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Struggling with writing a dissertation on Ebola? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive and

insightful dissertation on such a complex topic can be a daunting task. From conducting extensive
research to analyzing data and presenting findings, every step requires meticulous attention to detail
and expertise in the subject matter.

The challenges of writing a dissertation on Ebola are multifaceted. Not only does it demand a deep
understanding of virology, epidemiology, and public health, but it also requires navigating through a
vast array of literature, studies, and statistical data. Moreover, the sensitivity and urgency of the
topic add another layer of complexity, as accurate and up-to-date information is crucial for
addressing the ongoing global health concerns related to Ebola.

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Don't let the challenges of writing a dissertation on Ebola hold you back. Order from ⇒ ⇔ today and take the first step towards completing your academic journey with
By the end of 2015, 24 laboratories were able to test for Ebola virus (CDC 2017). This was the first
time an outbreak of Ebola had moved from isolated rural areas to densely populated cities, which
provided an extraordinary environment for transmission (WHO 2018). This virus emerged from
imported primates when infected monkeys were imported from Mindanao in Philippines into Reston,
Virginia. The disease has been majorly affecting about one to hundred persons especially in the
interior The analysis therefore involves looking at the article and analyzing it. The scientific name for
the virus is zaire ebolavirus. Ebola virus reacts differently with different individuals’ immune
systems. To some people, the last symptoms before death include internal and external body cell
organelles’ bleeding. The West African nations were struggling to control the epidemic in an
environment of extreme poverty and local customs that make breaking the human-to-human
transmission chain difficult (WHO 2015). If you treat 32,000 patients each month, do you have any
idea how long it will be before you eliminate the disease. Liberia lost 8% of its doctors, nurses, and
midwives to Ebola during the outbreak (CDC 2017). The discovery of Ebola virus traces its origin
from central Africa along river Zaire in Congo-Zaire. In the end, understanding what Ebola is and
where it comes from, as well as, how it manifests and how to address break-outs of such a
threatening disease is essential. Therefore, this virus was named after Ebola River in Zaire. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The
virus, therefore, did not regenerate in the RNA. The virus is a member of the family Filoviridae, of
which Ebolavirus is one of three separate genera. According to World Health Organisation, Ebola
vaccine is yet to be discovered (Wilson 170). On March 23, 2014, the WHO’s African Regional
Office reported an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Guinea. This article is an overview of the
many published investigations of how Ebola virus circulates in its natural environment, focusing on
the viral reservoir, susceptible animal species, environmental conditions favoring inter-species
transmission, and how the infection is transmitted to humans. Exit screening of all travelers helped
isolate people at risk for EVD and helped to prevent the spread of Ebola to other countries. In the
U.S., the CDC and Customs and Border Patrol worked together to implement enhanced entry
screening for travelers originating from or traveling to Guinea, Liberia, Mali, and Sierra Leone. The
lower immunization rates placed children at increased risk of getting vaccine-preventable diseases
further compounding the impact of the Ebola epidemic and worsening the public health situation in
the region (CDC 2018). The patient, marked as the epicentre of a widening public health scare,
finally succumbed to Ebola in isolation care unit. The 20142016 West African outbreak was caused
by the Zaire Ebolavirus species (CDC 2018). The other two genera are Cuevavirus and Marburgvirus.
An official medical alert was issued on January 24, 2014 after five cases of fatal diarrhea occurred in
the same area. Ebola Introduction Cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD), also referred to as EHF or
haemorrhagic fever, were recentlywitnessed in West Africa. This case forms one of the many
hypotheses developed to explain the origin of the ebola virus (Peter, 2009). And, according to the
CDC, “”In addition to the devastating effects on the healthcare workforce in Guinea, Liberia, and
Sierra Leone, the Ebola epidemic severely impacted the provision of healthcare services and caused
setbacks in the treatment and control of HIV, tuberculosis, measles, and malaria in these countries.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Cross-border trade
also decreased due to restrictions on the movement of people, goods, and services across national
borders proliferated. The hospital in which this patient was admitted believed that this was a scary
This model works best in the long term because it allows the local public health workers to increase
their abilities and capacity in the future. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional
writers. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no. The
Bundibugyo, Zaire, and Sudan Ebolaviruses have been linked to large outbreaks in Africa. Let us
write or edit the research paper on your topic. The virus is a member of the family Filoviridae, of
which Ebolavirus is one of three separate genera. Immunization rates in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra
Leone dropped by 30% at the height of the epidemic when compared to prior immunization rates.
