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Received: 30 August 2023 Accepted: 28 November 2023

DOI: 10.1111/icad.12707


It is not a mere piece of the mainland: Fluvial islands contribute

to regional spider diversity in a seasonally flooded Amazonian

Thiago Gomes de Carvalho 1 | Thierry Ray Gasnier 2 | Sérgio Henrique Borges 1,2

Programa de Po  s-Graduação em Zoologia, Abstract
gicas, Universidade
Instituto de Ciências Biolo
Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, Brazil 1. Islands and analogous insular habitats are found in several ecological contexts. With
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade the exception of oceanic islands, however, the contribution of these insular habitats
Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, Brazil
to regional biodiversity remains poorly investigated, especially in tropical regions.
Correspondence We investigated the understory spider assemblages in an Amazonian river archipel-
Sérgio Henrique Borges, Programa de Po s-
ago to evaluate the contribution of fluvial islands to regional spider diversity.
Graduação em Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências
gicas, Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Biolo 2. We collected spiders on 30 islands ranging from 1 to 1527 ha and at 23 sites in
(UFAM), Manaus, Brazil.
 flooded forests and terra firme
mainland habitats represented by continuous igapo
forests. Spiders were collected by shaking the vegetation over a white sheet during
Funding information a standardised time of 30 min.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do
Amazonas; Programa Fixam, Grant/Award 3. From 1404 adult individuals, we identified 290 spider species or morphospecies,
Number: 017/2014; Universal Amazonas,  flooded for-
with 150 species being recorded on the fluvial islands, 122 in the igapo
Grant/Award Number: 002-2018
ests and 103 in the terra firme forests. Spider assemblages of fluvial islands exhibit
Editor: Yves Basset and Associate Editor: lower alpha diversity and equitability compared with mainland habitats. The species
James Bell
composition of fluvial islands was significantly distinct from that of mainland habi-
 flooded forests. Several families
tats, even when compared with neighbouring igapo
and species of spider were significantly associated with a particular habitat, includ-
ing 8 families and 10 species identified as indicators of fluvial islands.
4. Fluvial islands effectively contribute to regional diversity since their spider fauna is
not a mere impoverished subset of species from mainland habitats. Events that alter
the flood pulse in Amazonian rivers (e.g., construction of hydroelectric dams) could
threaten the unique biological assemblages of the floodplain habitats, especially the
fluvial islands.

alpha diversity, Amazonian arthropods, dominance, flooded forests

I N T R O D U CT I O N Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2009). In addition, islands have high

levels of endemism and are more susceptible to biological invasions
Biological assemblages on islands diverge markedly from those found and species extinctions (Kier et al., 2009; Moser et al., 2018).
in mainland continuous habitats with equivalent size by presenting Although most documented patterns of biological diversity on islands
lower species diversity, higher population densities and distinct spe- were established from oceanic islands and archipelagos (Whittaker &
cies composition (Adler & Levins, 1994; MacArthur & Wilson, 1967; Fernández-Palacios, 2009), islands and analogous insular habitats exist

