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Television Advertising

Q1. . Explain various types of Television formats. Elaborate with examples for each or Types / Forms of TVC OR Techniques of Creating a TVC Television Ad Formats 1. Use of Film Genre - This commercial is produced on the lines of a movie. E.g. in several ads the Gabbar scene with Kaliya (sholay) and Circuit and Munnabhai (Munnabbai MBBs) have been used. In some ads even the actual footage from the film is used. however this is mostly done if the company /product being advertised has been a sponsor for the movie E.g. Chevrolet was the sponsor for Tara Rum Pum. Scenes of Tara Rum Pum were used in Chevrolet Commercial , post the release of movie. E.g. Tupper wear Ad used scenes of we are family to promote its product. 2. Use of Animals - Certain characteristics of animals may match the characteristics of a product. . The use of animals not only makes an ad interesting but also shows the comparison between the product and the animal . The recall value of these ads is good . However these ads take a long time to shoot and thus increases the budget E.g. Cheetah Kawasaki Bajaj RTZ ( Cheetah is used as a symbol of speed, grace and power.) Chameleon Onida (chameleon , a creature that would be dead without high color reproduction) Rhino- Ceat (born Tough) Lion Videocon (bringing home the leader) Wild Bull Hero Honda Hunk ( to show strength, power, speed) Dog- Hutch ( loyal and helping) Squirrel- Kitkat ( ) 3. Use of music/Sound - In this type of ad, jingles are used to sing the product virtues. The ad may be purely instrumental as well. These may be sung in the mind or hummed in free time; The song or the tune get registered easily in the minds of the audience and the recall value of these ads is very high. Various products of daily use and lifestyle products adopt this format of advertising. E.g. Jingles: Kya aap close-up karte hain? (Close-up toothpaste) Tandhuristi ki raksha karta hai Lifebuoy Tunes : Airtel, Hutch, Reliance Telecom , Kingfisher (olalala aaoo) 4. Humorous Ads - Humor has long been a common technique. It has also been a favorite amongst the audiences. Humor makes the commercial interesting. However, often people remember the humor but forget the product. Therefore, the challenge is to put across the humor in such a manner that the product is also remembered in relevance with the humor. The recall value of humorous ads is very high. People like funny things, it relaxes them . Therefore they get attracted to the ad, tend to like the product as well as it has brought a smile to their face. Humor works with well

established commonly purchased products and not for serious products like insurance products. E.g. Centre Fresh Jaban ko Lagam deta hai Chloromint Doobara mat poochna? Fevicol ads are often humorous A working woman making her son sit on Fevicol Tin 5. Use of animations- Animation brings drawn characters to life and movement. It is the latest trend in advertising. Audiences love to watch virtual characters talk, walk, and express like real people. These ads register in the mind quickly and can be recalled easily. What cannot be shown using normal people can be shown using animation. Cartoon characters, animated mascots, etc have done extremely well to sell products E.g. Fido of 7up Doughman of Pillsburry Aata Amuls girl Mamma Poko Vodafone zoozoos and the recent parrot 6. Slice of life ads - It is an old dramatic technique where the actors tell us a story. It is an emotional approach to copy and such ads have a mass appeal. People can relate to these ads. It is narrative style of copy in which the copy creates an emotional story primarily to draw the attention of the consumer to the message. The theme is drawn from day to day life situations . Usually the story focuses on a problem that only the product or the service can solve . It gives an idea that the brand has become a part of our daily life. It conveys the happiness that the brand brought to our lives. E.g. Tata Tea Lifebuoy Dettol McDonalds ( boy shifting residence finding McDonalds in front of the new home) HDFC Life Insurance (Have you done enough for your family) 7. Comparative ads or use of comparison - Comparative ads are used when the competing brand is equally good and has a good market share. In comparative type of ads, the advertiser highlights the advantages of the product/service as compared to competitive products . In order to achieve this he puts forth at least one unique point of difference with respect to the competing brands. Generally, these comparisons are done indirectly. The brand name of the competing brand is not mentioned while the comparison is being made, however a hint is given. Comparisons can be shown only if the marketer is very confident about the superiority of his brand. Many companies use this form of advertising to their advantage. E,g. Sprite made its comparison with all leading soft drinks Seedhi Baat no Bakwas Captain Cook with Tata salt ( free flowing ) . Various detergent powders have established their superiority over detergent bars

