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Whenever people post something on their social networks they expect to receive likes.

Having many likes on the posts that are made on social networks may meet many
expectations that each person creates for themselves.

One of the main reasons why people sadly hope to get likes is because they want to feel
approved by others. The greater the number of likes, the more people they think they know.

You can call this attention seeking, a way to call someone who post excessively on social
media to get comments and likes.

Many other people are in a social competition to get likes, because they think the likes are
so important that they start this competition against each other to be approved by others.

Subjective conformity can be seen in things like social media, where people often follow
the same people their friends are following. This could be changing one's behavior in order
to fit in with a group. For example, a teenager might dress in a certain style because they
want to look like their peers who are members of a particular group or they want to fit in the
social media world to get others attention.

There are many people who like to post to feel good about themselves. This can be called
self confidence. But there are some other people who upload photos of themselves that are
highly photoshopped, many times that affects the self-esteem of others, comparing
themselves with people on the internet.

Environmental enhancement. Social media can be used as a tool to promote awareness

regarding various current environmental issues in a faster way and to a large mass within a
very short span of time. People are using social media nowadays to support environmental
campaigns and to connect people locally and globally on minor to major environmental
issues. It also provides ordinary people with the ability to track the quality of the air, water,
climate around them, and then share this data with others.

The use of social media can affect your mood modification, particularly when you're not
looking at social media, it can also affect spending less time doing offline activities. Many
social networks have been linked to depression, body image concerns, self-esteem issues,
social anxiety, and other problems.

Social media have advantages and disadvantages, the advantages are meeting
acquaintances interacting with new people, sharing special moments, finding information in
real time and more. The disadvantages are the dangers that can exist according to the
privacy of the person, the person may change their behavior, the lack of control of personal
data, they can become an addiction and take a long time to determine, damage to health
physical and mental.

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