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J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 321 – 328 L. Wang et al.


Longhu Wang Short Communication

Yanting Song
Yiyu Cheng
Xuesong Liu Orthogonal array design for the optimization of
Department of Chinese Medicine
supercritical fluid extraction of tanshinones from
Sciences and Engineering, Danshen
College of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Zhejiang University,
Different from the west medicine, the therapeutic effect of the traditional Chinese
Hangzhou, China
medicine is usually based on multifarious essential components or the combination
of them instead of only one component. In this paper, a novel supercritical fluid
extraction (SFE) method has been developed for extracting tanshinones (dihydrotan-
shinone I, cryptotanshinone, tanshinone I, and tanshinone IIA) from Danshen, the
dried root of Salvia miltiorrhiza. Various experimental conditions were investigated
to optimize the SFE. Under the appropriate conditions, extracting at 40 MPa, and
508C and with CO2 flow rate of 25 L/h for 1 h, SFE can achieve a better yield as well
as the recoveries of the tanshinones than the conventional extraction using metha-
nol. Moreover, the target compounds were analyzed by HPLC with a C18 RP column
by gradient elution using ACN and water as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/
min and with UV detection at 270 nm. Four calibration equations were then estab-
lished and good linear relationships were shown (r2 A0.999) in the investigated con-
centration range. The recoveries, measured at three concentration levels, varied
from 97.2 to 103.8%. The method provided in this article could be applied as an
improved quality control method for Danshen products.
Keywords: Salvia miltiorrhiza / Supercritical fluid extraction / Tanshinone / Traditional Chinese
medicine /
Received: August 12, 2007; revised: November 2, 2007; accepted: November 2, 2007
DOI 10.1002/jssc.200700386

1 Introduction Fig. 1) [6, 7]. Pharmacological experiments demonstrated

that dihydrotanshinone I possesses the function for the
Danshen, the dried root of Salvia miltiorrhiza, has been arrest of the growth and apoptosis induction of cancer
widely used either alone or in combination with other cells, while cryptotanshinone is usually used to cure
herbal ingredients for the treatment of coronary artery against inflammation, tanshinone I is for therapy of
disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, arrhythmias, and angina pectoris, and tanshinone IIA is for improving
other clinical diseases in China and other countries blood circulation [2, 8].
including the United States [1, 2]. According to the phar- Since conventional liquid – solid extraction tech-
macological investigations, the active constituents of niques, such as Soxhlet extraction, sonication, mechani-
Danshen could be classified as the lipid-soluble tanshi- cal shaking, and microwave-assisted extraction [9 – 11],
nones that belong to abietane-type diterpenes and the are tedious, time-consuming, and unfavorable for con-
water-soluble phenolic acids [3 – 5]. In recent years, many sumption of hostile organic solvents and degradation of
active constituents were found in the lipid-soluble thermally labile compounds, much attention has been
extract of Danshen, such as dihydrotanshinone I, crypto- paid to developing new alternative techniques for the
tanshinone, tanshinone I, and tanshinone IIA (shown in rapid extraction from solid matrices, such as supercriti-
cal fluid extraction (SFE) [12, 13].
Correspondence: Dr. Xuesong Liu, Department of Chinese Medi-
cine Sciences and Engineering, College of Pharmaceutical Scien- SFE has been emerging as a promising technique for
ces, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China the extraction of the nonpolar compounds from herbs
E-mail: liuxuesong@zju.edu.cn used as traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs). Compar-
Fax: +86-571-88208426 ing to the conventional extraction methods, SFE has
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; OAD, orthogonal
numerous advantages such as less consumption of hos-
array design; SE, solvent extraction; SFE, supercritical fluid ex- tile organic solvents, reduction of the extraction time,
traction; TCM, Traditional Chinese medicine avoidance of degradation of active compounds, and pro-

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322 L. Wang et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 321 – 328

for the determination of tanshinones or other bioactive

constituents in Danshen. And some methods for simulta-
neously determining the four tanshinones in the prepa-
rations of TCM have been reported recently [24], but a rel-
atively higher standard of chromatography conditions
was required during the analysis. So, another aim of this
paper is to develop a simultaneous determination
method that can be used as a feasible analysis for
Danshen products.