8. Infomercials An infomercial is a commercial that looks like an informative television program. The infomercials usually run for a minute to 30 mins and a max of 1 hour. The obvious advantage is that the marketer has an entire program to talk about the minutest details of its product. However nobody really has the time and the patience to view such a lengthy program which is not giving them any entertainment: this is the drawback of infomercials. E.g. Teleshopping network Telebrands Asian Sky Shop 9. Customer interview -Most people who appear in TVCs are professionals- actors or models. But certain TVCS include the faces of real users of the product. These real customers or users are identified by their real name. They are asked to talk about their experiences using the product. A small demonstration can also be shown by the user to make his words more convincing. These types of customer interviews ads work very well for products like detergents, soaps, toilet cleaners, cosmetics, etc. E.g. Harpic toilet cleaners Users of Dove soap Tide ads This is also a kind of testimonial by unknown people. 10. Problem- solution ads -This technique was the very first technique of making TVCs the problem and the solution to the problem were shown. These work well as the purpose of all the products is to solve some type of problem of the target audience E.g. For stomach ache pudin hara For acidity eno Pain relief- moov Itch Itchguard 11. Use of demonstration -Some products need to be shown to people regarding their way of usage and television commercial is the ideal medium specially for a new product or technique These commercials make use of close shots, so that the audiences can clearly view what is happening. The use of demonstrations makes the viewers understand about the usage of product. It also makes the communication believable. E.g. Use of hair dye (godrej) bas kholo ,gholo aur laga lo Use of Mrs.Marino hair softener ACT II Popcorn ( kato, dalo, dhako and ho gaya) 12. Celebrity endorsement Celebrity endorsement is nowadays a very popular form of advertising. In many ads, celebrities particularly movie stars, sports icons, TV personalities etc are used for product endorsement. This type of ads is very effective because the celebrities have a huge fan following and a huge mass appeal. Also, the people tend to take the advice of their favorite star . While using celebrities for product endorsement,

care is taken to see that the celebrity has something common with the product he endorses. i.e his personality matches with the product personality. Because of the celebrity element, these ads have high recall value. E.g. Amitabh Bachchan was chosen to endorse Binani cement because in Indian families, the advice of the big brother (BIG B) is always accepted Akshay kumar endorsing Thums up because of his macho, brave, and adventurous image. Aishwarya Rai for Lux soap for the beauty that she is. When the Celeb says I am using this product it becomes celebrity testimonial ad E.g. Sushmita Sen using Olay anti- aging cream. Simone Singh using Garnier Hair color. Sachin Tendulkar Boost is the secret of my/ our energy. The effectiveness of celebrity endorsement depends upon the popularity and credibility of the celebrity. The disadvantage of celebrity endorsement is that once the celebrity loses credibility , he loses his ability to influence. Eg. As soon as the Tigerwood scandal hit the papers, sponsors withdrew Tigerwood from endorsing their product. 13. Before -after ad -The person is shown before the use of product and after the use of product to show the benefit of the product. E.g. VLCC it shows the person fat ( before ) and after joining VLCC she is shown with a sexy figure Clinic Anti- Dandruff Shampoo The dandruff is shown under the microscope before use and after the use, clean hair is shown without a trace of the dandruff Fair and Lovely cream - a series of faces are shown - dark skin slowly changing to fair skin. Anti- Aging creams.- The dry wrinkled face of a woman is shown followed by a young youthful face after use of the cream 14. Sex Ads: When an opposite gender is used for the sake of grabbing attention or to make is sensuous and exciting. Eg Axe ad 15. Fear Ads: Ads that create a sense of fear and awareness in the minds of consumers. Eg., Mosquito repellant ads, Pepsodent, Insurance ads, Polio vaccine ads, Anti tobacco campaigns etc 16. Anxiety Ads: These ads create curiosity and excitement in the minds of the people .it is usually something new but which people are curious to know about it eg., lays- different flavors, Red Bull , Appy fizz 17. Feel Good Ads: Some ads make you feel good .these ads do not have specific call for action or response. They generate good will, cheer and happiness eg., diamonds ad, Mc donalds 18. Light Fantasy : Creates an illusion of dream , eg., Vicks Ki goli, Sunfeast ad, VIP frenchie ad 19. Fund Raising ad: Ads which motivate people to do some charity towards a noble cause . eg., Ads after Tsunami, Shiksha etc