Insect Conserv Divers. 2023;1–11. © 2023 Royal Entomological Society. 1

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in several ecological contexts around the planet, especially in tropical Stevaux, 2015). The main goal of the study is to evaluate the contribu-
regions. However, our understanding of the contribution of these tion of fluvial islands to regional spider diversity. To achieve this aim,
islands to regional biodiversity remains insufficient (Itescu, 2019; we sampled spiders on fluvial islands and in mainland habitats repre-
Prance, 1996).  flooded
sented by flooded forests that occupy the river margins (igapo
The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical forest on the planet forests) and upland terra firme forests. In addition, we performed a
and its remarkable biological diversity is intrinsically associated with brief analysis of the major anthropogenic impacts on river channels
past geological events and vegetation heterogeneity (Dambros that could threaten the biological assemblages of Amazonian fluvial
et al., 2020; Figueiredo et al., 2017; Haffer, 2001). Even though most islands.
of the lowland in the Amazon is essentially covered by continuous We used the general biotic patterns identified in island biogeogra-
upland forests, there are numerous true islands and island-like habi- phy studies (Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios, 2009) as a framework
tats in the region, such as mountaintops, savanna enclaves and to establish the following predictions: (i) considering the area-effects
patches of vegetation growing in white-sand soils (Costa et al., 2020; on island biological diversity (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967; Triantis
Giulietti et al., 2019; Magnusson et al., 2008). Fluvial islands found in et al., 2012), it is expected that mainland habitats, which occupies
the channels of major Amazonian rivers are among these insular larger and continuous areas, will have a greater spider alpha diversity
habitats. than fluvial islands yet that these habitats are sampled with similar
Islands are conspicuous features of the Amazon riverine land- efforts; (ii) fluvial islands present a certain degree of isolation from
scapes and, like other habitats in the floodplains, they are subject to mainland habitats and experience dramatic seasonal flooding, which
seasonal flooding (Junk et al., 2011). Fluvial islands experience a dra- reduce habitat area and resources availability. Under these ecological
matic reduction of their areas due to seasonal flooding that can range conditions, species possessing greater dispersal abilities and better
from 6 to 16 m in height, with some sites remaining underwater from adapted to flooding (Adis & Junk, 2002; Höfer, 1990) are more likely
4 to 6 months every year (Junk et al., 2011). Thus, seasonal flooding to successfully colonise the islands and become more abundant. Thus,
acts as a strong environmental filter by selecting a peculiar set of ani- it is expected that spider assemblages in fluvial islands will be domi-
mal and plant species found in the floodplain habitats, including on nated by few abundant species (low equitability) compared with main-
fluvial islands (Arias et al., 2018). land habitats; (iii) the islands in the studied system are relatively close
Previous studies suggest that some animal species are specialised to mainland habitats and, therefore, it is expected a high overlap in
in the use of fluvial islands, therefore making their assemblages dis- species composition between islands and non-island habitats, espe-
tinct from the other habitats (Borges et al., 2019; Laranjeiras  flooded forests that occupy river mar-
cially from neighbouring igapo
et al., 2021; Nunes et al., 2014). Rosenberg (1990), for example, found gins and had vegetation structure and floristics similar to islands;
that at least 18 bird species are specialised in the use of fluvial islands (iv) based in the previous results obtained with other taxa such as bee-
in the western Amazon. Documented evidences of distinct fauna tles (Nunes et al., 2014) and birds (Rosenberg, 1990), we hypothesise
composition on fluvial islands can be relevant for regional conserva- that some spider species might be specially adapted to live on fluvial
tion strategies, because islands are disproportionally susceptible to islands and their frequency and abundance will be likely higher in this
environmental impacts when compared with continuous habitats due habitat.
to their spatial restriction and small occupied area. The contribution of
Amazonian river islands to regional diversity, however, has been
assessed on only a few occasions and covered a limited range of taxo- M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
nomic groups (Laranjeiras et al., 2021; Nunes et al., 2014;
Rosenberg, 1990). Study area
The use of Amazonian fluvial islands by spiders has not been
investigated. Spiders are among the most species-rich predatory Spider sampling took place in the lower course of the Negro River
arthropods and are widely distributed across the planet’s ecosystems within the limits of the Anavilhanas National Park (350,000 ha), which
(Bonaldo et al. 2009a; Brescovit et al., 2002; Coddington & is a federal conservation area created to protect one of the largest flu-
Levi, 1991). Spiders are particularly useful for investigating diversity vial archipelagos in the world (ICMBio, 2017). The vegetation of the
patterns on islands due their ability to disperse on land, water and  flooded forest with tree heights vary-
studied islands consists of igapo
even through the air (Carvalho & Cardoso, 2014; Gillespie, 2002; ing from 15 to 20 m (Piedade et al., 2005). The islands selected for
Kuntner & Agnarsson, 2011; Suter et al., 2003; Vanbergen the study have narrow shapes and variable sizes (Figure 1).
et al., 2017). Unfortunately, the scarcity of ecological studies makes it The studied fluvial islands are embedded in a dynamic and hetero-
difficult to establish the contribution of major habitats to Amazonian geneous landscape that is seasonally inundated (Junk et al., 2011;
spider diversity (Bonaldo et al. 2009a; Coddington et al., 2009; Latrubesse & Stevaux, 2015). Differences between the maximum and
Höfer, 1990; Rego et al., 2009). minimum levels of the Negro River are on average 11 m, and this sea-
Here, we present a quantitative analysis of the spider assem- sonal dynamic in the river level drastically alters the regional land-
blages of fluvial islands in the Anavilhanas archipelago, one of the larg- scapes, though even more so on the islands (ICMBio, 2017; Junk
est networks of river islands in the world (Latrubesse & et al., 2011). During maximum high-water period (from May to July),
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F I G U R E 1 Study region highlighting in green the islands where the spiders were collected. Stars represent collecting sites on islands and
 flooded forests and terra firme forests). The darker grey line indicates the partial limits of the Anavilhanas
triangles in mainland habitats (igapo
National Park.

