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Multimodal Texts

A multimodal text is a text that creates meaning by combining two or more
modes of communication, such as print, the spoken word, sound, and images.
Multimodal texts can be digital (websites, blogs) or print-based (graphic
novels, newspapers, magazines). Multimodal texts can even be live
performances. Multimodal texts can be found across various platforms, such
as books, advertisements, websites, films, and video games. They are
particularly common in digital environments, where technology enables the
easy combination of various media forms. By engaging multiple senses,
multimodal texts can enhance comprehension, engagement, and memory.

Types of Multimodal Texts

Comic books, graphic novels, picture storybooks,
posters, leaflets, magazines, and newspapers are all
examples of print-based multimodal text. They
combine the linguistic mode and the visual mode.


Digital texts can be internet-based, such as social media content,
blog posts, vlogs, and online games. They can also be found
offline. Some examples are films, animations, e-books, video
games, and presentation slides.
Digital multimodal texts can combine different modes. For
instance, films and video games normally combine the linguistic,
visual, gestural, and aural modes, whilst blog posts and e-books
usually only use linguistic and visual modes.


This is a text that tells a story or sends a message
through a combination of media platforms (each of
which uses various modes.) A transmedia text is a
multimodal text within a multimodal text. Each
added platform in a transmedia multimodal text
further develops the story or idea and enhances the
user experience.

Multimodal texts are important because, these days, communication is shaped
by a range of different, and overlapping, technologies. It is essential that we
are able to understand multimodal texts so that we can take advantage of this.
Furthermore, combining different modes of communication to create meaning
is an essential skill. Understanding them helps us develop a critical perspective
of the media we consume.

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