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models of universe by:


Space Explorers!
The universe is literally everything,
the sum of all existence. It includes
all matter, like stars and galaxies. The
universe also includes all radiation
and all other forms of energy.
How it start?
Our best understanding of the history of
the universe comes from the Big Bang
Our changing
view of universe
Apparent daily
Apparent daily motion
The apparent daily motion is also
known as diurnal motion, derived
from the Latin word "diurnalis,"
meaning "daily."
Apparent daily motion
Celestial objects ( stars, planet,
the moon, the sun) appear to
move accross the sky each day
Rotation and Revolution
What is rotation?
Rotation refers to the spinning
motion of a celestial body around
its axis.
Axis of Rotation
The axis of rotation is an
imaginary line passing through
the center of mass of the
object around which it spins.
Period of Rotation
The period of rotation is the time
it takes for a celestial body to
complete one full rotation on its
axis. For example, Earth
completes one rotation
approximately every 24 hours.
Effects of Rotation
The period of rotation is the time
it takes for a celestial body to
complete one full rotation on its
axis. For example, Earth
completes one rotation
approximately every 24 hours.
What is revolution?
Revolution, also known as orbital motion, refers
to the motion of a celestial body as it moves
around another object in space. For example,
the Moon revolves around the Earth, and the
Earth revolves around the Sun.
Period of Revolution
The period of revolution is the time it takes for a
celestial body to complete one orbit around
another object. For instance, Earth takes
approximately 365.25 days to orbit the Sun.
What is revolution?
revolution is referred to as an orbital revolution.
It is used when one body moves around
another, while rotation means moving around
the axis. For example, the Moon revolves around
the Earth, and the Earth revolves around the
Rotation Revolution
Rotation of the Earth is Revolution is the
turning on its axis. movement of the Earth
around the Sun.
The Earth takes 24 hours to
complete a rotation with The Earth takes a full
respect to the sun. year (365 days) for one
complete revolution
around the Sun

Eudoxus of Cnidus was an ancient Greek
mathematician, astronomer, and physician
who lived around 408-355 BCE. He was
born in Cnidus, a city in ancient Caria
(modern-day Turkey).
He the first proposed a model of universe
based on Geometry.
Eudoxus of Cnidus
Eudoxus studied under the
renowned mathematician
Archytas and later became a
student of Plato at the
Academy in Athens.
eudoxus teachers

Archytas: Plato:
Mathematics Philosophy
Eudoxos started with
five basic principles.
1 . The earth is the center of the universe.
2. All celestial motion is circular.
3. All celestial motion is regular.
4. The center of the path of any celestial motion
is the same as the center of its motion.
5. The center of all celestial motion is the center of
the universe.
Geocentric model
A model of universe in which the
stationary Earth lies in the center of the
universe and all other celestial objects
orbit it
Geocentric model
This model was popular in acient times
and was the dominant view until the
16th century.
Geocentric model
theory of homocentric
The universe has 27 concentric spheres with earth
is center of universe
Eudoxus envisioned the universe as a series of
concentric spheres nested within one another.
What is concentric
A centric sphere is a geometric figure composed
of a series of circles with the same center, known
as concentric, where each circle is nested within
another. In each centric sphere, each circle has a
different size, serving as a model of the orbits of
objects such as planets, stars, and other celestial
Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was an
ancient Greek philosopher and
polymath who made significant
contributions to various fields of
knowledge, including philosophy,
science, logic, ethics, politics, and
He was born in Stagira, in northern
Greece, and was a student of Plato
at Plato's Academy in Athens.
He was born in Stagira, in northern
Greece, and was a student of Plato
at Plato's Academy in Athens.
Aristotle's Aristotle's model of the universe
drew inspiration from the earlier
Model of the work of Eudoxus model

Universe: His model showed that the

univese was spherical and infinite
Aristarchus the famouse acient
astronomers and mathematician
born in Samos around (310–230
He presented the first known
heliocentric model that placed the
sun the center of the known
universe with the Earth revolvong
around it
What id heliocentric
Aristarchus attempted to estimate the distances
between the Earth, Sun, and Moon using geometric
principles and observational data.
Estimation of Planetary
He utilized a method based on lunar eclipses to
estimate the relative sizes of the Earth, Moon, and
their distances from the Sun.
Estimation of Planetary
He utilized a method based on lunar eclipses to
estimate the relative sizes of the Earth, Moon, and
their distances from the Sun.
Estimation of Planetary
Using these observations, Aristarchus proposed
that the Sun was much larger than the Earth and
that the Earth's size was larger than the Moon's.
Claudius Ptolemy, also known as
Ptolemaeus, was a mathematician,
astronomer, and geographer who
lived in Alexandria, Egypt, during
the Roman Empire.
Claudius Ptolemy, also known as
Ptolemaeus, was a mathematician,
astronomer, and geographer who
lived in Alexandria, Egypt, during
the Roman Empire.
Ptolomy model
Geocentrism: The Ptolemaic model placed the
Earth at the center of the universe, with all
celestial bodies, including the Sun, Moon, planets,
and stars, orbiting around it in complex circular
and epicyclic motions.
What is epicycle?
Geocentrism: The Ptolemaic model placed the
Earth at the center of the universe, with all
celestial bodies, including the Sun, Moon, planets,
and stars, orbiting around it in complex circular
and epicyclic motions.

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