According to World Health Organisation, Ebola vaccine is yet to be discovered (Wilson 170). This
Belgium microbiologist helped in the discovery of Ebola virus in 1976. The Pasteur Institute in Paris,
however, was already interested in the virus, since it was already affecting homosexuals and
heterosexuals alike. Numerous local, national, and international government agencies and militaries
responded as well as international aid groups such as Doctors Without Borders and Samaritan’s
Purse, which played key roles in the response. This contributed significantly to the struggle in the
containment of the outbreak; as a result, the virus spread remarkably quickly to Guinea’s urban areas
and neighboring countries. Liberia lost 8% of its doctors, nurses, and midwives to Ebola during the
outbreak (CDC 2017). Those at a higher risk of contracting this infection are health care workers
and family members. Ebola Reston (EBOR), on the other hand, was first identified in 1989 (Wilson
111). The West African nations were struggling to control the epidemic in an environment of extreme
poverty and local customs that make breaking the human-to-human transmission chain difficult
(WHO 2015). The scientific name for the virus is zaire ebolavirus. By the end of 2015, 24
laboratories were able to test for Ebola virus (CDC 2017). The main purpose of the paper therefore
was to enlighten every the different stakeholder and possible victims of the Ebola disease, on how
the disease could be prevented. The virus originated in the Democratic Republic of Congo and
Sudan and is named after the ebola River Valley in the Congo (Williams, 1999). In the end,
understanding what Ebola is and where it comes from, as well as, how it manifests and how to
address break-outs of such a threatening disease is essential. Crucially, its performance is comparable
to laboratory testing, meaning any patient with symptoms of Ebola can be safely and reliably
diagnosed. On March 13, 2014, the Guinean Ministry of Health issued an alert for an illness that was
yet unidentified. Critical activities in reducing infection rates included engaging local leaders in
prevention programs, developing public messaging that was culturally appropriate and meaningful,
and public health policy implementation at the national and global level (WHO 2018). Lastly, Ebola
virus can also be transmitted through the spread of breast milk or semen. Wilson, Francois. Cdc
Guidance on Ebola Virus Disease (evd), 2014. Print. The patient who was a Liberian citizen was put
in isolation at the hospital. A total of 28,616 cases were reported with 15,261 laboratory confirmed
cases and 11,310 deaths were reported in the hardest hit West African countries of Guinea, Liberia,
and Sierra Leone. The 20142016 West African outbreak was caused by the Zaire Ebolavirus species
(CDC 2018). Ebola virus infections can be diagnosed definitively in a laboratory.
The CDC estimates of Ebola virus reported that actual cases in Sierra Leon, Liberia and Guinea were
two to three times higher than the officially reported statistics. The paper will also examine the local
public health response, efforts by the WHO and United States Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) to assist in the response, and look for lessons learned during the response and
present a few recommendations to improve future responses to outbreaks of infectious diseases. On
March 23, 2014, the WHO’s African Regional Office reported an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in
Guinea. The disease has been majorly affecting about one to hundred persons especially in the
interior The analysis therefore involves looking at the article and analyzing it. See Full PDF
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Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Almost 20% of all EVD cases were in children under 15
years of age. Natural reservoir for Ebola was never identified during earlier infection periods.
Additionally, the three countries experienced massive downturns in private sector growth, and
declines in agricultural production, which lead to concerns about food security for the affected
populations. Ebola first emerged as a simple infection though involved with a massive loss of lives in
Congo-Zaire. Ebola Virus Disease was originally discovered in Africa, specifically the Sudan and
Democratic Republic of Congo, in 1976. Highest fatality Rate is found in the Zaire sub-species. The
focus of CDC efforts was on supporting the local public health infrastructure and supplementing
those capabilities where possible, and when not already existing, implement the necessary service
while training the local workers to perform the service (CDC 2018). To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. An
official medical alert was issued on January 24, 2014 after five cases of fatal diarrhea occurred in the
same area. At least 4 of the most deadly strains are specifically found in Africa. Though bats are
believed to be the reservoir hosts for ebola virus, the definite natural reservoir host of Ebola is ebola
virus targets the immune system of the affected person. Wilson, Francois. Cdc Guidance on Ebola
Virus Disease (evd), 2014. Print. These doctors were on a life-saving mission in West-African nations
affected by the Ebola virus. The on-going creation of awareness in relation to Ebola virus to the
American public is a better move towards mitigating this global crisis. A total of 28,616 cases were
reported with 15,261 laboratory confirmed cases and 11,310 deaths were reported in the hardest hit
West African countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. In his article, he points out that, since
there is no effective treatment for Ebola disease, the only method that can help in controlling the
spread of the disease is by quarantine. This case forms one of the many hypotheses developed to
explain the origin of the ebola virus (Peter, 2009). The West African nations were struggling to
control the epidemic in an environment of extreme poverty and local customs that make breaking the
human-to-human transmission chain difficult (WHO 2015). Baron Peter Piot was the lead researcher
behind the discovery of Ebola cure. It gives many details on the background of the ebola outbreak in
Papua New Guinea. Additionally, the Ebola virus cells cause a quicker body weakness, which
eventually leads to death due to destruction of blood vessels. In 1989, monkeys were identified as
the virus’ natural reservoir. However, we do not guarantee individual replies due to the high volume
of messages. Ebola virus spreads easily through the exchange of body fluids with an infected person
or animal. However, it is the bleeding that is often, both, internal and external, and can be seen
exuding from the gums or in their stool samples that is unique to the virus (World Health
Organization, 2014).
