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Submitted on 07/08/2023
This project proposal aims at investigation of the use of composite materials in multi-storeyed
building structures. The objective is to collect comprehensive data on the existing multi-storeyed
composite building structure in Juba City, collecting data on the type of steel used and how.

The project will involve a review of current literature on analyses of composite materials, and
computational modeling of composite structures.

The ultimate outcome of the project will be the comprehensive analysis of the data on the
constructed composite building structures in Juba City and their environmental impact of
construction and support to innovation in the building industry in Juba City and South Sudan as a

Comparative analysis will be done on the cost of material and overall costs of the analyzed
composed structure compared to similar RC structure.

1.0. Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 Background of the Project----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Problem Statement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.3 Aims of the Project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.0 The Objectives of the Project ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Main Objective ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Specific Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
3.0 Justification of the Project [Composite Building Structure] ----------------------------------- 2
3.1 Scope of the Project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
4.0 Literature Review --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.0 Methodology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.1 Definition of the Project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.2 Feasibility Studies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
5.3 Sampling and Data Collection ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
5.4 Data Analysis and Design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
5.5 Dissemination of the Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.6 Expected Outcomes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.7 Ethical Consideration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
5.8 Anticipated Problems----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
5.9 Future Work---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
6.0 Project Schedule ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
6.1 Time Frame ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
6.2 Final Year Research Project Proposed Budget --------------------------------------------------- 6
References: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

1.0. Introduction
This research project will be focusing on developing a composite building using steel and
concrete. The aim of the project is to investigate the structural, design principles, construction
methods, and cost-effectiveness of using this composite system compared to traditional building
methods. The focus of the study will include investigating the different types of steel and
concrete materials suitable for composite construction and exploring the best ways to connect
these materials. The project will also evaluate the strength, durability, and performance of the
composite building in various environmental conditions as compared to RC building. Through
this research project, it is expected to develop a structural design that can withstand various load
conditions and meet all the necessary performance requirements. Cost of materials will be
analyzed and comparative analysis with selected similar RC structures in Juba City.
Additionally, it will identify the potential challenges and limitations of using composite
construction methods and provide practical recommendations for cost-effective and sustainable
composite building design and construction. Overall, the findings of this research project will
contribute to the advancement of composite construction methods and provide valuable insights
for engineers, architects, and builders interested in using steel and concrete composite structures
in their future building projects in Juba City and South Sudan in general

1.1 Background of the Project

Composite construction is widely recognized nowadays as an efficient way of enhancing the
structural performance of steelwork by ensuring that, when used in Combination with concrete,
the two materials acts as a unit.

The use of Steel in construction industry is very low in South Sudan compared to many
developing countries. Experiences of other countries indicate that this is not due to the lack of
economy of Steel as a construction material. There is a great potential for increasing the volume
of Steel in construction, especially in the current development needs in South Sudan. Not
exploring Steel as an alternative construction material and not using it where it is economical is a
heavy loss for the country. Also, it is evident that now-a-days, the composite sections using Steel
encased with Concrete are economic, cost and time effective solution in major civil structures
such as bridges and high-rise buildings.

1.2 Problem Statement

The construction industry is constantly seeking innovative solutions to improve structural
performance, enhance sustainability, and reduce costs. RC building structures predominantly
made of steel or RC concrete, often present limitations in terms of weight, durability, and
environmental impact. To address these challenges, composite building structures have emerged
as a promising alternative. However, these problems highlight the need for in-depth research on
composite building structures to address the gaps in knowledge and provide evidence-based

solutions. By effectively addressing these challenges, the construction industry can benefit from
improved structural performance, enhanced sustainability, and cost-effective building solutions.

1.3 Aims of the Project

The aims of the design project on composite building structures are to advance the
understanding, design of multi-storey building, to increases durability, safety and serviceability,
implementation of composite structures by developing guidelines, investigating structural
performance, evaluating sustainability, and assessing economic feasibility. Through these aims,
the project aims to contribute to the adoption of composite building structures and their potential
benefits in the construction industry.

2.0 The Objectives of the Project

2.1 Main Objective

The main objective of this research project is to investigate and evaluate the structural
performance and behavior of composite building structures using data within Juba City.

2.2 Specific Objectives

• To collect data on the composite constructed structures to do cost analysis in multi-storeyed
building in Juba City.
• Review and analyze existing literature on composite building structures, including case
studies and relevant standards and codes.
• Develop a comprehensive understanding of the design principles and methodologies for
composite building structures.
• Conduct a comparative study between RC building structures and composite building
structures to identify the advantages and limitations of each.
• Evaluate the sustainability aspects of composite building structures, including their carbon
footprint, energy efficiency, and environmental impact.
• Assess the economic feasibility of composite building structures, considering initial
construction costs, maintenance, and life-cycle cost analysis in comparison with similar RC

3.0 Justification of the Project [Composite Building Structure]

The justifications highlight the advantages of composite building structures in terms of
efficiency, durability, aesthetic appeal, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. As a result, the
utilization of composite materials in construction has gained attention and continues to grow in
various applications, from bridges and high-rise buildings to residential and commercial

3.1 Scope of the Project
The study is to investigate composite building structures in Juba City and analyzed construction
cost and durability in comparison to similar RC structures.

4.0 Literature Review

The Composite building structures have gained significant attention in recent years due to their
numerous advantages, including high strength-to-weight ratio, durability, and design flexibility.
This literature review aims to provide an in-depth analysis of existing research and studies
related to composite building structures, supporting the need for the proposed research project.
This literature review provides a comprehensive examination of current research surrounding
composite building structures. It demonstrates the significance of the proposed research project
by highlighting gaps in the literature, identifying relevant methodologies, and emphasizing the
importance of sustainable construction practices, material characterization, structural analysis,
and performance assessment. The findings from this literature review reinforce the need for the
proposed research project and provide a strong foundation for its implementation.

