Indeed,
are usually politically appointed, so as soon as they educated and knowledgeable individuals have been
enter the managerial system, they dismiss several forgotten which is a kind of low-level attitude.
administrative staff or employees. They resign
because of inconsistent political attitude”. Question 3: What are the factors that
From the analysis of the interviews, it is interfere with the current way of assignment of
concluded that education officials are mainly school principals?
appointed based on political factors. Thus, their The most important interfering factors in the
attitude and management are not scientific, but they process of selecting and appointing principals are
are more committed to the factors of power than to political factors. Mintzberg (1983) argues that
their organizational goals and mission. Therefore, politics is the behavior of an individual or group that
based on their unscientific, self-interest and is informally, usually divisive and unlawful. it is
factionalism seek to transition their workforce to neither endorsed by official authority nor accepted
consolidate their position, while another part of the by ideology. March acknowledges that although
system may need to be changed. Therefore, there are powerful individuals, the political arena of
political, tribalism and bandit attitude, leading to the organizations consists of individual-group unions
appearance of change and sometimes the change that negotiate the distribution of power among
results in disefficiency. themselves. Bolman and Dell (1997, cited in Sayyid
“In this town, there are authoritarians, because Abbaszadeh, 2013) believe that despite all efforts to
of their pride, high education, prominence in their integrate the needs of individuals to serve the goals
tribe, and so on, want to take the management of organizations, individuals themselves have
position and do not consider themselves subordinate personal needs that must be met. Out-of-school
to others. According to the interviewee (code 7): influencers are organized into thousands of groups
“Some applicants have a sense of pride and selfish such as teachers' associations, coalitions, parent and
in the tribal assignment, because his ancestors were teacher associations, provincial departments of

education, colleges and universities, the media, and ethnicity, not because they believe in a political
other stakeholders. Most of these influential outside approach.
groups try to exert their external interests and power
over school activities. Their problem, of course, Question 4: What are the strategic measures
because they operate outside the bureaucratic that influence the causal and contextual factors
structure of the school, is to determine how to in the school principals?
achieve their desired results. The Department of Education has used
In small towns with tribal and ethnic culture and strategies against contextual and intervention
different tribes, usually tribes form parties and factors that can be divided into two categories:
coalitions. One of the interviewees (code 2) states, 1) Positive strategies include: a) Supervision
“Usually the well-known of each tribe who share the and control b) In-service and on-service courses
same goals and interests form a party. Therefore, his and workshops.
coalites with one of the candidatesthe Majlis 2) Negative strategies include: (c) formal
slection who have more influence. They are attention to rules (documentation): (d) pure
negotiating and pledging to support him and, if he submission to contextual and interfering factors
wins, the applicants of this tribe should be appointed such as political groups, informal groups, and others
in principalship positions. " that were involved in the selection of principals.
Mintzberg believes that just as an organization Supervision and Control: Supervision means
can be influenced by an external coalition, monitoring the progress of operations compared to
influential internal groups that come together for the status quo, modifying, and correcting operations
one purpose, that is, the internal coalition, can also to prevent deviations from achieving the goals of the
influence it. The external coalition forms a kind of training organization. The first part of this definition
internal coalition that has emerged. The dominant is about acquiring information by observing the
external coalition tends to weaken internal status quo and determining the progress of the work
coalitions, but despite this external coalition, the by comparing the optimal situation called
organization operates through internal coalition supervision. The second part is to restore the
efforts (cited in Abbaszadeh, 2013). educational system to its correct and desirable form
The town in this study consists of different through corrective actions, which is an operational
tribes. Each tribe has different well-known and and executive process called control (Mirkamali,
famous individuals form the tribal party, in fact a 2000). According to Scott (2016), the system-
coalition outside organizations. These tribal groups logical approach emphasizes explicit goal setting
constantly ask organizations and departments to and formalization, as these elements play an
assign from their own. External groups and important role in the wisdom and efficiency of
coalitions that are closely linked to the town's organizations. Formalization leads to
political actors will consult as needed to use their standardization and regularization of work
nominees in management positions. In sum, it can implementation. Rules establish to control behavior
be said that in the education department of the town, precisely and clearly. One of the factors are
the dominant external coalitions influence the mentioned by administrative interviewees is
internal coalitions with shared ideals and play an supervision and control, which is commonly used in
interventionist role in selecting and appointing most organizations to increase efficiency and
school principals to achieve their goals and achieve organizational goals. "During the school
objectives. Ecologists believe that "organizations year, repeated supervision is performed, poorly
are heavily dependent on the environment for the performing principals are given verbal reminder
resources they need to operate, but resource strategies if they do not improve their performance
constraints and competitiveness cause the in the subsequent supervision and written reminder
environment to exert enormous power over will be recorded in their portfolio. Therefore, after
organizations" (Kiakjuri. 2003) ", has been well three times of written warnings, they will be
established in this town. The interesting thing is that dismissed during the legal process” (Manager, Code
in this town, politics is practically overshadowed by 7).
ethnic interests, not vice versa. In other words, the B) In-Service Courses and Workshops: The
tribes form a political group for the sake of basic strategy that most interviewees consider a