much of the islands’ vegetation is submerged, leaving only the cano- the sheet were vigorously shaken, and the spiders that fell on the
pies of the tallest trees exposed (Almeida-Filho et al., 2016; cloth were collected and placed in containers with 90% alcohol. Col-
Latrubesse & Stevaux, 2015). In the low-water period (from lecting effort in each sampling site was around 30 min, and the same
September to December), the islands fully emerged and sand and clay field protocol was applied in the island and mainland habitats. We
banks are exposed on the riverbed, thus promoting terrestrial connec- searched for sampling spots as similar as possible in vegetation struc-
tivity between some islands (Almeida-Filho et al., 2016; ture and with a similar number of shrubs and small trees in the islands
ICMBio, 2017). and mainland sites. Spider collection in the Anavilhanas National Park
In addition to fluvial islands, we sampled spiders in continuous was authorised by the Brazilian Minister of Environment through the
 flooded forests and the terra firme
habitats represented by the igapo Sistema de Autorização e Informação em Biodiversidade (Sisbio) under
forests that are localised on the margins of the Negro River (Figure 1). the licence 58392-2.
 forests are seasonally flooded like the islands
The continuous igapo Anavilhanas harbour 100 islands with distinct sizes, shapes and
and occupy the banks of the Negro River and its tributaries. In con- variability in vegetation structure. To collect spiders in such heteroge-
trast, terra firme forests occupy the highest parts of the terrain and neous landscapes, the islands were selected using the following cri-
never get flooded. Even though they are connected, igap
o and terra teria: (i) variability in size, (ii) proximity to the left and right of the
firme forests show marked differences in vegetation structure and flo- Negro River margins and (iii) facility to access and collected spider in
ristic composition (Quaresma et al., 2018). several islands in a field day. The sizes of islands were estimated using
Google Earth Pro by drawing a polygon around the island on a satellite
image from December 2016. We have sampled spiders in 30 islands
Spider sampling and identification with highly variable area (mean = 352.6 ha, 1–1523 ha, coefficient of
variation = 136.4%) and well distributed in the core area of the Ana-
Spiders were sampled in September 2017 and December 2018, which vilhanas archipelago (Figure 1). Here, we are interested in quantifying
are the period of the low-water season when the islands fully the biological distinctness of the islands compared with other habitats,
emerged. The spiders were collected using an adaptation of the vege- thus detailed information on islands attributes and analysis on the
tation beat method (Harris et al., 1972), with a white sheet measuring effects of island size on spider diversity will be presented and
1  1.5 m positioned under the vegetation in the understory of the explored in a separate study. In addition, we made spider collections
studied habitats. The shrubs, bushes and small tree branches above at 13 sampling sites in igap
o flooded forests and at 10 sites in terra
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firme forests. Each collection point was treated as a sampling unit for complement, we have measured equitability of the samples using Pie-
the analysis, thus totalizing 53 sample units, 30 on fluvial islands and lou’s evenness indices (Magurran, 2004) and tested the differences
23 in mainland habitats. between habitats through a Krusal–Wallis test with Dunn contrast.
The spiders were identified to the most refined taxonomic rank Non-metric multidimensional scale (NMDS) analyses were used
possible using keys for spider families (Brescovit et al., 2002; Ubick to represent variations in species composition (i.e., beta diversity).
et al., 2005) and reviews for the genera, available on the websites: The These ordination analyses were performed with abundance data
World Spider catalogue (, The Peckham (Bray–Curtis distance) relativized using the total number of individuals
Society (, Jumping spiders (Arachnida: collected in each sample and square root transformed to equalise the
Araneae: Salticidae) of the world ( and contribution of abundant and rare species (Clarke & Warwick, 2001).
Araneae ( Males and females were NMDS ordinations were also run with presence or absence data
included in species count. Most species had at least a few individuals (Jaccard distance). Compositional analyses were performed with all
collected from the same location, which helped paring them. In a small species or morphospecies as well as only the most abundant ones
number of cases where individuals did not match any species, they were (≥10 individuals collected). Analyses of similarity (ANOSIM) were run
