Introduction To Algorithm: Agenda

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16 January 2024

❑Introduction to Algorithm
What is

❑An algorithm is any well-defined computational procedure that takes

some value, or set of values, as input and produces some value, or set of
values, as output.
What is Algorithm?


Catch: An algorithm is thus a sequence of computational steps-that transform

the input into the output.
Algorithm to add two numbers

Problem − Design an algorithm to add two numbers and display the result.

Step 1: Start ADD

Step 2: get the values of a and b
Step 3: c  a + b
Step 4: display c
Step 5: Stop
Problem: Find the maximum key value from a list of n number
Find_Maximum(a, n)
//Input: List a containing n data items
//Output: maximum from list a
1. max a[0]
2. for i1 to n-1 do
if a[i]>max
Max  a[i]
3. Return max
Characteristics of an Algorithm

• An algorithm requires 0 or more input

Input values.

• At the end of an algorithm, you will have

Output one or more outcomes.

• its instructions should be clear and

Unambiguity straightforward.
Characteristics of an Algorithm

• The algorithm must terminate

Finiteness after finite number of iterations

Language • An algorithm must be language-

independence independent.
Computational R Solution in
Problem T terms of Input
Computational Problem
Instance of Sorting Problem
• Input: A sequence of n=6 numbers <10, 8, 1, 15, 9, 6>
• Output: <1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15>

Quick Sort

Heap Sort

10, 8, 1, 15, 9, 6 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15

Merge Sort

Insertion Sort

Note : Notion of goodness and badness of an algorithm come into the

Performance of Algorithms
• Parameter to judge the performance of Algorithms are

Time Vs Space


A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3

2 µsec 3 µsec 5 µsec 12 KB 3 KB 35 KB

A1 is BEST A2 is BEST
Computing Time Complexity

Traditional Approach
1. Convert the Algorithm to its equivalent program using a programming
language like C, C++, Java, Python, etc
2. Run the program on a platform
3. Compute the execution time by using the following formulae
Texec = Tend - Tstart

A1 A2 Algorithms

P1 in C P2 in C++ Programs

Window Mac Platform

Texec =2 ns Texec = 5 ns Time of execution

Is this a Correct way to compare the performance of

two Algorithms ?
Pitfalls in Traditional Approach
❑Converting Algorithm to program is itself a time consuming

❑The process is platform dependent

Computing Time Complexity
1. Write an algorithm using pen and paper

2. Count the total number of key operations

3. Texec = approximately (TNkey)

Computing Time Complexity:
Problem: Find the maximum key value among a list of n number
Find_Maximum(a, n)
//input: List a containing n data items
//Output: maximum from list a 1 n-1
1. max a[0] ----------------------------------------- 1
2. for i1 to n-1 do -------------------------------------3n for (i=1; i≤ n-1; i++)
if a[i]>max ---------------------------------------------------n - 1
Max  a[i] -------------------------------------------------------n - 1 n
3. Return max -------------------------------------------1
Total Number of key operations = 5n
Computing Time Complexity
• Total number of key operation= 5n

• Total number of key operation = Approx. time of execution
Linear Time Algorithm
• Texec = 5n Linear Time
• Texec ∝ n

• T1= 5n +10
Linear Time
• T2 = 100n +20
• T3 = 19n
Quadratic Time Algorithm
• T4 = n2 + 5n + 3
• T5 = 6n2 + 7n +10
• T6 = 5n2
• T7 = 2n2 + 8
Logarithmic Time Algorithm
• T1 = logn
• T2 = 2logn + 5
Exponential Time Algorithm
• T1 = 2n +3
• T 2 = 3n
• T 3 = 5n + 6 Kn Where K is Constant
• T4 = 22n
Constant Time Algorithm
• T1 = 5
• T2 = 100
• T3 = 1000
• T4 = 100000000000
• T5 = 100000000000000000000000000000
Classification of Algorithm

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