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Struggling with your French Revolution dissertation? You're not alone.

Crafting a dissertation on this

complex historical event requires extensive research, critical analysis, and impeccable writing skills.
From choosing the right topic to conducting thorough research and presenting original insights, every
step of the dissertation process demands meticulous attention to detail and academic rigor.

The French Revolution, with its myriad of political, social, and cultural implications, offers a wealth
of fascinating topics to explore. Whether you're interested in examining the causes of the revolution,
its impact on society, or the role of key figures such as Robespierre or Napoleon, there's no shortage
of potential research avenues to pursue.

However, navigating through the vast sea of literature, primary sources, and scholarly debates can be
daunting. Moreover, synthesizing complex historical narratives and theoretical frameworks into a
coherent and compelling argument requires both time and expertise.

This is where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. Our team of experienced academic writers
specializes in crafting high-quality dissertations on a wide range of topics, including the French
Revolution. With their expertise and dedication, they can help you navigate the complexities of the
dissertation process, from refining your research question to polishing your final draft.

By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can save yourself valuable time and energy while
ensuring that your dissertation meets the highest academic standards. Our writers will work closely
with you to understand your unique research goals and perspectives, crafting a custom dissertation
that reflects your intellectual vision and scholarly voice.

Don't let the challenges of writing a dissertation overwhelm you. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to
provide the expert assistance you need to succeed. With our professional support, you can
confidently tackle even the most daunting research projects and make a meaningful contribution to
your field. Contact us today to learn more about our services and take the first step towards
completing your French Revolution dissertation.
Start Writing Your French Revolution Essay Once you’ve successfully completed the outline stage,
time to start the actual writing. Those are names to mention in your French Revolution essay
answers. In his The Rights of Man, Paine (see Appendix 1, picture 7) puts forward a republican
government, with elected representatives, in contrast to the starkly sharp monarchies which “had
done nothing but hide truth and dispense falsehood. Another factor that triggered the French
revolution was the American Revolution, which showed how absolute monarchy could be
overthrown and democracy established. Finally, there are failed revolutions, which entail mass-
mobilization of protestors, yet they fail to change the political, social or economic order. This source
may not give an accurate account of how the majority of the people felt in France, but it is still report
how people acted and felt, even if the witness does not feel the same way. By this time the French
Revolution engulfed all of Europe. His defective foreign policy weakened the economic condition of
France. Soon the national assembly wrote, “ Declarations of the Rights of Man and Citizens”. The
Guillotine - French Revolution Symbol Sure, not the most peaceful symbol one can associate with
the French Revolution. Along with Robespierre, he introduced the Revolutionary Tribunal. In 1789,
it was the bourgeoisie who dominated the Third Estate in the Estates- General and who created the
National Assembly, taking the first steps against the King and his method of government, speeding
up popular feelings that eventually led to the storming of the Bastille. This source was a legal
document, it therefore serves the purpose of documenting an agenda. When a Roman slave was
given freedom, they received a bonnet. Furthermore, in 1793, the French Republic introduced the
national conscription, an unparalleled measure up to that moment. Burke countered with his
Reflections of the Revolution in France (1791), in which, as Schultz (1968) concludes, he predicts
that the French revolutionary precepts would drastically change the principles and the integrity of
western civilisation, were they not hindered. This would be great for a sub and the answers are
included where appropriate. A five man executive committee known as the “Directory” began to rule
France. The French Revolution started May 5,, and ended around November 9, There was many
causes that cause the French Revolution to break apart and rebuild French Revolution Essay
Examples - Free Research Papers on People who are willing to engage and take action
in a revolution are trying to fix the struggles in justice, reminding people not to forget the future
against the past. Although it is a reproduction, the handwriting has remained intact. Revolutions are
a sudden change of the ideals of a country or system of governance of an organization which are
caused by mass oppression and revolts. In June 1789, the Third Estate pledged that they would
remain in the Assembly till France had its own Constitution, with a written framework defining the
powers and structures of the state. In an attempt to stabilize the country under his control,
Robespierre began what is now referred to as the “Reign of Terror.” Robespierre’s time in control
was backed by the power of the guillotine. Expenditure was over twenty percent higher than revenue
and in 1788 three quarters of expenditure went on to the armed forces and the servicing of the
existing debt. Furthermore, the higher class, nobles and the clergy, were exempt from taxation,
giving even more reasons for the people to revolt. Pretty cool, right? The French Flag - Blue, White,
and Red The same combination of colors was used in tricolor cockades. Why so? Your outline
already includes your essay ideas and the sources to prove them. So the burden of taxation in France