treated as a single species. All identified individuals were incorporated to test the hypothesis of there being differences in species composi-
into the Paulo Bührnheim Zoological Collection at the Federal Univer- tion between habitats. Ordinations and ANOSIM analyses were per-
sity of Amazonas (CZPB–UFAM). formed using the vegan packages and Primer v6 (Clarke &
Most individuals were identified to family level, but only the Gorley, 2006; Oksanen et al., 2019).
adults could be safely assigned to species or morphospecies. High- An indicator species analysis (De Cáceres & Legendre, 2009) was
quality photographs of living adults were used to characterise the spe- performed to verify whether some taxa are significantly associated
cies or morphospecies. The spiders chosen to represent the species with a particular habitat. In this analysis, relative abundance and fre-
(photographic type) were individuals with all limbs and without defor- quency of species are used to calculate an indicator value (IndVal)
mities. The photographs produced during this study will be used in a ranging from 0 to 1 according to the degree of association of a species
further publication of an illustrated inventory of spiders of the Anavil- to a particular habitat with statistical inferences based on 9999 per-
hanas archipelago using the same approach as Carvalho and Gas- mutation tests (De Cáceres & Legendre, 2009).
nier (2019). As commonly occurs in spider inventories, most collected individ-
uals were juveniles, thus precluding an accurate identification at spe-
cies level. In contrast, most individuals could be reliably assigned to
Analyses family level. Then, for a better use of the data, we run indicator spe-
cies analysis at family and species resolutions. Only families with more
To compare spider alpha diversity from the three habitats, we built than 50 individuals and species with more than 10 individuals were
individual cumulative curves extrapolated for a common sampling included in these analyses.
effort and coverage-based curves (Chao & Jost, 2012; Colwell
et al., 2012) using the INEXT freeware (
iNEXTOnline/). We extrapolate the samples to 1000 individuals in RE SU LT S
each habitat using the method of Colwell et al. (2012). Sampling cov-
erage (SC) in each habitat was estimated using the formula presented General inventories results
in the study by Chao and Jost (2012) that uses three parameters:
number of singletons (species represented by 1 individual or f1), num- A total of 4905 spiders were collected, which comprised 3501 juve-
ber of doubletons (species represented by 2 individuals or f2) and the niles and 1404 adults (Supporting Information S1). Of this total, 3278
total number of individuals in the sample (n). The non-overlap of  flooded forests
spiders were collected on fluvial islands, 942 in igapo
the confidence intervals in the curves indicates significant differences and 685 in terra firme forests. We recorded 38 spider families, with
in the estimated species diversity between habitats (Chao & 29 on fluvial islands, 29 in igap
o flooded forests and 32 in terra firme
Jost, 2012, Colwell et al., 2012). forests.
We quantified alpha diversity using the Hill series, which inte- We identified 290 species or morphospecies among the 1404
grates distinct aspects of relative abundance and species richness  flooded
adult individuals, 150 species on fluvial islands, 122 in igapo
(Hill, 1973). In this approach are calculate indices using different coef- forests and 103 in terra firme forests. About 20% of the adults
ficients (q) that emphasise rare species (q = 0, species richness), nei- belong to the species Scopocira aff. carinata, the most abundant and
ther rare nor common species (q = 1, exponential of Shannon’s frequent spider in the samples. Only 11 species were present in all
entropy), and only the most abundant species (q = 2, inverse of Simp- inventoried habitats. A substantial portion of species and morphos-
son’s concentration index) (Chao et al., 2014; Roswell et al., 2021). pecies (46%) was represented by a single individual (singletons) in
The formulas of mentioned indices and description of the sampling the samples. The proportion of these singletons was higher in terra
standardisation can be found in studies by Colwell et al. (2012), Chao firme forests (44%), followed by igap
o flooded forests (35%) and flu-
and Jost (2012), Chao et al. (2014) and Roswell et al. (2021). In vial islands (31%).
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F I G U R E 2 Patterns of alpha diversity of spiders in Anavilhanas National Park using equal sampling-effort (a–c) and sampling coverage (d–f)
standardizations applied to Hill numbers (see Analysis section); 95% confidence intervals resulting from 100 permutations are shown in different
coloured shapes. Vertical dashed lines in graphs d–f indicate sampling coverage similar between the studied habitats.

