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United States
of America
The United States of America is a country
located in North America and is considered
the third-largest country in the world by area,
consisting of 50 states and a federal district,
where the capital is located. It shares
borders with Canada and Mexico and has
several maritime borders with other states.
The population of the US consists of over
334 mln people.
The United States is relative
young by world standards,
e in g le ss tha n 2 50 ye ars o ld; In its first centu
b ry and a e United
it achieved its current size
only half, the countr In the 20th century th
y was m erg ed as a w orld
in the mid-20th century. mainly preoccu Sta tes e
War IIit
pied with and since Wo rld
America was the first of the pow er,
its own territori has been one of the
e a n co lon ies to se pa ra te al
E u ro p expansion and
economic preeminent powers.
successfully from its growth and with
motherland, and it was the
first social
debates that ult
nation to be established on imately
ty re sts led to civil war
p re m ise tha t so ve re ign and a
h healing period
with its citizens and not wit that is still
the government. not complete.
The USA has a well-developed economy with
a U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) of $27
trillion which is the largest in the world .Of
the world's 500 largest companies, 136 are
headquartered in the U.S. The U.S. dollar is
the currency most used in international
transactions and is the world's foremost
reserve currency, backed by the country's
dominant economy, its military, the
petrodollar system.
Culture and society
Americans have traditionally been characterized by a unifying
political belief in an "American creed" emphasizing liberty,
equality under the law, democracy, social equality, property
rights, and a preference for limited government.Americans tend
to greatly value socioeconomic achievement, but being
ordinary or average is promoted by some as a noble condition
as well. The United States is considered to have the strongest
protections of free speech of any country under the First
Amendment, which protects flag desecration, hate speech,
blasphemy, and lese-majesty as forms of protected expression.
US Climate
Climate affects human habitats both directly Most of the United States is marked by sharp
and indirectly through its influence on differences between winter and summer. In winter,
vegetation, soils, and wildlife. In the United when temperature contrasts between land and
water are greatest, huge masses of frigid, dry
States, however, the natural environment has
Canadian air periodically spread far south over the
been altered drastically by nearly four centuries
midcontinent, bringing cold, sparkling weather to
of European settlement, as well as thousands of
the interior and generating great cyclonic storms
years of Indian occupancy.
where their leading edges confront the shrunken
mass of warm Gulf air to the south.
The centre of the United States is a great interior lowland,
reaching from the ancient shield of central Canada on the
north to the Gulf of Mexico on the south. To east and west
this lowland rises, first gradually and then abruptly, to
mountain ranges that divide it from the sea on both sides.
The two mountain systems differ drastically. The
Appalachian Mountains on the east are low, almost
unbroken, and in the main set well back from the Atlantic.
Mountain sytems in
the USA
The Western
Intermontane Region
The Cordillera’s two main
chains enclose a vast
intermontane region of arid
basins, plateaus, and isolated
The Appalachian mountain ranges that stretches
system The Atlantic Plain
from the Mexican border nearly
The Appalachians dominate The Atlantic Plain is one of eight to Canada and extends 600
the eastern US and extend The Western Cordillera distinct divisions of United miles from east to west. This
States, which comprises two enormous territory contains
2,400 km from northeastern
Western Cordillera, in western provinces and six sections. The three huge subregions, each
Alabama to the Canadian Coastal Plain province is
North America, a system of with a distinctive geologic
border.They are old, complex differentiated from the history and its own striking
mountain ranges extending from
mountains, the eroded stumps Continental Shelf province simply topography.
the U.S. state of Alaska through
of much greater ranges. based on the portion of the land
northwestern Canada, the
Typical of diverse geologic mass above and below sea level.
western United States, and into
regions, the Appalachians Mexico. The continent’s youngest
contain a great variety of mountains, they are in many
minerals. places very high and rugged.
To conclude, the USA is one of the most powerful
countries in the world, being the world’s dominant
economy and military power and having a well-
developed socioeconomic system, which
influenced a major part of the world.

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