Rechecking of Answer Sheets

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7 1 Gobind Singh Indraprastha University es SECTOR-16C, DWARKA New De1itt~ 110078 y INATION DIVISION Ref. No. IPU/Exam/COE-1/ 4G S~ Date: 05.02.2024 TICE Subject: Regarding applying for Rechecking of answer sheet for the concerned Semester/Supplementary term end Examinations. All Deans/Directors/Principles of University School of Studies/University Centres/A liliated Institutes/ Colleges and student's are hereby informed that for rechecking of answer sheet, a student may appl: y een eRTERREHTTEY 4 specific course(s) on the payment of preséribed / Rechecking shall mean veri g whether all the questions and their parts have been duly marked as per the question paper, and the totaling of marks. In the event of a discrepancy being found, the same shall be rectified through appropriate changes in the result as well as markshect of the concerned semester/supplementary term end examinations as mentioned in Ordinance 10, 11 and 25 of the GGSIP University. Sonieensunrn cone em All the stake holders are hereby directed that before applying for rechecking shall go through the date of declaration of respective result(s). This is for strict adherence to all the student's of USS/AMiliated Institutes, Brows | (Prof.Ghlshan Kumar) Controller of Examination Copy to: {. Dean/Director/Principal of the University School of Suidies/ University Centers and Affiliated Institutions/ Colleges with to forward the rechecking application accordingly. Director (Student welfare), GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi : GGS IPU, Dethi 2. 3. In-Charge (Result WIV, III & LV) Examin 4. Incharge Evaluation, Examination Di S IPU, Del 5. Incharge-Conduct, Examination Division, GGS IPU, Delhi 6. AR to Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor ~ for information please, 7 8. 9. .A.R to the Registrar - for information please. UITS ~ for uptoading on the University website, Office copy, ” jhe (Geeta Mahajan) Py. Registrar (Result) email =F OUT IE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Format - A | - GuRu GoBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY — SECTOR 16C, DWARKA, NEW DELHI - 110078 wma EXAMINATION DIVISION Application Form for Rechecking of Evaluated Answer Sheet(s} Important Note: The filled in application form with the requisite fee @ Rs. 1,000/- per paper duly forwarded by the Dean of concerned USS or Director/ Principal of concerned affliated institute, should be submitted to office of the Controller of Examinations, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector-16C, Owarka, ‘New Delhi ~ 110078, within 15 days from the date of declaration/ notification of the respective results. ‘Name ofthe Student/ Applicant: "Name of Father/ Guardian: (as stated in the University records) Enrollment Number of Student/ Applicant: ‘Name ofthe USS/ Afllated institute: | Programme/ Course: | Year and Month of Examination: | Date of Delain? Notation o Resa Date of Alan Tes or Correspondence hone Hones emai 12 Detais of ie Fae bred, Amount TOAST Taian Bank Clan No Onn Fee Transaction 1D | 23 Nos tatachcatan/Online Fe ect in Oia [aaa account deta or refund of rechekng ee, any 5 per ie 16) of he Requon an count Number & 1 Nameof the Bonk Recount hl 76 Name of the Bank andthe Branch 17 Descrton of Answer Sheet equesied Tar echt | Mala ainda he i recede a fais | ebanes | tars | obtanas | o | | Gr { { | (i) | | Cw) | | m1 | | wi) { I | Undertaking by the applicant: | do hereby underiake that | shall sity abide by the Univer rules & | | regulations governing rechecking f evaluated answer sheets. Further | understand that scope of | Fechecking of evaluated answer sheets covers correction of totaling mistakes and evaluation of 18 unevaluated answers only. | Signature ofthe Applicant | | | Dean/ Director/ Principal of USS/ Institute 20 space for ofl ue: I @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Format -B Guru Gosinp SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY L ‘SECTOR 16C, DWARKA, NEW DELHI- 110078 ‘een EXAMINATION DIVISION Application Form for Inspection of Evaluated Answer Sheets) {mportant Note:The illed in application form withthe requisite fee @ Rs. 2,500/- per paper duly forwarded by the Dean of concerned USS or Ditector/ Principal of concerned affliated institut, should be submitted to affice of the Controller of Examinations, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector 16C, Dwarka, New Delhi 110078, within 15 days from the date of declaration/ notification of the respective recuits, ce | Name of the Student/ Applicant: T | Name of Father/ Guardian: | | {a sated inthe University records) [3 Enrotiment numer of Student Applicant [4 Thane of the U55/ aot matte [5 Prosramme/ Course §_ Year and Month of Baminaton | 7 | Date of Declaration/ Notification of Result: 3 Date of Application | Adress for Corespondence 10 | Phone urbers: | Ema 12 | Details ofthe Fee abrited, Amount Un Re Indan Bank Calan No,/Onlne Fe Transaction D | No (tach Calan / Online Fee Receipt in Orginal) 14 | Bank account details for refund of re-checking fee, if any, as per clause 5(6) of the Regulation. as.) Bek Account Number @ Name ofthe Bank Account holder | 36 Name ofthe Bank and the Branch | [a Teserstion of Answer Sheet requesiadforinipacion | j ‘Marks Obtained inthe Pper B Semester Paper Code & Subject Theory actcal im Naas | Wan | arts ars} canines | naois_| bia w (iy I} Ww) | Cw T 7 Cur [ tears govering eh, hips 8 prsion oad arg meas | maintenance, preservation, safety and security of the answer sheets nor shall | resort ‘to any unauthorized or Signature of the Applicant as | | Dean/ Director/ Principal of US/ institute 20 | Space for official use @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Format -C eos GURU GoBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY * ‘SECTOR 16C, DWARKA, NEW DELHI - 110078 “wens EXAMINATION DIVISION Application Form for Certified Copy of Evaluated Answer Sheet(s) Important Note: The filled in application form with the requisite fee @ Rs. 3,000/- per paper duly forwarded by the Dean of concerned USS or Director/ Principal of concerned affliated institute, should be submitted to office of the Controller of Examinations, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector-16C, Dwarka, New Dethi~ 110078, within 15 days from the date of declaration/ notification of the respective results. 1 [Rome ofthe Sderot 1 [Nome of Father Guan | astated in the University records 3 Enveliment Number of Student Apa (ome ofthe USS Ated nse 5 Programme Course | Year ad Month of faniraton (rate of bectration/ Notation oT Ren 3 Date of option 9 Ades for Corespondénee [7a0” [Phone Numbers 32 eal 12 Detale ofthe Fee ubmited noone aS] Tndlon Bank Calan No Onn Fe Tansaston 13 | No. (tach Challon/Onine Fee Receipt in | oni 14 | Bank account details for refund of re-checking fee, if any, as per clause GF] of the Regulation. Bank Account Number & Name ofthe Bak Account alee 6 Name ofthe Bank and the Branch 17 Description of Answer Sheet requesed for Cried Phatocopy i ‘Mars Obtained the Paper Theory | Practical Was) ware | Wan] Maree iors | abanes | Aare | obtained Semester Paper Code & Subject a wi) (wi) tiv) Cow Livi |” Ueratng bythe annicant 1 do Fevaby andere Wat Taha sity abide by te Unveriy Ter | regulations governing eecectng, Inspection & proven of eeried photocopies af evaluated answer | | sheets, Further do Mere undertake tat nether shall indulge many at whch maybe pel fo the maintenance preserntan, safety and secur ofthe answer sheets nor shall eso any unouthrted ot 1s | Improper uso foratton received pursuant tots request in any manne! whieh stl oped affect the interest ofthe Univer ors functionaries nor shall engage In any uncalled argment wth thea faclitating the inspection of answer sheets. |_| Signature of the Applicant 8 (= | pean’ piretor/ Principal of Us state 20 120 | space for official use: @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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