20. Motivational ads: Motivates people to do something. to achieve some goal eg., Join the army, Teach India Campaign ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q2 . Define celebrity advertising Give 2 examples of use of celebrity in advertising Q. Give advantages and disadvantages of using celebrity to promote your product Q Celebrity advertising is an effective form of advertising in a crowded market category Discuss See above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q3 Evaluate any one recent TV ad or print ad that have made use of celebrity endorsement 1. The recent LUX TVC has Katrina Kaif as the celebrity endorser. Celebrity endorsement best works when the celebrity is popular and has a huge fan following and also when the product personality matches the personality of the celebrity. For a product like Lux which is always associated with the beauty of gorgeous film stars, Katrina Kaif is ideal for endorsement of LUX. She is the no. 1 heroine today, the most searched on the net, has a huge fan following, every mans dream girl, and probably the most beautiful girl in Bollywood. The ad is for the new Lux purple Lotus Cream Soap . The USP of the brand is Soap with Cream and Beauty Oils and it claims to have anti aging properties. In this ad Katrina is shown walking breezily in a purple dress that matches the color of the new Lux Purple Lotus Cream Soap . A gentle brush with a handsome man, shows how soft her skin is. Her beauty , the grace and gentleness of Katrina adds credibility to the message and justifies the tag line ab kho jayiye Kaliyon se Twacha mein aisi thwacha jo kisi ko bhi madhhosh kar de The ad succeeds in positioning the new LUX as a beauty soap with a promise of soft skin like Katrinas . The celebrity status of Katrina and peoples image of her as the most beautiful woman gives the ad a high recall value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q4 Give any 3 celebrities who have appeared in coca cola ad Amir Khan, Imran Khan, Hritik Roshan -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q5. Give your comment on Daag Achche Hai Daag Achche Hain is a series of ads of Surf Excel . In this series, the tag line Daag Achche Hai seems to even glorify dirt! The unusual tagline Daag Achche Hain catches the attention of the viewers , at the same time, the campaign succeeds in highlighting the functional benefit of Surf to the consumer.

Children often get dirty playing around and they dont bother about their dress getting dirty when they are focused on one thing. But however tough may be the dirt, Surf has the solution . All ads in this campaign feature children getting dirty, and are based on situations taken from day to day life situations. These are slice of life ads, creating an emotional story and at the same time demonstrate the benefit of the product to the consumer. 1. The first advertisement shows kids taking revenge from a puddle when one of them falls on the puddle and gets dirty. 2. Grandmother having tough time driving away the crows and the child solves her problem by dirtying fathers shirt and dresses himself as a scarecrow. 3. 2 children enter into a mock fight and fall on puddle of water to stop their parents from fighting on the road. 4. Rosy Teacher and her pet dog- In this ad, all the emotions are packed the boys affection for his teacher , Rosy Misss attachment to her pet dog . When the boy comes to know that Rosy Miss has lost her dog, he goes to see her. She is in grief holding her dogs belt in her hand. The boy immediately falls into action- tries to cheer her up by acting like a dog and trying to interact with her even lifts his leg as a dog would do and in the process gets dirty.,-In the end he succeeds in cheering Rosy Miss . All the ads in the campaign , succeed in driving home the functional benefit of Surf to remove the worst dirt and at the same time emotionally connect with the viewer . The tagline Daag Achche Hai subtly tells that Surf is there always you can trust upon Surf go ahead and let your hair down , never mind even if it makes you dirty. The emotional connect makes the ad an instant hit and the main goal of recall is achieved -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q6. Explain the following terms For SHOT COMPOSITION 1. Long Shot (LS) or Wide Shot (WS) This shot provides the full view of a set or background. It can show the total visual setting, so it can be used at the beginning of the commercial. 2. Medium Shot (MS) This shot is the approximate midpoint between a close up and a long shot. In medium shots, we can see the characters from approximately the waist up. The details of the sets can be seen more clearly. 3. Close Up (CU) This shot is used to capture one element to show one entire object, a face, a smile, an eye movement etc. By focusing attention, the close up gives added emphasis to key elements of the sales message. FOR CAMERA MOVEMENT 1. PAN (left to right) To pan is to move the camera either left or right without moving the camera base. It may be used to follow a moving object or to move the focus from one stationary object to another.