2 Experimental

2.1 Materials and reagents

Dried root of S. miltiorrhiza was purchased from Tongren-
tang Medicine (Hangzhou, China) and cut into pieces
with diameter of about 3 mm and thickness of 3 – 5 mm.
HPLC-grade ACN and methanol were bought from
Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Water for HPLC was puri-
fied by using a Milli-Q academic water purification sys-
tem (Milford, MA, USA). Reference standards of dihydro-
tanshinone I, cryptotanshinone, tanshinone I, and tan-
Figure 1. Molecular structures of four tanshinones. shinone IIA were purchased from Zhejiang Chemical
Reagent Plant (Hangzhou, China). CO2 with the purity of
99.5% was obtained from Hangzhou Electrochemical-Gas
duction of cleaner extracts [14]. The most frequently Factory (Hangzhou, China). The other chemicals such as
employed supercritical solvent is CO2 due to its nonflam- ethanol were used as received.
mable, nontoxic, and low critical temperature [15].
Because of the fat-soluble characteristic, tanshinones
are especially appropriate to be extracted by SFE. Dean et
2.2 SFE
al. [16] have studied the extraction of tanshinone IIA from
Danshen by SFE. However, they neglected the other coex- SFE was carried out on the extraction system (model
tracted active compounds with similar effects. Different HA220-50-06, Hua An SFE Company, Jiangsu, China)
from the western medicine, the therapeutic effect of the which consists of a 5 L volume extractor, two 1 L separa-
TCM is usually based on multifarious essential compo- tors, two syringe pumps (model 100 DX, Jiangsu, China),
nents or the combination of them instead of only using and a syphonated CO2 cylinder. The operation pressure
one component. The evident example of Danshen prod- and temperature could reach up to 50 MPa and 808C. The
ucts is Danshen Pill, which is widely used in China. extraction pressure of the system was adjusted by a pres-
Therefore, it will be advantageous to take into account sure regulator and the temperature was controlled by a
multifold active chemical constituents while an SFE tech- thermostatic water bath.
nique is developed. In this paper, the orthogonal test An orthogonal array design (OAD) test, L9 (3)4, was
design L9 (3)4 was designed to optimize the SFE of the four employed as a chemometric method for investigating
commonly used tanshinones from the dried root of S. mil- SFE of tanshinones (dihydrotanshinone I, cryptotanshi-
tiorrhiza. In addition, interactions among factors were none, tanshinone I, and tanshinone IIA) from the dried
not incorporated in the matrix and the attention was root of S. miltiorrhiza. As listed in Table 1, four processing
given upon the main effects of the four factors such as parameters, namely, extraction pressure (P), temperature
extraction pressure and temperature, dynamic extrac- (T), dynamic extraction time (t), and flow rate of CO2 (F),
tion time, and flow rate of CO2. were studied and optimized.
For evaluation of the SFE process, it is also necessary to For each extraction, about 1.5 kg of the prepared plant
develop an HPLC method for simultaneously determin- material was loaded into the extractor. After statically
ing the investigated compounds in the product. Up to extracting for 0.5 h, the sample was subjected to
now, large amounts of methods were established such as dynamic extraction by supercritical CO2. The extracted
HPLC-DAD-ESI MS [17, 18], high-speed countercurrent substances were collected at the bottom of separators
chromatography (HSCCC) [19, 20], and HPLC-UV [21 – 23] and were then evaporated at 608C in vacuum condition.

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J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 321 – 328 Liquid Chromatography 323

Figure 2. HPLC chromatograms

of standard mixture (A) and the
SFE products of S. miltiorrhiza
(B): 1, dihydrotanshinone I; 2,
cryptotanshinone; 3, tanshinone
I; 4, tanshinone IIA.

