English Test

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English test

1. Correct the mistakes

a. You’re from USA.
b. I’m from the Brazil.
c. This is my friend.
d. I love the water.

2. Circle the correct article.

a. Look at a/the photo in a/the book.
b. This is an / the apple. It’s for a /the teacher.
c. Buenos Aires is a/the great city. It’s a/ the capital of Argentina.
d. “Z” is a/the letter of an/ the English alphabet.

3. Complete with am, is, are.

a. I __________ from Peru. This ______ my friend from Italy.
b. You _____ a student.
c. This ____ my e-mail address.
d. ID ____ an English book.

4. Order a-d to make sentences.

a. Is/fantastic/Ben Affleck/actor/a
b. This/urgent/an/e-mail/is
c. a/Brazilian/ soccer/Neymar/is/player
d. my /is/singer/Fergie/favorite

5. Circle the correct option.

a. Bob an I am/are students.
b. Are /is James Bond American?
c. I think iPads are/is brilliant.
d. How old are/is Jim and Tim?

6. Change sentences to the plural.

a. This is a horrible virus.
b. What’s that? Your dictionary.
c. That woman is a famous actress.
d. Is this boy your child?
7. Order the words in a-d to make sentences.
a. ten/are/there/mints/in/bag/my
b. tablet/ is/on the table/there/red/a
c. rulers/on/the desk/are/there/two
d. there/a/ring/is/box/in the

8. Complete a-d with ‘s, is, isn’t, are, aren’t

a. There _______ a camera here. ____ it your camera?
b. There ______ a lot of students in this class. There ____ only one.
c. ____ there a lot of people in your family?
d. _____ there a new app on your tablet?

9. Complete a-d with in or on

a. There isn’t a lipstick _____ my backpack.
b. How many contracts do you have ____ Facebook?
c. These men work _____ a hospital. I think they’re doctors.
d. There are a few candies______ my pocket.

10. Correct the mistakes in a-d

a. Mark don’t like a Chinese food.
b. My children don’t eat vegetables for the lunch.
c. Does your mother drinks coffee for the breakfast?
d. I not like meat very much, but my brother do.

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