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Unit -1

❑Introduction to Subject

❑Evaluation Policy

❑Case Study
Course Code:CSET206
Course Name: Design and Analysis of Algorithm
Course Type - Core
L-T-P Format :3-1-4

Credits – 6
Module-1(12 Hrs)
• Introduction to algorithm • Amortized analysis
• What is Time Complexity and Space • Analysing control statement
• Loop Invariant
• Order of Growth
• Recurrence Relations Introduction
• Approximation
• Back Substitution Method
• Asymptotic Notations :
• Big Oh
• Recursion Tree Method
• Theta • Master’s Theorem
• Omega
Module-1(12 Hrs)

• Divide and Conquer Algorithm • Radix Sort

• Multiplying large Integers Problem
• Bucket Sort
• Median of two sorted arrays
• Binary search
• Quick Sort
• Merge Sort
• Max-Min problem
• Strassen's Matrix Multiplication
Module-2(14 Hrs)

• Greedy Algorithm • Shortest Paths

• General Characteristics • Dijkstra's Algorithm
• Knapsack Problem
• Huffman code • Applications of DFS
• Activity selection problem • Bi-connectivity
• Topology Sort
• Minimum Spanning Trees • Articulation point
• Prim’s algorithm • Connected components
• Kruskal’s algorithm with Disjoint
Module-2(14 Hrs)
• Max-Flow • Longest Common Subsequence
• Min-Cut • All Pair Shortest path
• Ford-Fulkerson • Floyd Warshall
• Dynamic Programming • Largest Divisible Subset.
• Introduction
• Principle of Optimality
• Calculating Binomial
• 0-1 Knapsack
• Matrix chain multiplication
Module-3(8 Hrs)
• Backtracking • String Matching Algorithm
• State-Space Search Tree • Naive string-matching
• Eight queen’s problem algorithm
• Graph Colouring • Knuth Morris-Pratt algorithm
• Hamiltonian Cycle
• Branch and Bound
• Travelling Salesman Problem
Module-4(8 Hrs)

• Introduction to NP-Completeness • Randomized Algorithms

• P and NP • Randomized Quick Sort
• NP Complete and NP-Hard • Computational Geometry
• Approximation algorithms • Convex hull
• Travelling Salesman problem • Online Algorithms
• K Server Problem

Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein, Introduction to Algorithms (3 ed.), The

1. MIT Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0262033848.

Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Computer

2. Algorithms/C++ (Second Edition), The Orient Blackswan,2019. ISBN:

Narsimha Karumanchi, Algorithm Design Techniques: Recursion,

3. Backtracking, Greedy, Divide and Conquer and Dynamic Program (1 ed.),
Career Monk Publications, 2018. ISBN 978-8193245255.
Evalution Policy
Component Marks
Lab(Continuous Evaluation) 20
Course Lab Test 15(5 MT + 10 ET)
Policy Tutorial 10
Certification(Min 20 hrs) 5
Mid Term 15
End Term 35
Total 100

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