2.3 Solvent extraction (SE) phase consisted of A (water) and B (ACN) flowing at
1.0 mL/min. The gradient elution of mobile phase was
In order to compare the extraction efficiency of SFE with
60% (B) from 0 to 17 min, 60 – 80% (B) from 17 to 25 min,
conventional extraction using organic solvent, SE using
80% (B) from 25 to 30 min. The injection volume was
methanol was carried out according to the Chinese phar-
20 lL and the detection was carried out at 270 nm for all
macopoeia (2005). Mashed Danshen (0.3 g) and 50 mL of
samples analyzed.
methanol were placed in a conical flask and the suspen-
Representative HPLC-UV chromatograms of the four
sions were boiled for 1 h. The obtained solution was then
reference compounds and the supercritical fluids
centrifuged at 10 000 rpm for 5 min. After filtering
extracts of S. miltiorrhiza under the condition listed above
through a 0.45 lm membrane filter, the supernatant sol-
are shown in Fig. 2.
ution was injected into the HPLC system for analysis.

2.4 HPLC analysis 2.5 Preparation of standard solution

All samples were analyzed by an Agilent HPLC (1100 Ser- The reference standards for the investigated compounds,
ies, Agilent, USA) equipped with a quaternary pump, a i. e., dihydrotanshinone I, cryptotanshinone, tanshinone
vacuum degasser, an autosampler, a UV detector, a col- I, and tanshinone IIA, were accurately weighed and dis-
umn heater – cooler, and a ChemStation software system. solved in methanol to prepare a stock standard solution.
A Lichrospher C18 column (250 mm64.6 mm id, 5.0 lm This solution was stored away from light at 48C. Quantifi-
particle size) purchased from Hanbang Science & Tech- cation was performed using external calibration. A lin-
nology (Jiangsu, China) coupled with an Agilent C18 pre- ear response with a correlation coefficient more than
column (4 mm65 mm) was used at 308C. The mobile 0.999 (n = 6) was obtained for the standards.

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324 L. Wang et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 321 – 328

Table 1. Factors and levels of the OAD shinones and then the extraction yields of these com-
pounds were calculated. The experimental results are
Level P (MPa) T (8C) t (h) F (L/h)
listed in Table 2.
Table 2 indicates that the maximum extraction yields
1 20 40 1 20 of the four tanshinones were 0.98, 4.90, 2.28, and
2 30 50 2 25 7.19 mg/g, respectively. The yields of tanshinones
3 40 60 3 30 obtained were the average of three repeated measure-
ments. And it was also noticed that each of them
imparted different influence upon the yields of different
tanshinones. Therefore, if the analysis is only made based
2.6 Preparation of sample solution
on the statistics listed in Table 2, it was hard to select the
The product of SFE (2 mg) was accurately weighed, then best extraction conditions. So a further analysis was sub-
put into a clean dry volumetric flask (25 mL) and dis- sequently performed and listed in Table 3.
solved with methanol. The obtained solution was then From Table 3, it could be inferred that the Factor D
centrifuged at 10 000 rpm for 5 min. After filtering (flow rate of CO2) is the most significant factor according
through a 0.45 lm membrane filter, the supernatant was to the R values, while the Factor C (the dynamic extrac-
injected into the HPLC system. tion time) is the insignificant one compared with the
others. Figure 3 was also helpful to obtain the optimized
SFE conditions. It shows the relationship between the
3 Results and discussion extraction yields of tanshinones and the four variables,
including the extraction pressure (20 – 40 MPa), extrac-
3.1 SFE experimental data analysis tion temperature (40 – 608C), dynamic extraction time
The first step in the SFE is to optimize the operating con- (1 – 3 h), and flow rate of CO2 (20 – 30 L/h).
ditions to obtain an efficient extraction of the target Table 4 shows the analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the
compounds and avoid the coextraction of undesired experimental results, where the flow rate of CO2 contrib-
compounds such as fatty acids and their esters. utes as a significant factor for yield of dihydrotanshi-
Since various parameters potentially affect the extrac- none I with 95% confidence, while temperature, pres-
tion process, the optimization of the experimental condi- sure, and flow rate of CO2 are statistically significant for
tions is a critical step in developing an SFE method. Based cryptotanshinone. Besides, all the four factors have no
on the previous knowledge of SFE, the extraction pres- significant effect on the yields of tanshinone I and tanshi-
sure and temperature, the dynamic extraction time and none IIA. Since the four compounds have the different
flow rate of CO2 are usually considered as the most chemical structures and physical properties, it is not sur-
important factors of SFE. They were investigated at first prising that, with 95% confidence, the various param-
during this study using a three-level OAD. We focused on eters have quite different effects on the yields of the four
the main effects of them and the interactions among tanshinones. The optimization of the experimental con-
different variables were not considered in the matrix. ditions should be obtained by analyzing the effects of the
The extract obtained from each test was quantitatively different operating conditions on the yields of tanshi-
analyzed by HPLC to determine the contents of four tan- nones.