2. TILT (up or down) To tilt is to move the camera either up or down without moving the camera base. 3. Dolly (in or out) To dolly is to move the entire camera base either towards the subject or away from the subject. When a dolly is called for, the subject usually remains stationary. Dolly is usually avoided as it is difficult to move the entire camera and also a similar effect with better results is achieved by using zoom lens. 4. Zoom (in or out) This is to move the camera lens. Zoom In is to focus on a subject while zoom out is to move the lens away from the subject. Zoom In is used for close Up shots while Zoom Out is used to come out of Zoom In and take a wider view of the set. DURING EDITING 5. DissolveIt is an overlapping effect in which one scene fades out while the following scene simultaneously fades in . Dissolves are slower than cuts. There are fast dissolves and slow dissolves . Dissolves are used to indicate a short lapse of time in a given scene or to move from one scene to another . 6. Cut or Take: One scene simply cuts into the next. It is the fastest scene change because it shows no time lapse . A cut is used to indicate simultaneous action , to speed up action and for variety 7. Fade in or Fade out An effect in which the scene actually fades in to the vision from total black . Fade out is opposite of Fade in . The scene fades into total black . It is shown when months and years lapse . 8. Wipe: A wipe is an optical effect in which a line or object appears to move across the screen, revealing a new picture. A wipe may stop midway and become split screen. 9. Opticals: Most commercials contain more than one scene. Optical effects between scenes are necesaary to provide smooth continuity from scene to scene. They are inserted during the final editing . However these are used to make transition from one scene to the other. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q Give advantages and disadvantages of humor appeal . . Would you recommend humor in ad. If not why Q Would you recommend use of humor in public service advertising if not why Humor has always been a great way to sell especially if used tastefully . It has also been a favorite amongst the audiences. Many advertisers use humor in the copy because humor attracts attention and it makes the commercial interesting. People like funny things, it relaxes them and puts them in a good mood. Therefore they get attracted to the ad, tend to like the product as well as it has brought a smile to your face. They

talk about it if they like the ad. People tend to remember humorous ads better and hence the recall value for the brand is high, Humor works best with established commonly purchased products eg,., Happydent, Centrefresh, chlormint etc Most of the Fevicol ads have used humor to make the ads interesting and memorable. The ad showing lots of people travelling in a truck on a bumpy road, sticking together without falling thanks to Fevicol is remembered even today Paresh Rawal bringing a smile to your face on Dominos Pizza ads. While making you happy , these ads also have shown the benefit of the product.

Humor is not usually used for serious products such as insurance or high tech products. However even here ICICI Prudential changed the mind set the Chintamani add with tagline no chinta only money But in general I would not recommend humor to all products for the following reasons To be effective it should match the product. It is not much suited to serious products or serious subjects like public service advertising where you expect the people to take message seriously and not lightly as a joke .eg. anti-smoke campaign or drunken driving etc. However some subtle humor has been used in some public service ads eg., keeping Mumbai clean ad . However in general , humor is not much used for such campaigns It depends upon the audience. If they dont get the joke, the joke is on you. Eg.,Older people, less educated people do not appreciate humor Humor appeals to masses and not for classes if it is loud and not subtle May harm recall - Often people remember the humor but forget the product. Often the humor wear out by repetition Is not effective in bringing about sales.