F I G U R E 3 Ordinations of sampling sites by non-metric multidimensional analysis (NMDS) using the Bray–Curtis distance with relative
abundance data. Analysis includes all spider species/morphospecies (a) or only those considered abundant (≥10 individuals—b).

Spider assemblages: Alpha and beta diversities measured as Shannon’s entropy (q = 1) or inverse of Simpson indices
(q = 2) using equal sampling effort (Figure 2a–c or sample coverage
Species richness per sample was similar between habitats: igap
o flooded (Figure 2d–f).
forests (average: 14 species, 7–20 species), terra firme forests (average: Distribution of individual among species was more equitable in
17 species, 10–28 species) and fluvial islands (average: 15 species, 8–22 igap
o flooded forests (J = 0.94) and terra firme forests (J = 0.94) than in
species). As expected, SC was more effective in islands (SC = 0.92, fluvial islands (J = 0.87), indicating that spider assemblages in islands
 flooded forests (SC = 0.75, f1 = 70,
f1 = 66, f2 = 27) than igapo present higher dominance levels than mainland habitats (KW = 10.23,
f2 = 18) and terra firme forests (SC = 0.74, f1 = 63, f2 = 16). The spi-  flooded forests comparison and
p = 0.02 for fluvial islands vs. igapo
der inventories were incomplete in all the sampled habitats, even con- p = 0.006 for fluvial islands vs. terra firme forests comparison).
sidering the extrapolation of the number of individuals collected Species composition was distinct between sampled habitats, a
(Figure 2a–c). pattern observed through relative abundance (Figure 3a) and presence
The curves of equal sampling effort indicate a wide overlap in the  flooded forests
or absence data (Figure S1A). Fluvial islands and igapo
species richness (q = 0) among the habitats (Figure 2a–c). Comparing shared more species (Figures 3 and S1), which is expected given their
species richness at similar sample coverage (around 0.75) indicates spatial and ecological proximity. Nevertheless, the species composi-
that islands had lower species richness compared with mainland habi- tion on river islands apparently is different from that found in the
tats (Figure 2a). Similar results were found when the alpha diversity is  flooded forests (Figures 3a and S1A).
neighbouring igapo
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TABLE 1 Results of analysis of similarity comparing species composition between studied habitats.

Dataset R global Paired comparisons R value

All species—abundance 0.76 IFF vs. TFF 0.61

IFF vs. FI 0.63
FI vs. TFF 0.95
Species (≥10 individuals)—abundance 0.74 IFF vs. TFF 0.63
IFF vs. FI 0.61
FI vs. TFF 0.92
All species—presence/absence 0.72 IFF vs. TFF 0.62
IFF vs. FI 0.57
FI vs. TFF 0.93
Species (≥10 individuals)—presence/absence 0.70 IFF vs. TFF 0.64
IFF vs. FI 0.55
FI vs. TFF 0.87

Note: R values close to 0 indicate great overlap in species composition, whereas values close to 1 indicate great distinction in species composition.
 flooded forests; TFF, terra firme forest.
Abbreviations: FI, fluvial islands; IFF, igapo

TABLE 2 Indicator values of spider families identified as indicators of habitats in the Anavilhanas archipelago region, Central Amazon.