factor in empowering principals and employees is D) Another negative strategy that the education
in-service courses and workshops. In Implementing has taken against ethnic, contextual and intervention
Civil Service Law, Chapter 9 (Empowering factors is the simple obedient. The Department of
Personnel), Article 58- In order to improve the Education has the important responsibility of
efficiency and effectiveness of executive agencies, educating students and must employ strategies that
the organization is required to design an executive address the political, ethnical issues, traditional
staff training system that fits in with the knowledge, cultures, tribal competitions that are obstacles to
skills, and attitudes of employees and provide the achieving educational goals. While education
necessary incentives for the employee to participate officials have not only taken action in this regard,
regularly in the training process. Therefore, the they have also given in to environmental demands
relationship between employee and principal can be and in some cases, consciously or unconsciously,
established and the minimum per-hour training is promoted it. It seems that the Department of
met according to relevant regulations each year Education has not provided a meaningful solution to
(Civil Service Law, 2007). the underlying and interference factors and has acted
Accordingly, courses and workshops are held for passively. Thus, it seems to ecologists, rather than
principals, especially new principals. According to the management of organizations, is the
one expert (code 16): "The Department of environment that dictates the form of organizations
Education organizes workshops for school and emphasizes the survival of the fittest
principals and invites experienced principals to (Gholipour, 2014). However, due to lack of political
share their experiences with colleagues. These leadership, education authorities failed to manage
workshops are very useful because they use each and control the external environment of education
other ». and instead succumbed to interaction.
(C) Artificial attention to rules: Scott (2016)
states that the system-logical view of organizations Question 5: What are the consequences of
is regarded as formal tools designed to achieve the strategies employed in the school principals'
specific organizational goals. The rationale is the assignment?
amount of organizing and actions taken to achieve The strategy followed by education has been
the goals that are most effective in advance. Scott the consequence of inefficiencies that have led to
also argues that this view emphasizes the limitations poor education and poor quality, lack of motivation
of individual decision makers in the context of in teachers and students, lack of usage of appropriate
organizations;. Education as a formal and logical aplicants, and the isolation of literate individuals.
organization has set goals and developed guidelines A) Inefficiency and Decrease in the Quality of
for achieving them. However, the analysis of the Education: The set of causal, contextual and
interviews reveals “Artificial attention to the rules” interventional factors has been the cause of the
and it can be said that education rules and guidelines inefficiency of the education system in this town and
govern the selection and appointment of school its quality decline. According to the analysis of the
principals, apparently based on documentation, but interviews, the above explanations and the passivity
in practice, ethnic issues takes into consideration. of education against the influence of contextual and
Artificial attention has covered various aspects of interventional conditions are the results such as
activities. Therefore, the above strategies are more academic failure and poor education.
Artificial and practically out of reach. Supervision When students fail the final exams, they have to
by education authorities is not real with virtually no go to adult high school to part-time study, which
feedback. Unfortunately, there is no follow-up, and takes a long time for the students to graduate.
school administrators know that these inspections "Students 'admission to adult high school is a result
and monitoring are artificial. Courses are also more of some administrators' inattention to the education
ceremonial. Because most executives spend their and training of students who have been poorly
time collecting documentation and taking photos attained" (Correspondent, Code 5).
and submitting them to the provincial education Yearly education plans provide students with a
directorate rather than regularly and deliberately variety of topics at different levels and teachers and
holding these courses. These meetings do not have administrators can guide and mentor their students
significant benefits.