Therefore, the challenge is to put across the humor in such a manner that it suits the product and the product is also remembered in relevance with the humor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q2. Comment and evaluate any one humor ad Give a small brief on humor as appeal see above Centre Fresh Chewing gum ad Report card ad. The son comes with his report card to the father who is busy in the factory. The son gives him a centre Fresh Pitaji, ye hap ke liye the father starts chewing . ( M VO- Ye hai centre fresh chewing gum . Ise khane se jaban par lagam ho jata hai. Aap ne iska faida uthaya hai kya.) As the father is chewing on the gum the son gives the report card and says Pitaji, yeh mera report card. My phir fail ho gaya The father slowly chewing the gum looks t the card and slaps him . The tag line says Centre fresh sirf juban par lagam laga ta hai hathon mein Nahin. The ad has a sense of humor and the characters add to the humor. Humor is used in advertisements to make the ad interesting and most people appreciate humor. To that extent the ad is successful in drawing the attention of the viewer.

In this case the ad can be considered as effective because it is done in a playful mood . The humor appeal also is justified because it is a low involvement product. However the humor is not sophisticated and is loud. Hence it is likely to appeal to the masses and not to the classes. It will appeal to youngsters . Youngsters can relate with the situation shown in the ad. Q. Slice of life copy It is an old dramatic technique where the actors tell us a story. It is an emotional approach to copy and such ads have a mass appeal. People can relate to these ads. It is narrative style of copy in which the copy creates an emotional story primarily to draw the attention of the consumer to the message. The theme is drawn from life situations . Usually the story focuses on a problem that only the product or the service can solve It gives an idea that the brand has become a part of our daily life. It conveys the happiness that the brand brought to our lives. Eg Tata Tea. Some other ads that have used this technique are : 1. HDFC Life Insurance Ad Sar Utha ke Jiyo . Have you done enough for your family . A man is going on a tour for a few days and he leaves some money with his friend to be given to his wife. The friend asks him whether it would be enough if he did not return for 10 days and finally he asks him what if you dont return at all. The man gets worried and realises that he has probably not done enough for his family . The friend then advises him to take life insurance from HDFC . The ad has a high emotional appeal . The story has a universal appeal since every person worries about what will happen to his family if he suddenly dies. It is a very apt ad for life insurance 2. BSNL ad Deepika Padukone is helping her worried friend Rahul whose life is dull and boring. She offers him a BSNL 3 G enabled phone . The ad talks about how a BSNL changes his life , through their various services like Video Games, Films, wireless presentations, Video Conferencing, Downloading music etc ----- How BSNL with its lightning speed and affordable price brings cheer into his not hapopening life. . The ad aims to capture the mood of youngsters in similar situation and how BSNL can change their life like Rahuls 3. BSNL Ad : where Dipika Padukone helps an old lady in remote place to talk to her son through her mobile . 4. Daag Achche Hai- surf ads are all inspired form slice of life approach to copy: eg., the kid acting like a dog in front of her teacher who has lost her pet dog. Or the kids faking a fight and falling in puddle of muddy water to stop the parents from fighting after their cars collide. 5. Mc Donalds ad: A little boy takes a last look around his home, says goodbye to his friend as the family is packing off to another place to live. On the way he sees a Mc Donalds restaurant and he recalls all the fun and good time he had . In the new house her sister drags him to the window to show something. There is Mc Donalds in front of the house. And his gloom disappears. Mc Donalds mein hai kuchch baat

These ads use situations taken from our daily life something that can happen to anybody anytime and so it adds credibility to the copy and the audience easily relates to the ad. Slice of life copy works in broadcast ads and not in print ads as it is easy to dramatise the story .

