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Sore = painful

To swallow = a înghiți

The lose of apetite = a-și pierde pofta de mâncare

Tonsillitis = amigdalită


Stock change= bursă

Rat race = rutină

Taken up = a te apuca de

To lose weight to gain weight

Tackle= a aborda, a înfrunta

Worked wonders = a face minuni

To impruve = a înbunătății

To get in shape = a fi în formă

Thermoneter = termometru---- use to check the temperature

Scissors = forfece----- use to cut plasturs, bandages

Cotton wool = vată---- use to clean a wond (rană)

Dressings = comprese sterile------- use to dress a wond

Plasters = plasturi---- use to bandage

Eye drops = picuri de ochii--------- use to treat a eye infection

Pills = pastile ----------------- use to treat acne, migraine,

Oitnemt = alipfie---------------use to treat wonds

Inhaler = inhalator--------------use to help with breathing, for persons who suffer of

Surgeon = chirurg

Dentist = dentist

Orthopaedic surgeon = chirurg ortoped

Chiropractor = chiropractician

Dermatologist = dermatolog

General practitioner = medic de familie

Psyhologist = psiholog

Optician = oftalmolog

 Stiff neck= gât ințepenit -------- Chiropractor=chiropractician

 Breack your arm----------- Orthopaedic surgeon=chirurg ortoped
 You need an operation-------- Surgeon= chirurg
 You need new glasses--------- Optician= oftalmolog

 Travel sickness--------- dizzy, queasy stomach ( stomac anețit, tulburător)

 Hay fever= febra fânului-----------runny nose, sneezing (curge nasul)
 Overtired= foarte obosit---------- sleepy, dizzy
 Flu= gipă---------- fever, Body aches
 Sunburn ---------- red, hot skin
 Sunburn--------take a cood bath, rub on lotion

 Hay fever---------use a nasal spray

 Flu--------- stay in bed, drink plety of fluids

 Nosebled--------pinch the top of your nose

 Sprained ankle----------put on a cold compress, bandage il

 Sore throat------------ suck a throat lozenge (bomboană de gât)

 Acne--------- wash you face regulary, use a special cream

 Migraine---------------lie down in a dark room

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