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US energy plant saves water &

reduces energy on nature’s terms
thanks to Alfa Laval HYAC
Thanks to Alfa Laval’s HYAC hybrid air
coolers that match nature’s ambient
temperatures, we have been able to
help our customer save water, optimize
energy usage, and improve product
longevity on nature’s terms.

One of our customers is an energy company that

supplies electric and natural gas to over 1.28 million
utility customers in more than 800 communities.
They are based in the western United States and
can be affected by a wide range of temperature
shifts every year.

To conserve precious water and reduce the likeli-

hood of freezing during winter months, this custom-
er opted to use dry cooling to keep their processes
at the right temperature. The only problem was that
the auxiliary water cooler they were using wasn’t
able to reach the low temperatures needed for
effective generator cooling. In the summer, they
sprayed water on the dry coils in an attempt to get
their plant to the desired temperature. As you can
imagine, this did not produce the results they need-
ed and ultimately damaged the dry coils.
because of the HYAC finned coil function, our customer
That is where we came in. can operate dry during the colder months, and wet in the
After several pre-bid conference calls and reviewing hotter months for increased evaporative cooling.
their specific requirements, Alfa Laval Niagara de-
signed a custom engineered HYAC Single Zone (SZ) Thanks to this custom HYAC SZ hybrid air cooler, our
hybrid air cooler that met all of their needs, all year customer can operate in dry mode during ambient tem-
round, on nature’s terms. peratures of 75ºF (24ºC) or colder. In other words, they
can operate dry cooling for approximately 5 months of
More specifically, this custom design included a the year and save over 900,000 gallons (3406870 litres) of
304ss basin to help improve the product lifecycle water every year. All of this can be accredited to Alfa Laval
and variable-frequency drive controls to optimize Niagara’s expert customer service and market leading
their power usage throughout the year. Plus, technical knowledge.

How to contact Alfa Laval 100006762-1-EN 2206

Up-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are
always available on our website at Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.

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