to evaluate these projects at regional, provincial, political leadership in Department of education has
and national levels. led to greater ethnocentrism and overcomed
B) Lack of Motivation: The crisis of motivation academic and scientific insights. In this situation,
is a major threat to our education system. Several the laws are artifical and it tries to preserve the
factors influence the lack of motivation in teachers surface of the laws. According to ecology theory
and students. However, what this study is looking at and resource dependency, one can say that
is the kind of management and system that governs applicants’ ecosystems play a significant role in
the education system, which has sometimes led to applicants’ thinking and behavior, and
the disengagement of teachers and students. organizations, including schools, rely on locally
According to interviews, principals who assigned available resources to survive. It makes them more
based on relationships are usually inadequate and dependent on the environment. Lack of control and
lacking programmatic and managerial knowledge follow up the problems in the
that cannot coordinate and interact well with school principals’performance leads to ethnic issues
system members. In addition, does not engage having higher preference and ultimately leading to
teachers, students, and parents in school decision- system failure and perceived quality decline.
making and problem solving. Overall, the kind of principalship that
C) Lack of Competent applicants’ usage: There administrate schools and the workplace has led to
are many well-educated and competent applicants in the disengagement and lack of motivation in
this town. According to one of the administrators teachers. Although other factors such as the low
(code 25): "The town has a large number of literate level of salaries and benefits, the dominate
individuals that do not accept the school atmosphere in Iranian society in the last decade,
principalship system for various reasons. It is changes in the lives of other employees, and the
expected that the education authorities will identify increase in salaries of other employees, etc. have
these individuals and use their comments and had a significant impact on reducing this incentive,
suggestions in making decisions and in selecting but poor principalship has also contributed to the
principals. " decline the motivation. Principals who have not
Discussion completed pre-appointment training courses and do
Administration in any system involves accepting not pay attention to in-service training courses and
heavy organizational and social responsibilities. have no background in educational principalship are
School principalship plays a more important role, as certainly not able to incorporate new managerial
the young generation is guided by their ideas and approaches, theories and management theories.
plans. Hence, taking such responsibility to Applying some of the short and long-term
individuals must be carefully done. Most countries solutions can change the current situation. Short-
have set up relatively difficult laws and conditions term actions include holding principalship courses
in order to qualify for the position. The study of the for applicants or principalship candidates.
existing laws and directions showed that the Education administrators in the province also need
conditions and criteria set for the assignment of to be trained in political leadership, bargaining and
school principalship are less. Therefore, most negotiation skills so that they can effectively defend
teachers can apply for such a post. However, in the education system and the future of youth
many cases these few rules are not followed. This community. Long-term measures include action to
situation indicates deficiencies in current education revise existing laws and to set stronger, more
laws as well as deficiencies in pension laws. scientific and up-to-date indicators to provide a
Pressure from political forces, on the other hand, has more favorable context for the appointment of more
nurtured this law deficiency and allowed unskilled qualified principals. Finally, the principal‘s
applicants to take the responsibility. Due to the selection process can be summarized in the
social conditions of the town and the dominance of following model:
tribal cultures and traditions, the selection of
principals has been influenced and the lack of

Modle 1. Proposed pattern of manager assignment

Chosing managers

Manner Attaining qualifications

Legal Individual
- +

General Motivation
Political factors Execution
qualifications factors,
pressure guidelines
Special personality,
qualifications communication
and leadership

province from viewpoints of teachers in 2010- 2011,
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Acknowledgment Castetter, W. B. & Young, I. P. (2000). The Human
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Fani, A., Sheikhinegad, F. & Rastehmoghadam, A.
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was no conflict of interest. effected factors and conditions for obtaining
This article has not been previously published in any management position, managers educational unit,
Institute for management and planning studies,
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Organization Of management and planning of Qom
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Author 1 Name: Morad Mehdipour
Morad Mehdipour was MA. Student in educational
administration in Shahid Chamran University of
Ahvaz. His research interests are educational
management, education.

Author 2 Name:Sakineh Shahi

Sakineh Shahi got her PHD in educational
administration from Tarbiat Moalem university
(now named Kharazmi) and currently is an
Assistant professor in Shahid Chamran University
of Ahvaz. Also, she is the member of lifelong
learning excellence center. She has published
several papers in national and international journals.
Her research interests are educational management,
higher education, educational evaluation, lifelong
learning etc.

Author 3 Name:Yadollah Mehralizadeh

Email: Mehralizadeh
Yadollah Mehralizadeh has PHD in human resource
planning at England and currently is Professor in
Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. He also is
Member of lifelong learning excellence center. He
has published several papers in national and
international journals. Her research interests are
empowerment of human resource, educational
management, higher education, Technical and
professional education, lifelong learning etc.


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