Table 2. Experimental results of the orthogonal test

Trial Parameters Extraction yielda) (mg/g) SD (n = 3)

A B C D Dihydrotanshinone I Cryptotanshinone Tanshinone I Tanshinone IIA

1 1 1 1 1 0.32 l 0.01 1.28 l 0.02 0.48 l 0.04 1.74 l 0.09

2 1 2 2 2 0.98 l 0.07 4.90 l 0.28 1.24 l 0.12 4.94 l 0.42
3 1 3 3 3 0.30 l 0.02 1.24 l 0.11 0.47 l 0.03 1.77 l 0.09
4 2 1 2 3 0.15 l 0.02 0.61 l 0.04 0.24 l 0.02 0.85 l 0.05
5 2 2 3 1 0.30 l 0.02 1.15 l 0.07 0.64 l 0.05 2.00 l 0.13
6 2 3 1 2 0.63 l 0.04 2.60 l 0.13 0.76 l 0.05 2.98 l 0.07
7 3 1 3 2 0.84 l 0.05 4.39 l 0.40 2.28 l 0.17 7.19 l 0.08
8 3 2 1 3 0.70 l 0.05 2.30 l 0.21 2.10 l 0.07 5.89 l 0.09
9 3 3 2 1 0.23 l 0.02 0.75 l 0.03 0.63 l 0.04 1.41 l 0.07
Extraction yield (mg/g) = the amount of the target compounds/sample mass.

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J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 321 – 328 Liquid Chromatography 325

3.2 Effect of extraction pressure

Pressure is a critical experimental variable for SFE as it
affects the density of the supercritical fluid, which is
directly correlated to solute's solubility. The higher
extraction pressure, at constant temperature, leads to a
higher fluid density, increasing the solubility of the com-
pounds. In this assay, the influence of pressure on the
extraction efficiency of tanshinones was studied under
different conditions by changing the pressure from 20 to
40 MPa. As shown in Fig. 3a, the increase of the extrac-
tion pressure from 20 to 30 MPa had minimal effects on
the extraction efficiencies of most tanshinones. And the
extraction efficiency of the four tanshinones was
increased markedly when pressure was increased from
30 to 40 MPa, mostly because the density of the supercrit-
ical fluid increased with higher solvating power. Taking
all of the results into consideration, within the ranges of
the parameters studied, 40 MPa was selected as the opti-
mal extraction.