Q 1 Explain the various stages of producing a TV ad. or Q Explain the production process of television ad or What are the steps involved in preparing a TVC or What are the 5 stages involved in producing Tv commercial Stages of producing a TV commercial Writing scripts developing storyboards Pre-Production Production/Shooting Post-Production

1.Script Writing: TVC are generally used for launching the single Big Idea to leave its impression. TV C have the advantage of Communicating with the help of music/audio, video and special effects .TVC has two basic segments: The video (sight/visual part) and The audio (spoken words, music and other sound effects) A TV ad is usually for 30 seconds and within this time the message must be clearly and precisely conveyed to the target audience , at the same time demonstrating the product benefit and superiority. Some points to be considered while writing TV script are: Decide on the type of advertising script you need to write. The script depends upon the creative brief for the Ad. The brief usually includes the product brief, objectives of the ad

the target audience, the USP of the product, the appeal and the key message. The script should be entertaining and engaging. Decide on the format . Time your script when it's finished by reading or acting it out. Most TV Ads are 30 seconds long, which translates to about a page to a page and a half of writing. This can vary depending upon how the director shoots a commercial. Focus the content of your commercial on the product and your target audience. If the product is too big to show in use, be sure to show the logo or the company name atleast twice during the ad. Think in terms of short film. The TV ad should have a beginning, middle and an end. It should tell a short story about the product or show how the public uses the product in question.. Describe everything in the script actively. Use strong verbs, and keep the adjectives light and write copy in a friendly conversational tone. . Visual writing is the key - Make sure that audio and video match

Format of a television commercial script Two column Script: Writing a script for the TV differs from the script for radio. In case of TV script, we divide the page into 2 columns. The left column indicates Video and the right column indicates Audio. Write all descriptions in the left column. The right column will be for sound effects and speaking parts. Use present tense when writing any action scenes for a visual medium. Some agencies use specially designed sheets of paper (8.5x11.5) with boxes in the center for rough sketches of the video portion. A shooting script contains a very elaborate description of all shots, locations, character, action, sound and technical details of the film. The shooting script is a breakdown of all camera placements and movements. The shooting script includes the exact dialogue and sound you will hear at each precise moment of production. The script can be a guide in determining the exact length of the film by mentally timing out each shot. 2Developing the story board Once the scripting of the ad has been done the next step is to create a storyboard .The story board makes the script into a visual . It shows the scene by scene development of the commercial.. It is a rough indication of the final commercial. It consists of a series of sketches showing the key scenes developed in the script. The story board consists of two frames for each scene. The top frame represents the TV screen (visual). The bottom frame carries the description of the video (as per the script) and the audio for that sequence. The number of sets of frames used varies from commercial to commercial, depending upon the nature of commercial and the demand of the client for detail. There is no standard size of the frame, though there is a common size 3x4.

The storyboard is a loop between the raw script and the actual production. It is a helpful tool for discussing the concept with other agencies or the client personnel . it helps to visualize the scene. Without the storyboard each individual will interpret the visual differently. 3.Pre-Production Pre-production is the planning process that takes place before the actual commercial shooting. Pre production planning helps in smooth production A pre production meeting between the key members of ad agency, the client and the production company takes place before the actual production starts to discuss and agree on various aspects of production eg Direction , Casting, Locations Sets and backdrops , Wardrobe Special requirements The number of scenes and duration etc

Pre production activities also include Finalising the budget Hiring the crew and the talent Selecting the Locations and obtaining permits the script is revised and the shooting schedule is fixed established and all possible planning for the commercial is done.

4Production The production process consists of the following steps:1. Pre light: This refers to the setting of lights (lighting) for the shoot of specific scenes 2. Shooting: This is the filming and taping of the approved scenes of the commercial. These scenes are simultaneously screened to ensure that they have been captured as it was planned. 3. Wrap: This signals the completion of the shoot. Most of the crew is released here. 4. Editing: After the wrap, certain scenes are selected for use in commercial. The scenes are then edited , special effects added, , merged with sound track, titles, transitions etc. Thus the commercial is ready to go in for post production.

