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Sy n on y m s & T r a de Na m es Asymmetrical trimethylbenzene, psi-Cumene, Pseudocumene [Note: Hemimellitene

is a mixture of the 1,2,3-isomer with up to 10% of related aromatics such as the 1,2,4-isomer.]

CA S No. 95-63-6 RT ECS No. DOT ID & Gu ide

DC3325000 (/niosh-

For m u l a C6 H3 (CH3 )3 1 ppm =

Con v er si on IDLH N.D.
4.92 mg/m3 See: IDLH INDEX (/niosh/idlh/intridl4.html)

Ex posure Limits Mea su r em en t Met h ods

NIOSH REL : TWA 25 ppm (125 mg/m3 ) OSHA PV2091

OSHA PEL † (nengapdxg.html) : none (
See: NMAM (/niosh/docs/2003-154/) or OSHA Methods

Ph y si ca l Descr i pt i on Clear, colorless liquid with a distinctive, aromatic odor.

MW: BP: FRZ: - Sol : VP(56°F): 1 mmHg IP: 8.27 eV
120.2 337°F 77°F 0.006%

Sp.Gr : Fl .P: UEL: LEL:

0.88 112°F 6.4% 0.9%

Class II Flammable Liquid

In com pa t i bi l i t i es & Rea ct i v i t i es Oxidizers, nitric acid

Exposu r e Rou t es inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact

Sy m pt om s irritation eyes, skin, nose, throat, respiratory system; bronchitis; hypochromic anemia; headache,
drowsiness, lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), dizziness, nausea, incoordination; vomiting, confusion; chemical
pneumonitis (aspiration liquid)

T a r get Or ga n s Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, blood

Per son a l Pr ot ect i on /Sa n i t a t i on Fi r st A i d (See procedures (firstaid.html) )
protection codes (protect.html) ) Eye: Irrigate immediately
Skin: Prevent skin contact Skin: Soap wash
Eyes: Prevent eye contact Breathing: Respiratory support
Wash skin: When contaminated Swallow: Medical attention immediately
Remove: When wet or contaminated
Change: No recommendation
Respi r a t or Recom m en da t ion s
Not available.
Important additional information about respirator selection (pgintrod.html#mustread)
See also: INTRODUCTION (/niosh/npg/pgintrod.html) See ICSC CARD: 1433 (/niosh/ipcsneng/neng1433.html)

Pa g e la st r ev iew ed: A pr il 4 , 2 0 1 1
Pa g e la st u pda t ed: Nov em ber 1 8 , 2 0 1 0
Con t en t sou r ce: Na t ion a l In st it u t e for Occu pa t ion a l Sa fet y a n d Hea lt h (NIOSH) Edu ca t ion a n d In for m a t ion Div ision

Centers for Disease Control and Prev ention 1 600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY : (888) 232-6348, 24 Hours/Ev ery Day -

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