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Dr. Sumaira Nishat
• A named block of code that performs some action.
• The statements written in a function are executed
when it is called by its name.
• Each function has a unique name.
• You can pass data, known as parameters, into a
• Functions are important for reusing code: Define the
code once, and use it many times.
Types of Functions
1. Built-in Functions (Library Functions)
2. User-defined Functions
1. Built-in Functions
• A library function is also referred to as a “built-in
• A compiler package already exists that contains
these functions, each of which has a specific
meaning and is included in the package.
• Built-in functions have the advantage of being
directly usable without being defined.
– main() is a function, which is used to execute code.
– cout is a function; used to output/print text to the
2. User-defined Functions
• Functions that the programmer creates are known as
User-Defined functions or “tailor-made functions”.
• User-defined functions can be improved and modified
according to the need of the programmer.
• consists of
– Function Declaration/ Function Prototype
• The function's name, return type, and parameters (if any)
– Function Definition
• The body of the function (code to be executed)
– Function Call
Function Declaration/ Function
• A function declaration tells the compiler that there is a
function with the given name defined somewhere else
in the program.
• It consist of
– Function Name
– Function return-Type
• E.g. int – if the function returns integer value.
• Void – if the function returns no value
– Number and types of parameters.
• Values provided to a function
• Multiple parameters are separated by comma.
• If No parameter – empty parentheses or void is written in
Function Declaration
• Syntax
Function Declaration
• The parameter name is not mandatory while
declaring functions.
• We can also declare the function without using the
name of the data variables.
Function Definition
• The function definition consists of actual
statements which are executed when the
function is called.
Function Definition
• Function definition can be written:
– Before main function
• In this case function declaration is not required
– After main function
• Function declaration is compulsory.
– In a separate file.
• Using # include Preprocessor directive.
Function Call
• A function call is a statement that instructs the
compiler to execute the function.
• We use the function name and parameters in
the function call.
Working of functions in C
(Before main function)
(After main function)
Function Return Type
• Function return type tells what type of value is
returned after all function is executed.
• The void keyword, used in the previous examples,
indicates that the function should not return a value.
• If you want the function to return a value, you can use
a data type (such as int or float, etc.) instead of void,
and use the return keyword inside the function.
• Only one value can be returned from a C function. To
return multiple values, we have to use pointers or
Function Return Type
int myFunction(int x) {
return 5 + x;

int main() {
cout<<"Result is “<< myFunction(3));
return 0;

// Outputs 8 (5 + 3)
Function Arguments
• Function Arguments (also known as Function
Parameters) are the data that is passed to a function.
• Parameters act as variables inside the function.
• Syntax

• Parameters are specified after the function name,

inside the parentheses.
• You can add as many parameters as you want, just
separate them with a comma.
Function Arguments
• In C programming language, functions can be
called either with or without arguments and
might return values.
• They may or might not return values to the
calling functions.
– Function with no arguments and no return value
– Function with no arguments and with return value
– Function with argument and with no return value
– Function with arguments and with return value
• The following function that takes a string of characters with
name as parameter.
void myFunction(char name[]) {
cout<<"Hello ", name);
When a parameter is
int main() { passed to the function,
myFunction(“Ali"); it is called an
myFunction(“Ahmed"); argument. So, from
return 0; the example above:
} name is a parameter,
Output: while Ahmed, Ali and
// Hello Ahmed Ahmed are arguments.
// Hello Ali
// Hello Ahmed
Multiple Parameters
• Inside the function, you can add as many parameters as you want:
• Example
void myFunction(char name[], int age) {
cout<<"Hello “<<name<<”. You are “<<age<<“ years old.\n");
int main() {
myFunction(“Aalia", 3);
myFunction(“Amna", 14);
myFunction(“Anum", 30);
return 0;
// Hello Aalia. You are 3 years old.
// Hello Amna. You are 14 years old.
// Hello Anum. You are 13 years old.
Multiple Parameters
• This example returns the sum of a function
with two parameters:
• Example
int myFunction(int x, int y) {
return x + y;

int main() {
printf("Result is: %d", myFunction(5, 3));
return 0;

// Outputs 8 (5 + 3)
Multiple Parameters
• You can also store the result in a variable:
• Example
int myFunction(int x, int y) {
return x + y;

int main() {
int result = myFunction(5, 3);
printf("Result is = %d", result);
return 0;
// Outputs 8 (5 + 3)

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