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1. Contract Definition
a. This contract (known hereafter as the contract) establishes a term of
service between the mortal being known as “Flopsy Sciscito” (known
hereafter as Flopsy) and Horat, the Archdevil (known hereafter as
b. The servitude will begin this day and continue until the contract is
annulled as provided by the contract.
c. The Pact Weapon shall be the physical manifestation of this contract in
the possession of Flopsy.
d. A copy of the contract will be held by Horat.

2. Position and Duties:

a. Positions and duties of Flopsy
i. Flopsy agrees to serve to the best of his abilities, Horat and any
creature that Horat designates.
1. Flopsy shall relay to Horat with confirmation if any
command given by a designated creature seems to act
counter to Horat's wishes.
ii. Flopsy agrees to not withhold information that could reasonably
be deemed helpful or dangerous to Horat or any creature Horat
iii. Flopsy will not, by any means, be commanded to harm or
knowingly sabotage the machinations of Horat.

b. Positions and duties of Horat

i. Horat agrees to provide Flopsy with the use of a Pact weapon,
as defined by the Laws of Planar Pacts.
ii. Horat agrees that he shall not knowingly give Flopsy impossible
1. If an order given to Flopsy is deemed impossible, through
attempts or proven by ways of magic, Horat shall revoke
that order.
iii. Horat agrees to not withhold any information that may be
deemed necessary by either party for the completion of tasks,
as defined by the Laws of Planar Pacts.
1. Should, during the course of their duties, more
information be deemed necessary, Horat shall provide
this information as soon as possible.
3. Payment and Recompense:
a. Horat is entitled to the souls of any being slain by Flopsy on its natural
plane of existence, as defined by the Laws of the Planes.
i. Should Flopsy not slay any being upon their natural plane for the
period of one (1) year and one (1) day, Flopsy shall instead
provide his soul as payment for the contract.

b. Flopsy shall be compensated for these souls with the use of a Pact
weapon, as defined by the Laws of Planar Pacts.
i. Horat shall be able to communicate directly with Flopsy to
provide tasks and insights into knowledge, infernal or otherwise.
ii. Horat shall provide Flopsy a fitting form, as defined by the Laws
of Planar Pacts, should Flopsy pay with his soul, as defined in
section 3, subsection a, subsection i, or should he die, as
defined in section 4.

4. Death of the Weapon Wielder:

a. Should Flopsy die, as defined by the Laws of Planar Pacts, the soul of
Flopsy shall appear within the court of Horat as a devil of the
appropriate rank based on a combination of the strength of the soul of
Flopsy, and the level of servitude he has provided to Horat.
i. Should a Raise Dead, Resurrection, True Resurrection, or an
effect that replicates the effects of these spells be attempted
within the appropriate time frame, he shall be informed, and
given the choice to return.
ii. Should a Reincarnate spell be attempted, Flopsy will be
informed of the attempt, given the choice to return, and upon the
choice of returning, he shall be reincarnated in the form of a
5. Death of the Master:
a. Should Horat die, as defined by the Laws of the Planes, while the
contract stands, the contract shall be immediately dissolved, other than
the following clauses.
i. Should Flopsy wish to make a pact, as defined by the Laws of
Planar Pacts, with another being, the following restriction apply:
1. Flopsy shall not be allowed to make a Pact with a direct
Rival of Horat for a span of one (1) year and one (1) day.
a. A Rival of Horat is defined as:
i. Any being that actively and openly works
against the best interests of Horat.
ii. Any being that killed, ordered the death of,
or serves the being that ordered the Death
of Horat.

6. Destruction of the Pact Weapon:

a. Should the Pact Weapon be destroyed and should Flopsy be found at
Fault, as defined by the Laws of Planar Pacts, he shall suffer the
consequences of violating Section 3, Subsection a, Subsection i.
b. Should the Pact Weapon be destroyed and should Flopsy not be found
at Fault, as defined by the Laws of Planar Pacts, he shall be given the
following choice within one (1) week of the destruction of the Pact
i. The contract is immediately annulled, as defined in Section 7,
Subsection d.
ii. Horat shall to no great expense of souls or power, provide a new
contract along with a new Pact Weapon.
7. Dissolution:
a. At any point, with the written and verbal agreement from both parties,
the contract will be annulled.
b. If a time of one (1) year and one (1) day pass without a task, as defined
by the Laws of Planar Pacts, being given to Flopsy to complete, Flopsy
shall retain the use of the Pact Weapon for a period of no more than
five (5) years, provided Flopsy has not violated Section 3, Subsection
a, Subsection i.
c. If either party acts in contravention of the contract to the degree that
the other deems reasonably egregious, the offending party will be
required to pay grievances.
i. Should Flopsy contravene the contract, Flopsy shall immediately
suffer the consequences of violating Section 3, Subsection a,
Subsection i.
ii. Should Horat contravene the contract, the contract will be void,
and Flopsy shall retain the use of the Pact Weapon for a period
of no more than five (5) years.
d. Should the Pact Weapon be destroyed and Flopsy not be found at
Fault, as defined by the Laws of Planar Pacts, the option to
immediately annul the contract will be presented.
i. Should the contract be annulled in this manner, Horat shall seek
no further contact with Flopsy, and Horat shall not be entitled to
any souls from Flopsy.
ii. Should Flopsy wish to make a pact, as defined by the Laws of
Planar Pacts, he shall not make such a pact with a Rival of
1. Definition of Rival of Horat is defined in Section 5,
Subsection a, Subsection i, Subsection a.
e. Should the contract be annulled in any way, save for that involving the
destruction of the Pact Weapon, as defined in Section 7, Subsection d,
Horat is entitled to the souls of any being slain by Flopsy on its natural
plane of existence, as defined by the Laws of the Planes until such a
time as Flopsy has given up the use of the Pact Weapon.

By accepting the Pact Weapon, Flopsy and Horat shall be bound by the terms and
conditions of this contract.

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