Families (individuals) Indicator of Fluvial islands  flooded forests

Igapo Terra firme forests

Salticidae (1640) FI 47.67 27.5 24.83

Araneidae (575) FI 42.37 28.71 28.92
Anyphaenidae (473) FI 42.79 37.65 9.356
Thomisidae (339) FI 53.91 9.485 30.53
Sparassidae (255) FI 42.86 30.92 16.47
Pisauridae (251) FI 72 9.634 0.4229
Pholcidae (129) FI 38.07 10.28 28.56
Scytodidae (124) IFF 19.41 44.93 9.764
Corinnidae (112) TFF 15.74 10.96 58.57
Tetragnatidae (61) FI 32.73 14.4 3.318
Theridiosomatidae (56) TFF 0.6406 5.848 68.57

Note: Bold numbers highlight significant ( p < 0.05) values in the permutation tests.
 flooded forests; TFF, terra firme forest.
Abbreviations: FI, fluvial islands; IFF, igapo

The pattern of species composition differentiation between hab-  flooded forests and terra firme forests even when consider-
the igapo
itats was confirmed in the analysis of similarity. The ANOSIM ing only the most abundant species (Figures 3b and S1B).
R values were higher when the river islands were compared with the
terra firme forests, considering both abundance and presence or
 flooded forests and fluvial
absence of data (Table 1). The igapo Spider assemblages: Indicator taxa
islands, in contrast, tend to show greater overlap in species composi-
tion (Table 1). Despite this, the composition of spider species on the Eleven spider families show significant association with a particular

fluvial islands was significantly different from the nearby igapo habitat (Table 2). Spiders from Scytodidade family was an indicator of
flooded forests (Table 1).  flooded forests, whereas Corinnidae and Theridiosomatidae
The pattern of distinction in species composition between the were particularly abundant and frequent in terra firme forests
three habitats was little altered when the analyses were restricted to (Table 2). Another eight spider families were indicators of fluvial
the most-abundant species (Table 1). This indicates that the distinc- islands (Table 2). Of the 23 species selected for the indicator species
tion in species composition between the habitats is not a sampling analysis, 15 had significant associations with a particular habitat, most
artefact due to the inclusion of a high number of singletons in the of them to fluvial islands (Table 3). High IndVals were found for Scopo-
analysis. The distributions of the sites in the ordinations demonstrate cira aff. carinata, Titidius aff. urucu, Cotinusa sp. 01 and Helvibis aff. ger-
that spider species composition of fluvial islands remains distinct from maini (Table 3).
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T A B L E 3 Indicator values of spider identified to species/morphospecies identified as indicators of habitats in the Anavilhanas archipelago
region, Central Amazon.

Species (individuals) Indicator of Fluvial islands  flooded forests

Igapo Terra firme forests

Scopocira aff. carinata (232) FI 81.86 2.56 0.12

Titidius aff. urucu (57) FI 62.05 2.62 0.00
Rishaschia amrishi (36) FI 27.83 5.50 0.00
Faiditus sp. 01 (29) FI 42.7 1.12 0.00
Achaearanea aff. hieroglyphica (25) FI 25.37 11.26 0.00
Thymoites sp. 01 (24) TFF 0.00 0.00 30
Cyclosa sp. 01 (24) FI 43.33 0.00 0.00
Cotinusa sp. 01 (21) IFF 0.45 35.87 0.00
Carapoia sp. 01 (20) FI 23.78 0.83 0.00
Helvibis aff. germaini (18) TFF 0.00 0.00 70
Lyssomanes amazonicus (18) FI 36.67 0.00 0.00
Castianeira sp. 01 (14) FI 20.8 1.03 1.73
Itata aff. tipuloides (13) IFF 0.52 27.89 1.18
Spintharus sp. 01 (12) IFF 1.26 53.77 0.00
Asaracus sp. 01 (11) FI 16.25 1.44 0.00

Note: Bold numbers highlight significant ( p < 0.05) values in the permutation tests.
 flooded forests; TFF, terra firme forest.
Abbreviations: FI, fluvial islands; IFF, igapo