3.3 Effect of extraction temperature

The effect of the extraction temperature is demonstrated
in Fig. 3b. In this work, temperatures at three different
values (40, 50, and 608C) were evaluated to optimize the
extraction process. As shown in Fig. 3b, the yields of tan-
shinones increased when increasing the extraction tem-
perature from 40 to 508C. But when the temperature
increased from 50 to 608C, the efficiency of the tanshi-
nones decreased. So the highest extraction yield was
obtained when temperature was at 508C. This maybe
resulted from two opposite effects of temperature. On
one hand, the increasing of temperature leads the sol-
vent density to decrease, reducing the solubility of sol-
utes in the supercritical fluid. On the other hand, the sol-
ubility of most organic compounds could be conspicu-
ously improved at the same time as the solute's vapor
pressure increases with increase in temperature.

3.4 Effect of dynamic extraction time

In order to obtain high yields of tanshinones, an impor-
tant extraction step of static extraction (30 min) was per-
formed. This step could make a better penetration of the
fluid into the matrix compared with the only dynamic
extraction mode. This step was followed by a dynamic
extraction to enhance solubility in the supercritical
fluid. To evaluate the effect of dynamic extraction time
on SFE of tanshinones, extraction times were adopted as
1, 2, and 3 h. Figure 3c shows that the extraction yields of
tanshinones did not increase significantly in the exten- Figure 3. Effects of (a) pressure, (b) temperature, (c)
sion of extraction time. Besides, the dynamic extraction dynamic extraction time, and (d) CO2 flow rate on SFE yields
time is found to be insignificant to influence the extrac- of tanshinones from Danshen. G, Dihydrotanshinone I; H,
tion yields rather than the other three factors according tanshinone I; F, cryptotanshinone; 6, tanshinone IIA.

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326 L. Wang et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 321 – 328

Table 3. Analysis of L9 (3)4 test results Table 4. ANOVA table for the SFE of tanshinones by using
OA9 (34)
Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F-value F0.05
A B C D variance squares freedom square

Dihydrotanshinone I ANOVA for the SFE of dihydrotanshinone I

M1a) 0.53 l 0.03 0.43 l 0.06 0.55 l 0.09 0.28 l 0.02 P 0.086 2 0.043 5.733 19
M2 0.36 l 0.06 0.66 l 0.05 0.45 l 0.04 0.82 l 0.11 T 0.127 2 0.064 8.467 19
M3 0.59 l 0.09 0.39 l 0.03 0.48 l 0.07 0.38 l 0.04 T 0.015 2 0.007 Pooled 19
Rjb) 0.23 0.27 0.10 0.54 F 0.482 2 0.241 32.133 19
Pooled error 0.015 2 0.007
Cryptotanshinone Total 0.71
M1 2.48 l 0.14 2.09 l 0.16 2.06 l 0.12 1.06 l 0.04
M2 1.45 l 0.10 2.78 l 0.19 2.09 l 0.12 3.96 l 0.27 ANOVA for the SFE of cryptotanshinone
M3 2.48 l 0.22 1.53 l 0.09 2.26 l 0.20 1.38 l 0.12 P 2.107 2 1.054 29.493 19
Rj 1.03 1.25 0.20 2.90 T 2.356 2 1.178 33.296 19
T 0.071 2 0.036 Pooled 19
Tanshinone I F 15.167 2 7.584 213.94 19
M1 0.73 l 0.07 1.00 l 0.08 1.12 l 0.13 0.58 l 0.12 Pooled error 0.071 2 0.036
M2 0.55 l 0.07 1.33 l 0.08 0.70 l 0.06 1.43 l 0.04 Total 19.7
M3 1.67 l 0.13 0.62 l 0.04 1.13 l 0.04 0.94 l 0.11
Rj 1.12 0.71 0.43 0.85 ANOVA for the SFE of tanshinone I
P 2.181 2 1.090 6.226 19
Tanshinone IIA T 0.751 2 0.376 2.143 19
M1 2.82 l 0.23 3.26 l 0.07 3.54 l 0.08 1.72 l 0.10 T 0.353 2 0.176 Pooled 19
M2 1.95 l 0.08 4.28 l 0.25 2.40 l 0.21 5.04 l 0.22 F 1.087 2 0.544 3.074 19
M3 4.83 l 0.08 2.05 l 0.08 3.65 l 0.10 2.84 l 0.08 Pooled error 0.353 2 0.176
Rj 2.89 2.22 1.25 3.32 Total 4.372
Mi: The mean values of yields for the factors at each ANOVA for the SFE of tanshinone IIA
level. P 13.148 2 6.574 4.572 19
Rj = Mi, max – Mi, min. T 7.433 2 3.716 2.584 19
T 2.884 2 1.442 Pooled 19
to the R values in Table 3. Therefore, 1 h could be selected F 17.1 2 8.55 5.952 19
Pooled error 2.884 2 1.442
as the optimal dynamic extraction time.
Total 40.565