5.0 Methodology

5.1 Definition of the Project

Research project on composite building structure is a construction project that used to analyze
composite materials in the building structure. Composite materials are made up of two or more
materials with different physical and chemical properties, combined to create a material that has
superior properties compared to its individual components. In a composite building structure
project design, the composite materials are used in various building elements such as columns,
beams, slabs, and walls. The design considers factors such as load-bearing capacity, durability,
and fire resistance while utilizing composite materials to achieve the desired structural
performance. The use of composite materials in building structures has several advantages,
including high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and excellent thermal and acoustic
insulation. Composite materials also offer flexibility in design, allowing for complex shapes and
unique architectural features.

5.2 Feasibility Studies

This project proposal will outline a comprehensive feasibility study for the utilization of
composite building structures by evaluating the followings;
▪ To evaluate the suitability and performance of composite materials for building construction.
▪ To assess the economic viability and cost-effectiveness of composite building structures.
▪ To analyze the regulatory requirements and compliance associated with composite
▪ To determine the environmental impact and sustainability of composite building structures.
▪ To identify any challenges or limitations that may affect the feasibility of using composites in
building construction.
5.3 Sampling and Data Collection
The selection of suitable sampling strategy will be based on the specific project objectives and
available resources. Determination of the sample size and develop a plan for data collection.
There will be collection of both primary data (through field measurements, questionnaire and
develop surveys or direct questions to gather information from building owners, architects,
engineers, or construction professionals involved in composite building projects) and secondary
data (from existing research studies, reports, and databases).Field observations will be conducted
on the site-visits to observe and document the construction process, material usage and structural

5.4 Data Analysis and Design

The collected data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical methods by applying descriptive
statistics, regression analysis, hypothesis testing, or other relevant techniques to evaluate
relationships between variables, validate research hypotheses, and draw conclusions. Utilization
of software tools like SPSS, SAP2000, visualization and ETAB for data analysis.

5.5 Dissemination of the Results

Effective report writing and dissemination of the results of the feasibility study on composite
building structures are essential to ensure that the findings reach and influence the relevant
stakeholders. By employing a strategic approach, including;
▪ Presentations of the proposed research project at the panel of judge using ppt.
▪ Presentations and analysis with explanations according to actual results.
▪ Provide recommendations and guidelines for the successful implementation of composite
building structures.
▪ Dissemination of the copies of the written report to the department of civil and university

5.6 Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of a composite building research project can vary depending on the
specific objectives and scope of the study. However, here are some potential outcomes that can
be expected:
• Enhanced understanding of composite materials.
• Improved structural performances.
• Energy efficiency and sustainability.
• Cost-effectiveness analysis.
• Design innovation and aesthetics.
• Safety and resilience.
• Knowledge dissemination.

5.7 Ethical Consideration
Ensure that your data collection process adheres to ethical guidelines. Obtain necessary
permissions from relevant stakeholders and maintain confidentiality when required.

5.8 Anticipated Problems

• Knowledge on how to use ETAB, SAP2000 software.
• Generation of resources e. g funds to facilitate the design project.
• Constraints in collecting the secondary data.
• Poor network availability.

5.9 Future Work

The second phase of the project will cover the following tasks;
• Analysis of composite building structure.
• Analysis of the loads, forces, and moments.
• Detailing and the design of the composite building structure.
• Drawing and detailing of the structural elements.

6.0 Project Schedule

The project has to be completed within the time frame of 9th and 10th semester of university
calendar. The first phase of the project includes the theoretical study of design of composite
building structure, practical used of standards codes, used of software for design and analyzing
of preliminary design of composite within time frame.

6.1 Time Frame
S/no. Project months May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
1. Formation of the group

2. Project selection

3. Project proposal writing and approval

4. Conduct group meeting

5. Site visit and data collection

6. Analysis and design

7. Preparing report writing
8. Preparation and dissemination of the

6.2 Final Year Research Project Proposed Budget

S/NO. Item Specification Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1. Paper - 5 ream 6,000 30,000
2. Transport 5 persons 20 Trip 5,000 100,000
3. Internet and Data bundles All the work 50 GB 3,700 185,000
4. Communication Throughout the - - - 20,000
project period

5. SAP2000 ETAB and installation and 4 laptop 80,000 320,000

SPSS Software training
6. Printing cost for; All the project 5 Printing 10,000 50,000
• 2 copies of Proposed
• 3 copies of final year
7. Binding The whole project 3 10,000 30,000

8. Contingencies All the project - - - 50,000

Total cost of the project 785,000

1. Structural Design Report on Composite Building Structure by St. James Stair in 1696.
2. Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures, ENV 1994-1-1: Part 1.1: General
rules and rules for buildings, CEN. 8. by Bode, H. Verbundbau, Werner-Verlag
Dusseldorf 1987.
3. "Composite Construction 1 and 2" by Johnson R.P.
4. Multi-Storey Buildings in Steel, Second Edition in London 1985 by Hart F. Henn, W.
Sontag and H. Collins.
5. Design of Composite Slabs and Beams with Steel Decking, Second Publication 055 1989
by Lawson, R.M.
6. Tests on stub stainless steel–concrete–carbon steel double skin tubular (DST) columnsby
L.H. Han et al in2011.
7. Effects of shear connection on local buckling and composite action in steel concrete
composite walls by Zhang et al in 2014.
8. behavior and design of composite walls under axial compression by J. Mo et al in 2022.

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