DISCUSSION occupy more extensive areas than islands (Rosenzweig, 1996; Whitta-
ker & Fernández-Palacios, 2009). Alpha diversity of spider on the flu-
The number of spider species recorded in inventories throughout the vial islands was substantially lower than mainland habitats in all scales
Amazon region is variable and dependent on sampling effort, methods of rarity represented by the Hill numbers.
used and habitat types sampled, which precludes direct comparisons A higher proportion of individuals of a few species on islands
between studies (Bonaldo et al. 2009a; Bonaldo et al. 2009b; compared with continuous habitats is also expected (Fattorini
Höfer, 1990; Rego et al., 2009). However, a general comparison et al., 2017; He & Legendre, 2002). Therefore, greater dominance
between our results and previous findings can be useful to understand would be a consequence of a disproportionate increase in the abun-
the magnitude of the regional spider diversity in the Amazon. dance of a few species that are well adapted to local ecological condi-
The number of spider species recorded in Amazonian floodplain tions. Indeed, we observed lower equitability of individuals in spider
habitats ranged from 130 to 384 species (Höfer, 1990; Rego assemblages on river islands, which suggests that some species of spi-
et al., 2009; Salvatierra, 2018). We recorded 223 species of spiders in ders may have been favoured by the insularity and have become dom-
 flooded forests), which is a
floodplain habitats (fluvial islands + igapo inant on the islands. This trend is well exemplified by Scopocira aff.
level of diversity that is comparable to the aforementioned studies. In carinata, the most abundant species (20% of samples) that was
contrast, spider fauna in well-studied sites of terra firme forests can recorded almost exclusively on the islands.
host 500–600 species (Bonaldo et al. 2009a; Bonaldo, Brescovit, We expected greater compositional similarity between habitats
et al., 2009; Höfer & Brescovit, 2001). Our sampling revealed the due to the proximity of the collection sites and the dispersive capacity
occurrence of only 104 species in terra firme forests, which indicates of the spiders. In particular, we anticipated a larger overlap in species
that spider diversity in this habitat remains undersampled. composition between river islands and igap
o flooded forests, which
Our sampling was incomplete for all studied habitats. Indeed, to are close and similar in vegetation structure and floristic composition
obtain complete inventories for a group as diverse as spiders, it would (Piedade et al., 2005). However, the species composition of the
take years of sampling, application of complementary methods and islands was distinct enough to rule out the hypothesis that the island
the collaboration of several specialists (Basset et al., 2012). Even with  flooded for-
spider fauna is only an impoverished subset of the igapo
this limitation, the patterns documented in our study were consistent, ests and terra firme forests. This pattern of compositional distinction
since they were based on standardised samples and analytical could be an artefact caused by incomplete sampling and a large num-
approaches that deal with incomplete samples (Chao et al., 2014; ber of singletons. However, there is a clear compositional distinction
Chao & Jost, 2012). of the islands even considering only the most abundant species.
The typical attributes of island biotas have been identified in the Differences in the spider assemblages between habitats were
spider assemblages of the studied fluvial islands. Continuous habitats identified even at the family level as had been reported by Privet et al.
must harbour a greater diversity of species than islands since they (2018) and Lalagüe et al. (2022) in other environment types in French
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Guiana. For instance, spiders from the families Corinnidae and Theri- Recently, an increase in burning events in Amazonian floodplain for-
diossomatidae were relatively more abundant in terra firme forests. ests has been reported, which probably is linked to global climate
Most of the species in these families have highly sclerotized carapaces changes (Flores et al., 2017). Extreme flooding events have also been
and legs with few bristles (Bonaldo, 2000). In contrast, species of recorded in the last decades in the Amazon basin (Espinoza
Pisauridae and Anyphaenidae occurred with higher frequencies in flu- et al., 2022). Unfortunately, the responses of animal assemblages of
 flooded forests. Numerous spider species from
vial islands and igapo floodplains habitats to wildfires and extreme flooding are poorly
these families are found in environments subject to flooding in micro- investigated (see Ritter et al., 2012).
habitats such as aquatic macrophytes (Bonaldo et al. 2009a; Amazonian floodplains are also threatened by the intensification
Brescovit, 1996; Suter et al., 2003; von May et al., 2019). The natural in the construction of hydroelectric dams with strong ecological
history and morphological traits of these spiders suggest that seasonal impacts (Bueno et al., 2018; Cochrane et al., 2017; Forsberg