3.5 Effect of flow rate of CO2

the results were compared. Both of them were performed
The effect of flow rate of CO2 on SFE of tanshinones is
thrice under the same condition. Figure 4 shows the
shown in Fig. 3d. It was inferred that extraction yields of
extraction yields obtained by both methods. Tested tan-
all tanshinones increased firstly with increase in CO2
shinones from left to right in this figure are in the order
flow rate from 20 to 25 L/h and attained the maximum
of their retention times in the chromatography. It can be
value near 25 L/h, then decreased with CO2 rate increas-
inferred that, in general, overall extraction yields of tan-
ing from 25 to 30 L/h. Although higher flow rate of CO2
shinones using SFE were much higher than those using
generally elevates the mass transfer between CO2 and the
SE. The RSDs of the extraction using SFE for all the target
solute by increasing the number of CO2 molecules per
compounds were less than 15%. For cryptotanshinone
unit volume to enter the extractor, there are some disad-
and tanshinone IIA, SFE shows extremely higher extrac-
vantages to extract the solute. Many researchers have
tion yields than the SE method. This may be due to some
found that too fast flow of CO2 reduces the contact time
degradation under the high temperature during SE proc-
between CO2 and the solute, especially for the solute
esses. And it also indicates that SFE is more suitable to
which has low solubility or hardly diffuses from the
extract the tanshinones from Danshen.
material matrix [25, 26]. At the same time, higher flow
rates may reduce the trapping efficiency of the system,
resulting in a lower recovery of tanshinones at higher
3.7 Validation of the chromatographic method
flow rates due to the less efficient trapping.
The method specificity has been demonstrated by suc-
cessfully separating the four investigated compounds
3.6 Comparison with SE
and the others in the SFE products. The limits of quanti-
The optimized SFE and SE techniques were employed sep- tation (LOQs) for the four investigated compounds were
arately for the extraction of tanshinones in Danshen and determined to be 14.1 ng for dihydrotanshinone I,

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J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 321 – 328 Liquid Chromatography 327

Figure 4. Comparison of the

extraction yields of tanshinones
from Danshen between SFE and
SE. 1, Dihydrotanshinone I; 2,
cryptotanshinone; 3, tanshinone
I; 4, tanshinone IIA.

15.0 ng for cryptotanshinone, 20.0 ng for tanshinone I, cryptotanshinone, tanshinone I, and tanshinone IIA from
and 7.8 ng for tanshinone IIA at a S/N of 10, respectively. the product of SFE with good sensitivity, precision, and
The intra- and interday precision was determined by a repeatability. And it can be applied as an improved qual-
standard mixture solution of the four tanshinones under ity control analysis method for Danshen products.
the selected chromatography conditions six times in a
day for intraday precision and once a day on three con- Financial supports from Chinese National Key Technologies R&D
secutive days for interday precision. And the RSD was Program (Grant No. 2006BAI06A08) and from the Science and
taken as a measure of the intra- and interday precisions, Technology Department of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No.
which were less than 1.26 and 0.29%, respectively. 2007C23G2090017) are gratefully acknowledged.
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