fell on the third estates which consisted of peasants. The source has signatures from 39 members of
congress, thus allowing the historian to trace witnesses to the incident. Thus, the autrocratic
monarchy, defective administration, extravagant expenditure formed the political cause of the French
In other words, think about the main elements and how they relate to each other. France endured
multiple constitutions, the heads of heads of state literally rolled, and then they ended up with a
megalomaniacal little emperor by the name of Napoleon. Steps to help you write an essay on the
topic french revolution Whether you have to write my paper on French Revolution in 300 words or
10 pages, the essay writing process is the same. With expenditure being more than the revenue, King
Louis XVI decided to hold all reforms and did nothing to improve the worsening situation (Frey and
Frey 3). The burden of tax increased the peasant’s opposition towards the monarchical rule of France
which was bound to bring about a revolution. It was therefore an old system of government which
caused the revolution, not a new idea brought to fruition. The French Revolution meant the birth of
a new republic. Believing in human dignity, equality, and fraternity, the republicans tried to make
these beliefs part of the fabric of the French life. This version of the document was engrossed by
Jacob Shallus on the 27th of September, 1787. With the accession of Louis XVI, his ministers,
Malesherbes and Turgot brought in some radical economic reforms that were not favored by the
nobility, hence were blocked by the French Parliament, which declared that the king lacked any legal
rights to bring in new taxes. Prior to the revolution, for quite some years, France was already facing
economic difficulties, where the middle-class citizens (referred to as bourgeoisie) were worst
affected, owing to the high taxes imposed on them. An article in 'The Guardian' about Flushing's
gentrification An article in 'The Guardian' about Flushing's gentrification Letter to the New York
Times (October 2, 2020) Letter to the New York Times (October 2, 2020) The New York Times:
Ninety-nine percent of people on Flushing’s streets insis. With the economic problems of France ever
increasing, Louis XVI summoned the Estates General in 1789. In the summer of 1789, the third
estate Frenchmen broke into a prison courtyard and took over their weapons.this was known as the
storming of the Bastille. This not only meant that the landowners could sell at increased prices to the
peasants whose own harvests had failed, but also at increased prices to the urban areas so that the
price of bread, the staple diet, would go up. In contrast, a political revolution only changes the state
institutions. By this time the French Revolution engulfed all of Europe. From the assembly we could
argue that Calonne had unwillingly caused the French revolution. Louis XIV wanted people to
recognise him as the King, whose power came directly from God. The writings of Rousseau,
especiallly his work The Social Contract, laid out a basis for a representative government. Therefore,
the author of the journal does not give a reliable representation of how people felt in France as he
does not address the unwise decisions of the monarchy, only the reactions of the people he describes
as irrational. The representatives of the Estates-General met in Versailles on May 5th, The nobility
and the clergy sent about delegates each, whereas the Third Estate sent about The problem to be
faced was how essay on french revolution delegates should vote: should each estate vote separately
or as a whole. The revolutionary nature of the declaration lies in those principles. During the first
phase of the French Revolution this idea was popular among the liberal bourgeoisie and natural law
and rights were highlighted in the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”. The Parisians
proclaim the first French Republic that will exist till 1975; 1794. Free french revolution papers,
essays, and research papers. Bailly at its head as mayor.As well as the fear of counter-revolution,
there was also the fact that the people wanted the poor conditions and the poverty in which they
lived to be alleviated. The poster is encouraging the French nation to take up arms. He wanted to run
from issues instead of facing them head on and he made some promises that could not be essay on
french revolution and had poor decisions. However, as noted by Richards and Hunt (1950), there
were some other people who saw the French Revolution as the beginning of the breakdown of the
political systems of the civilised world.
Here it could be said that the sans-culottes directed the Revolution instead, especially in 1793. Often
students think that words are just a necessary minimum, so they write a words essay or even. Share
to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The French Revolution was directed by the middle
class. The price of food was so high that the people couldn't afford it because they got made low
wage and the commoners were taxed heavily. The reason for the revolution to strike was the
bankruptcy due to government debts, the class conflicts, the absolutism rule and the ideas of
Enlightenment. Guess what? The first Declaration of Human Rights emerged due to French
revolutionaries too. The technological factor has had a significant impact on the French Revolution.
The National assembly also sentenced 20-40 thousand common people to death, to prevent counter-
revolution and enemies. The French Revolution produced significant changes in the government and
society and represented democratic ideals to France, but did not contributed towards the democracy
in terms of the French nation. Running a large estate cost a great deal and many lords could not
afford to run their estates properly, especially when there were bad harvests. She always felt proud as
she was the daughter of Austrain Empress. During the late 1700’s France was the most powerful
estate in the world. In this period, lasting changes took place in France. The longterm causes of the
revolution are that the French people had had enough of the divisions and privileges which