flooding and insularity may select spiders with certain functional attri- et al., 2017). There are 156 hydroelectric dams in operation, 21 under
butes, thus favouring their adaptation to specific environments. This construction and 277 planned in several tributaries of the Amazon
aspect, however, is out of the scope of this study and deserves further basin (Macedo & Castello, 2015). Hydroelectric dams alter the flood-
studies. ing dynamics in the vicinity of the reservoirs, thus resulting in the loss
Some species of spiders were almost restricted to fluvial of fluvial islands and other floodplain habitats that will end up perma-
islands, suggesting that some of them could be specialised in this nently underwater. Loss of fluvial islands could affect regional popula-
habitat type, as is reported for birds (Borges et al., 2019; Cintra tion dynamics of species specialised in these habitats, an aspect that
et al., 2007; Rosenberg, 1990). However, the analysis of habitat also deserves further investigation.
specialisation must consider the limited understanding of the geo- Fluvial islands could be affected by hydroelectric dams even if
graphical distribution and habitat preferences of Amazonian spi- they are located inside the limits of protected areas. For example, the
ders. The species Lyssomanes amazonicus, for example, was Brazilian government is planning to construct a dam in the Branco
recorded only on islands (n = 18 individuals), but has a widespread River, the largest tributary of Negro River located a 100 km upriver
geographical distribution in the Brazilian Amazon, Bolivia and from our study sites (Laranjeiras et al., 2021). Damming Branco River
Guyana (Bonaldo et al. 2009a; Carvalho & Gasnier, 2019; channel will drastically reduce the sediment input that maintains the
Galiano, 1980). Therefore, the almost exclusive use of the islands fluvial islands localised in the protected areas of the lower Negro
by some spiders could be a regional phenomenon for some species River (Laranjeiras et al., 2021), including our study sites in the Anavil-
of widespread distribution. hanas National Park.
Genuine specialisation in the use of islands, however, should not
be discarded. For most species that have been associated with a par-
ticular habitat, there are other species of the same genus in another CONC LU SION
habitat. These congeneric species that substitute each other between
habitats have similar morphology and likely occupy similar niches. For Patterns shared by island biotas around the world were first docu-
example, the almost exclusive occurrence of Titidius aff. urucu on the mented in spider assemblages that inhabit river islands in the Ama-
fluvial islands may be related to the presence of another three species zon. The taxonomic alpha diversity of spiders was lower on islands
of the same genus in continuous habitats. Interspecific competition, compared with mainland habitats. The spider assemblages of the
therefore, may be a mechanism underlying the possible specialisation islands also showed a higher dominance of a restricted set of species.
of some spider species in the use of fluvial islands, which also need Fluvial islands effectively contribute to regional diversity since the
further investigation. composition of the spider species on the islands was distinct from
the continuous mainland habitats. Habitat specialisation may be
involved in the differentiation of island spider assemblages, which is
Implications for conservation an aspect that requires further studies. Events that alter the flood
pulse in Amazonian rivers could affect the processes
Events that alter the amplitude and duration of flooding regimes (e.g., sedimentation) that create and maintain floodplain habitats
potentially threaten species living in Amazonian riverine habitats such as river islands, which, in turn, could threaten their biologically
(Laranjeiras et al., 2021; Melo et al., 2021; Rosenberg, 1990). These distinctive spider assemblages.
impacts could be even more relevant on fluvial islands due to their
spatial restriction and tiny occupied areas. If fluvial islands harbour AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
unique biological assemblages as suggested by our study and others Thiago Gomes de Carvalho: Conceptualization; methodology; formal
(Nunes et al., 2014; Rosenberg, 1990), this habitat deserves special analysis; data curation; writing – review and editing. Thierry Ray Gasnier:
attention in conservation plans. Conceptualization; methodology; writing – review and editing; data cura-
Amazonian floodplain habitats, including fluvial islands, are threat- tion; supervision. Sérgio Henrique Borges: Funding acquisition;
ened by human-driven activities with prominence to climate change writing – original draft; writing – review and editing; formal analysis; pro-
events and construction of hydroelectric dams (Castello et al., 2013). ject administration; resources; supervision.
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Finance Code 001. During our fieldwork in Anavilhanas National Park, Caxiuanã. In: Lisboa, P.L. (Ed.) Caxiuanã: desafios para a conservação
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