5.Post Production Post production includes the final finishing to the ad . The client is shown the edited commercial. He may give inputs and ask for further changes. A final editing then takes place. The ad is now finished and can go on air. Q2. What are the guidelines for writing for television

TVC are generally used for launching the single Big Idea to leave its impression. Many creative people believe that it is easier to create a good television commercial than it is to create a print ad. The TV creative person has all the support to back him if there is an idea producers, directors, editors, actors, sound, high end shooting equipments, set designers, costume and the make-up artists and the list goes on. Communicating with the help of music/audio, video and special effects is much easier than communicating merely with words (print) and audio (radio). TVC has two basic segments:The video (sight/visual part) and The audio (spoken words, music and other sound effects)

Guidelines to be followed while writing a TVC

Decide on the type of advertising script you need to write. The script depends upon the creative brief for the Ad. The brief usually includes the product brief, objectives of the ad the target audience, the USP of the product, the appeal and the key message. Understand what you are trying to sell. If you can't be clear, your commercial won't be. In 30 seconds you have time to make a single point that is understood immediately. You have to reach your audience through two senses, hearing and sight. A commercial has to be visually and audibly engaging. The visual choices depend upon the message you are selling. Focus the content of your commercial on the product and your target audience Think in terms of short film. The TV ad should have a beginning, middle and an end. It should tell a short story about the product or show how the public uses the product in question.. Make it entertaining with an easy to remember tag line. Humor can add a lot to a spot, but it has to flow out of the message. Describe everything in the script actively. Use strong verbs, and keep the adjectives light. . Visual writing is the key - Make sure to tell the viewer your name visually , along with the logo , dont forget your call to action Decide on the format . . Most TV Ads are 30 seconds long, which translates to about a page to a page and a half of writing. When you finish your script read it out load. Does it seem conversational ? Did you grab the viewer's attention ? Was your spot interesting from beginning to end? Test the commercial before you run it. After editing is done, play it with the sound off. Can its purpose be understood ? Play for a group of your friends, just once. Ask if they can recount it. Finally, watch it non stop at least a dozen times. If you find it to be annoying, so will your audience.

Q3 . What is a story board. In context to a Tv ad . Explain its use and purpose or Briefly describe the role of storyboard prior to a shoot The first step in producing a TVC is writing the script and developing the story board for the ad. Continue from Q 1 storyboard Q 4 Write pros and cons of cartoon in Tv ad

There is an increasing trend for advertisers to move towards using cartoons and animation for their commercials, 1. Cartoon characters and animation have several advantages over using live characters Live adverts require actors and models, and they can be hard to schedule if they are popular. This can be a problem if they fall ill, go out of the country or busy with other assignments. It delays the ad schedules Popular actors and models can be expensive to hire. Using actors and models may have many problems security, crowd and mob control . Popularity of actors are not permanent. Smallest scandal brings them down in the eye of the public.. Animated advs using animated characters on the other hand do not suffer from the above issues using live TV characters. Animated characters popularity are timeless eg Fido Dido! 2. With animation there are no limitations on the locations and takes much less time 2. With animation, the skys the limit! Animation can achieve the most complex special effects and be presented in the most abstract environments without any problem. . You can go as far as Mars or as high as the Heavens! You can make an entire city black out - you can Go wild with animation! Animation can be combined with live environments or actors to create a really cool commercial. But a live-shot commercial can be the usual plain old boring commercial! Eg., the addition of cartoon characters ( Squirrel dancing) makes the Kit Kat ad attractive. 3.Animated adverts are usually cheaper to produce than live adverts and in many cases more affordable than a live advert specially when compared to using celebrities 4. Cartoon characters can be used to create environments that could not be reproduced by a live action camera crew. These artificial environments can be used to stimulate imagination and desire, to create a world of fantasy which can then be realised by the purchase of a given product. Coco-pops are advertised by a variety of jungle characters that inhabit a fantastical world of imagination and fun that is extremely appealing to young children. .5. Another appeal of animation to the ad man is the classlessness of the form. (characters are free from the class constraints. However the main disadvantage of animation is it may not be suitable for all types of products and appeals , It may be more useful when the tone of the ad is playful or humor. But may not be very useful in emotional ads where human feelings are conveyed through live characters with whom the audience can connect. While using cartoon characters you have to build their personality to match with the product and also develop them through the campaign to gain popularity. On the contrary live characters like film stars come with a personality and are already popular. . Cartoon characters appeal more to children and youngsters, may not attract the older and the serious minded people. Thus it restricts the product category to which it can be used.

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