Consequently, the infected individuals had a mortality rate of 53% (Wilson 127). The CDC also
worked with its West African partners to expand laboratory capacity in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra
Leone. This case forms one of the many hypotheses developed to explain the origin of the ebola virus
(Peter, 2009). Additionally, the world had not yet to seen such prolific transmission across borders
into other countries. The book presents a picture of this in non-technical words making it easy for
every reader to understand how the virus works. Symptoms of Ebola virus between two days to
three weeks, from 8-9 days a person is infected, include sore throat, muscle pain, fever and
headaches. In response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, R2HC launched an emergency Ebola
Health Research Call in August 2014, aiming to fund research which would help to strengthen
interventions to tackle this and future outbreaks. It has also been found that direct contact with fruit
bats can easily transmit Ebola virus especially in areas where these animals are used as a source of
food. The virus, therefore, did not regenerate in the RNA. Around that time, the Pasteur Institute in
France was able to confirm Zaire Ebola Virus as the pathogen and that patients were suffering and
dying from EVD. As of March 23, 2014, there were 49 laboratory confirmed cases and 29 deaths
from the outbreak, the WHO officially declared an outbreak of EVD (WHO 2018). A total of 28,616
cases were reported with 15,261 laboratory confirmed cases and 11,310 deaths were reported in the
hardest hit West African countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The test can now be carried
out on an amount of blood that is 700 times smaller than previously needed—literally a drop
obtained by 'pin pricking' a finger—and it now takes less than 70 minutes to complete. No licensed
specific treatment or vaccine is available for. Major breakthroughs have been made in recent years
but many outstanding questions must be dealt with if we are to prevent human outbreaks by
interfering with the viral life cycle. The content is provided for information purposes only. The
strategic plan was designed to reach three overall objectives (WHO 2015). The international response
to the outbreak was one of the largest and most complex emergency public health operations in
history (Huber et al 2018). RELATED TOPICS Microbiology Immunology Africa Medical
Microbiology Natural History Disease Outbreaks Humans Microbes Animals Life Cycle Natural
Environment Environmental Conditions See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People
Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. What is Ebola?:According CDC, Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a
deadly disease in both humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) caused by the
Ebola virus; characterized by high fever and severe internal bleeding; can be spread from person to
person; is largely limited to Africa.First found in the area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
near the River Congo in 1976 mortality rate: 90%, that’s why is called deadly disease. Ebola first
emerged as a simple infection though involved with a massive loss of lives in Congo-Zaire. Ebola
virus spreads easily through the exchange of body fluids with an infected person or animal. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. The first outbreak was in Nzara, South Sudan and the
second was in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo near the Ebola River, which is where the
virus gets its name (WHO 2018). Originally, the ebola virus was thought to be transmitted from
animals to humans. And, according to the CDC, “”In addition to the devastating effects on the
healthcare workforce in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, the Ebola epidemic severely impacted the
provision of healthcare services and caused setbacks in the treatment and control of HIV,
tuberculosis, measles, and malaria in these countries. Travelers from these countries were routed to
designated airports that were better equipped to assess travelers for EVD risk. The focus of CDC
efforts was on supporting the local public health infrastructure and supplementing those capabilities
where possible, and when not already existing, implement the necessary service while training the
local workers to perform the service (CDC 2018). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. Due to there being no further cases since it was developed, to date, it
has not been possible to take the test out of the lab, into the field, where the patient needs it.

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