characterised the fuedal system. The Guillotine - French Revolution Symbol Sure, not the most
peaceful symbol one can associate with the French Revolution. Not only did this government send to
death whoever was against it, but several revolutionaries as well, in a time when “the Revolution
devoured its own” (p.3); insomuch that the Reign of Terror is said to have finished when Robespierre
himself was executed in 1794. The higher clergy lived in the midst of scandalous luxury and
extravagance. Napoleon Bonaparte is broadly viewed as probably the best winner to ever live. The
creation of the Convention, although dominated by bourgeois, also helped the sans-culottes as they
were able to intimidate it in order to achieve their aims, as witnessed in the 1793 constitution, the
only constitution directed at them rather than the bourgeoisie. Start Writing Your French Revolution
Essay Once you’ve successfully completed the outline stage, time to start the actual writing. This
influence and diffusion of ideas meant that although there was no leader of the revolution as such
there was a kind of impetus behind it.There were also short term causes of the French revolution
which acted as a catalyst to set events going, these also need examination if a proper analysis is
desired. At this time instead of decreasing the expenditure and bringing in reforms, Louis XV
decided to support fiscal justice policy as suggested by Machault d'Arnouville. If you’ve chosen a 5-
paragraph style, make sure you use at least one different source for each paragraph. This document
was originally signed by 39 members of congress. The American Revolution also influenced the
coming of the French Revolution. This meant that the section of society least capable to pay taxes
had the highest taxation burden. Later, white, the color of nobility, was added to the red-and-blue
pair. Although it must be borne in mind that, as the narrative of the French revolution developed over
the next few years the position of the monarch detoriorated from that of constitutional King to
overthrown and imprisoned King in 1792. The causes of the French revolution were based on many
factors such as economic, social, and political factors which had played a vital role in the start of the
Few people were satisfied with the old constitutional monarchy, and Louis XVI, frightened by the
actions of the National Assembly fled the country with his wife, but he was later arrested and
brought back to accept the constitution. Revolutions can also unfold differently and be caused by
different classes or actors. It seems therefore that even in the upper echelons of society there was
some desire for change. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. The last sentence of your
intro is a thesis statement that contains the main idea to be proved in your essay. Republic and
Democratic Philosophies of Government which originated from the. These reasons were, it can be
argued the short term economic crisis and the calling of the Estates General. They did not want to
share their political power with the poor Third Estate, who were uneducated. This is evident in Karl
Marx’s writings (written just after the revolution), where he stated that during the French Revolution
“the bourgeoisie was the class that really headed the movement. Furthermore, the higher class, nobles
and the clergy, were exempt from taxation, giving even more reasons for the people to revolt. Once
the blade was down, the last king of France had ceased to exist (see Appendix 1, picture 4). Then
came the philosopher Voltaire who popularized the ideas of Isaac Newton and put forward the ideas
of John Locke, the Whig defender of the glorious revolution of 1688, as a defense of the rights of
property. He was unable to introduce a higher tax to the second estate because the king could not tax
the nobles unless the Parliament approved of the new tax laws. Report this resource to let us know if
this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Soon the national assembly wrote, “ Declarations of
the Rights of Man and Citizens”. It is not surprising that the third estate was driven to immediate
action with Louis XVI’s demand for higher taxes. Consequently, the French Revolution of 1789-
1799 pursued the following goals: reaching justice and equality in society, limiting power of the
monarchy and aristocracy, extending influence of the lower class, creating a constitution. His
defective foreign policy weakened the economic condition of France. Solidarity means that people
are united to fight a common cause. The economic classes of France were set in three estates. The
same proverb speaks about the French Revolution that lasted not for weeks or days - but years. In
1794, Danton was stabbed by Charlotte Corday, a political activist who saw the revolution through
the eyes of a modern liberal. However the this is not the stereotypical image of the French revolution
which has been handed down through history. The royal family (Louis and Marie Antoinette) were
captured at Varennes. This caused the third order, especially the peasants and village inhabitants,
which bore the burden of taxation to feel much resentment. The far reaching implications of what the
French Revolution became could never have been conceived by the poor peasants that took that
Tennis Court Oath and vowed to change the government. Through seventeen articles, the act stated
that all French civilians were to have the same rights as regards political association, freedom of
expressing opinions and ideas openly, economical administration and the power to choose their own
representatives in society. They have played a major role in the success of the French revolution.
Question 4. How long did the French revolution last. From this movement arose the spirit of
question in which the people began to question just about everything including the manner in which
they treat women. As a politician, he voted for the monarch’s execution, wrote pamphlets that
contained the values of revolutionaries, and supported them during the most difficult days.

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